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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm CET

7:00 pm
the, the, this is the w news live from the land growing cole's israel to delay applying defensive. the wealth fee is the safety of more than a $1000000.00 palestinians seeking refuge in the city of rough uh, in southern gaza, with no one to go. also coming up on the program, ukraine says it has some canal. the russian bullshit. the vessel was apparently destroyed, navy occupied crimea and peninsula. it's the 2nd such attacks within 2 weeks. and the defense minister claims victory in indonesia as presidential election, almost special forces come on the proposed to be on to says young people on his most important supports is the spice thing. 72 years old himself
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the i'm on your campus, mckinnon. great to have you with us. israel is on the growing pressure to delay its plan. the sold on rasa in the southern gauze of the world. health organization says a military offensive would cause an unfathomable catastrophe. israel says the operation would be positive, its campaign to destroy from us, which carried out the october the 7th terror attacks. more than a 1000000 displaced people sheltering in around russell and the egyptian border. conditions on dia, a correspondent mohammed l collude, has been talking to some of those scrambling to find the safe place, a head off, a likely escalation in the wall between our mazda and his, and i'll come on saturday is what it about what it could mean for the city of alpha
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isabel is preparing to launch a full scale round defensive hill. it needs a chrome and his family have to flee again. this time to central garza of the living and distant for 40 days. but this epic, i know i started to unpack the tent as you can see, we are heading to the central region which because it's not safe here in raw fight off. the important thing is that for many days the israeli army has been threatening to enter. rafa we want to go to the central region, hoping that some of it is left, even though it's not safe, their safety isn't god's hands. i'm on my luck, but inside be is on the rise for more than a 1000000 displaced people who go. many families have been forced to move that dense from alpha to other places and so job safety
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somewhere also left shaking is very strikes that little debris of move hostages inside the house at the city shall board. a pg come on. we were in rough at tal also tom, they were bombing next to it and many people died. so we thought it would be better to go to the c side. otherwise, where can we go to israel? was, is where do we go with israel suites? rafa? where do we go give us any place that we're asking the home us government or the human beings in charge of the gaza strip to come to us and give us a solution and provide us with shelter. we are here, of course, not going away. as the wall continues to disrupt the lives of people like a crown in his family, those leaving at alpha hold, this latest displacement will be the last one and the fees follow soon. let's go straight to very slim now and get more from the correspondence that,
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i mean, he says, i mean international pressure is clearly bouncing on israel to postpone this ground . a sold on russell. what is actually being said well the us france, germany, israel's closest allies, are all bringing this message to israel now that they will not support the ground the sold on rough or unless certain conditions are met. anal in a bare buck, the foreign minister of germany is in israel right now. talking about this with is really leader is saying that germany will not stand behind and assault on rafa and less certain conditions are met. that is a humanitarian court or to allow civilians to leave rafa to another designated safe area in israel, sorry, within the gaza strip. and also she's calling for a humanitarian pause to allow more aid to get into gaza to meet the needs of those 1300000 civilian,
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most of them civilians who are sheltering in unsanitary conditions in this small area just next to the uh, the egyptian border there and roughly, okay, is there any sign of soul? let me is, riley government is listening is taking heed. so far there are no signs that is real, is listening to its closest allies. in fact, it's the opposite just to day the far right wing of israel's already right wing government succeeded in blocking a shipment of a most of it food. most of that flower that could feed about a 1000000 palestinians for about 3 months. succeeded in blocking this aid to get into gauze. it's sitting in ports in israel because they said that on raw the organization, the agency from the u. n. that the deals with most of humanitarian aid in gaza has been infant treated by him. aust, that was a report that came out just earlier that said that i'm off of fighters had been
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among the employees of on ross. so they succeeded in blocking that aid at the time when the world is calling for more aide to reach causes. we've also seen that international attempts to negotiate a cease fire deal temporary, so you start to cease fire deal between a moss and israel in order to allow more aid to come in. and passages is really hostages to get out of casa or being held by a mazda there that has been more or less sabotage. but nothing yahoos. government, which did not send is announced that it's not sending any representatives in negotiations tomorrow in cairo, cairo, where those are happening. so it seems that is real, is actually doing the opposite of what it's closest allies are asking right now. and for what reasons is israel not listening as well so far? these urging spite france germany in the us. i have no teeth. sanctions have never been on the table. so that's not something israel's worried about at this point.
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and you can also see that other headlines, a recent headlines show that germany and us at the same time that they are asking for a pause and fighting for israel to postpone its assault on rafa. they're delivering weapons to israel to us earlier this week announced a multi 1000000000 dollar military aid package, just approved by congress. that's on its way to israel. now, in germany, reports in german news has signaled that germany is working out a plan to send tank munitions to ralph or those with what of course, sorry to israel and it's fight and gaza. those of course would be used in any assault on raso. so while diplomats are urging is real to show restraint, they're sending military supplies to israel, which it's remains to be seen. why is real? would actually listen to these,
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urging from their closest allies when in the long run, they don't seem to have the, don't seem to be any stakes for israel at this point. i mean, thanks so much for that. i was the don't use, i mean is this for forcing from jerusalem? are you creating says it has destroyed another russian wolf and the black sea, the military says the vessel was destroyed of the crime in peninsula which most go illegally annexed 10 years ago. he says naval drones find the seas the conical a large landing ship and ukrainian at territorial horses. it is the 2nd time in 2 weeks that ukrainian forces claimed to have sunk a russian ship in the black sea. still use an example of phenomena. aust, the nato secretary general in stoughton, but about the destruction of the russian bullshit and armed forces. so today that they destroyed a large russian ship, i guess you cannot comment on that, but could you tell us how significant to lexi complain of the ukrainians is
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especially when we consider that there are intelligent services. for instance, the region one saying that the russians now have the upper hand on the battle field . thank you. of the great news had been able to inflict a heavy losses on the rough and black sea fleets. they have actually been able to push the black sea feet away from the western part of the black sea. and this is a great the to minutes a great week, 340 cravens and the fact that they've been able to push away the russian vaccine fleet. and open the quarter or so then our able to export great in another couple of days to the world market. a few believe this was possible just a few months ago, but not actually the export of rain from ukraine. take space even with alternate agreement with russia, a. so these are the skills on the competence of the ukraine, an armed forces. this is 1st and foremost
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a result of what they do. they ingenuity their, their, their, their skills to their, their, their bravery of their training on forces. but of course help and support from a nature on laws. it's also important. i think it also demonstrates that, of course, what's going on goes on there, knowing that from farm is important and we are all disappointed that the offense that goes to the wrong spot, ukraine, and forces no stairs didn't achieve more appropriate advances. at the same time, we should not forget that even though the from fine has not changed, the ukrainians have been able to to actually attract a behind the russian lines. both forms on a destroying it come on the control. arms to oppose unimportant. and also the russian capabilities, including aircraft, but also a continued to destroy the parts of the russian vaccine. feet on the,
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on this just shows the skills of the, depending on forces the, the nitrous x ray general in stoughton. but that we're going to take a look now at some of the other stories of making headlines today and the power as the pills course has found before them. a french president because suck was the guilty of a legal campaign. financing over his failed. 2012 re election bid. it confirms a previous routing by a lower court appeals. the judges also suspended hoff of socrates original one year sentence. is there any military has really supposed to it says shows how much lead to ya. sin was walking through a tunnel and garza, the video, allegedly shows in well with his wife, children, and brother. the army says the 1st age was film, the homeless camera took his president, read ship type at one says to see in egypt on, ready to cooperate on rebuilding dogs that wants to bowl that is over at one has
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made his. a visit to cairo in a decade. relations between the 2 nations broke down when a key tuck is allied, was toppled as head of egypt, muslim brotherhood and ages, defense minister pro. so the unto is claiming victory in its presidential election . the form, the commander of special forces says young people all his case of forces, even though he himself is 72 years old, unofficial early result of putting so the unto a head. indonesia is so called festival of democracy, wrapped up without major incident. but there were challenges the car to pollsters delivered valid foxes through knee deep flood waters. and the sprawling list of candidates caused some voters, major headaches. what i'm really not on this election really confuses me. none of the candidates visions emissions are interesting and everything is just normal to have the former general troubles to be until says he wants to maintain indonesia
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successful course a quarter century after the end of the brutal so hard to dictatorship. the country's economy is growing. and ambitious infrastructure projects are underway. now, results from fairly unofficial counts, suggest pro is likely to become the next president. some have criticized his ties to the dark days of dictatorship. but others say it's time to focus on a brighter future the, it's called democracy. people have the right to choose, and then they say it's a political dynasty and so on. but it's the people who vote democracy is in the hands of the people. most of us think all there is no problem if the nation is getting better. so why not? indonesians will have to wait until next month before the presidential race and the thousands of others across the country are official. so what would a victory,
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so for the was to be on time mean for indonesia, we put that question to all correspond to lack of boxes. but the subject has been the defense minister here in indonesia. and he stands for upholding the legacy of presidential rebuild a truck to be photo is usually popular in this country. he has initiated a number off of a far reaching reforms, for instance, starting the production of electric vehicles in this country. it's moving the capital to another. i loved to go away from this huge island of job all and all these projects are still in the making and probable says she wants to continue this heritage. in fact i, i had the chance to talk to him on the complaint trailing. he said a pretty, a bridging the gap between the poor and the rich. and this huge nation of indonesia is something he wants to achieve by in, in acting adults policies of took over the w scale. mazda is reporting that and
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with that you owe up to date coming up next, a d. w documentary visits focused on to find out how pneumatic children that get to school in a yes, the ground floor. the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in that's look at current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is weekdays on d w. the.


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