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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  February 14, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm CET

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the reasons us, but in my opinion, art and culture have a strong message, a strong resistance and defense. for this reason, the freedom to ease has been targeted for years. actually it was. this name was done this in 2002 during the 2nd palestinian uprising. these right, the military destroyed is now the war and gaza intentions in the west bank a threatening of the game. and by the best in the side of the after the events that took place on the 7th of october, everything changed. indeed, the whole region, the tunneling gauze, but also in the west bank and the old police team in territories. the fellow spam in december during an incursion on jeanine is randy faust has rated the caea to painted graffiti on the walls and arrested 2 of it stuff. one is still in detention without charge. project late is try but cannot take their mind off. what's happening in this city that they're stuck into this happened with these ordinary life may smoke more and about what could happen to all of us. because since we,
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she had the sound of drones and just kind of in the summer get despite the fear and the pressure to organize is continue with that part in what they call the stuff. but one of the appealing hope that one day that we in the west bank boosting and sleeping in is through and those leaving and gaza loved because they find the freedom and independence with supply to the end because it's impossible to keep leaving this way. everyone deserves freedom and peace and has the right to leave as they want. this has the right to decide their own destiny when it comes to the field, using culture to look back at the past with a key emission to try to affect the future. and indonesia defense minister from bobo, sylvia unto is claiming victory in the presidential election. the former commander and the special forces says, young people are his key supporters, even though he himself is already 72 unofficial early results put in my head.
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indonesia is so called festival of democracy wrapped up without major incident. but there were challenges the car to pollsters delivered valid foxes through knee deep flood waters. and the sprawling list of candidates caused some voters, major headaches. what i'm really not on this election really confuses me. none of the candidates visions emissions are interesting and everything is just normal to have the former general troubles to be until says he wants to maintain indonesia successful course a quarter century after the end of the brutal so hard to dictatorship. the country's economy is growing. and ambitious infrastructure projects are underway now, results from early unofficial accounts suggest pro is likely to become the next president . some have criticized his ties to the dark days of dictatorship. but others say it's time to focus on a brighter future the,
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it's called democracy. people have the right to choose to say it's a political dynasty and so on, but it's the people who vote democracy is in the hands of the people. most of us all, there is no problem if the nation is getting better. so why not? indonesians will have to wait until next month before the presidential race and the thousands of others across the country are official. so what would a victory for from boa, so be on to mean for indonesia and the entire region. i put that question to our corresponding deal so much as well. it just takes up over 50 percent of the simple majority to make the winner in this electoral race and with 59 percent in the course town to. that's a pretty clear result of the arrow margin here is 2 percent. so if it had been 52 percent, we might be speculating here if you look at the competitors. so how do you suppose
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we don't and guns up on mobile? they don't want to throw in the towel jets their terms have to clear up. there has been electoral fraud. there's been implementation of the voters still investigating that spot. so the 59 percent is a very clear indication who might be the next president of indonesia. now, and for most of the, until actually does when and out or victory, what would it mean for an indonesian and for the region as a whole what the subject has been the defense minister here in indonesia and he stands for upholding the legacy of presidential rebuild could be total is usually popular in this country. he has initiated a number of false, a far reaching reforms, for instance, uh, starting the production or for electric vehicles in this country, moving the capital to another. i loved to go away from this huge island of job off and all these projects are still in the making and probable says he wants to
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continue this heritage. in fact, i have the chance to talk to him on the complaint trail and he said a pretty bridging the gap between the poor and the rich and this huge nation of indonesia is something he wants to achieve by in, in acting adults policies of took over a gap, the run up to the selection was not without control over thing was it? absolutely. i would say the most controversial issue was that president could be total was also known as to quote you a implanted if you want. his eldest son, keep her on rack up more meetings, wrecked off as the vice president and normally in indonesia, off the minimum age for that position is 40 years old. and now the son of toby is only 36 years old. and what they did is simply change the constitution that was something that a lot of supporters of, even after koby did not agree with as. and then there's also been criticism betral covian in doing that,
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a support. this one comes up more than others who didn't officially endorse probable to jump to as his candidates. but it was an open secret that he really threw his political weight behind his defense minister in this race. and uh, as that is something that people have been protesting about whether it is really undermining the proceed in indonesia is contested. a lot of people here, i've told me they're just happy that the policies of trickery total are to be continued. it was gale contest reporting from indonesia, and let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world appears appeals court has found former french president nicholas on cuz he's guilty of a legal campaign. financing over his fails, 2012 re election bid as confirms of previous ruling by a lower court. the appeals judge is also suspended. half of sorry for these original one. your sentence president project type or the one that says turkey and
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egypt are ready to cooperate on rebuilding gaza once the war there is over or to on has made his 1st visit to cairo and a decade. relations broke down when a key turkish ally was toppled as head of age of muslim brotherhood. a car has crashed into a hospital emergency room in texas, killing the driver and injuring 5 other people. a child and an adult suffered life threatening injuries. police say it appears to have been an accident. the us house of representatives has voted to impeach, homeland security secretary alejandro my own cost. when you are a public and party members, blame presidential binds tom border official for a record flow of migrants across the border with mexico. my, your costs is the 1st cabinet member to face impeachment in nearly 150 years delivered consequences for the town of of these got an eastern ukraine, has become the latest,
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all loud battle ground between invading russian forces and ukrainian defenders. russia has made capturing the shattered town a priority at a pivotal time in the war, which has now lasted nearly 2 years. this is what's left of div. once the city of 32000 people, nothing but rubble and destruction. now, expenses ukrainian defenders are dug in here. russia has lost many soldiers trying to cut off access to the ruined city and relentless attacks. and it's still and ukrainian hands despite recent russian advances. and useful when there's a whole, the way they haven't been able to bring in the serious numbers of troops because they have some success. but the street they took is a get under ukraine's control. we're pushing them out to what are you so when you, why does russia one of these guys so badly? almost 2 years into the war. the front line has largely frozen. taking up div guy will change that for russia. the city is also in the don't yet region,
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which rush are considered to be its own territory after its parliament voted to an exit. the invader also says that ukraine uses after you've got to show don't yet city just 15 kilometers to the south. russian president vladimir putin, this broken investigative good non usually detailed terms, making it clear that the city as a priority for him. i'm always advise nation from that. but any one of the most important directions where the fighting is ongoing enough div kind of what the group of veterans overtook our troops there and got ahead of them. the electric was going on, they broke through the enemy's defences and reached the outskirts of f. d. if i don't know a lot, i'm, i don't know, but they captured 19 houses that are holding them successfully. is it going to do not send them a few years really? capturing 19 houses might not seem worthy of the attention of the russian president . but it's a clue to how badly put and once a victory analysts say that taking off div guy won't dramatically reshape the
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conflict. like that battle for the city of bass moved last year in which both sides lost thousands of soldiers fighting over rumble. looking for a symbolic victory, but ultimately for ukraine, it's about keeping its own territory. despite the price by russia, it does everything. it can to take a quick look at some other stories we're following for you today. police in newer lane say 3 people have been wounded and the shooting accidents and incidents at the end of us wednesday. carnival celebrations happen just minutes after city leaders and police officers have taken part in the closing for read through the city center is really military has released footage. it says shows a mosque leader y'all. y'all been was walking through a tunnel and gaza. the video allegedly shows in wire with his wife, children, and his brother, the army says the footage was found on
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a mazda camera. and most of my profile, assuming activists have interrupted a foreign policy debate in the swedish parliament, lawmakers were discussing the support for the you, an agency for palestinian refugees suite and put payments to the agency on hold in january, following allegations that several of the staff were involved in the october 7th, the time come on to gaza. now were doctors at the main hospital in con, units in the south of the strip have released video, which they say shows the facility being evacuated. the nasir hospital has been the focus of intense binding between israel and her last for weeks. israel order the evacuation of the hospital last month, but the doctor say it's impossible to move hundreds of patients and thousands of displaced. people sheltering inside because of the health ministry run by a mosque was carried out. the october 7th terror attacks against israel says more than 28000 palestinians have been killed in the war. so far,
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many more. i'm no safe place to stay. the few remaining possessions alpax the road to an uncertain future lies ahead. this is the reality by hundreds of thousands of gauze and refugees in that desperate search the safety pin. and how do we hope to go and quickly? we're tired of fleeing from one city to another west, so tired. i swear to god people natalia, and i hope the world stands with us and looks at us with a kind of mazda full. i went tired and was crying. malta is showing destruction. death salvation 1st or there is no food or bus for she can some 1300000 gulls ins had found rest bite from the fighting. here in rafa, following israel as old as israel's plan, defensive and the city threatens what level safety rafa can provide. there are
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a few options available to the people living in rafa. they could travel north to central garza, i'm a, was the or hong unit is. but heavy fighting has left much of these areas in ruins. of leaving civilians like these faced with a desperate choice. there simply is no place to flee to central and northern gauze. i have been the sites of of increased an intense fighting on northern garza, has been basically reduced to rubble. there are no facilities or accommodations they're able to, to host people fleeing for safety. on top of that, there's the added risk of unexploded ordinances throughout all of garza, but particularly in the north where there was quite heavy air springs early on in the 1st few months of, of this escalation. and on top of that,
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people have fled multiple times. they have nothing with that, nothing. they have very little belongings. the united states, the european union, and the united nations have uh, the idea of to do more to protect civilians quote off in the fighting. because rafa comes on the increasing fire, the remains unclear it any way is safe for the people of gaza. a and a reminder of our top story, ukraine's military says it has destroyed another russian worship. in the black sea, the landing ship was allegedly destroyed off the coast of the occupied crime and peninsula and 15 minutes on your campus mckinnon will have the german foreign minister in israel for you. stay with us by the staying fit and healthy is as important today as it's ever been. today, we're all about smart boards and fitness track us and living a healthy life with wearables. if you need that little exit, motivational push,
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getting gear for shift, often times the slicker and more comfortable alternative to click on hop the right track as is the smartwatch for many, they are lives type product. but in the medical world, they have the potential to be a lot more than just that. how well do they work and do medical experts take them seriously? we got the chance to meet someone with 1st hand experience. so i send these out who smiled was, might have just saved his life. suddenly val, smart watch, went above and beyond, recently prevented a possible stroke. he was using it mainly for sports when his notice the regularities in his heartbeat, develop new to act. but when he visited the doctor, he was given the all clear device off, i'm caught, you know, and then i went to the cardiologist who performed a long term easy g, but didn't find anything else. and i thought it was an error. so i switched off the
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alarm because it was kind of annoying, was, i don't know if, if i could have had serious consequences for the 48 year old because the smart watch was right. a 2nd, b, c, g, and phone university hospital confirmed what the gadgets had picked up. but instead of missing them, you know, the standard d, c, g, then reveal that i have something called atrial fibrillation. what does i know? i was asked several times in the cardiology department why my watch hadn't sound of the alarm. and so i had to tell them again and again, i had actually disable the alarm myself. or is that so it is always come on top of it is not allowed. sebastian is the cardiologist that they gave me both at the hospitality bump has a good experience as with smart boss, health apps, he's convinced the potential is huge, especially for prevention. the data that these smart watches collect the easy reading, they had a very reliable they most common heart rhythm. this or they're
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a recent media is called atrial fibrillation, and it's the leading cause of stroke worldwide. and this can be detected by smart watches. and then if we know that the patient has a, we can initiate treatment to prevent stroke, socially valid has been in treatment ever since. and now we're so smart watch regularly, which was a pretty good idea. his heart started playing off again and the app was the 1st to notice to this one after that. so further, so good signal reliably, every time you're having a truck regulation again, right now. so this maybe you should contact her doctor's absence, smiled was con, replace a doctor, but they can certainly help by gathering valuable data, especially when it comes to cobb, you of vascular diseases which cause over 18000000 deaths the globally wearables and the i can also help reduce risk by motivating us
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to eat healthy or exercise regularly to. so i certainly don't do this all that often. do you? i assistants can they use our data, they take b, i pin, for example, a smart many computer. it also has messages sense you, reminders takes photos, plays music, and more shipping your hot healthy could be so easy. but let's say you said it's not. is it that maybe a i can help how much protein? i have a couple of comments, has 15 grams of protein soon they say i will be able to scan food into list as nutrients, usefully, for those looking to live a healthy life. getting information on what you eat is incredibly important because most people aren't aware of what they eat on a regular basis. they. they had breakfast 2 hours ago and perhaps didn't realize
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how many calories are in that muffin or in the pancakes that they consume. and then if they get an update on a regular basis throughout the day, i'm sure that this will make them more aware of their lifestyle choice. the many ways to find out what constitutes a healthy diet. i'm gonna eat it, enjoy it. but does talking to, i really make a difference. in 41 is hands for, you know, smartphone required. the main restriction for our patients today is that the smartphones, etc. they are available, but the interactions with our surroundings and the devices to record this is limited. devices can one use us when food is overly unhealthy, all contains allergens, added future. it could follow what you're consuming and keep track of nutrients. you have had 22 grams of protein today, but how effective it will be is still on the phone universities hospital cardiac
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center patient is with calcified hospitals admitted every day. it's not only your cons, expensive agents genetics, but also of poor nutrition or little exercise without treatment. the consequences of the illness can be fatal. ai is becoming increasingly important for prevention. for example, implanted the shipper latest transmit data to the clinic daily. if the, any of the amenities, the iphones, the alarm, the i support a data on nutrition and health helps to me. interaction between a patient and physician will become more intimate because we get more data available in weight and the choices. there are recommendations that we get to the patient can be based on a larger data set. but as we have all the applications of this kind of data protection is a concern. manufacturer, rest assured consumers that nothing is re quoted unintentionally. and that data
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isn't sold to 3rd parties about the fact that data is often stored in the cloud is very because it could fall into the wrong hands. so if you're looking to use a assistance, make sure to consider the data you're putting out there. it's not going to get done with that and thinking about data security, you have to weigh up how much it really benefits you at all. i'm going to, it's one of the reasons i switched it off back then if we, if it doesn't help me leave it alone. and so less than, let's assume you're wearing a smart watch. how does it actually measure your heart rate? there are 2 different methods, optical problems, measurement with lights, and a hot rate sense of battery costs, electrical activity more than that now. it's only gonna have to happen when it comes to accurate hard rate monitoring. we always recommend the classic test drops . it's an electrons busy a logical recording the, like they essentially detect the heart beats electrically. so they get a direct recording of the heartbeat. do you think about the problem with these, of course is that you can't wear it all day or all week. we both got smart
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watches, the other hand are much more comfortable. the happy it is detected by the optical sensor, which admits a live signal to measure the pulse way. but it's not quite as accurate soviet, from the light is been absorbed by him, a globe and a component of the blood from which we can do right, the heart rate. but as it's a light source, everything that can interfere with light. it has an influence on the data quality, things like skin color, body hair, type shoes, or perhaps scar tissue. could be the desktop is smart watches don't work as well for people of color. that's why a team at google is experimenting with ultra sound, which would pick up the house in the year by a headphones, irrespective of skin color, reflections for strong movement. besides heart rate,
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conventional variables often recall thoughts, acceleration of the values like calorie consumption of blood, oxygen levels. i calculated using algorithms exactly how that work though is a trade secret about it. but in the end, the user only gets the results the fusion because you can't tell if it's actually high quality measurements or how much has been calculated for that is going to be for the vision. we know that these devices can do wonders for motivation. for example, when swimming goes, remind me of my training program, but the wearables can also provide detail patient data for doctors with a clear ads when it comes to convenience and prize a milestone for her patients. and the best case scenario, wearables can detect illnesses at an early stage in future. this obtained health data could be used to model digital twins of patients, organs, virtual models of a patient's lungs, or hot, for example, buds to deliberate,
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realistic values. they must 1st be fed with patient data at children's hospital in boston. is that the forefront the digital twins of a human heart. thanks to this technology, the effects of different treatments can be tested without having to operate. surgery on children's hobbs is considered extremely risky. boston's children's hospital is b, a heading the use of digital twins to develop treatment plans, specifically tailored to each time the at the forefront is dr. steve divine. to develop the 1st digital twin of a human heart the creating virtual twins of the children some or is early as newborn and performing the surgeries on the virtual twin 1st. the siding upfront what is best,
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and then trying it out on the child. and in many cases, they only have one shot to save the child's life. and the results have been spectacular. ready ready ready ready ready dr. steve the vine, started researching for the living hoc project around 10 years ago for very personal reasons. it's donna jesse suffered from a real hot defect and had to undergo several operations as a child. not all of which good, equally successful. she is now benefited from the research because now pace make us optimal settings can be tested in advance and in virtual reality. and they can actually insert the pace maker and they can replicate her condition or thousands like her. i tried different pacing sequences on thousands of different versions of, of the heart to figure out which sequence would work out best and then try it out
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and confirm on her rather than experiments directly on her. findings can then immediately be transferred to other hot patients. virtual therapy tests for the individual organs of just the beginning. though in future, everyone will have a digital twin at the side with a personalized health plan. and i think what will happen is you will get a virtual twin, which is a generic version of a human when you're born, it'll be quickly adapted to what we know about you at that point. and then as you get older and you get more diagnostics, more tests, it gets tuned. it might be some time before we all have a digital twin of ourselves. but until then, wearables and the aisle systems can help us stay fit and healthy for longer provided, of course, that we actually take the advise and work out every now and then that's all for me
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by and see you next time the . they're expecting me to sign and mail it would've turned out to be different from one based on how come up i just falsely assumed that love wasn't so important. people should keep their feelings under control. love what kids want and what the parents wished for them to stay. norman, we've done everything to prevent a divorce, but nothing works best as i've asked them in such a minutes on the w and the mountains rolled curved. he's a span. summer is a time of war. even for the little one. i have to help my mother.
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there is also a place where children can just be children. yours for learning. stands for no man in 75 minutes on d w the these places in europe stepped into a bold adventure the treasure map for modern globetrotters. describe it as some of us wriggled, raging sites on youtube and also into ice cold. jessica needs an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has
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the climate research in the i see march 3rd on dw, the the the
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this is the w news live from the late in the growing the cold israel to delay a plans offensive. the world fee is for the safety of more than a $1000000.00 palestinian seeking refuge in the city of rough uh, and southern gaza with no way to go. also coming up on the program, ukraine says it has sunk, gotten off the russian bullshit. the vessel was apparently destroyed and knew the occupied crime in peninsula. it's the 2nd such attack within 2 weeks. and the defense minister claims victory and indonesians presidential election for most special forces come on the pro city. unto says.


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