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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the dc is dw used live from the land, the west president piles international pressure on israel to re think any ground defensive on wrap up. meeting with joe dan here in king in washington. the bible says the operation needs a credible plan for ensuring the safety of palestinian civilians forced to shelter in the southern gospel plus passions in india, or between police and protest as hundreds of farmers and support his march towards delhi trying to force the government to one promise to apply across the prices the
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i've been visible and welcome. first breaking news. the us senate has approved the 95000000000 and all the right package mold and half of which will go to ukraine. the funding is aimed at helping keep restock defenses as it enters its 3rd year. a full package also includes military support for israel and taiwan strategic ally. the bill will now proceed to the republican lighthouse of representatives, which a states rejected. will have more on this breaking news story in later edition slain shall bills as well. you as president are biding his arch day as well to protect palestinian lives. it's planned, round invasion of the gods and city of bravo, by leg with jordan's king abdullah on monday at the white house. they 1st face to face meetings and see as well as board with homeless began bytes and said to, to have discussed a possible 6 week break. and the flight jordan has been pushing for
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a permanent seems. fine. washington is the king's 1st stump on the 2 that includes canada, france, and germany. it is somewhat by sunset in a joint use conference, possibly focused on as well as expected move on, run into the major military operation. robert robert should not proceed without a credible plan. a credible plan for insurance and safety and support. more than 1000000 people shelter and the number of palestinian civilians taking refuge in ralph as since the conflict again has increased find fault. the city on guns is southern border with egypt was declared a safe. so by the is way the military for palestinians as they carried out the ground offensive in other parts of the strip. now ralph has become a focal point for his violin that targeting of homeless militants as they continue to search for hostages, thousands of palestinians in rough, i've been killed and injured by is waiting my apartments in recent times. the situation a buffet was also when he gets in the,
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in berlin today with germany's foreign minister and the bad bulk made to palestinian and count upon brad a mother t for till he's what she has to say. yeah. because in the one of 2000, if i may have seen hundreds of thousands of people lose the homes in the past months, of course they need shelter into and then they went to the south where they were already several refugee camps. being hobbies with the one, that's why we made it clear that the over 1000000 people in the area conte just disappear into santa so not as often as they need safe car doors to get to safety like they did in the beginning. couldn't so read us to be and that's his responsibility. i've made it as clear as possible. the cannot just be safe places encourage those in theory, the vision they have to exist in reality, reachable waterford school with all the game was on an open to see i need to to a political correspondent, anita has a cause of the meeting between germany's foreign minister and to account upon from
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the palestinian authority. well, it's not the 1st time of close on elena bab and read the analogy. you have met a 1000000 a bad because been to the region fort times since the 7th of october, when from us the terrorist organization loans there's brutal attack on israel. so read on while it keeps saying to, for a f, as in trying to exercise essentially a bit of pressure on both sides so that these conflicts ends on the books. the message is always there is suffering on all sides. so she does mention that there are still more than a 100 hostages that are being kept by how mazda and that israel does have the right to defend itself against that sort of terrorism. but at the same time, she says, nobody can overlook the suffering. that is going on and gaza. and today at this meeting, she reiterated again, israel does have the right to defend itself, but it does not have the right to expel anybody from essentially what is
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palestinian territory and both of foreign ministers express the big concern over an escalation of the situation. in rough up, which is why they stressed so much that they need to be safe. car doors pull the people who have fled to the south of gaza. exactly. because there was a big military operation in the north of gaza. we all know that there is no option for the palestinians to free for the south. egypt is not willing to take refugees in from the goal is a strip. so that needs to be safe, car doors and on the babel is going to tell the is really counterparts. he's going to be meeting again later on this week that they need to make sure that the humanitarian disaster is avoided. you mentioned the day off to this conflict and also the books trip to the upcoming trip to israel again, did the meeting touch on what the future could look like? full godsa?
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absolutely. there are lots of negotiations happening and behind closed doors at the moment. a katara is an important play. egypt is an important play of the united states, but also germany, which is still one of is rose closest allies. and yet, and i know lena bab stress that there are certain conditions that israel also needs to fulfill and read. all molecules have said that reforms of the palestinian authority of which he is the head of vital so that the palestinian population essentially has a legitimate representation. again, we must forget that of course, every other analogy doesn't represent thomas, who represents the, the, the by letting you know, as far as he that is based in ramallah. so the needs to be a proper representation of the palestinian people. he said that that is very much in his interest because they all say there's conflict cannot be sol, militarily. what is needed is a political solution, and that's essentially
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a 2 state solution is the only way forward and that these preparations need to happen at the same time via the analogy was being very clear. he wants germany to put pressure on israel. so that is ro also sees the right of the palestinian people to have their own state. interesting and so i'd say for magic, political correspondent need a honda a couple of other stories making use today. russia has declared custodian prime minister call us, wanted person for allegedly taking hostile actions against russia. and when it goes, the desk of the question of historical memory must go as long criticized the southern you for a moving soviet era. monuments call us as being a vocal supporter of ukraine since roches impatient. the media and azerbaijan have accused each other without being fire long, they have all the time border. media says 4 of its soldiers were killed in the south region of seo. nick, it's 1st flare up a violent since otherwise on. we took the dispute is not going to cut her bunk
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region in september. police in india had fired t a gas to hold. the procession of farm is heading to the capital daily funding, who is from northern states called for the protest. today of the sales folks with the government knows, abstaining from prices and income, secure links, trying to dispose thousands of protesters. the book has been over 200 kilometers north of the capital. it streams that practice still post to be determined to bring their concerns to the government. still, once they had the national elections funds in india from a significant vote book. i also got daily bureau chief and read a g mail where the police managing to stop the problem is from getting to the capital a hi been well the fonts have not reached debbie as yet. they be stopped at border crossings into neighboring states, have yanna inputting jobs, and in fact, the one of the biggest gatherings is at the crucial shamble border crossing, which is about 200 kilometers north of the capitan denny. i'm just seeing some
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really angry scenes at this border crossing. you have the police firing tail gas and using jewels to fly a tail gas on the farm. as you're also getting reports of the farm is a choice stones of the police. now heavy fortifications of may be made up as border crossing the cement block, subbing for razor wise and so on. but the farm was equally determined that they are going to continue their march towards daily. and outside denny again, massive fortifications. again, they live in both section 144, which bands the assembly of people outside denny. and i was around daily driving around duty this morning. and 40 physicians within delhi, it says, you know, the roads have been blocked, barricades have been put up disrupting traffic. so forth, heavy preparations being made, but the farm was still determined that they're going to make it to tell us more about what's fueling these few are young finance or a bet the
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pharmacy that the promises the government made at the end of the loss process have not to be get the file must have been promised that the income would double you to reforms within a few. yes, nothing has happened. they had a whole series of the month, but the most significant, unimportant demand for them is what is called the minimum support price for and this fee of this guarantees them a minimum price and which, which they want to get away from the uncertainty of markets. they want to sell the drops and they produce to a government wholesale market and be protected from what they see on scrupulous greed for it is well explore, take busy this morning, farm and. and we have to remember that most of the people in this process, us more farmers. now the government's in tools with farms unions. what are the chances, the brakes for the well they've had 2 rounds of talks been in the
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last couple of days. and they have come to some kind of compromise on some of the 12 issues that the families had raised. for example, they've agreed to drop charges against the testers who would take the pos in the values and process last time. but again, on the main issue of the minimum support price are regarded as being a guaranteed price for the drops of farmers has not been agreed upon until that happens. these talks, i'm going to go no way what are the chances of a escalation here? could we see a repeat of the farm as protests spent 4 years ago in which thousands died with that is this goes to nightmare for the government because those farmers feel just lost it for months as the farmers were camped out to a national highways. and there was also a video of public sympathy for them and the nightmare situation would be the best kind of approach us will become lodge like last time. and this comes a bed as india is heading for elections in
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a few months. and that's something the government cannot afford to have the one issue on which the government had to back down. and the last i knew was with the farm was issues and they had to be controversial. advocates for legislation, also keeping in mind that for almost a very important vote by for a government in india and this farm was also a people who supplied. so just to the indian army, many of these farmers who out on the streets have fathers, uncle brothers cousins, was at the border of india fighting for india. and they also lost, lost family members in was in india. so the internet then is something the government cannot afford. so the optics of basing of farm is at this stage before the election. we'd be terrible for them. so i think the government is going to try and do all it can be a peaceful end to this protest. so what are the important context for man re to cima in delhi, thank you. kind of of celebrations that taking place in ponds of germany easily and
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brazil. hundreds of thousands of people have been taken to the straits of rio diginero to watch the world famous prides. it's also a competitive element of the festivities with the city's top sand, but schools buying for attention. miles of sequins and shimmying diginero as well as the famous carnival is well underway and the cities top signed the schools are putting the best feet forwards, competing to win the top prize. the 1st time that is impossible to explain it is an emotion has never felt before. this is my 1st time competing here . i'm doing it with the legends of my school. this 2024 carnival ruby hours so much as this 1st thing with excitement. there's so much enthusiasm here. each
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school brings a different scene to life. from the legend surrounding the catch you fruits and ne, in brazil. to attribute to the book, a color defect by brazilian, right to anna maria gonzalez. about the african slave trade to brazil. the 12, some the schools from the cities, different neighborhoods, a part of the to day competition. each community is reaching for the school to win and be given the chance to parade again on such a day. they pass a month for the parade, creating had made cost teams and practicing complex choreography. so we know that the crowds and hopefully the carnival judges to
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that brings you up to date on all the international use on data as well. and a documentary series choices is up next. i'll see you next down by the can you hear the, we are all set we are watching to see all the to bring you the story behind the new, on your own about. com biased information for free might do to name they see everything is of it indeed, but that doesn't mean you just sit them on.


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