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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CET

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the, the, this data we need is long from berlin, and ukraine says it has sunk another russian warship. the vessel was apparently destroyed near the occupied crimea peninsula. that of nato tells us ukraine spies back in the black sea is a great achievements. also coming on. growing calls for israel to the latest plan defensive on rough on southern gaza. the world's fears for the safety of more than a 1000000 pallet stay near taking refuge. nowhere to go. the defense minister claims victory and indonesia as presidential election. former special forces commander from volvo. silvia until says the young people are his most important supporters. despite him being 70 to himself,
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the article fairly welcome to the program. ukraine says it has destroyed another russian worship in the black sea. the military says the vessel was destroyed off the crimean peninsula, which moscow illegally annex 10 years ago. keeps says enabled jones saying the caesar, coo and a call for large landing ship and ukrainian territorial waters. this is the 2nd time in 2 weeks that a cranium force is going to have sunk. a russian ship in the black sea are going to be as an economy. as more details from the ukranian authorities. we've seen the video, which they say shows these naval drones attacking this big landing ship of the coast of crime is you mentioned that it wasn't important. was kind of the south coast of the crime in peninsula. we also know this is
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a ship that had already been damaged back in the early phase of the war when it had been in the rest of the swipe port of the desk. and that time, it had survived on like another ship that was input next to it, had been rebuilt, had been made, see where the against that now. so you may no longer possible. we understand these ukraine sources that uh, basically a large hole which goes on its left side and that has led to it taking on water and being beyond recovery. as for the rest of operation, we don't have any details. now, if those russian sailors have been in factories from that ship or not, but it's definitely a reminder that basically nowhere in the rest of the fight which is of ukraine is safe for the russians. right now, we've had more than 10 ships destroyed and many more damage. and we really see the president and the w sex under phenomena asked nato secretary general again, stoughton broke about the destruction of the russian worship and armed forces. so today that they destroyed a large russian ship, i guess you cannot comment on that, but could you tell us how significant to lexi complain of the ukrainians is
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especially when we consider that there are intelligent services. for instance, the region one saying that the russians now have the upper hand on the battle field . thank you. still clinton is i've been able to inflict the heavy losses on the russian black sea fleets. they have actually been able to push the black sea feet away from the western part of the black sea. and this is that great the to minutes a great week, 340 cravens and the fact that they've been able to push away the russian vaccine fleet. and open their quarter or so then our able to export great in another couple of days to the world market. a few believe this was possible just a few months ago, but not actually the export of rain from ukraine. take space even with alternate agreement with russia, a so this shows to the skills on the competence of the ukraine, an armed forces. this is 1st and foremost
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a result of what they do. they ingenuity their, their, their, their skills, their, their, their, their bravery or their training on forces. but of course help and support from a nature on laws. it's also important. i think it goes to them and sets up, of course, what's going on. goals on their own, the from farm is important and we are all disappointed that the offense who got those to the wrong spot, ukraine and forces last year didn't achieve more appropriate as advances at the same time. we should not forget that even though the from fine has not changed, the ukrainians have been able to to actually attract a behind the rest of the lines. both forms on the storing. it come on the control. arms to oppose unimportant. and also the russian capabilities, including aircraft, but also a continued to destroy the parts of the russian vaccine. feet on the,
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on this just shows the skills of the, depending on forces as nato secretary general and stone and back quote mike martin is what the worst studies department at kings college in london. and i asked him about increase the latest attack on the russian blacks the fleet and then of itself it's, it's not a huge blow. it's a landing ship. but i think, you know, as nick, your correspondent just said this has to be seen within the context of a number of ships signed by you client. this is the 2nd ship song this month, up. all you cried. nato secretary general against oldenburg, has called us a great victory for ukraine. let's look at the other side of things. and why is this such a crucial achievement for keys? well, in 2014, the russians captured most of the crimea navy. and so a ukraine basically does not have a navy yet, is managed to sink 17 tons,
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$17000.00 tons of russia shipping, which is 50 percent more shipping. then russia has managed to think of ukraine's so for, for, for a country without a navy to think 50 percent more shipping. all one of the world's largest navies is really an extraordinary achievement. came claims of destroyed up to a 3rd of the black safely. and it really appears to ukraine, find that easier to put the pressure on the back foot and the black see that on the battlefield on dry land. but what do you think is a reason for that? um, well the reason the, the last yeah, ukraine is really slow down on, on the bottom of it on land is because rush out tons of digging. very extensive defense is along the front line and these are multiplied and have mine failed to so on. and so forth, which has made it very, very difficult for ukraine to make any progress whatsoever. and that, coupled with
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a lack of all things like ultimately i munition, because western surprise of dropping down is made it much more difficult for you trying to make any progress on lands and attacks on the black, safely have been increasing. how come moscow doesn't seem to see them coming or at least cannot seem to find a way to prevent strikes as well. a lot of these ships are quite old. so for instance, that the lightning cost that was just sunk was associates era ship. and over the last 3040 years has been a big technological shift. now most of the ships, a song in 5 to one of them, i think a song by ukranian on mines drawings. we need to skim the steps of the water or just go slightly underneath the surface. now a lot of these ships that configured to defend themselves from all the ships or from submarines to pay those. and so really that tank catch up on watts has been quite a recent vaughn. so technological advance in naval wolf. that's why
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a lot of these ships going down. it's very hard for russia to defend against this, this new technology. yet these underwater and drones that you just mentioned. they have proven crucial for ukraine. what can you tell us about how they function, how they're, how they're stared, how they're maneuver a. well, the most important thing is that much cheaper than having your own shit and you know, torpedos or guided missiles. and the way they work is a bit like an aerial drain. it is affectively explosives with the propeller. and then you can stay the by encrypted radio link. and as you see, and you'll just showing it on the screen that they've got cameras. so you can recall, destroyed, cannot then gives you a propaganda value as well. and, and really what again these in a way to do is because the cheaper the more plentiful. so you can launch 345610 of these the same time. and that adds to the difficulties that the russians are having
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in intercepting them. yeah, so maybe not a huge blow to rush as military might, but it's very much an embarrassing moment for the russian army. how do you expect them to respond as the propaganda value is great. um i think there is not very much that i can do to respond in the naval domain. uh, what i suspect we're probably gonna see tonight is an extra big ride with us. the and i suicide ariel joins advocate for perhaps, odessa or another city. that's generally how the russians respond, the gains, the training civilian population, when they're not able to mount a minute tree response. that was a military analyst like weren't always great speaking to you. thank you so much for your analysis. thank you. israel is under growing pressure to delay it's planned assault on rough, fine southern gossum. the world health organization says a military offensive would cause an unfathomable catastrophe. israel says the
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operation would be part of its campaign to destroy a month, which carried out the october 7th terror attacks against as around a more than a 1000000 displaced people are sheltering in underground rough on the egyptian border. conditions are extremely dire. our corresponded mohammed pollute, has been talking to some of those scrambling to find a safe place ahead for likely escalation in the war between hamas in his room. okay. them on saturday is what it about what it could mean for the city over at offer. isabel is preparing to launch a full scale round defensive hill. it means i'll come and his family have to be again, this time to central garza of the living and distant for 40 days. but this epic, i know i started to unpack the tent. as you can see, we are heading to the central region which because it's not safe here in raw fight . all the important thing is that for many days,
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the israeli army has been threatening to enter rafa. we want to go to the central region, hoping that some of it is left, even though it's not safe, their safety is in gods hands. i'm on my luck, but is id is on the rise for more than a 1000000 displays. people who go many families have been forced to move the tents from alpha to other places in sort of safety somewhere also left shaking but is very strikes. then let the 3 of those hostages inside the house at the city shall border pg come on. we were in rough at tal also tom, they were bombing next to it and many people died. so we thought it would be better to go to the c side. otherwise, where can we go to israel? who is below is, is where do we go with israel? suites, rafa. where do we go give us any place that we are asking the home us government or
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the human beings in charge of the gaza strip to come to us and give us a solution and provide us with shelter. we are here, of course, not going away. as the wall continues to disrupt the lives of people like them and his family, those leaving at alpha hold. this latest displacement will be the last one and the bees follow soon. the german foreign minister of the book is among leaders urging israel to hold off on his plan. to salt on russell family is in jerusalem on our 1st visit to the middle east since the war began. she's warrant that gauze is on the brink of collapse and says people in rough or need safe core doors, more humanitarian aid and a ceasefire book is due to speak shortly. we'll bring you live coverage of her remarks. but in the meantime, our political correspondence, matthew moore, is here with me in the studio. matthew, this is we heard it just their books,
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5th visit since the last era tax on october 7th of last year. what's her mission this time around? well, we had it just now the, the government, the german government is calling on usually the government to agree to issue. managerial paused before a military operation begins. and roughly yesterday on elena bab bulk said that she was concerned deeply concerned about the prospect of a military operation. given the fact that there are some 1500000 civilians who are seeking shelter in this area and sheets to raise the the prospect of safe corridors to allow people to get out. but she said that they cannot just be something that we talk about and theory, but they have to be a reality. she's also such as that as part of the her visit there is to, is to encourage international put, put more international pressure on how much to lead artist weapon. she says that they continue to send rockers to israel every day. so it's like putting pressure on us. one of the other focuses on this is finding a political pathway to which was interesting wording that they,
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that for administered a political possibly to issue ministry and cease fire. so essentially trying to put more pressure behind the scenes. not just the public about behind the scenes of width and we things which is really lawmakers and because i included the present on the prime minister. yeah. at germany has voted against a cease fire at the when twice received lots of criticism for it. i'm now headed, this visit babel came out demanding a ceasefire. what is the official position here? yeah, i mean, this is the word against the new on solve it. germany has always been cage. you have i what we call a permanency fire at the u. n. wording it's called instead for to monitor your imposes, breaks into the fire fighting if you like. and those positives, they say are designed to often get from us hostages, that hostages, that can take them off if with ease and back and get them free them allow them to be free, but also to get 8 into to guys out where millions are hundreds of thousands,
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if not, millions of people are suffering and dire conditions. that's the government possession . so no permanency 5 of these kind of short term things big pauses because they say simply that onto hamas has defeated. it will always be a threat to this will not as the position and so the feeling is that you can have the short term pauses, then that will allow some of the, the suffering to be used. when you speak to john the moment because you are, they say that frankly, there's a breakdown of trust after october 7th. it really is just don't feel that they can trust a mouse not to attack them. and so that's part of the position that the under generally so she is making a demand that is echoed by many countries, many governments around the world by many of israel's allies. but what leverage does she have or destroy many have over and you always government? yeah, well this is, i mean, frankly speaking, germany is not the united states, but germany is one of the biggest, if not the biggest donor of 8 to,
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to guys. and therefore it combines that some, some the kinds of place that the discussion. but it's really about putting pressure on those for you because you, i'm the seems one of those real strongest allies. you know, what we've had lawmakers here in germany. and lisa is the child's level of charge and available for the last several months saying that they have a historic responsibility to the just really stay on the right of israel to exist. so the thing that they have position there that they can, they can apply pressure on nothing, yahoo but they wouldn't necessarily call it leverage. it's about basically having these funk discussions, knowing that we are, we are by your site, but we can give you feedback when we need to and strong stonecrest system if necessary. stay with us for the time being. we'll have lots more to talk about when the book takes the stage there in jerusalem. but 1st, let's move on with some other topics that was political correspondent, matthew moore. thank you for the time being now. the defense minister from bogo silvia unto is claiming victory in indonesia as presidential election. the former commander of the special forces says young people are his keys of boarders,
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even though he himself is already $72.00 unofficial early results. put him ahead. indonesia is so called festival of democracy wrapped up without major incident. but there were challenges in jakarta, posters delivered ballot boxes through knee deep flood waters. and the sprawling list of candidates caused some voters, major headaches. what i'm really not on this election really confuses me. none of the candidates visions, emissions are interesting. why not everything is just normal to have a former general troubles to be until says he wants to maintain indonesia successful course the quarter century after the end of the brutal so hard to dictatorship. the country's economy is growing and ambitious infrastructure projects are underway. now results from early unofficial accounts suggest pro is likely to become the next president. some have criticized his ties to the dark days
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of dictatorship. but others say it's time to focus on a brighter future. the, it's called democracy. people have the right to choose to say it's a political dynasty and so on. but it's the people who vote democracy is in the hands of the people that the most of us take all there is no problem if the nation is getting better. so why not? the indonesians will have to wait until next month before the presidential race and the thousands of others across the country are official. so what, what a victory for approval was to be on to mean for indonesia and for the entire region . for that question to our correspondence, get on my to for what the subject has been. the defense ministers are here in indonesia and he stands for upholding the legacy of president. typical rebuild could be total is usually popular in this country. he has initiated
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a number of false, a far reaching reforms, for instance, starting the production or for electric vehicles in this country. it's moving the capital to another. i love to go away from this huge island of java and all these projects are still in the making and probable says he wants to continue this heritage. in fact, i at the chance to talk to him on the complaint trail and he said a pretty bridging the gap between the poor and the rich and this huge nation of indonesia is something he wants to achieve. why and in acting those policies of took over, that was payoff montez reporting from indonesia. let's take a quick look now at some other stories making headlines around the world today. a paris appeals court has found former french president nicholas on cause the guilty of illegal campaign financing over is failed to 2012 re election bid and confirms of previous ruling by a lower court. the appeals judge is also suspended, half of sorry, because these are original one year sentence police in new orleans say 3 people
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have been wounded in a shooting incidents of the end of ash wednesday. carnival celebrations and have been just minutes after simulators and police officers and taken part in the closing parade through the city sent these rarely military is released footage and says, shows her last leader yes, in war walking through a tunnel and gaza. the video allegedly shows seymour with his wife children and his brother. the army says the footage was built on a home off camera. the math mode, the pro palestinian activists have interrupted the foreign policy debate and the swedish parliament lawmakers were discussing support for the you. an agency for palestinian refugees, sweden put payments to the agency on hold in january, following allegations that several of of staff were involved in the october 7th, tara tap come on in some pod casting is still in its infancy in africa, but it's a rapidly expanding scene and one where women make up most of the listeners and the
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creators as well. you know, we use even kamani reports from kansas capital nairobi, another fundamental of reach 6 for me is the, the freedom to be super loud. we did a t m and we were given one. you may have a few to conversations, but the podcast stars carefully to reach the image. they've disrupt up creating content which will be released over the coming month for the port cast, the messy in between or t m i. recently, they've been named one of africa's talk shows. they see they're offering something new for an african audience, talking about their lives in a fresh and uninhibited way. the sample was to be like, you young, go to, to be talking about this. you're connecting the vision with, with something, and the others were like, wow, thank you for talking about these. thank you for sharing some of these things that you know, other we've been a week. i thought i was alone, you know both the way through it. and for us i feel like those people that 2nd group they'll what people are going to you. my discusses sensitive and taboo topics
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in a bunch of being relax style was like no one is uploading a one for being a mom to a kid that she gave birth to. yeah. but people absolutely. it's an intimate way of talking but has indeed them to a normal, fun based. we'd like to create an feel tight and so, and that's what we would do on our own individual pages like authentically creating and sharing knowledge, journeys in a big, vulnerable, and open way. so we want to, to, you might to be thoughts but not a stronger concentration and more focused on the struggles we've been, have moved across the 60, attended younger and had team a guessing a boost, ready to take a new media company and leak allergic to list africa to a large beauty exhibit. she started a personal podcast 5 years ago. now she runs a fully fledged media onto price, offering training to budding podcast. so what i did is come up with that curriculum to the digital digital curriculum to coach africans on how can they make sustainable contents and then leads them to being new me,
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dep petition and those that we've had our own in house master classes on podcast. thing teaching about the business angles is a big part of sustainability is not only the content, but also how do we make sure you're making adequate revenue? seen women make that revenue and keeping it is something close to many simple goods hot. she works for africa, part fest, which supports podcast as in a range of different ways. we can see this future this potential. but if we don't step in like in, in and talk about the money, talk about how we going to actually creates business models out of this. how we going to make sure that the money flows in a way that sent us us the historically marginalized. and you know, then it's going to pass by us pass. it's going to pass and other people who kind of take it over if they're not. if they don't come and find us back at the studio, lydia and ruby wrapped these shoots with over
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a 1000000 plays across various platforms. their pod cast is now able to do what most cannot pay them. you're going so, so it has destroyed another russian worship in the black sea, the military says the vessel was destroyed off the crime in peninsula which moscow illegally annexed. 10 years ago. he says naval drones think the cesar coon calls a large landing ship and ukrainian territorial waters. this is the 2nd time in 2 weeks. the ukrainian forces claimed to have sung a russian ship in the black sea. and our keys bureau chief and economy has more details from the ukraine and also worries. we've seen the video, which they say shows these naval drones attacking this big landing ship of the coast of crimea. as you mentioned that it wasn't the import, it was kind of the south coast of the crumb in peninsula. we also know this is a ship that had already been damaged back in the early phase of the war when it had been in the rest of the white port of the desk. and that time,
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it had survived on like another ship that was input next to it, had been rebuilt, had been made, see where they against that now. so you may no longer possible we understand from basic reading sources that a basically launch whole with chris on the left side and that has led to it's taking on water and being beyond recovery. as for the rest of operation, we don't have any details. now, if those russian sailors have been in factories from that shape or not, but it's definitely a reminder that basically no way in these rest of the filters of ukraine is safe for the russians. right now we've had more than 10 ships destroyed and many more damage. and we're really seeing the pressure that that is an economy reporting from cave, well, in brussels. they that we use alexander phenomena, ask nato secretary, generally installed and burke around the destruction of the worship and armed forces. so today that they destroyed a large russian ship, i guess you cannot comment on that. but could you tell us how significant to lexi
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complain of the ukrainians is, especially when we consider that there are intelligent services. for instance, the region one saying that the russians now have the upper hand on the battle field . thank you. the dual credit is had been able to inflict a heavy losses on the russian black sea fleets. they have actually been able to push the black sea feet away from the western part of the black sea. and this is a great the to minutes a great week, 340 cravens and the fact that they've been able to push away the russian vaccine fleet and open their quarter or so then our able to export great in another couple of days to the world market a few believe this was possible just a few months ago, but not actually the export of rain from ukraine takes space even with alternate agreement with russia a. so this shows to the skills on the competence of the ukraine, an armed forces. this is 1st and foremost
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a result of what they do. they ingenuity their, their, their, their skills, their, their, their, their bravery or their training on forces. but of course help and support from a nature on laws. it's also important. i think it also demonstrates that, of course, what's going on goes on there, knowing that from farm is important, and we are all disappointed that the offensive that goes to the wrong spot. ukraine and forces last year didn't achieve more appropriate as advances at the same time. we should not forget that even though the from fine has not changed, the ukrainians have been able to to actually attract a behind the rest of the lines. both forms on a destroying it come on the control. arms to oppose unimportant. and also the russian capabilities, including aircraft, but also a continued to destroy the parts of the russian vaccine. feet on the,
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on this just shows the skills of the depending on forces that was nato secretary general. we had stoughton works making earlier today, back to the middle east, where the conflict between israel and the pal students is also playing out in the world of culture, theater projects, open paths for expression of the small palestinian children suffering. what is going on in the region d, w as rebecca rivers went to jeanine in the occupied westbank to visit one such project and institution offering young people in the city and in a neighboring refugee camp. a way to think about the past and act on the future. in here it's 1920. these young palestinian act is a hosting a play telling the story of this region. 1920 of to world war one. the production recounts historical displacements and
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occupation told by the youth who are living the consequences. it's the latest in jeanine's freedom. see, it's a program. since its founding bind is riley activist in the late 19 eighties. this u. c. a to has aimed to be a refuge for young palestinians. here in the northern west bank. the com who were able to express over a motion slip a few have great energy. the 3rd inside of falls of to everything we've witnessed from bombings, shootings, and rates. so we come here to a vector of this energy and the pill, save here. so we can express what's on the chest and say whatever we want. but not only that, organizes see themselves as freedom fighters, very much part of a resistance movement. the space was created defaults to culture, the position to israel is occupation and has itself, spain, that sound good in finance and love?
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absolutely. i don't know what the reasons, but in my opinion, art and culture have a strong message, a strong resistance and defense. for this reason, the freedom to ease has been targeted for years. this news was done this in 2002 during the 2nd palestinian uprising. these righty, military destroyed is now the war and gaza intentions in the west bank a threatening of the game. and by the best in the side of the after the events that took place on the 7th of october, everything changed. indeed, the whole region, the tunneling gauze, but also in the west bank and the old police teen in territory. a fellow spring in december during an incursion on jeanine is randy forces rated the caea to painted graffiti on the walls and arrested to have it stuff. one is still in detention without charge. project late is try but cannot take their mind off. what's happening in this city that they're stuck in the other half of the nice ordinary
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life may smoke more and about what could happen to all of us because simplicity of this.


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