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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  February 13, 2024 1:45pm-2:00pm CET

1:45 pm
the really indeed the snow on youtube, the staying fit and healthy is as important today as it's ever been today, we're all about smart watches and fitness track us and living a healthy life with wearables. if you need that little exit motivation will push, getting gear for shift. often times the slicker and more comfortable alternative to click on hop right track as is the smart watch for many they are lives type product, but in the medical world they have the potential to be a lot more than just that. how well do they work? and do medical experts take them seriously? we got the chance to meet someone with 1st hand experience. so i send the val who smiled was, might have just saved his life. suddenly val smart watch went above and beyond.
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recently it prevented as possible stroke. he was using it mainly for sports when he noticed irregularities and his heartbeat developed and able to act. but when he visited the doctor, he was given the all clear and commercial phone call, you know, and then i went to the cardiologist who performed a long term easy g, but didn't find anything else. and number, i thought it was an error. so i switched off the alarm because it was kind of annoying, was, i don't know if, if i could have had serious consequences for the 48 year old because this month was was right, a 2nd, b, c, g, and fund university hospital confirmed what the gadget had picked up but instead of missing, you can use the standard e, c, g, then reveal that i have something called atrial fibrillation. what does i know? i was asked several times in the cardiology department why my watch hadn't sounded the alarm was. and so i had to tell them again and again,
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i had actually disable the alarm myself or is that so it is always come on. top of it is not allowed. sebastian is the cardiologist that they gave me both at the hospitality bump, has a good experience. as with smart boss, health apps, he's convinced the potential is huge, especially for prevention. the data that these smart watches collect the easy reading. they are very reliable. they most common heart rhythm, this or they're a recent media is called atrial fibrillation, and it's the leading cause of stroke worldwide. and this can be detected by smart watches. and then if we know that the patient has a, we can initiate treatment to prevent stroke, socially valid, has been in treatment ever since. and now we're so smart watch regularly, which was a pretty good idea, is how it started playing off again. and the app was the 1st to notice to
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this one after that some further. so good signal reliably, every time you're having a truck regulation again, right now. so this maybe you should contact her doctor's apps then smiled was cons, replace a doctor, but they can certainly help by gathering valuable data, especially when it comes to cobb, you of vascular diseases which cause over 18000000 deaths the globally wearables and the i can also help reduce risk by motivating us to eat healthy or exercise regularly to so i so at least don't do this all that often. do you, i assistance going to use our day to day take b. i pin, for example, a smart menu computer. it also has messages since you remind us takes photos, plays music, and more shipping your hot healthy could be so easy. but let's say you said it's not. is it that maybe a i can help how much protein?
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i have a couple of comments, has 15 grams of protein soon. they say i will be able to scan food and the list is nutrients use for me for those looking to live a healthy life. getting information on what you eat is incredibly important because most people aren't aware of what they eat on a regular basis. they. they had breakfast 2 hours ago and perhaps didn't realize how many calories are in that muffin or in the pancakes that they consume. and then if they get an update on a regular basis throughout the day, i'm sure that this will make them more aware of their lifestyle choice. the many ways to find out what constitutes a healthy diet. i'm going to eat it, enjoy it. but does talking to, i really make a difference. in 41 is hands for, you know,
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smartphone required. the main restriction for our patients today is that the smartphones, etc. they are available, but the interactions with our surroundings and the devices to record this is limited. hey, i revise this kind of won't use us when food is overly unhealthy, all contains allergens, added future. it could follow what you're consuming and keep track of nutrients. you have had 22 grams of protein today. but how effective it through beach is deluxe. the best phone universities, hospital cardiac center. patients with calcified hospitals admitted every day. it's not only a consequence of agents and medics but also of poor nutrition or little exercise without treatment. the consequences of the illness can be fatal. ai is becoming increasingly important for prevention, for example, implanted the shipper latest transmit data to the clinic, daily. the, any of the amenities, the iphones, the alarm a, i support
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a data on nutrition and health helps to me. interaction between a patient and physician will become more intimate because we get more data available and we, the choices that we're our recommendations that we get to the patient can be based on a larger data set. but as we have all the applications of this kind of data protection is a concern manufacturer as a sure consumers that nothing is re quoted unintentionally. and that data isn't sold to 3rd parties about the fact that data is often stored in the cloud is very because it could fall into the wrong hands. so if you're looking to use a assistance, make sure to consider the data you're putting out there. it's not going to get done and we've got to thinking about data security like you have to way of how much it really benefits you know at all. i'm going to, it's one of the reasons i switched it off back then. if it doesn't help me, i'll leave it alone. and so less than, let's assume you're wearing a spot watch. how does it actually measure your heart rate?
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there are 2 different methods. optical pauses, measurement with lights, and a heart rate sensor that requests electrical activity more than that. now. it's only gonna have to happen when it comes to accurate heart rate monitoring. we always recommend the classic test drops. it's an electron speeds your logical recording the light. they essentially detect the heart beats electrically, so they get a direct recording of the heartbeat. but the problem with these, of course, is that you can't wear it all day or all week. we both got smart watches on the other hand, are much more comfortable. the happy it is detected by the optical sensor, which them, it's a live signal to measure the pulse way, but it's not quite as accurate yet from the light is been absorbed by hemoglobin, a component of the blood from which we can do right. the heart rate, but as it's a light source, everything that can interfere with light has an influence on the data quality.
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things like skin color, body, hair, touch shoes, or perhaps scar tissue. so now i'm giving you because it's small torches don't work as well for people of color. that's why a team at google is experimenting with ultra sound, which would pick up the high speed in the year. probably a headphones, irrespective of skin color, size reflections for strong movement. besides heart rate, conventional variables often recall todd's acceleration of the values like calorie consumption of blood, oxygen levels are calculated using algorithms. exactly how they work though is a trade secret about it. but in the end, the user only gets the results the fuse. but because you can't tell if it's actually high quality measurements or how much has been calculated for that. and for the t. v dot one is because we know that these devices can do wonders for motivation. for example, band swimming goes, remind me of my training program,
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but the wearables can also provide detailed patient data for doctors with a clear ads when it comes to convenience and prize a milestone for her patients. and the best case scenario, wearables can detect illnesses at an early stage in future. this obtained health data could be used to model digital twins of patients, organs, virtual models of a patient's lungs, or hot, for example, buds to deliberate, realistic values. they must 1st be fed with patient data at children's hospital in boston. it is that the forefront the digital twins of a human heart. thanks to this technology, the effects of different treatments can be tested without having to operate. surgery on children's hobbs is considered extremely risky. boston's children's hospital is b a heading the use of data the twins to develop treatment plans specifically tailored to each time
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the at the forefront is dr. steve divine. to develop the 1st digital twin of a human ha. they're creating virtual twins of the children. some are as early as newborn and performing the surgeries on the virtual twin 1st. the siding upfront what is best and then trying it out on the child. and in many cases, they only have one shot to save the child's life. and the results have been spectacular. ready ready ready ready dr. steve levi and started researching for the living hoc project around 10 years ago for very personal reasons. it's donna jesse suffered from a real hobby defect and had to undergo several operations as a child, not all of which was equally successful. she is now benefited from the research
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because now case makers, optimal settings can be tested in advance. and in virtual reality the, they can actually insert the pace maker. they can replicate her condition or thousands like her. i tried different pacing sequences on thousands of different versions of, of the heart to figure out which sequence would work out best and then try it out and confirm on her rather than experiments directly on her. the findings can then immediately be transferred to other hot patients, virtual therapy tests for the individual organs of just the beginning. though in future, everyone will have a digital twin at the side with a personalized health plan. and i think what will happen is you will get a virtual twin, which is a generic version of
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a human when you're born, it'll be quickly adapted to what we know about you at that point. and then as you get older and you get more diagnostics, more tests, it gets tuned. it might be some time before we all have a digital twin of ourselves. but until then, wearables and the aisle systems can help us stay fit and healthy for longer provided, of course, that we actually take the advise and work out every now and then. that's all for me by and see you next time the indian the shop has given me so much peace of mind. ready while i have the confidence that i can face slight. ready bend for my says because i have. ready
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ready ready in the 1st all women waste management team as cleaning up, sure not. they're working for a better environment and fighting against male dominance in, in their eco indeed. ready the 1st few minutes on the w x from the new home and to the young musicians of touring the, especially since a rita. this is an important active resist. the young cousins fled from baton in 19 minutes on d w. the
1:59 pm
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2:00 pm
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