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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  February 13, 2024 1:02am-1:31am CET

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the rescue is well supported by his right. he rides on the southern gauze and city of ross which killed dozens of palestinians, obvious as israel surpassed to send troops into a rafa which was packed with palestinians. who debate is writing instructions to flee the fighting elsewhere. afraid hostages of appeal for a deal to release the remaining hostages. the prime minister seems to me to pursue a military victory unfilled gale in belen and this is the day the he's really commended. here we go to hosted rescue mission. the inside rough button in gaza. fernando mar mont, and luis hard are now in these room. but i must say that the job is not done is just another step towards briggs for the $134.00 officers take home. so
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we are very concerned about the situation that we want israel to stop and think very seriously before it takes any further action. don't the funny thing now and turn that into a permanent sustainable season. also on the day, i tell you this way of thousands yet. back to joe biden, for the president said he actually did in 2020, but republicans are worried that that is a whole constituency. she could swing against donald trump. well, 1st i'd say is a parents of 22 year old twin girls and my my daughters and all of our family are swift. these for going back to we met her, i think back in new orleans in 2009. and again, she's an extraordinary performer in taylor is obviously a dynamo, everything she touches welcome to the day. now 2 more hostages, a back in is right. and after being freed in an overnight to ride in gaza,
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israel says they were rescued in a special military operation in the southern city of rafa. the 2 men were kidnapped during the october 7, 10 attacks on israel by a mass which is regarded as a tetra organization by multiple countries that were flown by how they come to to a hospital near tennessee for medical checks. the united with the families. louise hall and fernando simone mom on were rescued by israels military and security forces during overnight raids and rafa off to a $128.00 days held captive by how mos in gaza. they are currently receiving treatment in a hospital where they are both said to be in a stable condition. for the families, the sense of relief is mixed with concerns. the hostage is still being held in gaza . kelly, for us is a family. there are a save 2 nights, but i must say that the job is not done. we are happy today,
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but it's not always we, we did it when it just so now the step 2 was bringing gig or the hub and it says, default hostage is back home. and it doesn't matter if it's a baby's, women, men, and their people. everybody must come back as soon as possible is really strikes, devastated punts of rust the night. the flattening buildings and destroying a mosque. thousands of palestinians were killed and many more taken to hospital with serious injuries. we were at home when the airstrikes were going on. i told my mother that i wanted to use the bathroom and she was awake. suddenly all the walls of the bathroom and all the water containers above it
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collapsed on me. most of the roughly 1400000 palestinians currently in rough or floods from other parts of garza. they were trying to escape the intense fighting and now the areas and the city was designated a safe so in to civilians by the x ray. the army recent is rarely strikes and rough or have eliminated any sense of security for palestinians. the a full month's inter israel is war on how most prime minister benjamin netanyahu is struggling with sinking pump in our day. it applies to crush from us after the october 7th attack. and while most is riley's favor, continuing the war and increasing number, taking to the straits, calling for political change, corresponding to tanya crime reports with each passing week, protein is a growing logic and loud and israel. people are demonstrating for
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a hostage deal and against the government. we are protesting because we feel this government needs to step down. we are advocating for a new election, returning the mandate, so to speak, back to the people after what has gone on here over the past 4 months. i personally have 3 sons fighting and guys. and i think that they expect me and other people expect us to come forward and say that the entire political system should re be re shuffled even during war most is riley support, the war and gaza. but they want to change in political leadership. many criticized prime minister benjamin netanyahu blaming him for security failures, links with the october 7th tierra attacks. it's an, you know, has always advocated that he is mr. security for his role and under his leadership
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over the past 15 years, almost straight is real. security has been impeded, it's been undermined in a very profound way, mazda in the face of 3 months as a reservist, fighting in java, end on israel's news, and buddha. and he says it's time to heal pre war, domestic political awareness. so he's part of a new cross policy movement. 6 we want all the political parties now to sit together to the side to get there. when is the next election election going to be because after the catastrophe of october 7th, you can just move on as if nothing happened. something dramatic happened. the world in which they were elected that has completely changed. it was matted on october 7th. the protest is here in jerusalem. want the government to prioritize the return of hostages still held in gaza. buy from us. and other militant group here
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is for bringing back the hostages for striking a deal because are people in israel, the don't want to strike a deal. this is a problem. so this is, this is the fright button. then we have to pay a price because we want to value life, but not this. it's very, very important for the future. for what i can tell them i chose but these voices seem unlikely to sway and they send yahoo, who insists he's on the way to what he calls total victory and gaza. let's pick up some of those points with that deco in addition. so jones is not from kind of a if his grandmother young man was taken hostage by her mouse on october. the 2nd she was like, uh, released. she was released later that month, but he has a grandfather odette remains in hamas captivity. welcome to dw, and can we start with your lights, with your reaction to these latest news at these, right? the ministry has freed 2 hostages. well,
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this is really exciting thing. they tell you why, because today, to family of basic movie issues and one big family now got their beloved ones. next 2 of them back. so these 2 families right now can sleep at night and understanding that they're back at home with them. and this is the most amazing thing, and this is the perfect present for those family who being suffering so much. and for me it's, it's very hard. and i tell you why. because we have evidence that shows that sometime in the military actions sometimes come increases, their reaction for their health is, is that still there being over to that still being hosted over there. so we freed 2 of them,
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and that's now it's making me more terrified about the other ones that lives because how much is a really tricky organization, right? they don't really care about life and they might hurt they are. there are hostages over there. so right and your grandfather's amongst the hostages still being held. i understand once you had you heard including my grandfather. yeah. was have you heard from or a box him since he was taken the only thing we know about team that he did survive the 7th of october and he being held in the room and got them. and we're not really sure exactly where, but he's not well at all. and the less news we got about team is around almost 4 months back. and yeah, this is a nothing ideal condition to rise. okay, now what we were just looking at some of those of those protests in israel. um we
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have mr. nelson younger saying that the operation to free the hostages shows that it is right to keep up military pressure. the hostages who were released today or last night say that a deal is needed to secure the release of all the remaining hostages. wherever you are not in the argument, i tell you what, this is an argument and this is nothing but argument. the less deal that they've been uh that have done and they'd be released the almost the one we relate to $110.00 people. the 100, the just being then released by the, the still the army for us to really help that because come us and they made have feel that they need and some rake to organize themselves for the next the step. and they understood that they have to go for it. so it has
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influence about that. but in the bottom line, india in the, in the army for it might even kill those hostages. and it did happen some of the, some of the videos that everything that i thought the author does that being died in there was died because of, is there any bombing bombs right next to a place over there and come up and guy and well cared. so he shot the guy because he thought the susan might be a rescue and he shot that hoffman been there. and you know me see this. all right, the 2nd also this my army on so so was missed and that's on the, on who rides to rejects at the how mass count of proposals for a deal last week. i think that the is really need to go for a deal as best as we can because the we don't really have time for the top is that they're still over there. and i think that i'm not aware for the all the
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information that then then you always or where to. and i want to believe that everyone wants to do everything to really start building one. but and do want to tell that we have to go for hire the station we have to because if we want to go for hard decisions including accepting stuff that they come up demanding and we won't have any chance to get them back to life. so that's the thing. thank you so much for joining us. and now sharing your thoughts with us that lived ships and telling me thank you very much. the nato has begun. it's big. i see autopay and ministry exercises for decades where, but more than 3 months of nevo, an ground minutes, this operation steadfast, defend it will take place across much of the continent with 90000 personnel from all 31. nato. remember countries plus succession count of sweden, the alliances,
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logical operation on the continent since the cold war is designed to test the readiness of its eastern border? is it located how, what's in store and how russia is reacting to nato chauffeur's flane's war ships tanks? it's been 3 years since the last operation steadfast defender. this year's version is happening on a grand scale meant to demonstrate how fast forces can move from north america. to europe and activate defenses there against a near peer and nato has $31.00 members participating, plus sweden, which has and talks to join the alliance. more than 90000 soldiers, sailors and air personnel will take part and more than 50 naval vessels and 80 aircraft are involved, as well as more than 1000 combat vehicles. it's
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a significant step up from the last that fast defender exercises in 2021. those involved about 10 percent of the personnel taking part this time around. nato says that's due to changing realities on the ground in europe. especially following rushes, invasion of you frame 22 and the ongoing war there. the security situation in europe has, is domestic. he changed over the last couple of years. we have to exercise at a larger scale and with more complexity, then we, we used to doing in the era when we were mostly focused on, i'm at overseas operations. so i think what you're seeing at this year in 2024 is the needles that new normal does not please russia, which these nato as a hostile alliance. no mention was putting you might have rustic consider is major nato exercises as a threat to its security. in our understanding,
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the alliance was conceived, formed, configured, and managed by the united states as an instrument of confrontation. beautiful, a steadfast defender will shift from naval readiness and southern europe to ground based exercises in the alliance is northern and eastern flanks over the coming months. it's set to wrap up at the end of may look at what data hopes to achieve with these exercises. and raphael last phase of policy followed i'd be your pain council on foreign relations is what focuses on security and defense and the euro atlantic an administrator operations. welcome to dw, let's talk. first of all, with the purpose of these large scale maneuvers, is based purely about operational effectiveness or is it also about a show of strength towards russia? most certainly is about goals exercising. nato's ability to reinforce eastern land company alliance,
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but also to demonstrate to rush out that it is capable of deploying dotcom, as of course is now not quite a scale of some of the core exercises before the return of forces to journey to western union. the eighty's had off, most of the troops from all of them are coming to west germany. and now we're looking at roughly $90000.00 tricks, moving from the west to europe and within europe, from west east. and presumably, if it's, it's safe to assume that russia will be watching these exercises very, very carefully. i mean, that's the whole point to some extent. uh, you want to demonstrate it as an alliance. your ability to reinforce your mobile home wide eyes and to demonstrate that you weren't able to do so effectively in a timely fashion made was doing this for the 1st time since 2021. since i shut off its full faded evasion. all eyes are on needles, ability to reinforce those most lower one eyes. and so for you to gather the allies,
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the capabilities to be put to the table in such a reinforcement exercises as something that pressure most certainly is looking at. meanwhile, we have us presidential hopeful, donald trump, but bringing up the issue of nathan contributions again, accusing some countries of not pay when he calls the fat share. what's the truth of his claims? or you guys are certainly very nervous about bone and trumps. needed to more it's almost encouraging adversaries such as rush actually to attack deal equipment, as i said, don't pay up and on trends worse. this is something that the life is not good around is it's, it's sort of guarantee it's context of defense and security. and there's a common commitment towards defense spending be seen as soon as 2014, when russia, 1st of the dong mazda next crime. yeah, natal defense spending is going up now. roughly 2 thirds of allies in europe and north america are at the 2 percent mark. but that certainly needs that europeans,
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regardless of whether it's donated from re sense of the whitehall. i need to do more to strengthen the european picked up within nato. right. let's, let's talk about that for, for a moment because that has been in the past talk of our european ami with the prospect of a 2nd, trump presidency. and the likes of the touchy and hungry also throwing various bits of uncertainty into the works. um, how do you anticipate the, let's say the next 5 years for the 97 lines? i think you're being made to analyze who shared interest in maintaining the most positive the alliance if the united states on the 2nd term part of the c decides the following was drawn out of to us a strong congress, the west side of the recently put out a, an effort to require a sentence local, any such withdrawal, but he's not undermining my trunk latch suite. for example,
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off the political support by the west who was the alliance can, can undermine the credibility of us security guarantees. and therefore, the unity alternate or as an ions europeans look at this and awesome. so what they can do, i think not just on the table already in terms of natural defense capability plan, nato. and i know very clearly what kind of capability so you might have space is contributing to the lines and what kinds of capabilities, what be lacking, and therefore your people have to wait to the table. thanks for joining us to talk us through that. so rough i have boss from the european council on foreign relations. the kansas city chase one, the super bowl on sunday night, a, with a 2522 victor of the san francisco. 49 is in las vegas. in supposing times at mazda of defense of the super bowl title, the chief fun, taylor swift was as much headlines as the school she was out the match to see her
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boyfriend, a chief supplier, travis, kelsey simple, been the subject of a bizarre conspiracy theory with support as a full, the president donald trump consent to taylor swift might endorse present joe by him . or in fact, mister trump, one so far as to post a message on his tooth social network in which he claimed taylor swift owed a wealth to legislation that he passed. and i wanted to say that he would be disloyal to endorse mister bible. i should be back in 2020 though she hasn't this year, so far as the base with brandon larry on now, who's a political scientist at seton hall university school of diploma 6. you joins us from a new, a new jersey in the united states. welcome to d w. i'm serious. unfortunately, yes,
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yes they are. the republican party is very scared. they basically lost the youth and the women voter right now in taylor square space of both of those demographics . so this comes out if you're simply put a ton taylor swift up. what does she? 32 year old pop saw country country move a demographic to um, to lose all games. so on a presidential tub, i don't think she can move a demographic. the key thing though is voter turnout and basically joe biting wins if everyone who voted in 2020 votes again. and that's the real concern because he may have lost a significant number of youth voters over the cause of the situation. and they might start to be swayed by things like your brain and other problems. but activating the women vote is a key priority of the democrats for the 2024 election. so is that any evidence that but people are actually listening when taylor swift talks about the politics of
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about voting. oh, sure. and you know, instagram folks in 2023 is signed up 35000 voters. that's double the number of 18 year olds that signed up in 2022. her engagement with her family, her engagement with the youth can really activate and bringing new voters. um, the other thing is donations donations. what's in there for the wake up when she announced her endorsement, and that's likely to happen again. and it's not really clear that she'll have am tackling national election, but can, she can certainly have an impact on local elections. so she start to indulge local canada, especially in tennessee. okay, so she brings out the numbers she brings, and she brings in money, but she didn't. she doesn't necessarily change opinions. so when conservative outlets likes a fox news claim, but she's a bite and show who are they hoping to influence to do what? so i think they're hoping to influence anywhere in watching to not blindly follow
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along with taylor slips. i think that's their big fear is that uh these women will blindly follow pillars lift and not fox news. and, and that is the reality. and that's a realistic fear. that's something they really need to be concerned about. but their policies are really the main reason why things may change and why women will not vote for a public. and they don't like their republican abortion policies. they don't like a lot of republicans that have been doing it, especially regarding the war. so um, taylor swift is by a distraction or maybe an app car, of the greatest republican fears that they have right now. and it certainly seems to be getting on right now. right. i've heard demographic is of is, is, is women under a certain age who ave? oh, that's kind of difficult to say because her demographic is women, but not overwhelmingly. so tell us what is the most popular person in america,
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and possibly the most popular person around the globe right now with the ds in the military. so she have a significant hold on people and we'll see what happens during the election. but i think that she will play a poor found role and the, the kind of symbol for a lot of people who are dissatisfied with the way the republican right has gone and actually send before it missing america. this is not the type of christian she wants to be in. that's a very serious concern. ok, so why don't besides us live? it's just a purely swift. the only fucking calling that phrase is purely swift in phenomena and all of that other celebrities who core door indeed have an influence focusing pounds. oh sure. it's happened in the past. you know, there used to be campaign song as written in the 1800s. you know, anyone from elvis presley to frank sinatra have certainly swayed elections in their own minnes school way. taylor swift is basically the only one in america who can do that right now. we don't seem to have much significant popstars in the discourse.
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so lady got to do a leave of his british. there is no one really representing the motto code for right now, besides savings, but, and that's something that's unique that she's bring. uh, as i mentioned though, there are korean acts, there are other ask throughout the globe that brings significant fandom activation . but this activation that taylor swift brings. it's remarkable and it's a force i would not mess with. but i think the republican party tends to choose the worst battle sometimes. oh, so here we are. that's old. not mex with taylor swift of brandon velocity on there would st. and hold that university. thank you so much for joining us. thanks. i'm that's, it was the day more this time tomorrow or on the d. w dot com. have a good. the
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depot africa. have some good ideas for sustainability. cape, i'm coming. come around on down the latest innovation the travels across the country for the do you need accelerator land to talk to inventors and promote sustainable development. next on d. w, then is on cocaine. everyday building is consume about 4.5 cheetos of coast.
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request this no one can manage without it, and the lawyers can't just cancel this and police and officials and existing seen it all. and while businesses booming folk smugglers, others of paying the price drug dealing and smuggling. in 45 minutes on d w. the news of the truth, this time, extra jim, this chimed in. dar meets the voices of the free turkey officer as the other one had to flee into exile. i knew the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish governments on sort of pools
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of gibs. but only if the crime is addressed in the public trying to take responsibility for his actions. the guardians of trees stock march 2nd on d w. the extreme weather conditions are affecting almost every parts of the globe. we are in these together. so why not lawn from each other and pulled on knowledge to address real problems. welcome to a new edition of equal africa. i and son drug a holmes that we nobody will write to income prolong you've done that. i sandra, i agree. one area we help is certainly needed is an accurate code. so how can we
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improve our food security more on thought.


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