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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 14, 2024 3:00am-3:03am CET

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that they really understand that so easily fail. uh we will lose our concepts euro my done dots, february 17th on t w. the . this is dw news, and these are our top stories. egyptian officials say, mediators have made progress and towards aimed at a truce in gaza. adults in cairo are seeking theresa in exchange for the release of hostages. israel is coming under growing international pressure to abandon its plan to grand defensive in rafa. so it's out for guys urge the u. n's international court of justice to consider whether the offensive breaches international know the u. s. senate has approved a $95000000000.00 aid package, more than half of which would go to ukraine. the funding is aimed at to help keep
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restock defenses as it enters. it's the 3rd year of war. the bill now goes to the republican lad has a representative where it's likely to face opposition. the pakistan muslim league of former prime minister now was sharif on the pakistan people's party have agreed to join forces to form a government. the move appears to envy and visions of former prime minister in front of cons. p t. i partridge to form a government you're watching deed over the news from berlin. you can get more on our website at dw dot com. the in the us senate approves a $95000000000.00 international aid package. the lion's share of that is the ukraine to restock is depleted munitions supplies. now this deal is backed by 22
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senate republicans, but the speaker of the more politically voltaggio house of representatives has already rejected the bill. supporters of republican presidential hopeful donald trump once it linked to measures dealing with migration on the us border with mexico, an issue key to trump bid for re election. i'm a new cooper's mckinnon in berlin, and this is the day the this vote, the 8th or 70, the naser 29. the bill as amended passes to today if another god right side of the world around the united states, senate democrats, democracy will definitely prevail. thank you to each of the 70 senate budget positively while ukraine appreciate for sharing.


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