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tv   Global Us  Deutsche Welle  February 12, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm CET

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man, because if we lose too much of the all wrong, we mess things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage. humans and multitasking. want to now on youtube, v. w documentary, the eco friendly bio chart, how agricultural waste can make the air cleaner. sustainable learning, new jersey has made climate change compulsory subjects in schools, the and tune of resistance, asking musicians in exile the
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these are images that went around the world when the taliban sees power in august 2021. everyone who could left afghanistan in a hurry. the remaining population now lives in a country full of restrictions. women are particularly effective. they have no right to education work. and even playing music is forbidden, inconceivable for zora. and for rita, who were students at the national institute of music, they and others fled the country. this concert would be comfortable and the students faced let have gone to sign after the taliban done the nice them music school. the only one of its kind, the end for bates music like this. but now they're playing again. you're right. we can save some message with this. okay. and show them the video stuff. i've done music the
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news, zora and rita getting ready for breakfast at any time. in portugal, along with the uncle yuma, they fled of gun astonished 2021. soon they will be in boxing on that concert tour across europe. what are the plans and connecting 17 days in switzerland, in germany to read on zora belong to the has the us an estimate, agree? persecuted by the time on the 14 year old cousins grew up together and were the 1st ones in the family to study music. listening to music automatically makes people happy. when music is removed from life, many elements that constitute the foundation and quality of life, such as joy,
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also fade away, leaving only room for grief and sorrow. be vis families, music that's perceived as forbidden by others who should be brought into the main stream. these girls know how political the music has become, especially if the tale, bon restricting women's rights. when it's gone, it's done. they can no longer go to cafe. so public parks, the islamic fundamentalists have shut down beauty sontols to and that's why the person that's who's very lucky that to the others that are those skills that they don't get assessed. and they can be the sound of a voice of a guided else or woman. the goals had of to music school in prague. are the city northern portugal that's well come from portugal. it was the only country perpetual grumpy, entire music school, assigned them right away at the music school. the out us all ready tuning the
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instruments. this is the dress rehearsal for the european concert tour. they be performing pieces about the suffering of the ask on people on the is why make extra misrule portuguese conduct touch yag? and what i see a lot is impressed by the young musicians determination. let's go to bar 63 specific that is sorted, audited on the door. okay. the input of all depends on what like i'm sitting with during break, so i'll tell them to go out and get some fresh air. but often they'll stay inside and keep making music together, improvising a little putting in their country. they had to fight to attend to music school. and to make music at all. that's completely different than here because also they're
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teaching me to respect music, more eyes for them. it's a really an act of freedom. whereas we just take it for granted comes from what i've done principal as much as our most was on holiday in australia when the tiny baltic is are from there. he organized the evacuation of around $270.00 students to pull those because he knew his music school would have no future under the tale. bon is what i'm asking for money by to meet with this is why did the banding music? is it that religion? i said there's nothing against music in the so it's fee of the music can send very important messages to fall. fuck pulling out of 5, get us the music. can cease the people of afghanistan with a nation that uprising against that thought about the weight of the department of music because they use music with their own scene. yes. which prize
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bombing suicide bombing t like in this sense, why she's practicing fredo? often things of what it's like for friends at home, and if god is done, you can't even listen to music. my friends, they kind of study, they can to go to school, they can go in it all so outside. and also it's so hard for them. it makes me sad. yeah. was rita keeps rehearsing at school, a cousins or practices on her own at the little concert or ok. so i said it's the voice of people from of gunnison. it's need to be very good. that's a big weight on a 14 year old shoulders. zora shows us pictures from us, kind of gone. oh, this is the, the place rooms going. it's very big. this is our own house. i miss this know every
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the color. so the, the, the, the place i was phone, my family and sometimes the cries, especially the 1st time. so it's kind of like a week at night. no one knows. no. i don't like like to accept my code. yes the so rita is back from schools together. they look at photos and videos of the day. they left afghanistan in 2021. it was the 2nd escape attempt as they have trouble getting the right papers. then they boarded one of the few charter flights out of the country. there's cape was financed by supporters of the music school. there on
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co accompanied them and filmed the tool with his cell phone. the everyone's going to the will last where you now in front of the plane. that's great. just a few steps left to get on board reach freedom. and to quote dr. sar massive to get your musical instruments back in your hands. we were a big effect because then the past time we have some videos of our the choir ended tv shows, and then we was afraid of that then did. and that's why we was caught who was cough and also mass. yes. yes. and also i had the music this to me, this was a wiley with, with myself. and also i was afraid of that. that's if some it's so off the top go
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come to us and say, what is the for try. i know we will have the because we can leave the scanners done installed to new life, the full my music again and the to you've agreed on him. but it was very sad to we have to leave a family and couldn't come back to us. got this done and then they got let me finish some of on sunday they arrive safely and guitar. what principals are most was waiting for them from there. they like to flew to portugal. i for the so say for me he hasse me and also he said that to now your side of my go see now he's going back to study music. the gave me thanks. i a waiver, i see i see my grandfather
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because my good father. he was like, if she was trying to keep all my family together soon, austin's or some of that cause. she's still in kabul. a dozen of the family members remain an economist on the goals speak with sorres', mom as often as possible for safety reasons. we not change her face we are afraid that the restrictions could increase we are afraid that if they find out you're playing music and performing, we have to leave here before they knew it. we are always afraid. and for the students, such conversations are hard to bear. meanwhile, the music school is trying to give as many concepts as possible. like here at
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geneva, prestigious victoria hole, where they perform a long side west and musicians. it's the 1st stop on the european tour the to play. i can set the test is a practice in that country or the 1st one was vision for about a country which is the force in that science. and by the end of the day, it's also about this celebration of the victory of the asking people that this duck dates would be gone. then zora and frieda
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to hope to return to the homeland, to a new a scientist on where they can leave out. that means the in the us state of new jersey, the subject of climate change has been mandatory in school curriculum for over a year. now, pupils and teachers discuss the topic, not only in science class, but in a range of other subjects, including art. the head of this operation is monster is almost done, but it's body still need some work. it's made completely out of recycled plastic waste, which the high school students collect it themselves. they're worried about the oceans. and the monster is a creative reminder of how plastic waste threatens lives. i think it's great. we use there like bags and bags of bottles,
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but the environmental clubhouse collected that we've used for this project and we use a lot of traffic and we used a lot of it. and i think that's it's really nice. climate change has been a topic in our class biology and even in sports class for a year now, it's concerned many pupils for a long time is kind of sign. it's only because like this, the earth that we live on. so it's kind of plastic is more like a main cause of climate change, just like people don't really care about it. and this is, is this her small heart kind of in high schools in new jersey climate change is taken seriously. and teachers are required to talk about it. this art teacher has a receptive audience. the students came up with the idea for the recycling project . they will not ignore what's going on the way. maybe my generation ignored it and thought this is something we can put off and attend to later. they see the
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immediacy and the urgency of it. so yes, they make me feel okay. i need to be more aware of what's happening. how do you smoke over manhattan? everyone at school remembers it. forest fires raged over a 1000 kilometers away in canada. the classes had to be canceled in new jersey. the air pollution was simply to toxic that noxious smoke is still a big topic in biology class. teacher will have a shop and his students are investigating what effect more c o 2 in the atmosphere is having on plants. we try to make things look more as possible. so these are actual issues that are happening. that's kind of what we're learning to whatever is happening. so even the department is one example that sometimes related to the genetics out as you know, the climate, the weather,
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change the weather patterns. how does it affect the gene pools, the more their classes pertain to their daily lives? the greater the chance the students will implement, what they learn and make a change. i don't really use how like my personal transport. i take a lot of public transport and that's what i do personally. and i actually take the time to either recycle but to just do things that can help benefit the planet that is not being asked. so things like that is amazing. and we all take transfer. here's the thing darling, gearhart is proud of her students. she knows how hard it is for her colleagues in more conservative states like florida. we're certain books are banned and topics to do for her. the new curriculum is an opportunity to broaden the people's horizons. they do projects, so they understand and they learn what's happening and they also become problem solvers. so, you know, if you're a 9th grade student at science park,
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are you going to change the world? no, but you know, when you're aware and you've had this types of experiences, you know, they can certainly have a huge effect. schools in new jersey are leading the way. the other states in the us or following suit surveys show that most parents want their kids to learn about climate change. no matter what age they are. as you start as early as kindergarten with just bringing up these topics with, with, with even the little ones. right. so what does it mean to recycle yes, start small. and then big go big from there. so here we have 6 pieces. so which i ripped it or fast, fast the students explained that fast fashion is bad for the climate because the clothing is often made of synthetic materials. the students present the fox and find solutions. for example, a clothing exchange and they can be sold at
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a cheaper price and they say addressing climate change needs to become hit with solutions rather than tuesdays scenarios. a generation very, very fond of white trends is something it's trendy like. everyone would want to do it, so like people don't even need to know that it's a good thing. just know that it's a, it's like a fun thing to do and it's cool. everyone loves mrs. scott's class. she's positive and motivating, even when it comes to climate change students and i'll be sitting down just learning about these bleak ideas. they should be out there coming up with these solutions, the right, the really it. and they're the ones who are going to, you know, when we become older and things like that, they're going to be the ones who are in charge, eating fewer burgers and buying fewer cheap clothes every little bit helps. and studies show that anyone who actively does something to better a situation will be happier to boot. the
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. this is a brand new bio chart plants and it produces a much more than that. and we'll come to that in a 2nd. my address is woods or any other organic may tell you that design up to 700 or 800 degrees in the absence of oxygen, and that is called payroll. this is the heat evaporates. the substances inside the biome is they are emitted at all, which can the energy and the end of the process dispute? carbon one. the most systems can sustain no energy. as puts plants absorb c o 2 from that growth as bio mass. but then and most of the see what did they say that most fair? but if need turns,
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they mean to buy their carbon into the file or itself. here's the people we need to store more and more common. this is no credible data. nation by the 1st quarter of 2024 until their system the fire try kicked off over the last decade by guns we have produced child fierce. think the out if we don't to burn turning to ash go go back into that most where we want. that was depending on the up to 80 percent of the can be suggested that by the end us
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treat as a boot or carbon dioxide run is cheering. come take the space and pages shields near the foot by a mass by a friend, a source of energy per corner, sugarcane. but then do more harm than good. the baby girl with them create the making the same mistake again with bio chose the farm going biomass, trumpet, sound destroying echo systems, direst in the process. but we don't have to be off by mass. we got a current res. thank at court. then 20000000 tons of fries the best are burned in open. it's every year and significance due to air pollution around those up to $2000000.00 people per year. bio
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try can help the sea into a 1000000 tons of so you can start watching through guns that tradition to mitigating the crime with crisis in the 3rd highest yield to him entering the world. and char could use it to increase extra income and it's small units and just feed itself. um maybe uh if your district can produce convenient, rigorous, didn't the chart. we could gather a place in the world as climate government gases,
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me that it goes systems very. but the potential to address many at the ones come to use excess energy to heat by a chart for our growing plants energy. as at the end of the lived in bio chart by the bio mass and about the little bit of bits of kilometers away with that. or if it is used to go friendly. nope. but its main product cost of farmers we mainly companies mainly to scandinavia of the moment. businesses use bio chart that has, sorry, we'll call it an increase the better to
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have send the solo to you and that's the to usually this is glad you come on for the last 15 years and off all from me to a lot of knowledge from different a neil man. and that's what i understand by by i try to measure the results. it may positive, but scientists have charged the effects are 100 percent predictable. totally incorrect. so it's, um it's, it's the same kind of paragraph. we verified, well, in this case, there might be no nutrient pers charles of the truck that has an incredible surface area. kind of him ballparks this for all the phone
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guy buck carrier for 10000 in making them available for the plant. the same store up to 5 times its own right. do you particularly incentive nutrients? and surprising affects such as the has on every 2 years and amount of food, your lights are set to use by the nitrate based ammonia of her, which is not the greenhouse gas, but lent that the microbes can goes into the utmost sir, as the just oxide up the site emissions come from agricultural activity separate but that on average we have
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a very low please enter positions if you want to customize them. but we did says guys are having 80 percent if i'm it's killing. guess that 3 of the promising, by a promising way of tackling many of the a, from enriching this problems to be face today from enriching this sort of an increase in guilds to reducing c o. 2 in nitrous oxide. at the most fat the, [000:00:00;00]
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the is china using the food and agriculture organization to pursue its own interest. insiders are making serious accusations against the chinese director general. the claim that being support under developed countries is just a smoke screen to implement its global ambitions. china power in 75 minutes on d w. the kid is changing 6 years ago. he said he can't get any was to, but he does guardians of truth. this time, excel gen liz, turned in dark, meets the voices of a free turkey alter as the other one had to flee into exile. i knew the
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police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish governments all sort, tammy and cools. of some kids, but really it's a crime is addressed under power train techniques, responsibility gains, but really it's a crime is addressed and the path of trying to takes responsibility for his action . what about freedom of to print and freedom of expression? got ease of truth dot march 2nd on d w. the ice cold be patrick underneath an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the climate research in the ice, the dos much good dw,
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the frankfurt a hard international gateway to the best connection, south road and radio, located in the heart of europe. you are connected to the world experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and drawing alice services be our guest at frankfurt and board cd managed by front bought
9:00 pm
the this is the, the, the news line from that is really the full season free to hostages during the rate in gaza after $128.00 days in captivity, and louis hall on fernando mom and reunited with the families following medical checks. also on the program. processors in israel increased the pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they say he's the wrong man to leave the country and to bring home the rest of the hostages and data launches its biggest military exercises if you ever since the cold war,


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