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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from the officials say progress is being made towards the truth between israel and hamas, and garza press talks to bring com and a to millions of palestinians in the territory and exchange for hostage release on the way in colorado. also coming up on the program pack of stones political establishment joins forces in a bid for a government full. the prime minister ship as sharif, is now points to had a new coalition to move follows elections and what your rival force candidates loyal to the imprisoned and run. con, took the most seats, the
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new cooper's mckinnon. welcome to the program egyptian officials say mediations have made progress and talks aimed at a truce in gaza, representatives from the us, egypt, israel um, could so amazing. and colorado is international, cold, grove, israel to personnel for planned assault on the southern city of russell. well, the 1000000 civilians are crammed into russia. many fled that from is randy attacks in other parts of the gaza strip. israel meanwhile, meanwhile, says the rough uh, is the last boxed in some of the militant group that committed the october, the 7th terror attacks. agencies saying the people in rough up would have no way to go even is really ground attack took place. on monday us president joe biden said washington was working on a deal to release is really hostages, and bring what he cold, immediate,
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and sustained. com to gaza for at least 6 weeks choose united states. and now often mubarek autonomy is electra and the field of international relations and defense. he's also a former director of defense intelligence operations in could tell. i asked him to tell us whether truths talks done right now. one from the reports. what we can say on here is that the talks are progressing positively and hopefully we can see results soon. unfortunately, however, that is actions on the other direction happening. some of the ideas that may threaten any advance in those stokes, especially in regards to offer. okay, that's what of some of the, the major gaps that still needs to be bridged right now in these negotiations. well obviously the escal atory seemed right now from
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industry standpoint has to be addressed. the problem situation bluff is uncomfortable. it is. uh right now the last uh place where i see jeez of some sort of calm uh, relative obviously it's been shots and right now with the bombings and the fear of a landing connection just to me. so i have to know all of that. so in that situation right now, and roughly looms over all negotiations as one might expect office to in south africa has all the international court of justice to consider whether israel's actions in russia for each order is handed down by the court. last month, south africa wrote the case against israel alleging genocide in a preliminary ruling. last month, the court ordered israel to do everything possible to prevent the death of palestinians in garza and pack a stone to major policies have agreed to join forces to form
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a government as often last week's election failed to produce a decisive when a form of prime minister and that was for reese policy as announced that he has nominated his younger brother above for the top killed. they will partner with the pack of stone people's policy and other smaller policies of the move. the pay is to end the visions of former prime minister and run hans p t. i. policies are formed. the government cons policy was bought from elections, but independent candidates, backed by him, one the most states. and some of which we now by us off met the professor at the american university in washington, dc and a form of pack of stony on both of the to the u. k. and island. welcome to the w, mr. but what more can you tell us? what more can you tell us about this coalition? with the politics of books done, present us with an exclusive mathematical content. you have 3 major parties, one,
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lots of seats in parliament, but none of them can form a government on their own. they have to fall clinicians. so when the live shave the head to the most indeed is align with the fbi. i didn't buy list as a daddy and beloved for to to form the government and he is nominated. his brother ship i shaved was prime minister previously to be the next 5 minutes in front of han was about to 100. 5 members. a 1000000 defended is reaching out to the religious parties and again, he's not being able to form enough of a group to become, to form a government. so you have no, why should he respond to that was indeed forming a government, but it was a man of feeble government because the constant fees rely on its good issues, but the people who are wanting inside demanding the presidency. so if somebody becomes a prime minister then missed as a body who was present previously because a pleasant again and these of the same figures that the wrong time has been
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attacking as corrupt and incompetent. so be in a sense, back to square one. can i ask you, i mean, do in run the funds independence, have any chance at all of still forming a government or not at the moment because the numbers don't add up at the same time a wrong time has i'm dished forces just tap into the people into the ordinary people, the focused on these, the tap into the anger the and go with the administration with the incoming confidential, assuming administration, the corruption law and order situation, economic crisis. and that's, aga is not going to disappear. i mean, unless the government solve these problems and that's is the issue is on the formation of government. it's a government that can competently and efficient to solve the problems of bucks up. and the people are bucks on a very, very vocal. now you heard them doing the they chose choosing the government of rigging and accusing the government of supporting conduct. a representative and he
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just so in one very dramatic sense, we're back to square one and a new government would face any of any challenges. and as direct quickly with wisdom and root compassion. can i ask you the, the elephant in the room, of course, is the role of the back us dani military watches their involvement and these closed door talks, or any of a short question. because the army indeed does the critical assault order is visible, but it does remain a potent force and bucks on politics. and again, again, i can't speak for the army, but i would imagine that they would want a coalition government precisely because it really made no big government. and therefore allowing me to have some c and fodder matches in the internal security and so on. so it's a man's name and to get to is not visible, but the people folks on have, i think the have an understanding of what's going on. and then for the army said,
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for the 1st time in the history of folks then has gone in for a lot of criticism. so unfortunately, but that is a dividing something that so far as marketing divided, not being exposed to a lot of the army generals. in fact, of being 1st me a tech, if you go online going to video, you'll see a lot of a vitriolic materials similarly. so it'd be armies there, but invisible as it 12, but at the same time, people understand it's a, it's a strength and importance. remember the science. it's a huge ami, a sofa. it's a very well organized army, the efficient army. and unfortunately, speed as far as the public is concerned, used in these are an extensive, negatively at the us not from the american university in washington dc. thank you so much. has been a real pleasure of speaking with you. thank you. and the polls are opening soon. and indonesia is presidential election. 3 candidates all facing off with one clear favorite for those to be on. so has the backing of the current president,
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your co window to and is leading the polls for both low is also a controversial figure accused of human rights abuses during indonesia is dictatorship. is rival say they will also the country and need a change in what is one of the world's biggest democratic exercises as indonesia, as holding the world's biggest single day election. on february 14, voters are electing a new president and vice president, members of parliament and local legislative bodies. over 204000000 indonesians are registered to vote. the election is a massive logistical undertaking. the papers have to be distributed to more than 8 100000 bonding booth across the archipelago of sun, $17000.00 islands in this year's election with feeling less concerned about the printing and distribution of bennett papers and other logistical issues about them . just because the over the past month, we just actively managed to track the movements of pallets and other election
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materials from production science to the posting stations at the city and district level formerly online. another challenge is the oval and a number of the papers each containing hundreds of names to choose from. the folders must elect president and vice president as well as roughly $20000.00 legislators at the national provincial and district level. from approximately a quarter 1000000 candidates. about 55 percent of voters are age. between 17 and 40 . these young folders are likely to determine the winner for many of them. if you're confused about the electoral system, it is kind of confusing. actually, i do understand a little bit about the difference in the system. in the past, you have to pay for the prostate. now you have to kind of that, but maybe if it's the, let's just that you think it's more complex, most confusing to me, i'm still confused about the pallets. what the different colors mean. us spend
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a bit confused about who the candidates are in my neighborhood data with their plan to build boats and flags around. but i can't quite tell which ones are competing in my area. i don't have that. so i'm confused that she, daddy, we like apple people see all 3 candidates are vying to become the next president opinion. a policy just kind of administer problems of angel is enjoying a considerable lead over the other 2 candidates. the new president will be inaugurated in october of the conflict between israel and the palestinians is also playing out in the world of culture. fits of projects are opening pulse of expression, palestinian kids. and they don't use rebecca versus went to jeanine in the occupied westbank to visit one such projects and institution, the office, young people in the city under the neighboring refugee camp. a way to think about the post as well as acting on the future. in here it's
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1920. these young palestinian act is a hosting of play telling the story of this region. 1920 of to world war. one of the production recounts historical displacements and occupation told by the youth who are living the consequences. it's the latest in jeanine's freedom. see, it's a program since its founding byne is riley activist in the late 19 eighties. this used to has aimed to be a refuge for young palestinians here in the northern west bank. the comm, hey, we're able to express over emotions what they feel have great energy that's wired inside of falls of to everything we've witnessed from bombings, shootings, and rates. so we come here to venture this energy on the pill, save here. so we can express what's on the chest and say what we want.
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but not only that organizes see themselves as freedom fighters, very much part of a resistance movement. this page was created defaults to coach from the position to as rails occupation and has itself painted on good violence. so the love absolutely, i don't know what the reasons, but in my opinion, art and culture have a strong message, a strong resistance and defense. for this reason, the freedom to ease has been targeted for years. actually it was done. this name was done this in 2002 during the 2nd palestinian uprising. he's writing military destroyed is now the war and gaza intentions in the west bank a threatening of the game. and by the best in the side of me after the events that took place on the 7th of october, everything changed indeed in the whole region, the tunneling gauze, but also in the west bank and the old police team interpreters, the public spam in december,
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during an incursion on jeanine is randy false is rated the caea to painted graffiti on the walls and arrested 2 of its stuff. one is still in detention without charge project lead is try but cannot take their mind off. what's happening in this city and are stuck in the other half of me, ordinary life, me smoke more and about what would happen to all of us. because since we hear the sound of drones in the sky in the summer get despite the fear and the pressure organizes continue with the pot and what they cool is the stuff. but when the feeling hope, the one day that we in the west bank boosting and sleeping and is through and those leaving and gaza luck, they find the freedom and independence with pie to to the end because it's impossible to keep leaving this way. everyone deserves freedom. and peace and has the right to leave as they want, has the right to decide their own destiny when it comes in. and we'll see you using culture to look back at the past with
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a key emission to try to affect the future. and with that you up to date, how many people's mckinnon, thanks so much for watching the ice cold b. c. jessica, new, an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the climate research in the ice, the dos much the d. w. the high toddress of slovakia, the world's smallest high mountain range.


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