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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 13, 2024 12:00am-12:16am CET

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the, the business data, but the news live from good thing is right of the forces free to hostages during a right in gaza, passed a 128 dies in captivity. was hon. fernando, my mind. re united with the families following medical checks. also in the program, the ministers discuss continued funding for the unions agency for palestinian refugees. the agency is struggling to continue it's mandatory and working gaza since a number of countries suspended financial contribution plus german chemical john b i. yes, it says it's speeding up. it takes it from to joint ventures in china. this comes
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off to what the ss calling serious allegations that it's like a partner. biolife is the rice, it's a week of minority the . i'm anthony. how it welcome to the program. to more hostages, a back in is right off to being afraid, and another not writing casa. israel says they were rescued in a special military operation in the southern city of wrap up. the 2 men were kidnapped during the october 7th terror attacks by him. us, which is regarded as a tara organization by multiple countries or phone by helicopter to a hospital need to elevate full medical checks. the united with the families, louise hall, and fernando simone mom on were rescued by israel's military and security forces. during overnight raids and rough uh are off to
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a $128.00 days held captive by hamas and gaza. they are currently receiving treatment in a hospital where they are both said to be in a stable condition. for the families, the sense of relief is mixed with concerns. the hostages still being held in gaza. kelly for us, there's a family. there will save 2 nights, but i must say that the job is not done. we are happy today, but it's not always we, we did it when it just another step to was bring gigs or the 130 for hostages back home. and it doesn't meant that it needs babies. women, men, answer people. everybody must come back as soon as possible is really strikes. devastated punts of rough uh, overnight. flattening buildings
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and destroying a mosque. dozens of palestinians were killed and many more taken to hospital with serious injuries. we were at home when the air strikes were going on. i told my mother that i wanted to use the bathroom as she was awake, suddenly all the walls of the bathroom and all the water containers above it collapsed on me. most of the roughly 1400000 palestinians currently in rough or fledge from other parts of garza. they were trying to escape the intense fighting and now the areas and the city was designated a safe, so in to civilians by the x ray. the army recent is rarely strikes and rough, uh, have eliminated any sense of security for palestinians. the or jordan's king abdullah is in washington for talks with us present,
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which i bought and they 1st face to face meeting since as well as roswell with come up again and told reporters that they have discussed a possible 6 week break in funding. and is a k plan in the middle east and king of della has been pushing for a permanent safe spot. making comes as barton urges israel to reconsider a ground invasion of profit and southern gossip. washington is the king's foot stumped on a tool that includes canada fronts. and jim so now during the talks king abdullah also brought up support for the union's agency for palestinian refugees. he said that it was imperative that phone number continues to receive funding. hudgens. he is one of the only groups able to provide aid in gaza. israel has said the $121.00 rope work as were involved in the almost terror attacks of october 7th. many of one of those done is including a member states. i've seen suspended the funding, pending review,
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which is still underway with war still engulfing garza an organization tasked with protecting postings is in crisis. is really allegations that several un stoffers were involved in the october 7th terror attacks. have prompt to dote among some western donors that they've switched any. it goes without a seeing that we've suspended age and we want to fuel investigation and that can be new business as usual, gets attacked, gets on the united nations relief and works agency for palestine. refugees in the near east or in row was funded back in 1949. the organization tasked with offering aid and protection to palestinian refugees is active in gaza. the west bank east jerusalem. jordan 11 on on syria. but nice. some of its biggest backers, including germany, have temporarily post payments. the european union says it will decide on its next
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cash injection later this month. not individual you members states or divide it. countries including the netherlands, finland, and sweden have also frozen funds for not. but others including belgium and ireland, $105.00 to continue payments, while port school in spain, half of their pledges, withdrawing funding for such an agency, i was to collect the punishment of the palestinian people who are actually going to an am describable situation in terms of human rights, so i am very proud of what the spanish government is doing. israel has long being critical of enrollment and our dues that time us considered a terrorist groups by the u and u. s. has infiltrate to the agency. it's embassy and brussels sent us the statement is rarely as committed to provide humanitarian aid to gaza. civilian population in accordance with the international law. however, due to the blatant evidence against monroe and this members involvement in terrorist activities, we propose that the aid will be provided by alternative means. but to you and
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experts say that's not feasible. there is no way that any organization can replace or substitute tremendous capacity. the fabric of monroe, the ability and the knowledge of the population in gaza has fired 10 employees on the 1st results from an independent review of the agency are expected in march. but the body says its needs funds know to help keep people alive the right time to take a look at some of the other stories making headlines today. and of course, in the netherlands, has ordered the government to stop delivering pots for if 355 digit 50 as well comes as prime minister math were to as engine roseland, for talks with benjamin netanyahu. the dutch government says it will appeal the ruling which so i had concern that is where i was violating international lloyd guys from the us president don't. trump has appealed to the supreme
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court in the case of the criminal prosecution for trying to attend the 2020 election. a. trump claims his means from prosecution. he's asking the top judges to put on hold a level court ruling. they by the light. he's trying jim and kim, in chemical company, be a safe says it's exhilarating it to exit from 2 joint ventures in china's she's young province. that's following reports that it's local partner was involved in rights abuses against the week of people with the ss decision is now pressuring the of the german corporations in the region to full us. a b s. f has 2 plants into shing jung region. the german chemical giant is not planning to abandon those sooner than planned. this comes off to allegations the local joint venture partner mark or is involved in the suppression of the vehicle or minority. there we have documents from marco's own website,
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as well as state media reports, and other reports of on chinese websites with photos showing mark last off in the situations ranging from 2017, all the way to the middle of 2022. and they all speak about the same very well known and established phenomenon of how to state use us not only state employees, but also companies and other entities to ascend teams to aspire on. we goes and to identify them for mazda and tell them that for us, china has been accused of systematically or pressing vigorous and other muslim minorities, according to human rights organizations. more than a medium people are in charge in terms industry and jung region. and it's possible they're being subject to to forced labor. china denies the locations
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and claims it's running a development program for the region. several companies have settled here in recent years, including the altima to join volkswagen the following the soonest. withdrawal of the german politicians are now demanding that fox was and also give up its ventures in the region. but the chinese government we use if we had trouble from the region as open criticism. and there's a lot at stake for the companies. china is an important market, be a set, for example, has numerous other plants and this current, the investing $10000000000.00 in gong on china is replaceable for fox log in as well for out of 10. cause it says, are marketed in china with a vote of athletics has been expressing shocking grief at the southern depth of one of its brightest task kelvin. keep to read the worlds fastest marathon ever recorded. and he said insights on breaking the fiber to l. a. barrier the c give to
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him, just 24. died in a car crash in his native kenya. on sunday, the deputies fairly. my ringer reports kelvin, keep to him, died, electricity rode the accident just outside the door. can now i've to a training session lead sunday evening. his quotes device gives him on also died in the crash. to him said a mass on the wall jack for the 2022 chicago madison races ran into i got 5 seconds between physic with no help but he's getting in touch with but it looks good. so again, keep so again, won't keep to him as an athlete who had the whole life ahead of him to achieve incredible grits. and this was reflected, president set point moment kevin preventive critical athlete leaving an incredible legacy would be missed the oh yeah for not to my saw this. and even he was, you know, to me for the music's so you know,
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just being this one us see. and nothing can just see portland pointed to is the 122. this is i can yeah. the different time, each of uplifting some sports in general has lost us to show shining jam. actually top tier outlets and sports fun tomb was born on december 2nd, 1999 in kendall's 50 valley region. he grew up in the company. many i talked to the to the backend and went on to create a pod for himself in global supporting history. just before his death, get too much set, a goal of running and that to i was in there, go to the monotone. in april dcea, i read that would have changed the costs of my phone history as he would have been the 1st month to run in a competitive market on. and then the 2 i was told started in k. yeah,
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they have been cut. so i think the legacy we need applies from ivory coasts. football team have returned to the scene of the trial to celebrate the treatment with fence just as it was for the final itself. stadium be. john was packed with people changing rainbow in the countries did ask controversy. every coast team is known as the elephant's fans around the country was came to share the collective joys i crush. it's back up now and parties can see me. and before we go, venus is gearing up for the high live. it's kind of all season the doses bowl elaborately cost game travelers concealed themselves behind mysterious masks
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foldable. which box the final day of kind of on stripe choose die or 90 ground. we need an ice on space masked bowls, celebrated businesses, military prowess. these days is more of a tourism droll. a comp mask. the prices. tickets, so this event go for up near 5000 the right. before we go wrong. a reminder of our top story to sell to hostages. rescue buys ready forces underwriting guys that had been reunited with the fam, the 128 days in captivity, is hot and phenomenon with welcome time, often medical checkups at a hospital via television. all right,
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that's all the needs to now up next 3 single mothers from different asian countries until their stories on to that program comes up after a short track done to get a website is there at the deputy dot com for all the latest news at any time you need it. and of course the socials are there as well. i'm anthony housing, berlin for me in the same here. thanks for your company. and we'll see you again in 45 minute. the so either insane. and see you the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts hired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port is not i want my son to become a doctor. during the clubs. it's time to to vehicle your generation with
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a sleep us. i'm.


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