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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CET

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the, the, this is the, do you use my from bullet clashes in india between police and pro testers. hundreds of farm is in support as much towards daily to try to force the government to one or a promise of higher prices. bruship with a stony is prime minister on it's wanted list equivalent accuses kind of colors of what the russians called the desecration of historical memory relates to a stone. he is removal of soviet era. monuments, us presidents are biden, says, israel should not proceed with a ground offensive and bravo, without incredible plan to save god more than a 1000000 palestinians. children in the southern constancy, plus protests and back is done by supporters of
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a drawn hon. back as of the jalap full of leader, a going to court to contest the outcome of elections. these icons, bad one. last week's file, the i've been visible and welcome police in india have frontier gas to hold. the procession of farm is heading to the capital daily pharmacy unions from northern states, cold for the protests, the day of the failed tools, with the government of a better prop prices and income security. police trying to disperse thousands of processes that was gathering over 200 kilometers north of the capital. but streams attractive still persevered. determined to bring the concerns to the government store. months ahead of national elections bomb is in india form a significant photo. let's go straight over to delhi bureau chief and research team
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and we got a police managing just dumped the funds from getting to the capital or hi been with the farm was have not reached denny, as yet. they be stopped at border crossings in 2 neighboring states. have yanna inputting jobs and in fact, the one of the biggest gatherings is at the crucial shamble border crossing, which is about 200 kilometers north of the capitan denny. i'm just seeing some really angry scenes at this border crossing. you have the police firing tail gas and using jewels to fly a tail gas on the farm was fuel also, during the thoughts of the farm is a choice stones of the police. now heavy fortifications of meet the mid f as border crossing the cement block. subbing for razor wise and so on. but the farmers are equally determined that they are going to continue their march towards daily. and outside denny again, massive fortifications. again, they live in post section 144,
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which bands the assembly of people outside denny and was around daily driving around during this morning. and 40 physicians within delhi, it says, you know, the roads have been long barricades have been put to disrupting traffic, so forth. have you preparation to being made for the farm was still determined that they're going to make it today. tell us more about what's fueling these few are young finance or a bent the pharmacy that the promises the government made at the end of the loss process have not to be checked . the file must have been promised that the income would double due to reforms within a few yes, nothing has happened. they had a whole series of the month, but the most significant, unimportant demand for them is what is called the minimum support price. and this fee of this guarantees them a minimum price and which, which they want to get away from the uncertainty of markets. they want to sell their drops and they produce to
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a god bless jose lock is and be protected from what they see unscrupulous. read for it is well explored, take this for you this morning, 5 months. and we have to remember that most of the people in these process, us more farmers. now the government's in tools with farms unions. what are the chances the break for the well, they've had 2 rounds of talks been in the last couple of days, and they have come to some kind of compromise on some of the 12 issues that the families had raised. for example, they've agreed to drop charges against the testers who would take the boss of the values and process last time. but again, on the main issue of the minimum support price or a guaranteed as being can guarantee price for the drops of farmers has not been agreed upon until that happens. these talks are going to go away. what are the chances of a escalation here? could we see a repeat of the farm as protests bank 4 years ago in which thousands died as
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well? that is, of course, the nice mass for the government because those formless filters lost it for months, as the farmers were camped out with national highways. and there is also a video of public sympathy for them. and the nice mess situation would be the best kind of approach as will become lodge like last time. and this becomes a bed as india is heading for elections in a few months. and that's something the government can also for to have the one issue on which the government had to back down in the last and you was with the farm was issues and they had to be controversial. advocates for legislation, also keeping in mind that for almost a very important vote by for a government in india and this farm was also a people who supplied. so just to the indian, i mean, many of these families who out in the streets have fathers and because brothers cousins was at the border of india fighting for india and they also lost,
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lost family members in was in india. so the internet then is something the government cannot afford. so the optics of basing of farm is at this stage before the election will be terrible for them. so i think the government is going to try and do all it can be a peaceful end to this protest. so what are the important contexts? they have for man b to cima in delhi. thank you. to some breaking news now. and russia has declared a stony and prime minister color as a wanted pass in. the kremlin, says they've placed her on the one, at least for taking hostile actions against russia, and what he calls the desecration of historical memory. most goes, don't criticize the sonia for removing so we see around monuments. so he has think secretary and this way and he is culture. minnesota are also in the us as being that are local support of ukraine since russians advise at the let's bring it in. oh, russian analysts konstantin, to a good,
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he's in vilnius. tell us more about the significance of these development as well. it says uh, gets another uh, stepped in the gremlins gradual sorts of, uh, pushing up the temperature of bilateral relations with central europe on the baltic states, which are already in a very, very sort of and pretty much the existing shape of different site. uh, but this is also very much part of domestic agenda because uh kind of call us the permit service, tony and the list ready and consummate especially moment securities are accused of desecration of long as early i explained what it means. it means that a, basically the soul based on the modem, is that all considered in the baltic states to be monuments, to occupiers, are being removed and puts in, let us say, especially museums, wherever they display the stages of, to tell that they're in period at the same time, most of the stages do not have any grades nearby,
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so there is no desecration actually in the rat case and, but they rodrigues', a soldiers aren't buried in military cemetery. so this is quite a bit of a bending over reality by the crime. and in order to remind the domestic williams that this fight against the west is put into describes, it is also about fighting for what is considered to be quoted, both sacred memory of rush. why is this coming now though? because it's relations between us, donia and russia has never really been good i would say that you do not see any particular logic in that part from the fact that this is the year where you're going to have a very special nature assignments in washington and the baltic states and all the central liter kim covers are going to be very vocal in their support for you bringing a membership of the lines. but i would say this type of action will definitely rekindle here in the baltic states. debates about a,
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a deep potentially brushed invasion, whether it's immune into that off. and this off to go up, let's say president trump or former president trump said if you days ago about not coming to the age of a number come to the age of europe in case of russian attacks is basically a bit of contextual here. and i think that we're going to see quite a bit of debates about why the russians did it, although maybe it's just been done by the premise for propaganda purposes. russia and all this konstantin hagen. thank you. thank you, but some european nations, a stepping up bombs productions as they struggle to keep ukraine's army supplied with an ammunition. germany's finding baton is building a new factory and turn slow left schultz and his danish count upon mid to plates and lending their support. shots as you countries need to make sure they have enough weapons for their own defense. as to the leaders of germany and denmark.
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great ground on ryan mattel's new 300000000 euro plant in central germany. just days after donald trump said on the campaign trail, that he would encourage russia to attack nato members who didn't pay their dues. germany's chancellor used the moment and called on his european allies to prepare for times of war and address their arm and shortage. i guess. now new production capacity has to be added. not just because you cry needs to be able to defend itself. but also for our own long term defense interest, a sustained lodge capacity for the production ammunition, for example, is important to you recently said it would fall short of its pledge, provide ukraine with a 1000000 artillery shells by next month. privatized says, it's new factory will turn out $200000.00 a year. when it opens in 2025. germany has already pledged several 100000 rounds to ukraine before them. large scale military aid from the united states is no longer
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given in with presidential elections later this year. the picture is even less clear no matter what will happen in us this year. and i think the confusion has your needs to be stronger and we need to do, we need to be able to do more on our own. and i say that even though i'm a true believer in the trans atlantic alliance defense experts call the new plan, a step in the right direction. even if it comes a bit late. it's also another reminder that, like it or not, europe has once again found itself in times of war. a little look at some other stories making headlines now, media and azerbaijan, and have accused the child through the voting fire alone, they have all the time border media says 4 of its soldiers were killed in the south region of scenic. it's the 1st player off of violence as a by john. we took the dispute with demco and o'connor bank region in september. and it goes, government has cut mobile internet access for
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a 2nd time this month and band to protest against the delayed presidential elections. the u. n says it's concerned about the use of unnecessary falls with free report of dead invoice and demonstrations to thousands of sheep and can hold of was stuck on a ship bound for as well as arrived back at the port they left 6 weeks ago. the livestock was silent from australia through the red sea, but had to turn around st. jude to this rate of attack from given sweetie rebels. animal rights activists have called a frequent pro timelines, jail full of premier tents and sheet of water has been granted. parole officials say the decision was made in full accordance with regulations and is currently being treated at least hospital the 2nd a 12 month sentence after returning to tyler enough to use an x on your way. as president joe biden has judged as well to protect palestinian civilians and it's planned, ground evasion of the gas and city. around $55.00,
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we met with jordan's king abdullah on monday at the white house, the 1st face to face meeting since he's around school with homeless began. item said the to discuss the possible 6 weeks breaking the funding. jordan has been pushing for a permanent ceasefire. washington is the king's 1st still on a tour that includes canada and france, and germany. here is some of 15 and said in a joint news conference, public focused on the as well as expected move in to bounce off the major military operation. robert robert should not proceed without a credible plan, a credible plan for ensuring the safety and supports more than 1000000 people shelter. and now both i hate to be as well as most i'd spy agency and the head of a c. i. a were expected to meet today with diplomats from egypt, and cutoff. regarding the is why the, how much for how much is considered a terrorist group by the you and you, west israel rejected it's proposals for cx 5 last week while balance to keep up. it's offensive, and that includes and expect
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a ground attack on how much volts as in bravo. with so many palestinians have taken refuge. bounce up was declared a safe zone for palestinians by as well as military earlier in the war, thousands of palestinians. they have been killed and injured by used by the aerial bombardment, extensive cairo, and journalists con remote gallery. good to see you car, him. what can you tell us about these high level negotiations, including as well as most of the american c i or well, of course this all happening behind close doors. but the, we have an idea about the how they going into the negotiations and the us present. joe biden, just as i said that the is there a, the proposal is 6 months choose the 6 the week tussa at fort exchange of the christmas. and how much is saying that this is less than what was agreed upon that a parish 2 weeks ago. i must position is that they what do i have guarantees for
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end of the wall for a permanent ceasefire before they are releasing all of the hostages. but there might be some flexibility on the site is how much when he comes to the exchange between hostages and palestinians in his rare 80 prisons when it comes to the number of products thing is to be exchanged and also the quantity of business. just remind us of all the moving parts in this affair. we've got really complicated negotiations between the various palestinian militant groups of course and these rather you wes involved as well. yeah. complicated negotiations. say that is happening through either a cup of or through egypt to the most complicated part of this city, which usually is the context to the militant we all how much in the gaza strip. it
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says that's one of the reasons why the answers from us very ultimately late. it's easy to get, have to get that concept through the political leadership that is in conflict. and so it says, but the military, you, there should be in that off. are they need, does that, that's very complicated to they of course, not in hiding on the cover. and that is the name and always the answers that are coming out from because, and what about this thread of a ground invasion in rough a. how is that complicating the negotiations further as well it say, i mean you can see it as a wait or for the is it you decide to put pressure? and on how much is that this whole the announcement of the offences for and onto what alpha is positive, putting the pressure on to i must how much on the side is also trying to increase the pressure by saying if there is a ground defenses that would be definitely the end of the negotiations that most of
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these are for houses. okay. well that's something that they're counting thanks for your reporting from colorado. to make an impact as sense candidates, backed by a pack of cents for the prime minister event. kind of going to court, claiming last week's inconclusive elections were rate on spotty as accused the state of a crackdown against its members and hung himself just by being bands and candidates running. as independents claim they've won the most seats in the election might be at the head last award in our constituency, in the city of topic with d, but to, to few as, as to accept that he found she campaign for the backing of 5950 i thought the know she's mobilizing her supporters and protesting against what she believes was evict, go down the police disperse, but at least
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a police cases fight against tug and other supporters for disrupting public or do see might be a is just one of the many p d, i back independent candidates who said they were not allowed and level blink fee for gap beating before elections. they were forced to do door to door campaigns. the complaint that values for disrupted and then members, artist it in the body, headed into elections with the beating, drawn, caught in jane, and the electorate of symbol removed, forced to beat the candidates to run as independence with the election over b t. i backed candidates. no, i think the courts would, would freaking indications something. the buckets on the state continues to deny. yet, despite the many hurt his back candidates, still on the most seats, one of the assignments that shocked many in stock. this time lee does what on the
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phone of the bumper for the military? really fine, anecdotal success but candidates likes him up yet that his see they continue to fight leak and back and still to get on. so it's from the buckets on the part of these report abuse job it has just returned from pack us done from covering the elections being is good to see you back. tell me about the p d on these p t. i back candidates one most seats, but felt sort of the majority is there off the pallet for the btr. so b t i had a box on former prime minister in ron hahn has to be given a message from jail that he is not going to form a coalition government with the main drivers bodies b, m a n b and as a body. so that option for p t i is fluids. 50, i believe's, dipole stuff. the candidates that that were backed by 50. i have one of the majority seats and they are now going to court,
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going to election commission of bucket fund and challenging the results on several constituencies. and they are confident and they have said that they have evidence that there was the war 20 pollution on that a once there's an investigation that is does or the rulings will fit for them and they will be able to beat to do it gate, getting enough seats that they will be able to form their own government. if that doesn't happen, then i see the i backed candidates, the great joining about the or basically sitting in opposition and not being for a part of the gulf. a tell us why these people like that candidates. the scene is a rebuke of pakistan's military ben, because ron hahn and b d. i have publicly said that they have been facing a military let cracked on the fence and gone home because of that. he mobilized millions in buckets done against military stablish men. he accused them off gluten
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with his driver, political bach, these to oust him from the office and then there were he was incarcerated at the members are also in jail of 50. i accused that their members but invested they were not allowed to conduct relieved that anecdotal assembly was sticking and all of them they publicly said that it was a military that cracked on and with that negative been beat to get back to candidates one so so much of a one so many seats. therefore it is being seen of repute to bach defense minute. okay, so we don't just have this question of legitimacy facing whichever new government comes in. we've also got economic security challenges. what's the collections mean for pakistan? moving forward up and i wasn't both different. i met so many people like from my uber drivers to journalist 2 people on the streets. i see a lot of emotional enforcement in this process. and the public sentiment right now
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is to words in ron hahn. and when equation government is formed, it when it looks like it would not be a very critical guffman because there are also these allegations of election irregularities. and for a week government to overcome these huge challenges of security. or can military can overcome security challenge, but they cannot make challenge focused on isn't a diet economic crisis. and it needs a stable strong government to, to, to resolve these challenges. i see that the if a collision, government deformed without the i, the opposition will continue to put pressure on the government. and they would actually call for new elections, which means that there will be put a ticket, instability in the near future in the country. okay. it doesn't sound like this is going to be, are there any time soon? finish job it. thank you very much for coming in and breaking down the story for us . or indonesia is set to elect a new president on wednesday. 3 candidates,
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the facing off with one clear favorite for both will be on 2 as the back and goes current presidential we total and is leading the pulse of a low has been stable of innovation staple rather of innovation politics for decades. and is a controversial pick up. he's been accused of human rights abuses during any diseases. dictatorship is one level say they will also the country need to change a damn thing for victory. that one of the last and some pain days in the city of may done all this. this is problem most of the started lead the me just defense minister, but you looks like a good best to be come to country. next president. he's holding big, competing events and offering isn't big our promises to the nation. lot of take very improve the life of our people to get rid of the think. it's probably the
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30 this time us the packing or form arrivals president jacoby toby's eldest son, this up for vice president with probable for what will be team number 2 on the pallets you've paid for on february 14th number 2 and look, especially the young people. if you come across any negative campaigns above shows on social media, got the business. just ignore this, done on the fall as there are plenty of those young people, more than half of indonesia. so electrical voters are under 40 trouble who is 72 and was the son in law to dictate as to how to has been accused of human rights. but on social media, he presents himself as a cuddly grandpa offering to continue to colby's reforms. his competitors like
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former direct contact governor on east bus sweet on running team. number one, leave the country. it's ready to refill. we see the rice is expensive, but are the farmers prosperous? there are murphy is out there. can they be around to cases? what is needed here? his answer is change, but he's based on the details set fits with gums up rum, noval and his team. number 3. he's far behind to the poles. proposal freely within the 1st round outright. things to get interesting, you know, run the business there, potentially you could team up with one of your opponents like with on these next, but we will talk about it. but the 2nd round seems unlikely. jacoby is not allowed to run again, but has not to remain neutral as he hosted all 3 candidates at the presidential
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palace during the campaign. everyone knew, he put his full political weight behind the proposal, and his son keeper, there should be something that they had been working on. right. indeed. then for that support, i think part of the pushy, but the thing is that uh, quite significant role for the brand. as the, as the vice president, if they are elected, which are probably asked to leave the political stage in southeast asia, because economy could retain significant influence behind the scenes. now it's up to $205000000.00 voters to decide if this is the music. they want the next president for the dentist and a reminder of our top story here on the double. you can use police in india and find 2 gas to hold of procession and farm is heading to the capital valley farms. unions from northern states called for the protests a day of the failed talks with the government of
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