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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news live from the officials say progress is being made towards the truth between israel of hamas in garza fresh tolts to bring com and a to in millions of palestinians and the territory in exchange for a hostage release off underway. enquired also coming up on the program packing stones. political establishment joins forces in a bid for a government. former prime minister chavez sharif is now points to had a new coalition. the move follows elections and what your rival force candidates loyal to the imprisoned and wrong con. took the most seats and clashes in
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india between police and protest is hundreds of farmers and supports is march towards delhi to try to force the government to own a promise of higher corrupt prices. the, i'm on youtube is mckinnon to all of you is around the world. and on p b. s. in the united states, welcome egyptian officials say mediators have made progress in talks aimed at a truce in gaza, representatives from the us egypt as rel, i'm can tell amazing in colorado as international cools, grow israel to put off a planned assault on the southern city of rough or more than 1000000 civilians are crammed into rough uh many flipped the from is really attacks in other parts of the gaza strip. israel meanwhile,
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says russia is the law sebastien of some of the militant groups that committed the october. the 7th terror attacks. 8 agencies the same, the people in russell would have no where to go even is ready. ground attack took place on monday us president joe biden said washington was working on a deal to release is really hostages, and bring what he called immediately and sustained. come to garza for at least 6 weeks for ownership to choose united states and our allies. according to garza's health ministry, which has run by hum us more than $28000.00 palestinians, have died in the violence sofa. and currently for the living, there are no good options. there are few remaining possessions are packed the road to an uncertain future lies ahead. this is the reality for hundreds of thousands of 1000 refugees in the desperate search for safety. then not knowing how to then we hope to and the ends are, you know, kind of like a high,
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the from one is the one line i swear to go to. so if you put a time at the end, the us with a high and the i birds high and that is fine as long as you want to them of shannon . and that is definitely of stuff. the smart, there's no food. you're our boss for sure. i can some $1300000.00 instead of old risk buy from the funding here and it's off or falling israel's orders. but israel's plan defensive and the city threatens what little safety rafa can provide . there are few options available to the people living in the off or they could travel north to central garza, l, milwaukee, or con eunice, the heaviest, like the use of the leading civilians like these faces desperate choice. there simply is no place to flee to central and northern
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because i have been the sites of of increased an intense fighting. northern garza has been basically reduced to rubble. there are no facilities or accommodations they're able to host people fleeing for safety. on top of that, there's the, the added risk of unexploded ordinances throughout all of garza, but particularly in the north where there was quite heavy air strikes early on in the 1st few months of, of this escalation. uh, and on top of that, people have fled multiple times. they have nothing with that, nothing. they have very little belongings. the united states to your united nations and the idea to do more to protect civilians cut off some of bikes as well. i'm saying people of cons now of been mubarek
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held, tony is electra in the field of international relations and defense. he's also a former director of defense intelligence operations and could tall i asked him to tell us where the truth talks done right now as well. from the reports. what we can say on the are, is that the talks are progressing positively. and hopefully we can see results soon. unfortunately, however, that is actions on the other direction happening. some of the ideas that may threaten any advancing those stokes, especially in regards to offer. okay, what of some of the, the major gaps that still need to be bridged right now in these negotiations? well, obviously the escal atory seemed right now from industry standpoint has to be addressed. the problem situation bluff is uncomfortable.
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it is. uh right now the last uh place where i see jeez of some sort of com a relative. obviously it's been shot to it right now with the bombings and the fear of a landing connection just to me. so i have to know all of that. so in that situation right now and roughly looms over all negotiations as one might expect, office to israel is facing huge international christianism. even from his main ally, the us is the fact that the c i a chief is now also at the negotiating table, is that key to making israel accept a deal as well? this is not the 1st time for the director of central intelligence to be part of the negotiation. this has been standing a situation where the direct or something intelligence was always popular
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negotiation. however, the electric from the us aside has that aren't up. last week we saw from the national security council in the white house directors for any country receiving the 3 aid to adhere to him on interior in international law. that is a new one punched in in a persuasion. if you were this not pressure for these ladies to back down from the rest condition administered on me. so i think that is where we're going and the americans have done a lot. they could do more obviously. but we're coming to a head right now where that off to excretory situations happening from the air, and probably the 2nd from the ground soon that may threaten that delicate balance we have right now. in the 11th hour of negotiations, house officials a clear they say any major attack on rasa will lead to an end of any further negotiations. do you see any signs that israel is listening is taking this warning
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seriously? as well? to be honest, of your opinion, not the most popular opinion, bracelets in the united states, kotob in egypt, and most of his strange partners allies. and obviously, the negotiators have advised the stream and want this term to not advance and to offer these release have not shown any signal, but they're backing down. now they may do that, but they haven't signal as much. the problems connected, corporations are advancing. the devastation is continuing unfortunately, and with this new explanation today of coming journalists and wounding journalist today to a journalist, wounded for emergency around the past. 48 hours for journalists were killed. doesn't send a good message that these relays are not planning to move forward with the invasion offer are for 100 fortunately. however,
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us and the you still has pro square have pressure points. we've seen this in the past and hopefully it will continue to give me, you know, convey the, the idea of that whole swore to skin off the just the same time. all right, we'll have to leave it then i'll spend mubarak, l, tony. thank you so much for your time and your analysis. the thank you very much. i . it is a look now at some of the other stories making headlines today and south africa has all the international court of justice to consider whether it's ralph actions and rough uh, breach orders handed down by the court. last month, south africa brought the case against israel, alleging genocide in a preliminary ruling last month the court ordered israel to do everything possible to prevent the death of the palestinians in gauze. the alarm slide has trumped at least 9 was because in a goldmine in eastern kentucky, the land slide swept across the valley where the work as well for to be at the time
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. officials say rescue efforts on going the us senate says approved and $95000000000.00 for an a package of this includes some $60000000000.00 and $8.00 for ukraine as well as funds israel anti one. the bill now proceeds to the republican lead house of representatives with its faces an uncertain future consequential bill. now the town of, of the, in eastern new train has become the latest all out buffalo ground between invading brushing forces and ukrainian defenders. russia has made capturing the shaft to town a priority at a pivotal time in the war which has now last is nearly 2 years. this is what's left of of div. once a city of 32000 people, nothing but rubble and destruction. now ukrainian defenders are dug in here. russia has lost many soldiers trying to cut off access to the ruined city and relentless attacks and it's still and ukrainian hands despite recent rushing advances. are
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useful when these are, for the way they haven't been able to bring in serious numbers of troops because they have some success. but the st. they've truck is a gap under ukraine's control. we're pushing them out to what are you. so when you put, why does russia one of these guys so badly, almost 2 years into the war, the front line has largely frozen. taking up div guy would change that for russia. the city is also in the don't yet region, which russia considered to be its own territory after its parliament voted to annex it. the invader also says that ukraine users of do, you've got to show don't yet city just 15 kilometers to the south. russian president vladimir putin, this broken investigative, got a non, usually detailed terms, making it clear that the city as a priority for him. i'm always busy shifting to but any one of the most important directions where the fighting is ongoing enough to have guns. with the group of
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veterans overtook our troops there and got ahead of them. the electric ways of going over, they broke through the enemy's defences and reached the outskirts of after you've got all of them, i don't know, but they captured 19 houses that are holding them successfully. is it going to do nothing? then one of the few years really capturing 19 houses might not see more of the, of the attention of the russian president. but it's a clue to how badly put in and once a victory, analysts say that taking off div guy won't dramatically reshape the conflict. like the battle for the city of bass moved last year in which both sides lost thousands of soldiers fighting over rubble, looking for a symbolic victory. but ultimately for ukraine, it's about keeping its own territory. despite the price by russia, it does everything. it can take a space area to nicole on a political analyst on senior fellow at the munich security conference. i began by
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asking him why the bustle of these kinds is so important. i have to have the guy has the symbolic meaning very much like possible dates some time ago. and now it's about proving the point for russia that it can still take cities of territory. and for ukraine, it's about the christian where the whole thing of to you and the ministering law officers to the russian side will help them in their defense. i suspect though, that addressed them whether to stay and you have got all to leave it and shot the front lines might have been part of the conflict between generals on those of me and presidents and lensky. that ended with jim and i was just getting not being in shots. so you just mentioned it as the bed zalinski has over hold. his military leadership recently was impact is this likely to have on the ground?
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and what we see is an approval of the position the president has not so give up any territory voluntarily. not even for the images have arisen. for example, the shop, the front line because of the lack of resources you were fresh, ukrainian forces has been brought into a f. d as go. so as a grade will continue to try to hold the city as long as possible, giving as much as losses as possible from the russian side. but of course of the i've got has been under pressure from 3 sides for quite some time. no restaurant is entering the city, so it's a very intense situation. and one of the reasons why your train is indispensable duration is, of course, that we're used to 5 minutes of your crane, which from slow introducing have to the ring enough up to the recommendation. looking further ahead, what did these changes in the ukranian military tell us about ukraine's future
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military strategy? as for now, i think it's very difficult to think about long term strategy sort of ukrainian forces. but at least for this year, it seems to be that there is a divided front line. so in the east of d, f go john's mother, you can call on you ask the best moments ukraine, which right to have some kind of flexible defense holding the line, but not every meter, but somehow holding the line and giving loss as to the russian side. as much as possible, it may be delaying the russian operation and the use wanting to solve your crane with the use of drones, which is use of christmas size, which is use of modern technologies. we tried to put pressure on the russian offices, maybe put more pressure on crime. yeah. in the creative ways that ukraine's dentist
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successfully for maybe a few something there. but i think on both fronts in the solvent, in the east for your credit is gonna be a very, very difficult to your nichol. i know thanks so much for your time. unclear analysis due to back style. now what 2 major policies have agreed to join forces to form a government now that's off the last week, selection fail to produce a decisive when a former prime minister. now was furious. policy has announced that he has nominated his younger brother chavez for the top killed. now they will putting up with the pack us down people's policy and all the smaller policies. this move appears to end the emissions of the former prime minister in rom cons policies to form a government. cons policy was bought from elections, but independent candidates, backed by him, one the most seats of the pci claims the vote was. rigdon has announced plans to
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challenge the results on the map, yet had lost the award in that constituency in the city of south india. but she refuses to accept that event. she didn't get the backing of 5950. i thought d. no, she's mobilizing her supporters and protesting against what she believes was evict, go down to the police disperse, but at least a police cases fight against tug and other supporters for disrupting public or the see might be a, it's just one of the many, b, b i back independent candidates who said they were not allowed and level blink fee forgot beating before elections. they were forced to do door to door campaigns. the complaint that values for disrupted, and then members noticed it. the back, the headed into elections with the leader in von connie gene,
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and the electorate of symbols removed, forced to beat the candidates to run as independence with the election over b t. i backed candidates. no, i think the courts would, would freaking indications something. the buckets on the state continues to deny yet, despite the many hurt his back candidates still on the most seats of performance that shocked many in focused on leaders who'd on the phone of the bumper for the military really fine and adult and success, the candidates likes him up yet that his c, they will continue to fight leak and back and still to get on. so it's from the buckets on the imported. these police in india has located highway is leading into delhi from india is northern provinces, and an attempt to stop thousands of angry farm is from reaching the capital farmers
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union. the saying the government has failed to meet the demands on pricing and income guarantees. authorities in delhi, of going into overdrive to try to cut the unrest, the pulling the maximum number of police and restricting public gatherings of more than 5 people. as farm is in the supporters gather around 200 kilometers newest of delhi to much on the capital. the police of the to stop them using to gas far removed to cannons and making arrests. the case because i'm not peaceful. you see how it peacefully the farm was a marching yet the police are dropping. the deal got shows from the drones. how bringing this guy got it draws it draws it, but the psalm is, will not be detached from heading to delhi, bringing the concerns to
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a government they feel has let them down. the current situation is that we have removed a lot of body goods that the police had put in place to stop us from crossing the border. everybody's hope you're doing. we have removed the rest as well. the firm is unions cool. these protests today often negotiations with ministers to secure a minimum prices for that pro 2 stools. they say the government also failed on its promise to double the income by 2022. from this protest like these new, these frustrations began several years ago. but this current unrest comes just months ahead of national elections and with 2 sides of india as population employed in agriculture. the government cannot afford to ignore the anger. around 10000 migrants have arrived on
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spain, this canary islands. so far this year. most of them crossing from lar atanya last week, the european union in spain pledge 210000000 euro is to help while retaining a clump down on smugglers and to deter migrant boats. the canary islands are a 1st destination for people trying to reach continental europe. numbers of those attempt, seeing the dangerous atlanta crossing off, soaring so to the number of those who die. the w's young philip shot its reports now from los palmas, the gun on the ground, canaria as a small cemetery on the canary islands, blank spaces stand out between the other plaques, no name, no epitaph. these are the graves of unknown african migrants there. now, so many of these that the cemetery has had to expand. mo, do often comes here. he survived the crossing from san a goal, but many people, he knows didn't. a good friend has been missing for 3 weeks.
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is that boy say to me and this could be him or anyone else around me who has died for this? that's why i always feel incredibly sad when you hear so well. the model may seem to submit to the state the number of migrants who have made it to the canaries. is that an all time high? but so 2 is the number of those who died attempting the crossing few carry any documents, so it done to find them is difficult. the requires all recovered bodies to be identified and properly buried. but in reality, this rarely happens. bronco get a manager's the cemetery in this small community. he feels abandoned by his government. he says he gets no help and giving the migrants a dignified burial. this a number pointing the lux finish. when we take the fall and call to month read or add to this, who are very or governments, they will say, don't worry. we'll see,
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don't worry, we'll see you. but we don't have any solution. they're only a few experts on the island to can help it then to find the many dead heavy as happy as a pathologist, he and his team gather d n. a samples, dental analyses and photos of the deceased their final report as often as far as they get. because the top us as the past months have been exceptionally hard. you. what are the ladies that i'm lucky, you must, the worst are the autopsies of small children in your muscle? this is really difficult to process emotionally, which is that who you feel terrible and you just want to cry for a day or 2. it's actually quite traumatic to be confronted with all the people and what's going on in mode who continues to search for more information about his missing friend, his relatives, and send a go keep asking him for news via what's up. they've given up hope of getting
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information through official channels. is the the so what again i'm at my wits and his wife and his young daughter are waiting for news begin. you said on this and i don't know who to turn to. we just want to know if he's still alive, or if he died, where to maybe america will happen, says moto, but he knows that for all those unidentified people buried here on the island, there are many more unaccounted for. last, let's see. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world and armenia. and as i advise you on, have accused each other as opening fire along the volatile border. media says 4 of its soldiers were killed and the southern region of scenic is the 1st flare up a violent since as a by sean re took. the dispute didn't go on
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a car boss territory in september sun, a goal of government has caught to mobile internet access for a 2nd time this month and bound to protest against the delayed presidential elections. the u. n says it is concerned about the use of unnecessary force with 3 reported dead and recent demonstrations. it's now carnival celebrations, all in full swing. and many parts of the world, including of course in brazil, hundreds of thousands of people have been lining the streets of rio de janeiro to watch the world famous periods. and there's also a competitive element to the festivities with the cities top, some of the schools buying for attention. miles of sequins and shimmying diginero as well. the famous carnival is well underway and the cities tops on the schools are putting their best feet fluids of
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competing to win the top prize. my love for sound as impossible to explain it as an emotion has never felt before. this is my 1st time competing here. i'm doing it with the legends of my school. this 2024 carnival will be hours. so much as this 1st thing with excitement. there's so much enthusiasm here. each school brings a different scene to life. from the legend surrounding the catch you fruits and ne and brazil. to a tribute to the book, a kind of defect by brazilian right to anna maria gonzalez, about the african slave trade to brazil, the 12 some the schools from the cities, different neighborhoods. apollo took the 2 day competition. each community is reaching for the school to win and be given
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a chance to parade again on saturday. they passed the months for the parade, creating had made cost teams and practicing complex choreography. so we know that the crowds and hopefully the carnival charges to your up to date i money comes in the kit and i'll be back off for a short break to take you through the day. see that the
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or the last of the kind, photos and the capture mountains. they carry up to 100 kias to the mountain heights. despite the wind, whether in danger, the strongest delivery service in europe. the vacuum shot passed out in 45 minutes on the w, the
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web page. i mean, i know i right just do it and i'm hosting dw new podcasts. thanks. trace amount. bother today about joining us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the world. no need to talk to that just to subscribe already. listen to part and we'll take you along to the right. so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and want different things from line and your parents. i just want to pursue what that's nice on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable stuff. and i want dr. joe,
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in the clouds, it, it's time to them when it's in the races class. this week, d, w, the, the us senate approves a $95000000000.00 international aid package. the lion's share of that is the ukraine to result is depleted munitions supplies. now this deal is backed by 22 senate republicans, but the republican speaker of the more politically voltaggio house of representatives has already rejected. the bill supposes of republican presidential hopeful donald trump once it linked to measures dealing with migration on the us border with mexico. an issue key to trump bid for reelection. i'm a new cooper's mckinnon in berlin and this is the day i.


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