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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  February 14, 2024 9:30am-10:01am CET

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the impact on your info is in all the input your b, w story. now on to the violence is key to the existence of this was that feeling that the, the scales one way or the other and the damage begins. hello and welcome. i'm so i think everybody i'm your watching equally in today's episode, let's try to understand this balance. and what happens when the equilibrium is disrupted by let's say, too many chemicals and the slide for example, or too much technology, even if it is the dream. and how does all of this impact human life? in the eyes and agricultural follow house. and yet it's going to abuse into the
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country as economy has been rapidly declining and that have been several other factors that have contributed to this decline. one of them is so i think an addition caused by 1 o'clock chub, intense village and excessive use of chemical pesticides, unfortunate license, and this is threatening user livelihoods across the country. many farm families still struggle for to square meals a day, despite the secular logical advances. we visited a village on the outskirts of denny, where a social enterprise is helping farmers regenerate the live ones and make a profit. but this time for this fenugreek to be harvested, bidding bodily village on the outskirts of valley, a lot has changed for farmers out to says judge b, them a this family has been finding this line for generations about doing my father's time. they never used
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a lot of getting close because the human already look back to the land like i was inside, down was constructed, the mines worked on no longer east apartment like i will go to. but they saw him deprived of nutrients from the river water. many from us now use chemicals for devices to support the plant growth and keep best. so it'd be a study by the center of environment shows that more than 60 percent of the soil around daily is degraded. it is no longer possible to use natural in finding methods here. we could clearly see the majority or the soils, and both were deficient in macro mutant and my can prevent an oregon. you've got a button is degrading. it is very low now. and because soil has does not have enough nutrients. so for producing the x ray will also not have enough new period, but more and more people. and then the ones organically produced fruits and vegetables at the same time, almost need to be able to live off the land. and for that it needs to be heavy. and
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for the time that conviction is the basis of a been thumbs associated on to price. determine to v think funding with the help of traditional practices. we know that the micro biome, or the microbiology plays a big, big role in immunity as well as nutrition supplies. and this has been the journey of open farms when we moved into regenerative agriculture. so as nominee for the last 20 plus years, we've been doing chemical, pre organic agriculture as such. but as we started, we're living into the science of it. we, we kind of not we traditional practices with the visibility of modern science and tried to kind of optimize it to a model that small farmers can use in this country. and it all centers around a high quality compost, which urban fonts produces it says from the harvest base supplied by lucas funds, the rice w, which would normally be. but the fuse is combusted along with banana,
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leaves and vegetables based. and then just like in traditional funding, it needs regular wanting. and tony, what we see is that your saw him is able to create your fund guy, and your micro biome is able to create what we refer to a 2nd. we met the lights, which is the highest form of nutrition for plans. we've done law has also joined up in funds since then he says his sorrows have greatly improved. instead of using chemicals for the life is like before, he not only uses organic once. a light loyalty out now you can one put through no, you would, you know, die. we don't use them only the composed and done promo dollars and what i would medicines. i'd been fonts for white us. we'd be able to the end because we still want to go to another representative from a been fine. so here to inspect how drug based block this coming along using an apple called fami top. yeah, they're able to log crop details, monitor fields,
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enter the crop outcomes. this tool is also sick to aid and cultivation techniques and hope from us adopt region rate of funding practices. of the for 3 days i visited this is that it was that, that goal for the doesn't diamond with that. and that thing my mind find more do is pay the money in my house $5.00, i'm a learn the plus 5 grand partly total water. and the item needed to be a split off an email as well. so he did the spelling, the one in mazda, and i can see that the uh, current. all of the fluid does on diamond on the beach open from santa provide support to farmers within roughly a 20 kilometers radius. farmers can also deliver that, produce him. so no combined has a farm close by, and he has brought 900 killers of carrots with him by depositing them here at urban farms. he no longer needs to travel long distances to markets,
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nor does he have to involve costly middleman. here there's barely any cost, it's 10 minutes of a come directly from the farm and drop the produce here from here it goes straight to the whole sanders open phones. it's now one of the leading suppliers of orgasmic fruits and vegetables in the daily adf. ready to be drugs, tomatoes, cabbage, their products, costs around $3.00 times more than those on the market. but that's not a problem for customers at the shop, so it's on the business. so they book that as genuine demand in the city of if you can get into customers traceability and authenticity that is demand. i'd love to demo, however, nor the people don't necessarily buy organic produce for long period. peggy, they're also price conscious long they've but they, they the point feel good. they are, that's like a slug is price lunch. customers tend to be people who have small kids at home and
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want to feed them pill, food, people with health issues, and people with deep pockets or who can afford to 20 people asking about 20 but sent a middle upper class. people want to have healthy folder to get their medium a bug last time they want to have him checked the, the amount is police that he has made the shift his old way of bombing, besides that in smaller use and fire costs are the a lot of the go got a lot of the chemical fertilizers are expensive, the mag and the best if i die, you area are expensive right now the guy would cost some that around $1400.00 will be the next 15 euros. but now i see that expense and i see one utica and chemicals like the light, those as well. so the 10 near the problem is this of step and that's what the
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top of all of this, the pharma said they produce based much better than it did a few years ago when we speak of sustainability and important aspect is also the jobs that the specter generating the international labor organization defines green jobs as decent jobs that has 3 store or because of the live and india can create up to put the 5000000 such jobs by 2047. says that report as an example that's had the gen like to meet a team of women who are wanting to respect why making the living for themselves. and also keeping the city clean and inspiring others along the way. these women a part of a team, andrew, i suppose, all of them in waste management team. and they're proud of what they do. as we select as supervisors, drivers and monitor, it's to get to the handle,
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the refuse of an entire neighborhood in this country. therefore, move garbage collection is dominated by men. the women here, a challenging gender disparity, and the value of the cost is job has its own difficulty. okay, reno shine and i do my job. but allison, due to the one on this job has given me so much peace of mind. they in my head and weigh about about about the while. i had the confidence that i can faced lie in fence for my says, because i have to show being evaluated, get them. i made them all on the face. one way, let me the mother of 2 is dedicated to her work. despite the stigma that comes with the job from others, she says, refuses to, was a ton now on her own, she frequently needs to remind residents to stick to segregation groups a mile and the have an order. we think a lot of the residents don't separate. the job is properly. it makes it harder for us to do our job. i won't get the order down there. sometimes people will put
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diapers in with all the other beast that's mixed up well for us. so across the one of us, the logical in the mid, but then i feel really happy menissi people making the effort, sidra good company on the happy or some of those lot of mattie previously worked in a range of jobs, including as a carpenter and in the construction industry, old hard label with no job security bundle mach abruptly ended her spend as a 90 in switzerland. when she'd have done the stability of a job and perform a reset the game as a welcome break. recruiting an old women team was easier than expected for the private contractor in charge initially, people toward, if you will not be able to hire this many of them in, in this line of book, once you able to hire, we would toward the view is not be able to train them to drive these vehicles and
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once we were able to drive them, then back to the magic happens. the training was altered in a full 100 strong team. in the zone of 10 i emerging as one of the best performing municipal, solid waste collection team, and they die country mattie also collect space from vendors the prompt and pick up the tables that are no longer going to say every day. if they didn't show up, i would have to keep all the spite vegetables in the shop. i wouldn't know a lot to do with them. i don't have any of that option that i got a little guy. the local executives also appreciate the reliable. so is that bobby and her team provide to the neighborhood. you're a luck on the if they didn't collect lease from us every day. our house is, was stopped, stinking. we often don't have time to do it. we should respect people who provide such an essential service when you might be cut off by women like marie or breaking
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values. statistics show, the students' fall from the norm in just recent sense has revealed a steady decline in bremond spots of secretion in the workforce. many upper and middle class women with the labor force of to manage. and i'm in just pull up the book them and perform often doesn't count as labor. what is shocking and not a country is that is supposed to be, you know, the numbers of women are not in what the goal is in naples and not also in the workforce. so that is one part of the study. but the other thing that payment assessing is that the statistics are not guaranteed is not here decapitating what they've been audrey, and not considering that as we look. because you're seeing that the census has to be compatible across all the countries of the world. in 2021. the shit of women in the us labor force was 22 percent. that's one of the lowest figures in the woods
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and well below the international average of 47 percent. maddie lost her husband just before the bond to make. she says her job gave her the strength to get to lead times and it's given her the financial security as a widow to secure a brighter future for her to children in the bad. and i'm as far as doctor is maddy, then my 2nd doctor isn't 11th. grade, thanks for this job that i didn't, i'm a green job that school going to be over a full with to virginia and its environment. speaking of jobs here is something that generates housings of jobs. they are in india. suit exports to the natural fiber as well as products made from it amounted to over to $50000000.00 us dollars in the last 2. and this number is on the rise bags. rog, xian, what's the a b, r reporter hit the ground to find out more about what is doubted as one of the most
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the live meant to be frenzy of sustainable fabric on the planet. drugs, slippers and bags all made from to a natural fibers. so far, so nice, but jude also has a great logical potential, for example, jude thoughts as an alternative to plastic bags or in the packaging industry. jude sacks can replace the plastic ones, plus, jude requires less energy to process then costs and we are talking about the green men, clean environment, and data word. now the time is coming again to adopt the natural fibers which is biodegradable environmentally friendly and metro, which is the substitute of the busting something that takes. however, there a huge challenge. even for india, the world's largest,
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and you would produce more than 370000 people across india, a directly employed in the industry. it provides a livelihood for some 4000000 from families, school nashandra duty. a farmer from a sam, has been growing jude for nearly a decade. due to planting and harvesting cute is a big deal and a huge responsibility up up when you move it up level to give up. and it takes money every step of the way, which i wish i possibly believe from the buying the find a jew till the time it gets how best to get started in a police or not by often it's harvested. the jude is soaked in water for 2 weeks. a process called wrecking. that's because the truth fibers must be extracted from the stem of the plant. it's labor intensive work for which farmers often need extra help. that is it. the problem is that we can get labor,
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so when we need them, they migrate and the weather doesn't take much of their time. we don't need it. so we have to get a tava started within a day, but it's hard to find labor or something that rate is not increasing while production is falling in. combat is and there are lots of challenges like be hackers and they got on the board in selling the, the thing, the central research institute for george and a large fibers studies these challenges and tracks to come up with solutions. they can minimize the equipment. i do like an expenditure by utilizing the mechanized tools like, and i'll say deals with the as well as the body butters. jude requires the human tropical climate of the monsoon season to grow. if the readings failed to arrive on time, both the quantity and the quantity of the harvest stuff of miss visor was in the last 5 years, i have noticed
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a decline in jude production in different locations. yeah. the beeping i'm gonna, i mean good about that. some of the plants don't survey exceptionally heavy rains on every level to this one, but i've had valerie widgets heavier on photos of a shot to intel. those are the result of climate change. do drawers are trying to adopt? well, you have to to lie of the higher quality, high ending, but i think that will do feature, which has been dev, lovely since the reach of high end potential. and also less, especially if we've got a claim. refreshing for the commer have to jude factory in quote that the is one of the issues because it operates 24 hours a day. nearly year around every day, hundreds of workers labeled in a vast hole did use the twine, used to make rise sacks, jude bags, and other products. some bush michelle,
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is the middle manager. he sees demand for jude is growing, but the industry faces a shortage of workers, health and safety protections are often likes to that the heat dust, the noise. and he says, working conditions in the jude industry are not attractive to young people. this is where we convert the dude fibers into fabric. it's a tough process. workers and your conditions that are hard to imagine. it's really hot inside the factory and the work is not easy. concerned about the neighbor friends. he believes india is jude factories need to invest heavily to upgrade the machinery. jude has been cultivated in the country for centuries. the warm and humid climate, the ganges delta is ideal for these crow. to expose this in 2023. after study games in the 3 proceeding years, just outside cool, got the hundreds of manufacturing units,
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a springing up to meet growing global demand for jude. by 2023, the indian chewed back market was water over $218000000.00 us dollars. this manufacturer, the exports to more than 50 countries across 5 continents, mostly to europe. it's already modernized it's machinery. the head of the company sees such as well as are essential we are preserving the planet for the future of our children. we are saving the planet from has the plastic for you should be making the was we know the government is incentivizing to production, providing subsidies and developing higher loading their ideas of george. to go around the color of the research institute for jude argues, meeting a group of students. and that's if he hopes to convince them of jewels he would credential, you know, if the extra 100 is such a crowd that it can fix the most vivid kind of run dockside. and we've been one
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thing to do it that f solve 15 tons of grown backside, but heck, to choose the fabric for heavy duty jobs with us. started sacks shopping thoughts of dual coatings and thoughts for as into fashion list. to be read. the market potential is huge. from george walk shops, let's head to the feels of spain, where the sun shines bright. solar energy is a big business in spain. in fact, 700 huge tracts of land in the countryside across spain have been thrown into for the war, take fuse to generate more sort of our sounds. great, right? but actually 7 a spaniards are unhappy with these developments that's find out why and says a tool that she lives in one of spain's funniest regions with his wife and horses.
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but he is concerned because that same son has attracted industry to a tab or not a huge solar park has recently been built next to his the state, or think definitely one of the keys you more or less through the city to the country side that so that i know they are building the solar rate is around us. big industrialism on say right next to warehouse instead of syndicate them and more are planned. spain wants to produce green energy from its abundant sunshine. that's good for the climate, but threatens on his plans. he wants to started writing therapy center here in 15 to get out of a need. it has to be a nice listening place for people to spend the day. but i'll pull that by saturday . but if people don't want to come, we'll have to give up on our project. but the problem was that the ship, the for others,
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the solar cells represent economic growth. after tourism collapse during the cold with pen demik may or jose diaz is happy for every sent invested. i'll be able to talk and think it's on its own so and by to many of lost their jobs and these hard time, these are but uh you can go to port out and they call it all what i like now to these building projects. some of the been able to get back to the job market, everything done on the all side. now all of gross are being clear cut to make way for solar plants. some farmers have seized the opportunity to lease or sell their land to the energy companies. nikolai of done has signed over some of his land because water is increasingly scarce and expensive. irrigation no longer pays off. in the way i was looking at other. nothing grows here. what was your s l o you product here? so we're trying to get at least something out loud and the 2nd romania, i'm looking forward more than 200 spanish citizens initiatives are sounding the
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alarm and fighting the solar fields. the least bologna o and others, fear that spain will become europe's power supply or the people's expense look at. but supplements may i ask, who i'm gonna send them with the i'll check the spell out. last blog decided on his contact. one is huge, solar fields are built here with all their environmental and social impact, but it will mainly provide economic growth and jobs elsewhere. and it's not here. you have them this time that's not fair and difficult on. yeah. and on the spain has been colonized and exploring the study, but there are other ways, like 50 kilometers away and, and most of the village has built a photo voltaic plant top they're small theater to produce their own electricity. the mayor francisco garcia proudly explains the creation of an energy community backed by an e u regional development fund. custom photograph,
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luca and stuff like that. it's healthy, not bargaining. everything we produce here, it stays in the community and in the, in the uh, we don't want to sell our energy to the big company as soon as the see nothing on official. i want affordable climate, friendly electricity for all our citizen us and all the for my guess. yeah. so give that all the what's what to get? no say a proceed with the plan. currently. powers 21. households with businesses and restaurants expected to come on board the but luis, polonius, so spain is focusing too much on large scale projects. the state is given solar cell companies, free rain, instead of ensuring that they build under elect industrial sites. it's about any spelled out of $10000.00 met. all the same capacity can be achieved without destroying the environment, but there's no planted. but if you've got the solar arrays where trees one stood
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horse lever on show a tear of it still cannot understand it. nobody said a kid by the side, why they don't destroy the environment and the name of environmental protection made. it makes no sense. no, i, i like, you know, you know, that, i mean, i, phones, you know, so on the ramping growth of the solar fields defeats its purpose. he hopes that future projects will be more environmentally friendly, such as a nearby i mostly done so that green electricity is really green. we started this episode, speaking of balance and we had ending it with the realization that if not downright, then that also lied to be so much of even a good thing. let us know. what would you like to see more off on the show? you can email us or reach out to me directly on my social media. i will see you next week on deland ticket. goodbye. now discuss the
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the. the
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you don't seem to the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents do. i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts fired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port is not i want my son to become a doctor to in the cloud. it's time to, to vehicle your generation with a sleep us, i'm them. when generation as class this week on dw, this kind of when it feels like therapy, the,
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this is dw, and who's coming to live from burly international calls grow for is realty delay its plan to solve on rough up. over a 1000000 people are seeking refuge in the border city with no where to go raising great concerns for their safety. we have an exclusive report from our correspondence on the ground. also coming on unofficial figures in indonesia is the elections puts probable severe unto a head in the presidential rates. the defense minister was the front runner among the 3 candidates buying for the tough job. the .


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