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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 14, 2024 8:00am-8:30am CET

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the, the, this is the w, those coming to line from berlin negotiators and cairo failed to reach a cease fire deal in the guns a war. the negotiations were aimed at pausing the funding before is real, goes ahead with a full scale round to solve in rafa or more than a 1000000 people have taken refuge. also coming up poles have closed and indonesia is elections. more than 200000000 people were eligible to cast their votes for elected officials and a new president. 3 candidates are buying for the top job that practiced as 2 main parties say they have reached a deal to form a coalition government after last week's elections failed to produce the decisive
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winter. the hello, i'm terry martin. welcome to the program. negotiation is aimed at achieving a ceasefire deal and does appear to have stalled with media reports indicating and is really delegation left the talks in cairo. this comes as international calls grow for israel to delay its plan to salt on rough up which the u. n. h. eve said, could quote lead to a slaughter. israel says it plans to move into run rough as part of his military campaign to eliminate him. us the group considered the militant organization by multiple nations. more than a 1000000 people have taken shelter in the southern gauze and city of rough uh, on the egyptian border conditions in the city, or dyer. r corresponded mohammed or colored has more, a head off,
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a likely escalation in the wall between our mazda and his. and i'll come on saturday is what about what it could mean for the city over at off or isabel is preparing to launch a full scale round defensive hill. it means i'll come and his family have to be again, this time to central garza of the living in distant for 40 days. but this epic and i started to unpack the tent. as you can see, we are heading to the central region because it's not safe here in graphite. all the important thing is that for many days, the israeli army has been threatening to enter rafa. we want to go to the central region, hoping that some of it is left, even though it's not safe, their safety isn't god's hands. i'm on my beloved, but anxiety is on the rise for more than a 1000000 display as people go. many families have been forced to move that dense
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from alpha to other places and so job safety somewhere also look, shaking is very strikes then let the 3 of those hostages inside the house at the city shall border pg come on. we were in rough at tal also tom. they were bombing next to it and many people died. so we thought it would be better to go to the c side. otherwise, where can we go to israel? who is but the where do we go with israel suites? rafa where do we go? give us any place that we are asking the home us government or the human beings in charge of the gaza strip to come to us and give us a solution and provide us with shelter. we are here, of course, not going away. as the wall continues to disrupt the lives of people like a crown in his family. those leaving at alpha hold, this latest displacement will be the last one. and the bees follow soon.
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well as cross over to cairo. now where a general is karim l. y is standing by forest green. some palestinians are already leaving rough on to the patient in anticipation of israel's plan to solve what's being done, to assure the safety of those who are being told to evacuate well, nothing. basically they leaving on the basis they were not told by israel, which you to take or really where to go. there are no on to no, no plants from the left for them. and then you also have to that is, um, you should draw up a plan, but we don't know yet what this plan is. it stays talk that they said they got to get 10 cities in the south west of the gaza strip. but it's difficult to see how they do this for 1400000 people. that's the size of the city of unit. and also who is conducting this operation of setting up for this city. instead,
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cities and who's paying for the original idea seems to be that the merits, as if the gulf states are paying for it to there's no nothing. we hear nothing from the gulf states about it. and also who is conducting the whole operation to you and already said that it was, that's one of the part of a force eviction of people. this from the mediators have been trying to broker another ceasefire deal as you know, they've been meeting it in cairo. uh, but i understand those negotiations have been suspended. what can you tell us? correct. it was the high level of the shoot this over and we really don't know the outcome. they're conflicting reports. so this is some reports saying that there was some progress about the what because maybe the exchange rates between the is randy hostages and policy, the prisoners saying like how many people have, how this thing is going, is ready to present a release for the free of the is really cost of the,
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of the hostages, but the say there's a better understanding though, but it also some of the answer that is that the, one of the, the months of how much that is guarantees for the end of the wall before the release. all the princess all the hostages and there is nothing, no report about it stays is really media report says thing. ready that extra to is there any that really to the security establishment drew up a plan for this negotiations. they pause then rejected by this and you all. and then he was sentenced indications to cairo that only in order to listen and to, to, and report back that was, is, we don't know much about the substance. what this talked about. there was no how much prisons and the, it seems to be like, whatever it was talked about, has to be brought back to how mazda is. we know that takes the time that this is saying that they would continue for 3 days. no. for the consultation, see it in cairo, but on a lower level,
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i think they're all waiting for the onset from us and also from the thing you know . so you're in cairo, egypt clearly is affected by what's happening in gaza right next door. what is egypt role in all of this green? what is your fears, of course, that there is a mess, problems to be an extra dis from alpha if the is this offensive for that's the biggest fear this. i know those tension between the easy to is read it. he's right is accusing. is it the web to swear and smug? it's from egypt to to i'm us is through the education side. it's is it because she was an easy to block a the 8th? egypt says no. the reason for the blow from the 8 the faintest is right. and of course, that's a big concern. no egypt about this upcoming possibly offensive. the spokes president, the government said if the national security issues of egypt somehow violated, they might be even recall the buses or from this rain that this,
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this is the piece street, the of that is and i can 79 that came thing piece to hurrying. thank you very much . that was journalist kareem l y in. kyra, you're welcome. south africa has us the international court of justice to consider whether israel's actions in rough uh, breach. order is handed down by the court. last month, south africa crossed the case against israel to the ice, each a alleging genocide. in a preliminary ruling last month, the court ordered israel to do everything possible to prevent its troops from committing genocidal acts against palestinians in gaza. but it did not call for is realty, in its military operation there. while the conflict between israel and palestinians is also playing out in the world of culture, theatre projects, open tubs of expression for palestinian kids dw is rebecca richards went to jeanine
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and the occupied westbank to visit one such project and institution offering young people in the city and in a neighboring refugee camp, a way to think about the past and act on the future. as in here, it's 1920. these young palestinian act is a hosting a play telling the story of this region. 1920 of to world war one. the production recounts historical displacements and occupation told by the youth who are living the consequences. it's the latest in jeanine's freedom theater program. since its founding, byne is riley activist in the late 19 eighties. this used to has aimed to be a refuge for young palestinians here in the northern west bank. the come here wherever able to express over emotions. what if you have great energy that's part
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inside of falls of to everything we've witnessed from bombings, shootings, and rates. so we come here to a vector of this energy until save here. so we can express what's on the chest and say what we want. but not only that, organizes see themselves as freedom fighters, very much part of a resistance movement. the space was created, defaults to coach from the position to israel is occupation and has itself, spain, that sound good refinements love? absolutely. i didn't know what the reasons, but in my opinion, art and culture have a strong message, a strong resistance and defense. for this reason, the freedom to ease has been targeted for years. this news was done this in 2002 during the 2nd palestinian uprising. he's writing military destroyed is now the war and gaza intentions in the west bank a threatening of the game. and by the best in the side of the after the events that
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took place on the 7th of october, everything changed. indeed, the whole region, the tunneling gauze, but also in the west bank and the old police teen in territories. the pulse span in december during an incursion on jeanine is randy forces right at the caea to painted graffiti on the walls. interested to have it stuff. one is still in detention without charge. project late is try but cannot take their mind off. what's happening in this city dentist and are stuck in the other half of the nice ordinary life we may smoke more and about what could happen to all of us. because since we hear the sound of drones from the sky and the seller get despite the fear and the pressure to organize is continue with that part in what they call the stuff . but when the feeling hope that one day that we in the west bank boosting and sleeping in israel and those leaving and gaza loved because they find the freedom
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and independence with pie to to the end because it's impossible to keep leaving this way. everyone deserves freedom. and peace and has the right to leave as they want, has the right to decide their own destiny. when it comes to the field, using culture to look back at the past with a cli emission to try to affect the future. take a look at a few other stories making headlines around the world. today. the us house of representatives is better to impeach, homeland security secretary alejandro. my york us many republican party members blame. present. jo biden's top border official for a record flow of migrants across the border mexico. the orchestra is the 1st cabinet member of the face impeachment in nearly a 150 years past the patio and says us defense secretary lloyd austin has been released from pruitt hospital and he has resumed his duties. austin's doctors say the health issue is not related to the defense secretary's recent cancer diagnosis
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. austin had kept his hospital stay for cancer treatment in january secret. 2 boats had collided on a river and the democratic republic of congo with peers. dozens of people may have drowned. residents watched from the river bank after the boats, which were loaded with passengers and goods collided. officials have yet to confirm a death toll, but so many of the 50 people on board are presumed dead. the steps, indonesia, where poles have closed in the country's presidential election, probable sylvia until a military chief, during this, in heart of dictatorship, is expected to secure a majority and replace popular outgoing president. ciocca with toto. elections are one of the world's largest, with not just the presidency being contested, but with voters also deciding on some 20000 parliamentary posts across the country
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. the dw is padding on him. one is following the election from jakarta they spoke to me about the court issues that are bringing people out to vote. so donasia is amanda income country. so the main issue is this about poverty and also a lack of jump him for to need this for the people and also the big gaps between the reach and the poor is also one of the problem because we can see in here and part of that especially, you can find the cheap fluids for the people, but in shopping most it is uh, they find it hard to buy uh, floating clothing because it is so expensive for them. and this is what the people really want the next president to tackle. if the, if the one, the country, it'll be better now for both to be on to is the apparent front runner in the selection. going into that the polls were showing him upfront. what would victory
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for him mean for indonesia in the region? so it should have from many polls in trouble and be brought and it's actually leaving the poll. we offer 50 percent of the company to read. so it is a possibility that he can win this election in one problem. but the problem is the robot will trouble is not the problem actually, bravo is actually want to continue. what do we have to install in terms of politics? i know kind of example up. and so actually we cannot, we will not see a huge difference between the government of indonesia in the past 5 years. and the next 5 years is probably a little bit. but now we can say the trouble is really going through this here within the bit. i'm here and i was standing in the, in the venue that he has now preparing for it to celebrate the event. he winced be election today. that was the w spending on him, a one. and your card is speaking to me a short while ago. now, in pakistan,
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2 parties have agreed to join forces to, for mcgovern rent. that's after last week's election, failed to produce a decisive winter former prime minister. now i shall reece party, has announced that he has nominated his younger brother, shabazz for the top job. they will partner with the pakistan people's party and other smaller parties. the move appears and the emissions of former prime minister in run cons p t i party to form a government cons party was barred from the elections, but independent candidates back by him won the most seats. earlier we spoke to us about a professor at the american university in washington, dc and a former pakistani investor to the u. k. and ireland. we asked him if there is any chance that him run cons party could still form a government not at the moment because the numbers don't add up at the same time. and wrong con has unleashed forces which tap into the people into the ordinary
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people. the focused on these, the tap into the anger the and go with the administration with the golf competence . so the sort legislation, the corruption, the normal, just situation, economic crisis. and that's, aga is not going to disappear. i mean, unless the government solve these problems, and that's as the issue is on the formation of government. it's a government that can include and efficient to solve the problem is will parks up and the people are bucks on a very, very vocal know you heard them doing the lectures. choosing the government of rigging and accusing the government of supporting conduct, a representative and he just so in one very dramatic sense, we're back to square one and a new government would face any of any challenges. and as direct quickly with wisdom and root compassion, it's around $10000.00 migrants have arrived on spain's canary islands so far this year. most of them crossing from more attain in last week. european union in spain
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pledged 210000000 euros to help more attain ear clamp down on smugglers and to deter margaret boats. the canary islands are an important destination for people trying to reach continental europe. numbers of those attempting, the dangerous atlantic crossing or soaring. so to the number of those who die, dw is young. phillip shots reports from la promise and more gone on growing canaria, a small cemetery on the canary islands, blank spaces stand out between the other plaques, no name, no epitaph. these are the graves of unknown african migrants there. now, so many of these that the cemetery has had to expand. mo, do often comes here. he survived the crossing from san a goal, but many people, he knows didn't. a good friend has been missing for 3 weeks. as the boy said to me, um, this could be him or anyone else around me who has died for this. that's why i
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always feel incredibly sad when i'm here. so the model may seem to submit to the state the number of migrants who made it to the canaries. is that an all time high? but so 2 is the number of those who died attempting the crossing few carry any documents, so it then to find them is difficult. the requires all recovered bodies to be identified and properly buried. but in reality, this rarely happens. franco, get a manager's the cemetery. in this small community, he feels abandoned by his government. he says he gets no help and giving the migrants a dignified burial. just a number pointing the books finish. when we take the fall and called some of the read or add to the to very or government, there was a stories will say, don't worry, we'll see it. but we don't have any solutions. they are only a few experts on the island who can help it then to find the many dead heavy as
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happy as a pathologist, he and his team gather d n. a samples, dental analyses and photos of the deceased their final report as often as far as they get through the types as the past months have been exceptionally hard to you. what are the needs, the you must, the worst, or the autopsies of small children in your email. this is really difficult to process emotionally. what is that? you know, you feel terrible and you just want to cry for a day or 2. it's actually quite traumatic to be confronted with all the people in that mode who continues to search for more information about his missing friend, his relatives, and send a go. keep asking him for news via what's up. they've given up hope of getting information through official channels. so
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again, i'm at my wits and his wife and his young daughter are waiting for news speaking. no, he said on this and i don't know who to turn to. we just want to know if he's still alive, or if he died, when to maybe america will happen, says moto, but he knows that for all those unidentified people buried here on the island, there are many more unaccounted for, lost at sea. podcasting is still in its infancy in africa, but it's a rapidly expanding scene there. and one where women make up, most of the listeners and the creators use it as kamani reports from nairobi. can you another fundamental of reach? 6 for me is the freedom to be super loud. we do t m and we were given one. you may have a few to conversations, but the podcast stars carefully to reach the image. they've disrupt up creating
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content which will be released over the coming month for the port cast, the messy in between or t m i. recently, they've been named one of africa's top shows. they see they're offering something new for an african audience, talking about their lives in a fresh and uninhibited we sampled was to be like, you young, go to little bit talking about the fuel cap thing the on the you with with something and the others were like wow, thank you for talking about these. thank you for sharing some of these things that you know other women a weird. i thought i was alone. you know both the way through it. and for us i feel like those people, that's the 2nd group. they want to keep on going to you mind discusses sensitive and taboo topics in a bunch of being relax style was like no one is uploading a one for being a mom to a kid that she gave birth to. yeah. but people absolutely. it's an intimate way of talking but has indeed them to a normal, fun based. we'd like to create an feel tight and so, and that's what we would do on our own individual pages like authentically creating and sharing knowledge, journeys in a big, vulnerable,
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and open way. so we want to to, you might be thoughts but not a stronger concentration. and more focused on the struggles we've been, have moved across the city, a dental younger and had team a guessing a boost, ready to take a new media company to list africa to a large beauty exhibit. she started a personal podcast 5 years ago. now she runs a fully fledged media onto price offering training to budding podcast. so what i did is come up with that curriculum to the digital digital curriculum to coach africans on how can they make sustainable contents and then needs them to be a new need dep petition and those that we've had our own in house master classes on podcast thing teaching about the business angles is a big part of sustainability is not only the content, but also how do we make sure you're making adequate revenue? seeing women make that revenue and keeping it is something close to many simple goods heart. she works for africa put fest, which supports podcast us in
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a range of different ways. we can see this future this potential. but if we don't step in like in, in and talk about the money, talk about how we're going to actually creates business models out of this. how we going to make sure that the money flows in a way that sent us us the historically marginalized. and, you know, then it's going to pass by us pass screen to pass and other people who kind of take it off. but if they're not, if they don't come and find us back at the studio, lydia and ruby wrapped these shoots with the media and plays across various platforms. their pod cast is now able to do what most cannot pay them. carnival celebrations are in full swing and many parts of the world, including of course brazil. hundreds of thousands of people have been lining the streets of rio de janeiro to watch the world famous parades. there's also
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a competitive element to the festivities with the cities taught, some of the schools buying for attention as the miles of sequins and shimmying diginero as well. the famous carnival is well underway and the cities tops of the schools are putting their best feet fluids competing to win the top prize. low for sound as impossible to explain it as an emotion has never felt before. this is my 1st time competing here. i'm doing it with the legends of my school. this 2024 carnival ruby hours. so much as this 1st thing with excitement. there's so much enthusiasm here. each school brings a different scene to life. from the legend surrounding the catch you fruits and ne
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and brazil to attribute to the book, a kind of defect by brazilian. right to anna maria gonzalez, about the african slave trade to brazil, the 12 some the schools from the cities, different neighborhoods. apollo took the 2 day competition. each community is reaching for the school to win and be given the chance to parade again on such a day. they pass a month for the parade. creating had made cost teams and practicing complex choreography. so we know that the crowds and hopefully the carnival judges to you're watching dw news, just a reminder, a top story talks to bring an extended truce to gaza,
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appear to stalled for media reports that it is really delegation left the meetings this as pressure mounts on israel to delay is plan defensive in rough. terry martin, thanks for being with the
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last of the kind of photos and the capture mountains. they carry up to 100 kilos to the mountains. despite the wind weather in danger, the strongest delivery service in europe. the vacuum ship passed next on dw vigo, india. this child has given me so much peace of mind. ready while i have the confidence that i can face slight. ready and for my sense because i have this child
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. ready to me is, 1st of all, women waste management team as cleaning up their, working for a better environment and fighting against male dominance in india. india. ready in the 60 minutes on d w, the stars, it's restarted to understand fully and watching the 2013 this does it for democracy protests in ukraine. 2022. on the invaded the country release response to your cries to see if the freedom to west have recognized the james bonds with us. we really understand that
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if the file uh we will lose our concepts, euro my done jobs. february 17th on dw, the the high toddress of slovakia, the world's smallest high mountain range. stefan by cool is one of your last mountain porters delivering supplies to the mountain hutch. it's good for the ego, so i recommend it to anyone who feels like superman level suggesting that a month or people should come to the mountains and try it out to please the cook. so they'll soon know how their muscles had.


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