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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from the land. officials say progress is being made towards a truce between israel and come us in garza fresh talks to bring come and age to millions of palestinians in the territory in exchange for a hostage release. all underway in cairo, also coming up on the program, a huge us aid package for ukraine class. a key hurdle sentences back a bill that would unlock $16000000000.00 of battery needed assistance. but we'll make because in the republican controlled house of representatives, follow suit. and a bid to form a government in pockets done candidates backs by ex prime minister and were on the
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con, se they'll join small policies to create a new coalition. con supports as one of the most states in last week's elections. define expectations and classes in india between the police and protest is hundreds of farmers and support has lots to was delegates to try to force the government to on a promise of highest cross prices. the manufacturers mckinnon. welcome to the program. egyptian officials say media says, have made progress and towards aimed at a truce in gaza. representatives from the us. egypt is rel, i'm could tell. amazing in cairo is international kohls grow israel to push off of planned assault on the southern city of rough or more than $1000000.00 civilians. a crammed into rough,
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so many sled bathroom is riley attacks in other parts of the gaza strip. israel meanwhile, says russia is the last basking of some of the militant group that committed the october, the 7th. the terror attacks agencies say the people in russell would have know where to go. if an is ready ground to talk to place to on monday us president joe biden said washington was working on a deal to release is randy hostages, and bring what he called immediately, and sustained. come to garza for at least 6 weeks and our allies for more on this we can speak now to now i've been rebecca l tani electra in the field of international relations and defense. and he's also a former director of defense intelligence operations for the state of katara, and he's also served in several military far and military deployments. welcome to dw, thanks so much for your time. and the style tony, as we've just heard, progress is being made in the negotiations for
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a possible pause in flights. and can you tell us whether it's took stand right now? one from the reports. what we can say on here is that the talks are progressing positively and hopefully we can see results soon. unfortunately, however, that is actions on the other direction happening from the ideas that may threaten any advance. and those stokes, especially in regards to offer. okay, what of some of the, the major gaps that still needs to be bridged right now in these negotiations as well? obviously, the escal story i'm seeing right now from industry standpoint has to be addressed. the problem situation bluff is uncomfortable. it is. uh right now the last uh place where
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a huge ease of some sort of com, a relative. obviously it's been shot to it right now with the bombings and the fear of a landing connection just to me. so i have to know all of that. so in that situation right now and verify looms over all negotiations that one might expect office to israel is facing a huge international criticism even from its main i lie, the us is the fact that the c i a chief is now also at the negotiating table is that key to making israel accept a deal as well? this is not the 1st time for the director of central intelligence to be part of the negotiation. this has been standing a situation where the direct or something intelligence was always popular negotiation. however, the electric from the us aside has went up. last week we saw from
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the national security council in the white house directors for any country receiving the 3 aid to adhere to mount interior and international law. that is the new ones punched in, in a persuasion. if you were this not pressure for these ladies to back down from the rest condition administered on me. so i think that is where we're going and the americans have done a lot. they could do more obviously, but we're coming to a head right now. where's that off to excretory situations happening from the air? and probably the 2nd from the ground soon that may threaten that delicate balance we have right now in the 11 following of negotiations. house officials a clear they say any major attack on rafa will lead to an end of any further negotiations. do you see any signs that israel is listening is taking this warning seriously, as well?
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to be honest, of your opinion, not the most popular opinion. bracelets in the united states, catalin, egypt, and most of his dreams positives allies. and obviously the negotiators have advised the strain and want this term to not advance and to offer these relatives have not shown any signal, but they're backing down. now they may do that, but they haven't signal as much the problems connected, corporations are advancing, but the station is continuing. unfortunately. and with this new explanation today of coming journalists and wounding journalist today to a journalist, wounded for emergency around the past. 48 hours for journalists were killed, doesn't send a good message that these ladies are not planning to move forward with the invasion offer are for her. unfortunately, however, the us and the you still has pro square have pressure points. we've seen this in
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the past and hopefully it will continue to can, you know, convey the, the idea that both want i to skin off the just the same time. all right, well have to leave it then i'll spend boulevard l, tony. thank you so much for your time and your analysis. the thank you very much on okay, so let's take a look at some of the other stories. i think headlines today in south africa as off the international court of justice to consider whether israel's actions and rasa reach order is handed down by the court. last month, south africa brought the case against israel, alleging genocide in a preliminary ruling. last month, the court ordered israel to do everything possible to prevent the death of palestinians and garza. a land slide has trapped at least 9 was in a gold mine in eastern turkey. the landslide swept across the valley where the workers was told to be at the time. officials say rescue assets ongoing.
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russia has declared the estonian prime minister kaya tell us a wanted pass, and i'll sco is accusing her of taking hostile actions against russia and what it calls the desecration of historical memory was long christmas sized estonia for removing the soviet era. monuments kill us as being a vocal support of ukraine since russia's invasion in order to be how the us senate has approved a $95000000000.00 aid package, more than half of which would go to ukraine. the funding is aimed at helping t restore defense as it enters its 3rd year of will. the package also includes military support for israel to taiwan. a strategic ally. the bill will not proceed to the republican lead house of representatives which is set as to rejects. it on sequential bills the, the use benjamin alvarez group a is in washington d. c. a. he has more on what happened in the us senate to this was an all nighter
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that the us senate had it before this. so that has been months of political discussions between democrats, between republic, and there is a growing division also within the republican party of, of the roles that the u. s. a wants to play abroad. this was priced by both democrats and republicans in the senate where this bill was passed with age for israel, for taiwan, and also a for a ukraine suited majority leader techs, who moved from the democrats. he said the senate to class that american leadership will not wave will not falter, will not fail. this is not just a win for the democrats, but also for the republicans. there is mitch mcconnell from the republicans who has been pushing and who has been making 8 for a ukraine also has top priority. also considering that there is and not everyone within the republican party also wants to support a you just said. the important thing now is what will happen in the house of representatives? we have the speaker from the republicans to mike, a johnson costs adults on this. what if this will actually pass because there's
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nothing sad on a tougher immigration laws, any of the us in this new package that needs that. that is not even clear if the house will vote on this. there was a previous view from the senate last week and but it, republicans in the house of representatives said that it was not tackling it. and now, so we can expect a showed in the house because there's a growing number of republicans. the said, the 1st, the border in the us needs to be secure before sending it to other parts of the world. and they don't use that commonly, who is in k, you've has more now on how the news is being received in ukraine. we've already had was across to, from presidents zalinski, and obviously people are trying to see the positives. notice they are looking at the fact that the black parts and majority was bigger than expected. then it had been, for instance, earlier in the week when this bill passed 1st procedural hurdles. but as benjamin said, that no clear pos to this being paused in at the of the, in the house under
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a stick of johnson. so lots of question marks. there is a sense that in terms of finance for ukraine's government to keep the machinery of ukraine's government working, pensions paid salaries, especially measurable paid. that is something that you can, can find an alternative for in japan and the other nations. supposing ukraine with cash that when it comes to military hardware, when it comes to restocking ukraine's patriot missile systems that are so crucial to keeping the city where i am now key of safe, there is really no offense to us. so this is kind of near endless. psycho drama people here and you find trying to understand all the procedural bits, all the kind of complexities of us politics basically oscar themselves is the us to in this is the us when he's carry through or is us more concerned with its internal issues to take the internal struggles then about keeping them approaching strips of bait. here in ukraine of a town of, of div cut in east and ukraine has become the latest lout buffle ground between invading russian forces and ukrainian defenders. russia has made capturing the
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shasta town a priority at a pivotal time in the war which has now last is nearly 2 years. this is what's left of of div. once a city of 32000 people, nothing but rubble and destruction. now. you cranium, defenders are targeting here. russia has lost many soldiers trying to cut off access to the ruined city and relentless attacks and it's still and ukrainian hands despite recent russian advances a diesel music for the way. they haven't been able to bring in serious numbers of troops because they have some success. but the street they took is a get under ukraine's control. we're pushing them out to what are you. so what do you, why does russia one of these guys so badly, almost 2 years into the war, the front line has largely frozen. taking up div guy would change that for russia. the city is also in the don't yet region, which rush are considered to be its own territory after the parliament voted to
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annex it. the invader also says that ukraine uses after you've got to show don't yet city just 15 kilometers to the south. russian president vladimir putting this broken investigative, get a non, usually detailed terms, making it clear that the city as a priority for him. i'm just letting you know, but any one of the most important directions where the fighting is ongoing enough to have guns with the group of veterans overtook our troops there and got ahead of them. the electric ways of going on, they broke through the enemy's defences and reached the outskirts of after you've got all of them, i don't know, but they captured 19 houses that are holding them successfully is going to do nothing them a few years really capturing 19 houses might not seem worthy of the attention of the russian president, but it's a clue to how badly put and wants to victory. analysts say that taking off div guy won't dramatically reshape the conflict. like the battle for the city of bass moved
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last year in which both sides lost thousands of soldiers fighting over russell, looking for a symbolic victory. but ultimately, for ukraine, it's about keeping its own territory. despite the price by russia, it does everything. it can take me now is nicole anya, who is in munich. he's a political analyst and senior fellow as an unix curiousity conference and he also focuses on transatlantic defense and security. it was sent to europe in policy analysis. thanks so much for your time. the baffled of these is using up a lot of artillery. lots of manpower. can you help us understand why it's so important that you crane holes onto this town and do you think it come up? do you have guy has the symbolic meaning very much like if possible did some time ago. and now it's about proving the point for russia that it can still take cities
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of territory. and for ukraine, it's about depression, where the whole thing of to you and ministering law officers to the russian side will help them in their defense. i suspect though that addressed them whether to stay and do you have got all to leave it and shot the front lines might have been part of the conflict between generals on those me and presidents and landscape that ended with jim and i was just getting not being in shots. so you just mentioned it as the only way is zalinski has over hold. his military leadership recently was impact is this likely to have on the ground? and what we see is then across all the position the president had not so give up any territory voluntarily. not even for the images have arisen, for example, the shop the front line because of the lack of resources you want fresh,
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your training and forces has to be brought into an f d as go. so as a grade will continue to try to hold the city as long as possible, giving as much as long as possible through the russian side. but of course of the i've got has been under pressure from 3 sides for quite some time. no restaurant is entering the city, so it's a very intense situation. and one of the reasons why your train is indispensable duration is, of course, that we as departments of ukraine, went from slow introducing him to the ring, enough up to the recommendation. looking further ahead, what to these changes in the ukranian military, tell us about ukraine's future military strategy for now, i think it's very difficult to think about long term strategies for the ukrainian forces or at least for this year. it seems to be that there is a divided front line. so in the east of d, f go john's mother,
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you can call on you ask the best moments ukraine, which right to have some kind of flexible defense holding the line, but not every meter, but somehow holding the line and giving loss as to the russian side. as much as possible, it may be delaying the russian operation and the use wanting to solve your crane with the use of drones, which is use of christmas size, which is use of modern technologies. we tried to put pressure on the russian offices, maybe put more pressure on crime. yeah. in the creative ways, the ukraine's the test successfully. so maybe it sees something there. but i think on both fronts, in the solves that they use for your credit is gonna be a very, very difficult to your nichol. i know thanks so much for your time. unclear analysis, give us some european nations all stepping up on production as they
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struggle to keep me cranes, all me supplied with munitions. gemini is a fine baton it an alms manufacturer has started building a new factory and trump flat. what i feel is, and his danish counterparts metaphysics and lent the support. charlotte says the e u countries need to make sure they have enough weapons for their own defense to the leaders of germany and denmark, brake ground on brian mattel's new 300000000 euro plant in central germany, just days after donald trump said on the campaign trail that he would encourage russia to attack nato members who didn't pay their dues. germany's chancellor used the moment and called on his european allies to prepare for times of war and address their arm and shortage. as i guess. now, new production capacity has to be added. not just because you cry needs to be able to defend itself, but also for our own long term defense interest. a sustained lodge capacity for the
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production ammunition, for example, is important. to you recently said it would fall short of its pledge to provide ukraine with a 1000000 artillery shells by next month privatized, as its new factory will turn out $200000.00 a year. when it opens in 2025. germany has already pledged several 100000 rounds to ukraine before then. large scale military aid from the united states is no longer a given in with presidential elections later this year. the picture is even less clear. no matter what will happen in us this year. i think the conclusion has to be with you that needs to be stronger and we need to do, we need to be able to do more on our own. and i say that even though i'm a true believer in the trans atlantic alliance defense experts call the new plan, a step in the right direction. even if it comes a bit late. it's also another reminder that like it or not,
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europe has once again found itself in times of war. on here, some of the stories making news around the world media and as a vice john have accused each other of opening fire along the bulletin. while buddha armenia says, 4 of its soldiers were killed in the southern region of scenic. it's the 1st flare up of violence since as a by john re took the disputed, the go into a car box territory law september synagogue government has caught snowball incense access for a 2nd time this month and bound to protest against the delayed presidential elections. the u. n says it is concerned about the use of unnecessary force. with 3 reports, a dead in recent demonstrations to thailand's jail, to full net premier text and showing what troy has been granted. parole official says the decision was made in full accordance with regulations,
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talks and is currently being treated at a police hospital. he was subbing a 12 month sentence after returning to thailand of 2 years in exile. now in pakistan on the policy, it was the former prime minister in wrong con has announced plans to try to form a government following disputed elections. the chairman of cons, p t, i says it started forming an alliance with a smooth policy con himself is in prison. his policy has accused the state of a crack down against its members and a vote. rigging allegations the state denies despite being band pci candidates run his independence. and one of those seats in the election might be at the head last the board in our constituency, in the city of stop at the d. but she refuses to accept that event. she campaigned with the backing of 5950. i thought the know she's mobilizing her
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supporters and protesting against what she believes was evict both count the police disperse, but at least a police cases fight against tug and other supporters for disrupting public or do see might be a it's just one of the many b b, i back independent candidates who said they were not allowed and level blink fee for gap beating before elections. they were forced to do door to door campaigns. they complained the values for disrupted, and the members are tested in the body headed into elections with the leader in von connie jane, and the electorate of symbols removed, forcing the candidates to run as independence with the election over b t. i backed candidates. no, i think the courts would, would freaking indications something. the buckets on the state continues to deny.
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yet despite the many hurt as b t, i back candidates still on the most seats of performance that shocked many in focused on leaders hold on the phone of the bumper for the military. really fine and adult and success but candidates likes him up yet that his see, they continue to fight leak and back it's built to get on. so it's from the buckets on the part of these police in india have book hated highways leading incidentally from india's northern provinces, in an attempt to stop thousands of angry farmers from reaching the capital pharmacy unions save the government has failed to meet the demand on pricing and income guarantees, of course he's in delhi, have gone into overdrive to try to cut the unrest, the pulling the maximum number of police and restricting public gatherings of more
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than 5 people. as follows in the supporters gather around 200 kilometers north of delhi to march on the capital. the police of the to stop them using to gas far removed to cannons and making arrests. because i'm not pleased to see how it peacefully the farm was a marching. yep. the police are dropping deal got shows from the drones. how bringing this guy got it to say, don't say that the assignments will not be detached from heading to delhi, bringing that concerns to a government they feel has let them down. the current situation is that we have removed a layer of body goods that the police had put in place to stop us from crossing the border. everybody,
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so we have removed the rest as well. the firm is unions cool. these protests today often negotiations with ministers to secure a minimum prices for the pro 2 stools. they say the government also failed on its promise to double the income by 2022. found this protest like these new, these frustrations began several years ago. but this current unrest comes just months ahead of national elections and with 2 sides of india is population employed in agriculture. the government cannot afford to ignore the anger. and finally, venice is gearing out to the highlights of its carnival season. the doj is bull. elaborately costumed revelers concealed themselves behind mysterious mosques of this bull, which marks the final day is carnival on tray of tuesday. old monte brown. during
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the renee sons, these most old celebrated vanessa's military prowess. these days it's more of a tourism tool that you comp mosque, the prices, tickets for the bowl go for up to 5000 years. the . here's a quick reminder of, i've told stories we officials say talks to bring an extended truce to goals that have made progress. and your round of negotiations in cairo comes as pressure amounts on israel to put all fits plans offensive against rough for 1000000 palestinians. adults currently sheltering on the us senate as pasta for an 8 bill that includes some $60000000000.00 and additional funding for ukraine. and now goes to the republican controlled house of representatives where it faces on, on the 1st today coming out next, the w use it in the village see,
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show, read time and you can see kind of like seo company. i'll see you next hour, the, the, the
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tackling of task with passion, maneuvering mcgee, loves everything about head jones behind the wheel with head truck at each she is the all of us. she wishes that one more women have profession read next on d, w, then is on cocaine. everyday building is can seem about 4.5 cheetos. that's cause
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no one can manage without it. for the lawyers can't just cancel this and police and officials seen it all. and while businesses booming folks not list, others of paying the price drug dealing and smuggling in 45 minutes on d w the this has started. we started to understand clearly and watching the 2013, the pro democracy protest in ukraine. 2022 invaded the country release of the response to ukraine this because here's the freedom to west have recognize the game. so all the signs with us we
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really understand this are easily file. uh, we will lose our concepts, euro my done dots february 17th on t w. the page specially purpose design, female crash test dummy is vital. the . since the invention of cars, we've had car crashes, and while cars have become safer over time, there's an unsettling truth. in the event of a crash statistic show, women are more likely to be killed or seriously injured then man. but why.


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