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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  February 13, 2024 1:30am-2:00am CET

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time is address, perpetrate to take responsibility for his actions. studies of trees, doc, march, 2nd on d, w. the extreme weather conditions are affecting almost every parts of the globe. we are in these together. so why not lawn from each other and pulled on knowledge to address real problems. welcome to a new edition of equal africa, i and son drug a holmes, that we nobody will write to income prolong you've done that. i sandra, i agree one area we help is certainly needed is an accurate code. so how can we improve our food security more on thought lead time,
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chris olives coming to you from lee goes nigeria, here's what's coming up. a modem of 3 environmental lease been can yeah. 6, to rescue the iconic ball about almost his pain show how vegetables can flourish. despite the drought and the uganda pharma aiming to ching, to wells the help of the slow food movement as you know, we'll roll about solutions here on a co offer car. so how about these 4, a great idea? the human development program got us up inventions from all over the globe that promotes sustainable development. and they shows them just where they are needed in getting a one initiative is targeting remote, rural communities who enough balance to benefit from a whole catalog. i'll solutions a cheap to some of the most remote
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areas of guinea. this is a 1st for the team from the u. n. d p. excellent. read to not equipped with the digital them up in the database of sustainable projects. they are here to implement local people about potential solutions to problems. so they may be facing the 1st top is the village of could be of the fuel, along walk and at a loss to what he has got to run through. there are 91 of these accelerator lab teams working in 114 countries across the globe. as you all said, also today you can access and learn from people who found solutions to problems all over the world. so some problems will have to wait for a solution, but there does seem to be a potential and so forth to supply issues. thanks for the digital map, which is accessible online, says that i'm on time. they say they're not for me to be on. i'm in the follow up,
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but as long as you, we don't pretend to have all the answers, but what we did share with them right away lot. the 1st solution that we presented was a water collection base, a little run off base. and uh, this is already used in booking a fast, but it hasn't been introduced here in cold. yeah. do you see? okay, yeah. most of them are, i spent 2 years talking don't innovations across the country. like be some from them, but the equity voltage by the 80 cycles plastic was breaking it down into particles . and then building solid puddles, which are then used to make a bo day just to like these blue balls. it is used to be called fossil gutted with creating a fertilizer as well as we think gus, which can be cut to the input to use. second, what we're asking for is help with getting our capital, which i've almost been filed. in fact, some have been filed points, that's the only thing, and we'd like reassurance that our products won't be duplicated without our consent
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. 5 different to sound low cost once a month or what's the commercial lease since and asks questions for you needs to ensure the product fits like celebrate and lots of criteria. he and his team are looking for ideas that are innovative, community oriented, easily transfer about their country, so sufficient and democracy move approved accelerates, and love with health, but typically will give up to an important on find funding and extend. innovation will be integrated into a loves that the best so that it can be shared with the communities who could benefit from it. once most like a model receives free to an agreement from an innovator, he adds the solution to a global map which users can access online. no, who in the these days a lot of decisions are made at the macro level. so cool, but many of our communities fall through the cracks because these decisions don't reach side, okay? so at the bottom of life, or even if they do,
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they don't take the communities aspirations into account sense. and so we have to play that role, not in full is was so all together with a team of volunteer engineering students. let's look them out. or you tons to with the, to visit the village. we struggling to see to get a lunch due to rising temperatures. have just a dumb talk. god. the yellow is going to see if the ronald, this in which she discovered on the online month during the recent meeting might be a solution. she shows the team 2 possible places it could go done. sometimes i don't know, but we thought we could do it here. the team needs to conduct a facility assessment and then find a way to implement the solution. i'd like to throw that out for you. that's how fast will one day they won't be able to. they'll go up and pass on the information and set you up on a fits accepted the don't let us know. next,
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the team heads to upland session, which is suffering from an institution. and one of the engineers showed the farm as a natural insecticide, which, which has on the x to the right to a lot smaller companies composed of got a cheated paper oil. and so it is both simple and cost effective functions that really does cost just $1.00 euro as opposed to 5 euro's for the same amount of okay, because yeah, the 4 months with no share the knowledge with the local people. and she only if you, even if we're in kind of crazy, we can call them and they'll be able to help. even if they're not agronomist, then can you shut on file? is that going on? and now it's time for the last team to move on together with fresh problem beating the information the, the hope to share with as many people as possible. amazing, we think they help local knowledge and cooperation can provide real help at the local level. which brings us to our next story. this low food movement was found that nearly 40 years ago in italy and is now
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a global organization. a lot is why crease a bond to its vision is to, to give every human being access to food that is produced locally. that is one big reason on the last year assignment on a go no missed a ride to in uganda. took over all the new international presidents. so let's be to he knows his way around the local market of edward mcb state here in the italian city at the slow food university. now he's heading up the movement. brad, i helped also for me to interact with the coach as other people, but also to understand the historical back place of skill, food, and wait or be gone. the slow food movement started in italy in 1986, a country known for its wine and hazelnut, as well as
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a plethora of other delectable specialties. right from the start. it was a grass roots movement. it's visionary founder, carla patrina. he took up the fight against fast food chains, along with a group of activists. in 2022, edward mckenzie took over. it's a challenge to take a of a lead us it from such a big thing that i cut up at the beginning. but to me it's also i look at the details, the learning opportunity. i feel like i have a lot to offer. i have a lot of experience to share with the road from my communities, from my country, from my continent under that we, this is the only way we kind of breeds that if i'm growing up between the north end the so the slow food movement promotes local produce and fair trade, rejecting the trend towards fast food. farmers seek to preserve bio diversity in their fields. they work with traditional crump varieties and farming methods and
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respect animal welfare. traditional methods are also used in food manufacturing. over the years, the organization has expanded its reach to a remarkable 160 countries to me as an african from uganda. so for the means address for the network that is supporting and working with local communities for beautiful suffering it. we walk with the communities of pharma as communities of young people communities. sylvie, indigenous people slow food came to uganda in 2006, 2 years later, edward were keeping joins in network. his own family lives from farming, like many in his village she, saga. as a child, he often had to work in the fields. i was forced to do a good kind of job as a punishment at school. a lot of these punishments turned out to be my
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life time passion and driving force to make a change. she knows all the slow food farmers in the area like know, well, and then you and john. she mostly grows vegetables, including rare varieties, and takes care to avoid mano cultures. uh, sort of would good then. so we embrace the, the rusty and our garden. we also make sure that we try to protect our plants. so we to the risk of extinction. do they provide for the security slow food? uganda has over 30000 members and is active in many areas. the organization has different facets, including slow food gardens, as low food use, network farmers 1st markets with local produce and a so called alliance for chefs and cooks. during the, the quick sal and the 1st thing is, uh, the quote should have is the design. yeah. on the waiting list to make it change in
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the system like bedding, a condo, she runs a catering service per journey with slow food spend 7 years during which she is focused on the art of crafting traditional dishes, traditional foods that really help us to really em verisk to more of our culture and to give us a sense of belonging. i really sound good for this low food that they are trying to views. culture to empower us in foods, to have that to go to that. it's not to wash that with. it's passing on this culture of local produce and organic farming that edward mckee sees as his main task. restaurants through product uh, funds, uh through uh, software guidelines in africa. so many of the initiatives like uh, the software use how kind of means we are able to reach out to so many people. because the only way that the, i know they do in the how the food we eat under the system under which it spread,
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use these affecting the planet. now i have is when we kind of make better choices, many of the slow food farmers and you're going to have achieved more food security . thanks to adopting this peek a logical method. and edward will, katie is happy to help them in making their choices what on east duration of guy, growing food sustainably and safe go hunting? food security is becoming f a motion, aging farmers, especially right here. i'll forget having to cope with extreme pink and long periods of dropped the situation in solid. the new is not much better, but fall most in one part of spain, of finding ways to beat the drought and still see the base dibels twice. pete and route. spain's agriculture was once again, left high and dry last year. but this is also spain. it rarely rains here,
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but there is water and even plenty of tomatoes. why is that button on the field trip and the relatively dry conditions that we have in spain, especially on the mediterranean. i think it's quite advantageous to grow through doing greenhouses, cynthia, she'll go through all of them in other. oh dear, how awful? the classic reaction when it comes to the vast plastic landscapes of hell, maria. well, oranges, olives, and greens, dried up elsewhere, vegetables for europe ro here almost all year round. this region has always been dry, which is why farmers together with the engineers make the best of what little water they do have, including with the help of sensors and software. so the. busy maybe i guess what we achieve here in the green houses is a 20 to 30 percent water savings. 20 percent less growth, eliza and 30 percent less electricity. all the out. all that. then if your technology helps farmers on the whole region to be more sustainable yet i might
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have got a sandwich on my so things in the greenhouse is farmers do everything they can to save water. this tomato grower, for example, doesn't use sensors or even soil. instead he puts the plants into a substrate at them all. and now this way, we save 20 percent of the voltage that we would otherwise have wasted plus, compared to lines events and now directly the what frequently sunset could be any the irrigated greenhouse. this is an ideal from the 19 sixty's franco dictatorship in a region where hardly anything grew. thousands of families tried their luck on a single hector of land is done as little pain out of his parents were among them, together with his wife on power. oh, he's still run so small family distance the green peppers are currently in demand instead of a c, c, the bobby the movie and we and we, it's a pretty good living. i'm the all the greenhouse is of improved the lives of atl,
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90 percent of all marines and double comes on the day that i ended up getting ready prosperity and less water consumption to good reasons for the greenhouse is. but so far, farmers have been growing more or less the same things. field vegetables such as medicine, broccoli have yet to thrive under cover. but there's one exception. this firm, which grows punctually under plastic, highly automated, with the close water cycle. it seems 50 percent on water and fertilizer compared to growing the vegetables out doors and it's a little bit i'm off to the full full head. we have 3.2 heck to so yeah. if possible. and we have 9 harvest spaces, but yeah, i mean, in the field they managed 2 or 3 phases on the same area. my, by this greenhouse is efficiency, regardless of which vegetable is being grown, is crucial to you by now, most be still going in the base that the building the greenhouse is costs around
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a $150000.00 euros, but heck to those is not a whole bunch to both sides can recruit, but those costs for the cost, the auto stores still there are attempts to grow larger crime center plastic such as these baton is and these applies for scientists. this is just the start. you're getting been a little uh, i think the control of quite a lot of conditions on those tests will ensure better production on quality. that's why i believe that more profit will be made and therefore higher profit debility, even if you feel equal to the open screen you a one scarce commodity is crucial for success under plastic water. even if you need less than you would growing food in a field, still growing more than $32000.00 heck, there is one of the vegetables requires a lot of water. in this case, it comes from a seawater desalination plant, which has to work 24 hours a day to out of the meanwhile, the other we see
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a lot of development on production in the region would be unthinkable without this planned work. it because the ground water at the pharmacy used to use a salty handler, what sales? how do you follow by expanding wind and solar power and stain more. more sea water may be the celebrated affordably and sustainable in the future. but that only works on the coast. if water prices rise overall greenhouse, this will also become more interesting outside of the l maria region. wow, just a simple idea, but what difference it makes? well, the reason will, there is a way on this per ton dentist knows all about that. he's a volunteer fighting to help nature cope. we've been dropped on the other side of the mediterranean. it may be a kit is these weeks doing a bit of the trees if the hallmark of florence nearly
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b as coastal city of outcomes are healthy, even though there's been almost no rain here. it's all thanks to the scene, been saucy, and environmental enthusiast, who cares for the trees personally. ok that lead time and that some of you what i've noticed in recent years that there's no follow up after trees are planted and i don't know you wouldn't the saplings that not water did not lead them. so i decided in 201910 unit that we need follow up that needs to be for a station campaign the when once the trees have been planted and we can, we take care of them so that they survives the libya as badly affected by climate change from extreme rain fall and slides to drought and deserted vacation. the north african country has seen it all. the hallmark of forest was in a poor state to on to whose names and saucy and other volunteers began watering the trees and how yeah you had in the and we've been able to
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breed life back into the source to are continuous, follow up of irrigating the trees and have them come so it says saved and let them grow them some 3000 or 4000 trees that up. the 65 year old has been involved in numerous reforestation campaigns and loves to pass on his knowledge to the next generation. he's busy watering hundreds of trees and has no plans to retire. if he's your female, i know he has, there is effort involved and it's a struggle and exhausting work for new. but when i see a tree growing, this motivates me to continue watering the tree and use them both inside and outside the forest. colorado kind of staying on the subject of cheese. the bill by the can be found in large parts of off again. for many, these trees have deep speeches significance, so it often a 4.4 gatherings, the foods seeds and leaves also solved as
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a source of healthy food. indeed, both tragically climate change is having a devastating impact on the ball bobs. and that's no the only threat they face. we had to kenya now, way environment to least our work into rescue these beautiful tree. a ball bub tree. you can store water from allowing it to survive long periods of ground for centuries, the so called cheese will for life play the key role in the village communities along the canyon coast. now so the, affecting by kindly change. and also the last year, each valve up to full several centuries food were exported to georgia for planting the pump butte by former georgia and prime minister. this led to public outcry in can you how new come to upload something, but there's more than 20300. yes,
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i'm ticket that way. what are you actually saying to us do? well, harry, q rada grew up here on the coast. you can least decode too much in your life without bio bonds. all the trees in particular that great, i mean, fortune to rule for the music in the community. this dream is several 100 years old . it has spiritual significance for local people. if we have does out if we have a lot of these will come on to make progress on the above up see as big as this one. it is one very important element. but as i said, symbol is a place where we, we communicate to go on a manual of the problems that we have been solved on the above, up to environmental activities. eltic, tulsa is on the mission to protect bob up trees for years using,
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fighting to ensure the survive. the double 3 is 13, which i'm not gonna do is call it the chief of life. because one of the 3 i just made the scene on the list, i use it for the fall and that is just to put everything on that tree is useful on something else. it has to live it just on ages, which means it is very nutritional on. it is not like a unique ali warranty fight. hopefully, tulsa is sure that the a be exported. well, he says, the real problem is form is an invest us sending bob up cheese along the coast to make room for culture and construction. he regularly talks to people about the trees importance. they stole carbon dioxide and provide nutrients where a wide range of species, insects, and back thrive on the flowers while men keys to fruit. hence the nickname won't
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keep bred tree. farmer mcdonald knew that was not aware of any of that. when he had several, a few streets failed a or 2, not a good for somebody regret that we weren't told anything by the government kindly. they don't inform us as follow bob own plus all the benefits or the trees, you know a, b, c, the yeah. so that we can understand better abc the book. i do watch one guy depending on its size. if sales tree comes such between the equivalent of 502-1100 euro's good money for a local phone, but a living tree can on the form of formal it's which contains a large range of vitamins and minerals in powder full. it's in high demand international, the super from the food cell, so popular in kenya, betsy cuts. so can you meet the teacher and sells them on the side that burns how? an equivalent of $69.00 euros per month. it considerable boosts to have
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a teaches salary of $200.00. you lose a little cooler level by the food and also opportunity as for earning money to me, i didn't get too much of the page. i don't think the little money that we are given for cutting down a tree cut in any way compared to the benefits we gain from it. you know, the left for you done was it from the old plus, else like to see also visit schools and cubic feet to raise awareness of all the trees. i'm only giving people. he tells them about the significance with a new coat equals the statement on choose how to present them correctly. when to have a community that understands bit about the environment, how community that most, that they can be able to make a living from environmental. uh, fix the the do i see a full cost in planting $1000000.00 for trees and funded school thinking if you're going to what
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a future that oh schools in the county have foot or salary. it's the number you shall store on which the activities is pursuing with determination. together with students, he's planted more than 200000 trees so far and we wish them all the best of that. it's time to say good bye. thanks for joining us today. do take out the eco africa online, full grid stories and ideas. i increase the lens and lagos, nigeria, or by keys is see you again next week and all of you agreed to hobby alone will be back next week with a whole new shell. i am sandra the homes that we know do a slide and go from complex, right to a new gun to buy the
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the the
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villain is on cocaine. everyday feeling is consume about 4.5 cheetos. that's because no one can manage without it. and the lawyers can't judge is, can, this is lisa and officials and this is the scene at all. i have driver services and, well, business is booming for cox, not list others of paying the price drug dealing and smuggling in 15 minutes on the w. tackling a task with passion, maneuvering mcgee,
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loves everything about head jones behind the wheel with head truck at each. she is the owner of yours. she wishes that one more women have profession read in 90 minutes. on d w, the we say they're about never giving up every weekend on the w. i code president an e, an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the
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data climate research in the ice, the tasks march, the dw, the, [000:00:00;00] the
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the, this is the deadline. news life from berlin is riley forces free to cost a just during a ride in gossip to $128.00 days in captivity. but we hot and fernando by month re united with the families following medical. also one of the programs you administer as discussed, continued funding for the us agency for palestinian refugee when brought the agency of struggling to continue with humanitarian work and gather since a number of countries suspended financial contribution plus german chemical john p


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