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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 13, 2024 4:00am-4:15am CET

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the, the business need to be in use live from the israeli forces free to hostages during right in gaza to 128 days in captivity. lewis hot and fernando mama, i bring united with their families following medical. also on the program, the ministers discussed continued funding for the unions agency, pro palestinian refugees, phone rep. agencies is struggling to continue with to monetary and working task since a number of countries suspended financial contributions. also want to show we get a sneak peak at the most exclusive event of the to nation. kind of it's all the
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i'm anthony held. welcome to the program to more hostages back in his right off to being freed in another not right in gaza. he's rarely, military has released this footage of the special operation to rescue to remain in the southern city of rafa were kidnapped during the october 7th terror attacked by him. us, which is regarded as a terror organization by multiple countries. i'm afraid hostages were flooded by helicopter to a hospital near tentative for medical checks the united with the families. louise hall and fernando seem on mom on will rescued by israel's military and security forces during overnight raids and rough uh us off to a $128.00 days held captive by how mouse and gaza. they are currently receiving
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treatment in a hospital where they're both said to be in a stable condition for the families, the sense of relief is mixed with concerns. the hostage is still being held in gaza . luckily for us, there's a family. there will save 2 nights, but i must say that the job is not done. we are happy to day, but it's not always we, we did it when it just so now the step 2 was bringing gig or the hub and it says, default hostages back home. and it doesn't matter if it's babies, women, men, and their people, everybody must come back as soon as possible. is really strikes devastated pumps of rough uh, overnight flattening buildings
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and destroying a mosque. dozens of palestinians were killed and many more taken to hospital with serious injuries. we were at home when the air strikes were going on. i told my mother that i wanted to use the bathroom and she was awake. suddenly all the walls at the bathroom and all the water containers above it collapsed on me. most of the roughly 1400000 palestinians. currently in rough or fledge from other parts of garza. they were trying to escape the intense fighting in other areas. and the city was designated a safe, so in to civilians by the x ray. the army recent is rarely strikes some rough or have eliminated any sense of security for palestinians. the us jordan's king abdullah is in washington for to us with us president joe barton. it's
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a 1st face to face making since it's ralph's ball with a mouse. but again, i've been told reporters that i have discussed a possible 6 week break in the funding amount is a key plant in the middle east and king of dela has been pushing for him. and 6 for the meeting comes as body judges israel to reconsider the ground. invasion of rafa in southern jobs, washington is the king's 1st stop on the to it. that includes canada front and jim . and now during that talks, king of deluxe also brought up support for the u ins agency for palestinian refugees. he said that it is imperative that one rep continues to receive funding. the agency is one of the only groups able to provide i into gaza. israel has said that $121.00 real workers were involved in the am off terror attacks on october 7th,
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many of the agencies done as including a member states have seen suspended the funding pending of review, which is still underway. with war still engulfing gaza. an organization tasked with protecting post indians is in crisis, is really allegations that several un stoffers were involved in the october 7th terror attacks. have prompt to dote among some western donors that they've just anything that goes without it. seeing that we've suspended age and we want to fuel investigation and that can be new business as usual, gets attacked, gets on the united nations relief and works agency for palestine. refugees in the near east or in row was funded back in 1949. the organization tasked with offering aid on protection to palestinian refugees is active in gaza. the westbank east jerusalem jordan lebanon, and syria. but 9. some of its biggest backers, including germany,
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have temporarily post payments. the european union says it will decide on its next cash injection later this month. not individual you members states or divide it countries including the netherlands, finland, and sweden have also frozen funds for no, but others including belgium and ireland, 15 to continue payments. while port school in spain have up their pledges, withdrawing funding for such an agency. i'm. i was to collect the punishment of the police to me and people who are actually going to an undescribable situation in terms of human rights. so i am very proud of what of the spanish government is doing. israel has long been critical of in wrong and argues that time us considered a terrorist groups by the u and u. s. has infiltrate to the agency, it's embassy and brussels sent us. the statement is rarely as committed to provide humanitarian aid to gaza. civilian population, in accordance with international law, however, reduced the blatant evidence against monroe and this members involvement in
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terrorist activities. we propose that the aid will be provided by alternative means, but to you and experts say that's not feasible. there is no way the any organization can replace or substitute tremendous capacity the fabric of monroe, the ability and the knowledge of the population in gaza has fired 10 employees on the 1st results from an independent review of the agency are expected in march. but somebody says h needs funds know, to help keep people alive are time to take a look at some of the other stories making headlines today. for me, you as president, donald trump has appealed to the supreme court. in the case of these criminal prosecution tribes, why the 102020 for the election of the drum claims is immune from prosecution or they're not going to be able to. he's asking a top judges to put on hold a level court ruling. and they bought the light,
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he's trying thousands of sheep and cattle that were stuck on the ship bound for israel have arrived back at the port they left 6 weeks ago. the livestock was sailing from australia through the red sea. i've had to turn around due to the threat of attack from humans who the rebels. animal rights activists have called the treatment for a very close football team have returned to the scene of the trial to celebrate with studying. and john was packed with people, change of revel in the 3rd african cup of nations, trophy advertised big nigeria to one in some german chemicals company. b a is if says it's exhilarating. it's exit from 2 joint ventures in china tion shawn region. that's following reports that it's local pot
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and it was involved in rights abuses against the week of people. there be a if it's a decision, is not pressuring other gym and corporations in the region. the fullest b, a s f has 2 plants into shing jung region. the german chemical giant is not planning to abandon those sooner than planned. this comes off to allegations the local joint venture partner mark or is involved in the suppression of the vehicle or minority. there we have documents from marco's own website, as well as state media reports, and other reports of on chinese websites with photos showing mark last off in the situations ranging from 2017, all the way to the middle of 2022. and they all speak about the same very well known and established phenomenon of how to state use us not only state employees,
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but also companies and other entities to ascend teams, to aspire on weekends, and to identify them for mazda and tell them that for us, china has been accused of systematically are pressing vigorous and other muslim minorities according to human rights organizations. more than a medium people are in charging camps industry in jung region. and it's possible they're being subject to to forced labor. china denies the locations and claims it's running a development program for the region. several companies have settled here in recent years, including the altima to joined volkswagen. following the soonest, withdrawal of german politicians are now demanding that fox was and also give up its ventures in the region. but the chinese government, we use a trouble from the region as open criticism. and there's
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a lot at stake for the companies. china is an important market, be a set, for example, has numerous other plants and this current, the investing $10000000000.00 in gong on china is replaceable for fox walk and as well for out of 10 cause it says are marketed in china. and finally, venice is gearing up for the highlight of it's kind of out of season that those just bull can't say those and fans of the mysterious masks of venice gather in the italian city for the mass grades which take back a 1000 years carnival and its haunting masks are an essential part of venice. as heritage began centuries ago, a period of excess before the stair fee of land. the 40 days of fasting proceeding, easter, their identities hidden behind mosques, daring venetians could do as they pleased. in the 18th century, nobleman wore masks to stay anonymous while boating on council matters. some mass
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where to avoid the foul smell of the italian cities canals or even protects against plague of the carnival opens with the procession of typical venetian boats, which this year featured a fairy going to leer the giant rush. and even the king of rock and roll himself elvis presley, great pump the parade makes its way to the right how to bridge the the most of the demonstrating that it's possible to have fun and have respect for each other and have respect for a city that is of the most beautiful city in the world. i think that showing what venice is like is a tribute to all of atlanta, all of the world. that is what it means to be the nation. whoever loves venice is finishing evidence. the highlights of carnival is the doj is ball, elaborately costumed and quaffed revenues concealed themselves for the ball,
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which marks the final day of carnival on trove tuesday or mardi gras. they'll just pull is a dream. is a dream where the time is suspend. that's where you can find a little bit to of yourself waiting. acosta and leaving your own baby to dream to renee sounds. these masquerade celebrated venice as military prowess these days. it's more of a tourism drawer, but you comp mazda the prices, tickets, go for up to $5000.00 bureaus. it's magic. oh, my god, mother came because she saw this on the news in america and decided we were coming . antonio gave his dress. it's beautiful. 3000000 people from around the world came to the city to admire. the extravagant and elegant costumes
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filled the streets of venice during carnival. so i came to venice with my sister because we just loved theater and the magic of the city. it's my favorite city in the world. we made these costumes so we could wear them around. it took us almost 2 years and put it together. but we're so excited to be here and experiencing the city and the magic of carnival. you. the 2024 carnival was dedicated to the venetian explorer. a marco polo this year is the $700000.00 a verse threw up his death. the tour as of today are happy to brave the rain and put on a mask to pay homage to is least, graces traveler. and on that night, that's old. the news for the sale. coming up next, a 3 single mothers from different asian countries until they stories with program titles. it's coming up often as a wise, don't forget that web site is there at the www dot com for all the latest news at
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any time you need. it's an hour, i'm asking you how to make editing. that link will have more headlines for you in 45. the these places in europe stepped into a bold adventure. the treasure map for martin globetrotters. describe it as some of us regular bragging sites on youtube and also in the past cost about why does that mean? because like now i'm leaving the new host.


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