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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 14, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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the the, this is the, the news live from the land growing calls the israel to delay a plan offensive. the world is faring for the safety of more than a 1000000 palestinian seeking refuge in the city of rasa and southern garza, with no way to go all for coming out from the program. ukraine says it has sunk another russian bullshit. the vessel was apparently destroyed near the occupied crime in peninsula. it's the 2nd such attacked within 2 weeks. for my general pro cbm so claims victory and indonesia is presidential election. unofficial results puts in my head with more than half the vote. but opponents are
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playing out for both boys pos linked to human rights abuses. the new group has mckinnon to all of us around the world. and on p b. s. and the united states. welcome israel is on the growing pressure to delay its planned assault on rasa. and sell them, garza, the world health organization says military offensive would cause an unfathomable catastrophe. israel says the operation would be positive, it's come pained to destroy from us, which carried out the october 7th terror attacks. and within a 1000000 displays, people are filtering in and around rasa on the egyptian border conditions on dia corresponded mohammed alca lute has been talking to some of those scrambling to find a safe place,
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a head off or likely escalation in the wall between hamas in his room i'll come on saturday is what about what it could mean for the city of ruffled isabel is preparing to launch a full scale of ground offensive hill. it needs a crown and his family have to flee again. this time to central garza, after living in this tent for 40 days. but this epic and i started to unpack the tent as you can see, we are heading to the central region because it's not safe here in graphite. all the important thing is that for many days, the israeli army has been threatening to enter rafa. we want to go to the central region hoping that some of it is left, even though it's not safe, there. safety isn't god's hands. i'm on my beloved, but things id is on the rise for more than a 1000000 displays. people who go many families have been forced to move the tents
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from alpha to other places in sort of safety somewhere also left shaking is very strikes. then let the 3 of us hostages inside the house at the city shall border pg come on. we were in rough at tal also tom, they were bombing next to it and many people died. so we thought it would be better to go to the c side. otherwise, where can we go to israel? who is below is, is where do we go with israel suites? rafa? where do we go? give us any place that we are asking the home us government or the human beings in charge of the gaza strip to come to us and give us a solution and provide us with shelter. we are here, of course, not going away. as the wall continues to disrupt the lives of people like a crown in his eyes of people like a crown in his family. those leaving it alpha hold. this latest displacement will
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be the last one and the fees. follow soon. the gentleman foreign minister and the babel is among lead is judging israel to hold off on his plan. a sold on rough uh she's in jerusalem on her 5th visit to the middle east since the will began. that book says golf that is on the brink of collapse, match the history of it for more than half of guys this population is currently seeking refuge and rough. uh, 1300000 people are stuck in a very confined space because they have nowhere else to go at the moment. and us vocation. many of them have followed that you start any event creation orders and flat to combat settings and know if i'm god that has like a flush, that's all for me with nothing more than the small children in their arms. and the last of that light is on next slide on light is amend these people cannot simply vanish into thin air. if the east really, um you went to launch and offensive on rough under these conditions would be
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a humanitarian. this off the in the make, came it on is this the face to face, or at least from him, asked her as just as important as the survival of the palestinian. but even the product, an incident on publishing and by to go hand in hand as all we therefore believe that a 3rd a ceasefire is admirably needed. it opens a window of opportunity to free to hostages and to get more humanitarian aid in united way crossover seriously. now and get more from all correspondence that, i mean, he says, i mean we just had families for administer and elaina bab, book the is there any sign the israel is listening so it could very well be that is really ground offensive and rough and may have already started if it wasn't for pressure, the reason pressure, mounting pressure coming from germany in the us to postpone that invasion. that
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a sold until the millions of people there, the 1300000 people there have a chance to leave in a safe and orderly manner to another safe area within the gaza strip. that could very well be, but publicly the rhetoric coming from is real, right? now is very defiant. netanyahu said today on his telegram channel, even as bare bach was in the country already. so he said that the ground offensive . we'll go ahead as planned, did note that they would give civilians an opportunity to leave the area, but did not say that they would guarantee any safety for the people there. so on the one hand, the pressure is mounting. it could very well be that is realized listening behind closed doors, but publicly very defiant. okay, so any hope for a ceasefire any time soon? presumably not. so that's true. there is dying hopes for
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a ceasefire. there was a recent attempt this week in cairo to get together international actors to negotiate a cease fire between gaza, between a mouse and is real. but that seems to be dead in the water nets and yahoo. he said that he would not make any progress given to any demands of a mos calling them delusional. he even said that no negotiators from is really side would be there. he would just have 2 representatives is real there to listen in on the discussion. so a very unlikely that any progress will be made on any kind of humanitarian pause, which was one of the conditions that germany set uh for support for any kind of ground defensive in rough or. mm hm. and what does all this mean? so the people in garza and ross, i give them, they have no way to go. of course,
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no one really knows what the situation is going to be like for the people in rafa. in the coming days. we know what it's like right now, and that is that they're sitting in dire conditions and makes shift tens of one point. 3000000 people who have fled from the north in the center of the gaza strip flood their homes, and many of which have been demolished in bombing camp in the bombing campaign that started just after the october 7th, i'm off the terror attacks. the people there do not have access, easy access to clean water and food. food has been blocked recently by the is really government. food shipments are sitting in harbors in israel, waiting to be shipped, but the is really government is not allowed them to get in. is israel has propose one of his proposals is to move these people into 1510 cities created along the coast line in the gaza strip. but remember, it's the displacement of people,
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the chaotic displacement of 1300000 people that the un and countries like germany and us have been a warning as the could lead to humanity or in catastrophe. just the logistics of moving those people under those conditions wouldn't necessarily lead to more suffering, which is already this the stage for the people who are living at the age of border and rougher man, thanks so much for the update of c, w 's. i mean ss reporting from genet, jerusalem, this is look now some of the other stories making headlines today and lebanese officials say 3 civilians. i'm the hezbollah fly, so i've been killed and is, randy strikes? well, israel's military says rocket, far from loving them, has killed and is really sold to israel and levon owns has blah millison group have frequently traded fiat along that common border since come us attacked israel on the october. the 2nd talk is president. friendship type at one says tatiana egypt
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all ready to corporate, on rebuilding gaza. once the rule that is over at one has made his 1st visit to cairo and a decade relations between the 2 nations broke down when a key to acacia ally was toppled as head of egypt, muslim brotherhood. and these randy minute tree has released footage. it says shows how must lead to die us. and while i'm walking through a tunnel in garza, the video allegedly shows and well with his wife, children, and brother the all me says this message was filmed on a hum us camera was a mass. ukraine says it has destroyed another russian will fit in the black sea. the military says the vessel was destroyed of the crime in peninsula which must go and legally annexed. 10 years ago. keeps as naval drones sank. the seas attorney costs a large landing ship in ukrainian territorial wars, is it is the 2nd time in 2 weeks that ukrainian forces claimed to have sunk
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a russian ship in the black sea studio is alexandra from nomine. asked the nato secretary general against dolton. but about the destruction of that russian worship and armed forces. so today that they destroyed a large russian ship. i guess you kind of comment on that, but could you tell us how significant to lexi complain of the ukrainians is, especially when we consider that there are intelligent services. for instance, the region one saying that the russians now have the upper hand on the battle field . thank you. the dual credit is had been able to inflict a heavy losses on the roof from black sea fleet. they, i've actually been able to push the black sea feet away from the western part of the black sea, and this is a great the to minutes a great week, 3 or 4 ukrainians. and the fact that i've been able to push away the russian vaccine fleet and opened the quarter or so then our able to export great and
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another come on to the world market. a few believe this was possible just a few months ago, but not actually the export of rain from ukraine takes space even with alternate agreement with russia a. so these are the skills on the competence of the ukraine and armed forces. this is 1st and foremost a result of what they do. they ingenuity their, their, their, their skills, their, their, their, their bravery or their training on forces. but of course help and support from a nature on laws is also important. i think it also demonstrates that of course what's going on goes on there on the from farm is important on the we are all disappointed that the offense that goes along some of your training and forces last year didn't achieve more progress advances at the same time you should not forget that even though the from fine has been changed, the ukrainians have been able to,
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to actually attract a behind the rest of the lines, both on line at destroying the come on the control arms to oppose unimportant. and also the russian capabilities, including aircraft, but also a continued to destroy the parts of the russian back c feet on the, on this just shows the skills of the depending on forces ne, satisfactory general in store bug last might. lawson is with the whole studies department at kings college, london, and i also maria, how big a blow with the sinking of this russian wolf, it would be as well. i think in and of itself, the sinking of a single. i mean, this is a landing cost is not a huge deal, but when you add it up to all the other ships they have been sunk. i mean, this is the 2nd ship this month, the finance and sunk and the black sea. and this thompson is starting to hit how
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you install things close the russians to the appropriate ins, the nato secretary general. we just heard from him diane stoughton, but he's called this a great victory. so the ukraine. so why is this a crucial achievement for keith? well, this is the ukraine in navy that was almost complete the, captured by the russians in the 2014 taking of this, the best of all poets in crimea. and what they've managed to do since then is $617000.00 tons of russian shipping. that's a 150 percent more. and the russians have managed to think of ukrainian shipping. so for a country effectively without the navy to be able to sing a 150 percent more of the shipping of the one of the largest navies in the world really is an extraordinary achievement. so if a pay is in crane is fine to get an easy, it's a put rougher on the black foot in the black sea than it is on, on dry land. why is that? what are the reasons behind that?
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yeah, well i think that, i mean, obviously the, the ukrainian defensive last year didn't really cheap what it was meant to achieve . and that's because the russians had some time to be able to dig in. so all along the front they dug in strong ations anti tang dishes, mine fields, and the reality is it's easier to defend them to attack. and so that is why we see that the war line stalemated. but of course, in the amount of time, do you mind as you seem to this attack, just a few drones and you can have quite a large effect on ships that much harder to defend. and how do you expect russia to respond to this? well, i actually don't think that as much they can do in the maritime domain. i mean, previously ships have been sunk and they haven't done very much. usually what russia does when you train mileage is a spectacular like this is they just do
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a slightly larger air raids over civilian targets. so i have a key or either hockey, i'm not say way of making the point. and so why would expect tonight i be the next week or so we'll see slightly heavier bombardment of civilian areas by the russians . okay. of the current in ami has a new commander in chief. he's cooled, the situation on the front lines, extremely complex and stressful. lisa and russian troops are increasing their efforts. they've got more man power. so how crucial and speaking about u. s. military aid. now, how crucial is us aid for ukraine's counter offensive? it's so obviously we've seen the, the freezing or the drawing down of us i, there is still all the aid going in from european countries. the u. k. recently signed those 2 and a half 1000000000 pounds of 8 over the next year also. and so there is other right,
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but the reality is, and this is true within nature, it has been true for decades that the us is the indispensable partner and part of that psychological. so when you are paying country, see the us putting his hand in his pocket or delivering alternately, they feel yes, actually we can do this because we backed up by the americans. and then part of it is just roll industrial power. the us is able to turn out things like autonomy shows, and antioch of missiles as a much greater rate than you are paying countries. so it is very important. mike will have to leave at that. i think so much. so it's mike moss and military analysts from kings police lane. keep on denise is controversial defense. minnesota is on close to become it's new president unofficial audi results put per bo sabean . so ahead of his main rivals was moving hoff. the vote for below is a close associates of the popular outgoing liter ciocca window. the critics say his
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pulse makes him unsuitable for the top field for both of us would be on to was was thrown out of the military over allegations of human rights abuses. now he's celebrating victory in his country's presidential election. even ahead of the final results. the bullet cones or posters included as our candidates posters say on the phone because that's the book keeper on. one in one round
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2 beatles election prospect due to boost by joining forces with debris and regular blooming, rucker, the son of indonesia is popular outgoing president. the dual supporters say they're a foreign victory gives them hope for the future. i know i hope to do it and we gets a freelance that was prominent and that's economy improved with less unemployment underneath it. of course internship will become a more advanced country and more independent and then play a big a role in that field. but also in the work yeah. but despite a new face, as his running mate for both those critics like and his leadership through the dark days of indonesia is that gets long, dictatorship and fear his presidency. protecting democratic progress in the country now put costing is still in its infancy in africa. but it is a rapidly expanding scene and one where women make up, most of the listeners and the creative they don't use it as kamani has this report
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from kenya's capsule nairobi another a fundamental of reach. 6 for me is the freedom to be super loud. lead to a t. m and we were given one. you may have a few to conversations, but the podcast eyes carefully to reach the image. they've disrupt up creating content which will be released over the coming month for the port cast, the messy in between or t m i. recently, they've been named one of africa's top shows. they see they're offering something new for an applicant audience talking about their lives in a fresh and uninhibited we sampled was to be like, you young, go to little bit, talking about the fuel cap thing, the vision with what something and the others were like. wow, thank you for talking about these. thank you for sharing some of these things that you know, other women of we've, i thought i was alone, you know, both the way through it. and for us i feel like those people, that's the 2nd group. they'll what people are going to you my discuss is sensitive and taboo topics in a bunch of being relax. style was like no one is uploading
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a one for being a mom to a kid that she gave birth to. yeah. but people absolutely. it's an intimate way of talking that has indeed them to a normal, fun based. we'd like to create an feel tight and so, and that's what we would do on our own individual pages like authentically creating and sharing knowledge. journeys in a very vulnerable and open way. so we want to to, you might be thoughts but not a stronger concentration and more focus on the struggles we've been have moved across the city, a dental younger and had team a guessing a boost ready to take a new media company illegally to list africa, to a large beauty exhibit, she started a personal podcast 5 years ago. now she runs a fully fledged media onto price, offering training to budding podcast. so what i did is come up with that curriculum to the digital digital curriculum to coach africans on how can they make sustainable contents and then needs them to being new me, dep petition and those that we've had our own in house master classes on
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forecasting, teaching about the business uncles is a big part of sustainability is not only the content, but also how do we make sure you're making a decrease revenue? seeing women make that revenue and keeping it is something close to many simple goods heart. she works for africa put fest, which supports podcast us in a range of different ways. we can see this future this potential. but if we don't step in like in and talk about the money, talk about how we're going to actually create business models out of this. how we going to make sure that the money flows in a way that sent us us the historically marginalized? you know, then it's going to pass by us, pass speed to pass and other people who kind of take it over if they're not. if they don't come and find us back at the studio, lydia and ruby wrapped these shoots with the media and plays across various
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platforms. their pod cast is now able to do what most cannot pay them. of the conflict between israel and the palestinians is also playing out in the world of culture facing projects, open pulse of expression, full palestinian children. he doesn't use rebecca versus went to jeanine in the occupied westbank to visit one of these projects and institution offering young people in the city and in a neighboring refugee come away to think about the cost and act on the future in here it's 1920 these young palestinian act is a hosting a play telling the story of this region. 1920 of the world will, one of the production recounts historical displacements and occupation told by the youth who are living the consequences. it's the
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latest in jeanine's freedom. see, it's a program since its founding bind is riley activist in the late 19 eighties. this u. c. a to has aimed to be a refuge for young palestinians here in the north and west bank. the come here wherever able to express over emotions. what if you have great energy that's barred inside of falls of to everything we've witnessed from bombings, shootings, and rates. so we come here to a vector of this energy until saved here. so we can express what's on the chest and say whatever we want. but not only that, organizes see themselves as freedom fighters, very much part of a resistance movement. this page was created defaults to culture, the position to israel is occupation and has itself, spain, that sound good in finance and love absolutely. i didn't know what the reasons, but in my opinion, art and culture have a strong message,
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a strong resistance and defense. for this reason, the freedom to ease has been targeted for. yes, actually it was. this name was done this in 2002 during the 2nd palestinian uprising. he's writing military destroyed is now the war and gaza intentions in the west bank a threatening of the game. and by the best in the side of me after the events that took place on the 7th of october, everything changed indeed. and the whole region, the tunneling gauze, but also in the west bank and the old police teen in territories the public spam in december, during an incursion on jeanine is randy forces right at the caea to painted graffiti on the walls and arrested 2 of it stuff one is still in detention without charge. project late is try but cannot take their mind off what's happening in this city and are stuck in the other half of the nice ordinary life me smoke more and about what would happen to all of us. because since we hear the sound of drones in
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the sky and the seller get despite the fear and the pressure organizes continue with that part in what they call the stuff. but when the feeling hope the one day that we in the best bang, boosting and sleeping and is through and those leaving and gaza luck, they find the freedom and independence with pie to the end because it's impossible to keep leaving this way. everyone deserves freedom and peace and has the right to leave as they want. has the right to decide their own destiny. when it comes to the field, using culture to look back at the past, with a clear emission to try to affect the future. here's the question for you. have you ever had your heart broken well on this valentine's day? spare a soul for a woman and perused castle lima, who has suffered the ultimate romantic betrayal. when she spotted a human size teddy bess serenading her from the street. not for lee,
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she rushed down to greet him only to find out. she was a police officer. teddy then promptly arrest to task that i thought you don't have to feel too sorry for her. because according to the police, the woman had been dealing drugs. they say they found more than a 1000 bags of cocaine placed in her apartment. without you are up to date. i'll be back in just a moment to take you through the day. i hope you can join me. the
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villain is on cocaine every day. berlin is consume about full point 5 cheetos, that's coast responsive. no one can manage without it. and the lawyers can't judges can't, since lisa and officials witnesses the scene at all. and while business is booming, folks not list. others of paying the price. drug dealing and smuggling in 45 minutes on d w. the
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show similar, i really want 6 times degrees. this prover has to spend life from 500 to 600. currently more people than ever on the move worldwide in such a progress in life. you know, this is a very difficult journey and one is verify everything audio stuff. find out about some on storage info, migrant, reliable news for migrant do you know which of these 3 industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates which is good. concrete, transforming business syllabus on to figure out what's
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the real new deal? just screen blushing the watch. now. the ukraine's new army chief says the military situation in his country is extremely difficult. alexander ski was at the eastern front for the 1st time since taking come on russia. he says, has a manpower advantage that ukraine says its forces have struck a powerful blow against the russians at sea sinking. another russian wolf, it keeps, says the vessel was destroyed the occupied crime in peninsula. i'm on youtube has mckinnon in belen and this is the day the.


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