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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 13, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from the and the officials say progress is being made towards a truce between israel and thomas and gaza. fresh talks to bring com and a to millions of palestinians and the territory in exchange for a hosted release underway. and kyra's also coming up on the program, rivals bids to form a government and practiced on candidates backs by ex prime minister and wrong con se they'll join small policies to create a new coalition on support. says one, the most seats in law suite selections, that establishment policies off forming that own alliance. and clashes in india between police and protests is hundreds of farmers and supports is smotts towards
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delhi to try to force the government to own a promise of high across the prices. the menu group is mccain, and thanks so much for joining us. egyptian official se mediators have made progress in talks aimed at a truce in gaza, representatives from the us, egypt, israel, and cuts ha, amazing and cairo as international, cold growth, israel to push off a plant, sold on the southern city of rough or well, the 1000000 civilians are crammed into russia. many fled the from is riley attacks in other parts of the gaza strip. is ro, meanwhile says rough uh is the last best in come off the militant group that committed the october, the 7th. the terror attacks the agencies
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a saying the people in russell would have no west to go if it is ready ground to talk to place. on monday you as president joe biden said, washington was working on a deal to release is really hostages, and bring what he called immediate and sustained. com to gaza, for at least 6 weeks to united states and our allies. george. now i've been with barrack l. tony is electra in the field of international relations and defense, and he's also a former director of defense intelligence operations and could talk. i spoke to him earlier and asked him to tell us whether talks stand right now. one from the reports. what we can say on the is that the talks are progressing positively and hopefully we can see the result soon. unfortunately, however, that is actions on the other direction happening. some of the ideas that may threaten any of johnson those stokes, especially in regards to offer. okay,
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what of some of the, the major gaps that still need to be bridged right now in these negotiations as well? obviously, the escrow the story i'm seeing right now for a minute to the starting point has to be addressed. the problem situation bluff is untenable. it is uh right now the last uh place where a huge ease of some sort of calm uh, relative, obviously it's been shot to it right now with the bombings and the fear of a landing connection just to me. so i have to know all of that. so in that situation right now and roughly looms over all negotiations as one might expect. office to israel is facing a huge international criticism even from its main i lie, the us is the fact that the c i a chief is now also at the negotiating
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table. is that key to making israel accept a deal as well? this is not the 1st time for the director of central intelligence to be part of the negotiation. this has been standing a situation where the direct or simple intelligence was always popular negotiation . however, the electric from the us aside has went up. last week we saw from the national security council in the white house directors for any country receiving the 3 aid to adhere to who managed to get an international law. that is a new advance in, in a persuasion, if you will. it's not pressure for these ladies to back down from the rest condition administered on me. so i think that is where we're going and the americans have done a lot. they could do more obviously. but we're coming to a head right now. we're gonna have to escalate the story. situations happening from
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the air and probably the 2nd from the ground soon that may threaten that delicate balance we have right now. in the 11th hour of negotiations. house officials a clear they say any major attack on russell will lead to an end of the need for the negotiations. do you see any signs that israel is listening is taking this warning seriously? as well, to be honest, of your opinion, not the most popular opinion, bracelets in the united states, catalin egypt, and most of the strange positives allies. and obviously, the negotiators have advised the stand and want this term to not advance and to offer these release have not shown any signal, but they're backing down. now they may do that, but they haven't signal as much. the problems connected corporations all advancing . the devastation is continuing. unfortunately,
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on with this new explanation today of coming journalists and wounding journalist today to a journalist, wounded for emergency around the past. 48 hours for journalists were killed. doesn't send a good message that these ladies are not planning to move forward with the invasion offer. i'm fortunately, however us and the you still has pro square have pressure points. we've seen this in the past and hopefully it will continue to give me, you know, convey the, the idea that both want to send off the just the same time. all right, well have to leave it then i'll spend mubarak, i'll tony, thank you so much for your time and your analysis. the thank you very much on and has a look mounts and other stories making headlines today in south africa. as off the international court of justice to consider whether israel's actions and rough or breach orders and the down by the court. last month,
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south africa broke the case against israel alleging genocide, and a preliminary ruling last month the court ordered israel to do everything possible to prevent the death of palestinians in gauze. landslide has trumped, at least 9 will cause in a gold mine and eastern turkey. the landslide swept across the valley where the workers were full to be at the time. officials say rescue efforts on going the us senate has approved and $95000000000.00 for an a package. now this includes some $60000000000.00 in aid for ukraine as well as funds the israel and the taiwan. the bill now proceeds to the republican lead house of representatives where it faces and some few channels to start. russia has declared estonian prime minister kaya call us a wanted poster, and i'll sco is accusing her of taking hostile actions against russia and what it calls the desecration of historical memory. moscow has long criticized estonia for
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removing soviet era. monuments tell us as being a vocal supporter of ukraine since russia's invasion in order to be stronger in pakistan to rival policies of buying to form a government. following disputes has elections. former prime minister ship as sharif, is hoping to return to power off to the pack of stone people's policy announced it would support his policy informing a minority government, but the administration would likely be neither stable news strong. meanwhile, the policy of jailed form, the prime minister in wrong con, says it too is working to form a government. the p t i is looking to contest the number of seats where it claims the result was wrecked. the pci was banned from taking part in the election but its candidates ran his independence and won the most seats. fema. yet he had lost the vote in their constituency in the city of top. if indeed,
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but to refuse as to accept that event. she campaign for the backing of him. not hans beat the body. no, she's mobilizing her supporters and protesting against what she believes was evict, go down. the police disperse that the police cases fight against hard and other supporters for disrupting public or do see might be a is just one of the many p p. i back independent candidates who said they were not allowed and level blink fee for campaigning before elections. they were forced to do door to door campaigns, the complaint the values for disrupted and did members of the state. the fact they headed into elections with the leader in von connie gene and the electorate of symbols removed. forcing the candidates to run as independence. with the election over b t i backed candidates?
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no, i think the courts would, would freaking indications something. the buckets on the state continues to deny. yet despite the many hurt as b. t i backed candidates still on the most seats of performance that shocked many in focused on leaders hold on the phone of the bumper for the military. really fine and adult and success but candidates likes him up yet that his c, they will continue to fight leak and back and they get on. so it's from the buckets on the part of these police in india have located highways, leading incidentally from india's northern provinces. in an attempt to stop thousands of angry farmers from reaching the capital from his union say, the government has failed to meet the demand on pricing and income guarantees. authorities and daily have gone into overdrive to try to cut the unrest,
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deploying the maximum number of police and restrict saying public gatherings of more than 5 people. as farm is in, the supporters gather around 200 kilometers newest of delhi to much on the capital . the police of the to stop them using to gas far removed to cannons and making arrests could not be supposed to see how it peacefully, the farm was a marching. yep. the police are dropping. the deal got shows from the drones hovering. and this guy got it the doors, but the psalm is, will not be deterred from heading to delhi, bringing the concerns to a government they feel has let them down. the current situation is that we have removed
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a layer of body goods that the police had put in place to stop us from crossing the border. everybody's hope you're doing. we have removed the rest as well. the firm is unions cool. these protests today often negotiations with ministers to secure a minimum prices for the pro 2 stools. they say the government also failed on its promise to double the income by 2022. found this protest like these new, these frustrations began several years ago. but this current unrest comes just months ahead of national elections and with 2 thirds of india is population employed in agriculture. the government cannot afford to ignore that. and accountable celebrations are in full swing in many parts of the world, including a full springville. hundreds of thousands of people have been lining the streets of rio de janeiro to watch the world famous parades. and there's also
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a competitive element to the festivities with the cities taught, some of the schools buying for attention. miles of sequins and shimmying diginero as well as the famous carnival is well underway. and the cities stops on the schools are putting their best feet forward. of competing to win the top prize. my love for sound as impossible to explain it as an emotion has never felt before. this is my 1st time competing here. i'm doing it with the legends of my school. this 2024 carnival will be hours. so much as this 1st thing with excitement, there's so much enthusiasm here. each school brings a different scene to life from the legend surrounding the catch you fruits and ne and brazil. to attribute to the book,
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a color defect by brazilian. right to anna maria gonzalez. about the african slave trade to brazil, the 12 some the schools from the cities, different neighborhoods, a part of the to day competition. each community is reaching for the school to win and be given a chance to parade again on saturday. they pass a month for the parade, creating had made cost teams and practicing complex choreography. so we know that the crowds and hopefully the carnival charges to this is quick reminder is our top story for you, official se talks to bring an extended trees to gauze. i have made progress a new round of negotiations in cairo comes as precious mountains on israel to put
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all fits planned defensive against rough us. we're a 1000000 palestinians. all currently sheltering that you're up to date. coming up next to the w documentary looks at soaring cocaine use here in germany. thanks so much for watching the questions. got any issues or thoughts save who? the cocaine is sweeping through gemini, like never before. the 1000000 eating cocaine in berlin.


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