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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 13, 2024 10:00am-10:15am CET

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or the, this is the, the, the news coming to life member list us president piles international pressure on israel to re think it's planned ground defensive on wrap. up. after meeting with the jordanian king in washington, president biden says any offensive should not proceed without a credible plan for ensuring the safety of more than a 1000000 published indians sheltering in the southern guys are sitting also coming up, digging in for ukraine. the german and danish leaders attend the groundbreaking ceremony for a new weapons plants that will help european allies supply. keep with emulation to fight brush on the
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hello and cherry martin. good to have you with us us present. joe biden has urged israel to protects palestinian civilians in his plan ground invasion of the guys and city of rough up by the met with jordan's king abdullah on monday at the white house or 1st space space meeting since israel's war with him. us begin by themselves to discuss the possible 6 week break in the fighting. jordan has been pushing for a permanent suites far. washington is the king's 1st stall on a tour that includes canada, france and germany. is some of what biden had to say in a joint news conference partly focused on israel's expected move in ralph, on the major military operation, robert robert should not proceed without a credible plan, a credible plan for ensuring the safety and support more than one minute. and
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people shelter. so as the president mentioned, an estimated 1000000 palestinian civilians have taken refuge in ralph. since the conflict began. the city on goes his southern border with egypt was declared to say so for palestinians by israel's military, as they carried out their ground defensive and other parts of the strip. now rough off has become a focal point for is real and they're targeting it from us militants. and as they continue to search for hostages, doesn't the palestinians in rob had been killed and injured by his really bombardment in recent days. so how are the words of caution from the united states for him from other important allies of israel going down in jerusalem? i asked the w correspondent rebecca ventures as well. sorry, this isn't the 1st time that you as president has said this, he reiterated the comments that he made a few days ago. and it really depends when it comes to reaction on who you're
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talking to, or who you're talking about. the benjamin netanyahu and his phone right. coalition members don't take criticism against this operation very well. they many in the fall, right? you know, hit back against a president bite. and when he criticizes the emission, when he's talking about the general populace within israel, let's don't forget the, the, the boys rouse who in gaza is does have pretty strong a broad spectrum support here in israel. so when you talk to his relatives and you talk to them about criticism warrenton, that international condemnation, most of them say, well, what do you expect? we have the right to defend ourselves. and that is really the main feeling across the country. of course, there are some other voices who say that you know, these, these, the criticism from the international community in particular the us need to be hated. and i think in the, in that is something that will be taken seriously by benjamin netanyahu. even the
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publicly, he might, you know, he might condemn these comments so he might, you know, hit back the us president, but in the end, i think it's unlikely he needs the us and he needs to try to avoid further international condemnation. so it is likely that any, you know, ground operation in russell, it will be taken as he has said, that he will, they will be looking to, to try to evacuate the civilians living there. and i think, you know, it's unlikely that an operation will begin without at least some attempt to do that . you say they might evacuate the civilian population. we're talking about over a 1000000 palestinians who have been compressed into this town of rough. uh oh is, where would they go? rebecca? this is real. have a plan to, to evacuate them to a particular place, a little that really is a major question,
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being off to being off by the international community in particular and by 8 organization saying that there is just so few places left for people to be able to go out, benjamin netanyahu, his has ordered these ready minute trades to come up with a plan. so saw nothing has been made publicly available as to where they see those policies, things being able to go. there's very few options, as i mentioned, and much of the center and the north of this trip has been destroyed as few places that people could potentially go back to there. and they are literally running out of space in the southern part of the strip. so it remains to be seen just what kind of plan the, the they is ready military will come up with a that is something that benjamin netanyahu has said is, is underway and is being looked at, but no details yet on that to say look, some other stories making headlines around the world today. police in india have higher tier gas to hold the procession of farmers heading to the capital daily
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protest. march follows the breakdown of talks with a government in which farmers have been demanding better. cro prices agriculture employees, 2 thirds of india is 1400000000 people of thousands of sheep and cattle that were stuck on a ship bound for is real. have arrived back at the port they left 6 weeks ago. livestock were sailing from australia through the red sea, but had to turn around due to the threat of attack from humans who with the rebels . animal rights activists have called their treatment crew and timelines jailed former prime minister talks in sure no one has been granted for role officials said the decision was made in full accordance with regulations, thoughts, and is currently being treated at a police hospital. he was serving a 12 month sentence after returning time in a few years in exxon. when were you as present, donald trump has appealed to the supreme court in the case of his criminal
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prosecution for trying to overturn the 2020 election. trump claims he is immune from prosecution function. he's asking the top judges to put on hold a lower court ruling and thereby delay his trial. now the ukraine, since russia's full scale invasion cubes in european allies, have stepped up arms production, but manufacturers are struggling to keep your crane's army supplied with ammunition . now german arms company run motel is building a new factory and german chancellor of schultz together with danish prime minister ment definitely likes and are lending their support. chart says you countries also need to make sure they have enough for their own defense. as the leaders of germany and denmark, great ground on ryan, mattel's new 300000000 euro plant and central germany. just days after donald trump said on the campaign trail that he would encourage russia to attack nato members
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who didn't pay their dues. germany's chancellor use the moment and called on his european allies to prepare for times of war and address their arm and shortage. i get most now new production capacity has to be added big, not just because ukraine needs to be able to defend itself, but also for our own long term defense interest. a sustained lodge capacity for the production ammunition, for example, is important to you recently said it would fall short of its pledged, provide ukraine with a 1000000 artillery shells. by next month, privatized says it's new factory will turn out $200000.00 a year. when it opens in 2025. germany has already pledged several 100000 rounds to ukraine before them. large scale military aid from the united states is no longer given in with presidential elections later this year. the picture is even less clear no matter what will happen in us this year. and i think the conclusion has
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your needs to be stronger and we need to do, we need to be able to do more on our own. and i say that even though i'm a true believer in the transatlantic alliance, defense experts call the new plan a step in the right direction. even if it comes a bit late. it's also another reminder that like it or not, europe has once again found itself in times of war. well, that new munitions plan won't begin production until next year. so will it make a difference in ukraine's war effort. while i asked security and defense policy, analysts go stopped wrestling, it is $975.00, the silver, the wall is little come late in the war, but it will come to the wall. so there 2 years into the war. that's where we are now. europe is still falling short in keeping key of supplied with weapons. why do you think that is? that is because of the younger estimation,
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how long it takes to to ramp up industry on munition. also competitive tanks instantly finding way it goes away. our defense vehicles is one of the most simple defense good. it takes 6 to 9 months for an itinerary shell. steal from order to production and the european union hostile to, to discuss the large scale of jewelry supply in march last year. but they didn't strike dealers because they were fighting over the legal framework for this until september. now september 2023. and you can apply to see 6 to 9 months of time show on that to kind of roughly guess monday so to the resales will come and obviously that's too late for the promised time of march this year and still find the end of the year. europeans will be quite in
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a good shape to supply your train, but unfortunately here, only by the end of the year, you, us selection campaign is already forwarding american ammunition supply right now. and that's a huge problem for you train. but you've talked about to production capacity, but what about political will, is there sufficient political will in europe to help you create in this situation? i believe a little stuff to materialize or i would say the lady code really say she stopped to, to materialize. now a lot of, well would or have guessed that the, what would end quickly in that hasn't materialized starting from all to move 2022 with a sort of ukraine with waiting quickly. that hasn't materialized last year, they felt that the condo offensive would be successful, and then that would be negotiations. and there will be a seas file that has materialized and now this stuff reliance of a ceasefire. we last have them this year because so somebody puts in this bad thing
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on the, on from to delivering something and 2025. 0 sorry. now while there was a political realtor helps you, you've trained that before. and they started to realize that this is a long one. this is a long term thing. unfortunately, they have wasted 2 years. just looking at things. is europe, in your opinion, relying too heavily on the us for its defense as well. of course, um, it was a cheap option for your opinions on these balls and increasingly sketchy option on would say, starting from robot gates, calling in brussels, 2011, that europeans should be more so for lines. europeans should have listened to the voices that came from washington. resources were not turned into lunatics like donald trump. little seer is politicians in washington to tow over and over again.
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look, if there is a major contingency in the pacific, in china as of ramping up on for the so we will be tied down in the pacific will not have the capability to assist you the way we did during the cold war. and over and over time, europeans did not listen to this very reasonable us voices. and now we are facing the prospect of the, from police in the even more reasonable american voice. because of roughly the same uh, fault or concerning a china as the prying threats plus his own police agenda. and now of course, within a very short amount of time, people uh us to kind of live up for the midst of things and for all the stuff we didn't do. oh, the antonio posts decades. so thank you very much for talking with us. that was good stuff. great. so of the european council on foreign relations. and finally, venice is gearing up for the highlight of its carnival season. the judges ball,
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elaborately costumed revelers concealed themselves behind mysterious masks for the ball, which marks the final day of carnival on shrew tuesday or monday, ground during the renaissance. these mass balls celebrated businesses military prowess these days. it's more of a tourism to all but can't mask the prices. tickets go up for go for up up to 5000 euro. so peace and thousands of people also turned out to enjoy rose monday. the highlight of germany's carnival season. crowds gathered in cologne and disorder to watch for rage through the city streets, large cloud, sorry, a tradition with the wars in ukraine and gaza. the key theme this year. there were also jobs that german politicians and international leaders. much to the delight on the you're watching the news up next close
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up looks at the men who deliver the mail in slovakia is tom tramonto. i'm terry martin. thanks for being with us. the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. as soon as i was saying it aloud, you guys would have been nosy, bay like get everyone to kings and check out the award winning called call the call back.


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