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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 14, 2024 7:00am-7:15am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to line from berlin. negotiators and cairo failed to reach a cease fire deal in the guns of war. negotiations were pains at pausing the fighting before his real goes ahead with a full scale ground. a salt in rough up or more than a 1000000 people have taken refuge. also coming up, the world's biggest single day election is well underway as engine nations. go to the polls. just over 200000000 voters are lifting a new president with 3 candidates buying for the top job. and pakistan's, 2 main parties say they have reached the deal to form a coalition government after last week's elections failed to produce the decisive
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with her. the hello. i'm terry morris and good to have you with us. i think oceans towards a cease fire deal and gaza appear to have stalled after and is really delegation left talks in cairo, representatives from the us, egypt. israel and cancer were holding talks as international calls grow for israel to put off its plan to salt on rafa. part of its military campaign in response to the most terror attack on october 7th. more than a 1000000 people have taken shelter in the southern gauze and city of rafa, and there is no clear path to safety. for those trap there. that few remaining possessions, alpax the road to an uncertain future lies ahead. this is the reality by hundreds of thousands of gulls and refuge. she's in the desperate search for safety
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then. and how do we hope to go and quickly we're tired of seeing from one city to another west, so tired. i swear to god. people are tired. i hope the world stands with us and looks at us with a kind of mazda full i. with tie it was crying. malta is showing destruction . death, starvation 1st, or there is no food or bus fish. i can some 1300000 gulls and had found rest bite from the fighting. here in rafa, following is rails old as israel's plant offensive and the city threatens what level safety rafa can provide. there are a few options available to the people living in rafa. they could travel north to central garza and milwaukee or han unit is. but heavy fighting has left much of these areas in ruins. leaving civilians like
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these faced with a desperate choice. there simply is no place to lead to central and northern gauze. i have been the sites of of increased an intense fighting on northern garza, has been basically reduced to rubble. there are no facilities or accommodations they're able to host people fleeing for safety. on top of that, there's the, the added risk of unexploded ordinances throughout all of garza, but particularly in the north where there was quite heavy air springs early on in the 1st few months of, of this escalation. and on top of that, people have fled multiple times. they have nothing with that, nothing. they have very little belongings. the united states, the european union, and the united nations have a just the idea of to do more to protect civilians quote off in the fighting. because rafa comes on the increasing fire,
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the remains unclear it any way is safe for the people of gaza. you're watching dw nears, let us try to get no, i've been mubarek of tawny in here. he's a lecturer in the field of international relations and defense encounter on this story, but we don't seem to be able to reach him at this point. so the yeah, so or the south africa, south africa as us the international court of justice to consider, which is is uh whether it, israel's actions and rough uh, breach borders handed down by the court last month south africa brought the case
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against israel to the i c, j alleging genocide, and a preliminary ruling last month, the court ordered israel to do everything possible to prevent its troops from committing genocidal acts against palestinians in gaza. but it did not call for israel and its military operation. their central res, front rather probable should be unto has the backing of current president joe, could we do for both? is a controversial figure accused of human rights abuses during indonesia is dictatorship . is rivals say they will offer the country, you need a change. it was more on election day in the world. the 3rd biggest democracy, hooters are electing a new president and vice president, members of parliament and local legislative bodies. over 204000000 indonesians are registered to vote. the election is a massive logistical undertaking. the papers have to be distributed to more than 8 100000 falling booth across the archipelago of sun,
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$17000.00 islands in this year's election with feeling less concerned about the printing and distribution about papers and other logistical issues. and just because the focus to over the past month, we just actively managed to track the movements of pallets and other election materials from production site to the posting stations at the city of when district levels before me leaving right. another challenge is the overloading number of the papers, each containing hundreds of names to choose from. the folders must elect president and vice president as well as roughly $20000.00 legislators of the national provincial and district level. from approximately a quarter 1000000. candidate. about 55 percent of voters are age between $17.40. these young folders are likely to determine the winner, but many of them appear confused about the electoral system. i've done much, it is quite a bit confusing. actually, i do understand a little bit about the difference in the system. in the past,
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you have to pay for the prostate. now you have to come to that. but maybe if it's the, let's just that you think it's more complex, more confusing. to me, i'm still confused about the pallets. what the different colors mean. us spend a bit confused about who the candidates are in my neighborhood and their plan to build boats and flags around. but i can't quite tell which ones are competing in my area. i don't have that. so i'm confused that she, daddy, we like apple people see all 3 candidates are vying to become the next president. opinion polls so just kind of administer problems. of angel is enjoy a considerable lead over the other 2 candidates. the new president with the knocker read it in october and with poles having just closed in indonesia. let's cross over to jakarta and speak to dw is probably non human one. apparently not the polls have closed. we understand, but remind us of the core issues in the selection. what we're motor is concerned
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about as they went to the pulse. so donasia is a mutual income country. so the main issue is, is about poverty and also a lack of jump. unfortunately this for the people and also the big gaps between the reach and the poor is also one of the problem because we can see in here and job hard about especially you can find the cheap fluids for the people. but in shopping most it is uh, they find it hard to buy a closing clothing because it is so expensive for them. and this is what the people really want the next president with that goal. if the, if the one in the country, it'll be bad. now for a bobo, so be on to is the parent front runner in the selection going into that? the polls were showing him upfront. what would victory for him mean for indonesia in the region? so it should have from many poles in purple and
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d brown. just like to leaving the pole, we offer 50 percent of the company to read. so it is a possibility that he can win this election in one problem. but the problem is the robot will trouble is not the problem actually. bravo is actually want to continue . what do we have to install in terms of politics? i know kind of example up, and so actually we cannot, we will not see a huge difference between the government of indonesia in the past 5 years at the next 5 years if bubble of ins. but now we can say the trouble is really come through this here within the bit. i'm here and i was standing in the, in the venue that he is now preparing for it to celebrate the event. he winced be election to date. now the election campaigns that same student protests, so accusing the current president chuck a window of political meddling. tell us more about that of the yeah. so the president,
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the counter presidential going to do is already installed his eldest son very. but under a couple of me, you're welcome to become the 1st president of global defense minister. and this has made a lot of proceed in the between the people because to the people is actually not agreeing with the way you brought new funding for this election. so uh, the constitutional court decided to change below, even though they got to its me, remember to god requirement, we know that you brought your solid to the basics. your thoughts are 50 a significant ations only allowed people with over 4040 years old to run florida to a candidacy. so in also uh, trouble, and the brand is also get not and hopefully surely endorsed by jump over to you. but although it definitely never stated that piece support thing, probably different, but who's moved with installing your brand dispute by, by the people that the whole wheat is more leading to the,
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the bravo and different as an independent. so i always seem to have lost founding on there. that was our correspondence heading on him. i want in your car to and of course we'll bring you updates on that election as soon as we get more details. now, in pakistan, 2 major parties have agreed to join forces to form a government that's after last week's election failed to produce a decisive winner. former prime minister. now while sharif party has announced that he has nominated his younger brother, shot bonds for the top job, they will partner with the pakistan people's party and other smaller parties. the move appears to end the ambitions of former prime minister in run cons p t party to form a government cons part. he was borrowed from elections, but independent candidates back tim, backed by him rather one the most seems well earlier dw spoke
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to a man, a professor at the american university in washington dc, in a former pack of sending ambassador to the u. k. and ireland, we asked him if there is any chance that emerald cons party could form a government or not at the moment because the numbers don't add up. at the same time, a blog con has unleashed forces which tap into the people into the ordinary people . the focused on these, the tap into the anger behind go with the administration, with the incoming confidence. so the sooner the administration, the corruption, the lower law just situation economic crisis. and that angle is not going to disappear. i mean, unless the government solve these problems and that's is the issue is on the formation of government. it's a government that can complete and efficient to solve the problems of flux up. and the people are bucks on a very, very bulk them. now, you heard them doing the ditches using the government of rigging and accusing the government of supporting conduct a representative procedures. so in one very dramatic sense,
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we're back to square one and the new government would face any of any challenges. and as to act quickly with wisdom and with compassion, let's take a look. some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. the us house of representatives has voted to impeach, homeland security secretary alejandro. my york us many republican party members blame president ro biden's top border official for a record flow of migrants across the border with mexico. new york us is the 1st cabinet member to face impeachment in nearly a 150 years delivered. the pentagon says us defense secretary lloyd austin has been released from hospital and he has resumed his duties. austin's doctors say the health issue is not related to the defense secretary. his reason cancer diagnosis for austin had kept his hospital stay for cancer treatment in january secret. i should have told the 2 boats of collided on a river in the democratic republic of congo with fears that thousands of people
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have drowned. residents watched from the river bank after the boats, which were loaded with passengers and goods. collide. officials have yet to confirm and told, but some say the around 50 people were on board and are presumed dead. if you're watching the w news, just a reminder of the top stories we're following for you talks to bring it in. so an extended truth, rather 2 guys a appear to have stalled after the media reports that and that is really the delegation left the meetings, the new round negative she ations in cairo were taking place as pressure mounts on is relatively, it's planned, defensive in rockville. and polls enclosed in the indonesia elections more than 200000000 people have voted for a new president with 3 candidates buying for the top. charles this is the w news on terry martin. thanks for watching the
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votes. people have to say the that's why we listen to the story. the ritual. every weekend on d w, the, they say everything is the victims 8, but that doesn't mean you just sit in one place and everything just happens. you need to put in effort. i wouldn't.


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