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tv   Planet A  Deutsche Welle  February 14, 2024 8:15pm-8:31pm CET

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advantage of that best problem will also stated and promise that you will be the president for all you got this, all of the really june and the economic background and be fair to all of them. and with your insights, i'm on your groups. okay, them thanks. so much for watching dw, the to cuba to jackie is changing. 6 years ago. we said it can't get any was to, but it does guardians of truth. this time, excel gen, this turned into our meets the voices of the 3 talking alter as the ad one had to flee into exile too. i knew the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish governments all sort. tammy calls us. so kids, but really it's
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a crime is addressed and the path of trying to takes responsibility for his action . what about freedom of to print and freedom of expression? god of truth, dots march, 2nd on the w. in 1965, an engineer predicted that we'd be able to double the processing power of computers every 2 years and he was right since then, we've been pretty much following this train called moore's lock. computing power has grown exponentially plumbing. the backbone of much of modern lot more as well as breaking down to then we've been pretty much following this trend called more as lock. computing power has grown exponentially. plumbing the backbone as much as modern lot more, as well as breaking down to make computers better. we've been filling them with more and more transistors, which are what create the ones and zeroes that make computers work. transistors, with no shrunk to the size of one. adam, beyond that, there's no where to go,
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because the loss of physics get weird, a completely different sector where we're also getting a wallace solar power. current panels can only turn around a quarter of sunlight and to energy, and we can't make them more efficient. the reason for those are still the con, possibly the most important element of our time. it's the basis for new electronics and the reason we have widespread solar power. it's also with a famous high tech california area got its name. but even though silicon has brought us this far, it can't take us any further. these things aren't getting more efficient. so why are we outgoing silicon? and what's next? this is pure silicon, but most of it naturally occurs of silicon dioxide or silica, one of the places that you'll find it is in regular old sand for solar panels and electronics. so it, because he didn't refine to over 99 percent parity because that pier, so it kind of has a particular electrical property. it's
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a semi conductor. so in contrast, with the conduct of like composite, conduct electricity easily or an inch lighter, like which one, conduct electricity, it all probably catch poll researchers, solar cell technology and integrating solar power into the grid. you need to say me conduct that way you can control how it conducts electricity. in very simple terms, the semi conductor is like a switch. we can kind of turn the energy float on and up, even though so it kinda isn't the best semi conductor. it's quite a good one and since there's a ton of it, it's cheap. for all these reasons we've been using it for these 2 technologies for decades. 1884. so the 1st solar panel installed in, in new york city rooftop. and in the 1950s we started making them from silicon back then the panels converted around 6 percent of the sunlight and to energy and were expensive since then, efficiency is gone up to around 25 percent and prices have come way down. solar is
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now one of the cheapest forms of energy. there is solar panels are made of silicon treated with other elements to form differently charged layers. these layers allow current to flow in one direction. we have the electronic losing, the electron maybe is an electrical current and started therefore it can, it can go out and it can complete a circuit. and it can politics just like in solar panels. silicon and computers also has these layers. one of the places you can find the silicon layers inside a computer is a type of micro chip called a c p u or central processing unit. i'm going to see if i can find it in this. one of the cpu is made up of a piece of silica and covered in tiny silicon transistors. because of those layers, transistors either allow current to flow or stop it low and current creates a one and no current creates 0. those ones and zeros from the bases for all
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computing. but the silver card isn't only in the cpu, it's all over the inside of this computer. basically, anything that needs to do any calculations, whether for processing or storage, is going to be using silicon. now, tiny micro chips have billions of transistors on them. we've had to start stacking them on top of each other instead of putting them side by side. more transistors means switching from one to 0 faster, which is made computing better and better. but we can't make silicon transistors, any smaller people have reached the doesn't know that they're going to limit the one i believe, the size side of and then use that as a researches the production of wideband gaps and the conductors. and they're using integrated circuits as, as problems as external because they'll be, or below this. so you'd be kind of go below this didn't oh, you can make it more efficient in the home and all you can make it was more, instead of getting smaller transistors into switch, faster operated higher voltages to be more efficient. that's something silicon
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doesn't do very well. so it comes, limitations are also seriously holding back how much energy we can harvest from solar power to understand the problem, we have to go down to the sub atomic level. we can look at electrons and something called the band, yet the band gap is a theoretical concept that can be thought of as 2 band. with the space in between. this space is how much energy is required to move an electron from the bottom band to the top bands for silicon. the band gap is $1.00 electron volts. so it requires 1.12 electron volts of energy to move an electron from here, up to here, where it can actually generate electricity. if more energy is applied, the electron goes past the next band, then it lose energy and comes back. the extra energy turns into heat and disperses through the material. the smaller the band gap, the more energy is lost as heat. so the current has a relatively small band gap,
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so it can be prone to overheating. if the electron doesn't have enough energy, it doesn't make you to the band and no electricity is generated in solar panels. energy hits the panel in the form of sunlight, but the sun gives off many different types of lights. so not all of them can be absorbed efficiently by silica blue light has too much energy and infrared life as too little. and so just phase to fax limits. the efficiency of soul sales to around 30 percent of the rent a quarter fission see for silicates already 26 percent. this now bang gap also waste energy in transistors. when the harvest, motor banker jo, blue, one board, which i never thought is to move. but when it goes on, moving into the details, dealers are disagreeing. want to keep. so this keep getting on behind the city boxes. so doing till tech companies to start repainting their sons, because that efficiency problem is solvable materials with wide band gaps for
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electronics. those include gallium nitride, graphing silicon carbide and gallium oxides. they level transistors to use more of their energy to perform calculations. they lose less heat and can handle over 10 times the voltage of silicon devices. they also operate at twice the maximum temperature of silica over $300.00 degrees celsius. because of this, why been get materials are already used in chargers for electric vehicles. even charges and other batteries cannot be manufactured was typical. you're not able to handle that amount of correct and that's really because of its nope, and it also means that computer using wideband gaps that make inductors wouldn't need so much cooling, making it smaller and more energy efficient, and they require less energy to manufacture. recently. bureaus and making some context as if there was a picture of the surface clinic on the minimum temperature required to manufacture give us an order for disposing deficiencies. the materials are more expensive, which means they're not as widely available. that advances and production could
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change that in the near future for solar, a promising wideband, yet material is prostate, which can capture more of the sun's available life and silica. grey sky is a crystal structure and you can put different elements within that crystal structure. then you can change the band gap. that means that you can absorb more of the light, making solar panel overall more efficient. we'll be looking at what prostate can do for solar power and another planet, a video really soon. but efficiency isn't the only concern. turning that san into silicon requires a lot of heat and since most of the world, so it kinda is produced in china, most of that feed comes from burning coal. the solar panels make up with a c o 2 emissions for manufacturing. that's it was microchips which also has a lot of water. 11 of the biggest chip manufacturers in the world has already had to ration water in order to keep producing them. and when supply shocks like that hit, it affects the price after supply change or disruptive during kogan,
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the price of silicon shot up. that's one of the main reasons for a chip shortage that's still continuing today without so look on micro chips production of electronics from car slowed down. and so far there hasn't really been much recycling going on. it's easy to see why recycling solar kon, from computers is hard. when you look at the process of taking this one apart, i mean, just getting into it was really difficult and i didn't even pull most of the silly gone out of the components. and we're about to face a huge challenge with solar panels. most of them only work well for around 25 to 30 years. and now we're starting to see many of them nearing the end of their life. the number of use of solar panels is projected to increase to around 80000000 metric tons by 2050. so we need both new materials and more sustainable silicone production and recycling sounds that is already on the way you legislation requires 80 percent of each solar panel to be recycled at the end of its life. the majority of panels are glass and aluminum. when they're recycled, they're basically shredded down to their components from their the silica and can
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be extracted and removed. so the gum or cycling is still in the early stages, but companies are already able to recycle around 90 percent of it. as of now the silica and most of it goes to the aluminum industry which combines it with other metals to make products. it's possible to make recycled type parity silicon. but the purification process is expensive. energy intensive and not really economical at the moment. but the rate is on the silicon that is still the digital age has taken us as far as we can go. we need something else. if we want electronics to keep getting better and solar panels to become more efficient. and although there's still a lot of work to do wipe in, get materials like perhaps guides, gallium nitride and silicon car. but let's see the best options. what do we destroy next? let us know in the comments and don't forget to subscribe. we've got new videos every friday. cool. the
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into the conflicts own with tim sebastian. i guess this week is alexi, gunter and co creating an m p delegate parliamentary assembly. council of you. hello, is this about a year ago? going to ranko had post price present lensky and reservations about him because he still believe this president will lead you crying to victory. conflict. next, on d. w. then is on cocaine every day, berlin is consumed about $4.00 cheetos of coast in the upper classes. no one can manage without it. and the lawyers can't just cancel this since lisa and officials . witnesses the scene at all. and while businesses booming folks not list, others of paying the price drug dealing and smuggling, the into l is d,
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w the the to the special hot spots in germany. d w, travel extremely worth a bit. sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow or bring an environmental conservation to life with learning facts like global ideas, we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can make a difference knowledge grows through sharing, download it now for the ice cold b, c. at the end of the plastic,
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i need an expedition ventures onto places that no one has the why is the ice melting more rapidly in the ice fields and pedagogy? the ukraine approaches, the 2nd that of us say of russia is full scale invasion with some alarming uncertainties. will the us be able to restock the items and now munitions supplies, which drive out for months ago, have the big promises from the west about staying with ukraine as long as it takes time to dust. my guess this week is alexi, gunter and co ukrainian. m p and delegate to the parliamentary assembly is of the council of your one thing. shouldn't be clear for everybody. ukrainian people are
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fighting but who we are losing people every day. and we come to wait forever and we can fight forever for a year ago. going to run co had both price because the landscape.


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