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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 15, 2024 12:00am-12:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin, a shooting at the super bowl victory parade in the united states. up to 10 people have been wounded as thousands of american football funds celebrate. the kansas city chiefs went over to san francisco. 40 niners, also coming up, germany's top diplomatic boards that guides that is on the brink of collapse and urges, is route to delay it's offensive on the city of ruffled. despite the 19 international pressure, benjamin netanyahu advised to press the head with israel defensive. and ukraine says it has sunk another russian worship. the vessel was apparently destroyed near the occupied crimean peninsula. it's the seconds of such attack. within 2 weeks,
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the unpopular felt really as welcome to the program. we begin in the united states where police in kansas city say one person was killed and at least 10 people injured after shots were fired during the superbowl victory parade. thousands of football funds of the winning team, the kansas city chiefs where i've set up writing their success. when the shooting occurred. police have been moving people to safety and emergency services are at the scene. of these witnesses describe the scene when the shooting happened. when all of the sudden people started crushing forward, everybody started running, there were screaming, we didn't know what was happening, but this teenage and people run, you run. and so i put my arms around her and we tried to push through was so people
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wouldn't run on top of us. and there was a woman crying saying something about somebody had been shot. of course, it's hard to know. is it a singular incident, or is there an active shooter? but we got pushed all the way up to union station where they had gated everything off, so you couldn't get in for the cheats. and everybody started jumping the rails and pushing everybody over. we got inside and we thought that, okay, it's tom, now we're inside, we'll be safe. all right, well for the latest on business girl to washington, where dw is bank, i mean of it's gruber is standing by 1st by i mean, great to see. so what information has the police provided to there was a press conference already by police in kansas city. they said that the people on people are in custody. that the investigations is still ongoing. what we heard shortly after this happened. it was a sunny day in kansas, a lot of people were on the streets celebrating some schools were also close and businesses had some viewing party to walk on the teams that had arrived there. so
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a lot of people then what we just heard there too. there was a lot of k is when shots were fired, close it to union station police said that multiple people were struck and that they took to arm to people into custody. asking everyone to leave the area as quickly as possible on one side to facilitate the treatment of the shooting victims and also a to make it easy event for 2 reunions to kate and fathers and mothers with the children that they really need to case incentive. but of course, there was a lot of tales. many people started running around us, also a videos on social media showing that some fans also managed to grab one of the shooters until police arrived. we still are waiting more information on that at the kansas city chiefs, the team, the one the super bowl. and it were all the people actually went to welcome them to the city and to celebrate also and published a statement is saying that they are truly saddened by the senseless act of finance
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. thanks. i mean, do we know anything by the 2 people who are being arrested or their motives? the police was also asked that because of course, there's always concerns that this might be politically motivated. even one of the reporters ask if there were more people involved because what we could see from camera, a teens on the ground, is that there might be even more than that, even without denying it is folks person of the police in kansas said that the investigation is ongoing, they're still doing the intrigue ations, they're treating as several people in hospitals. and we don't know yet how serious those injuries are, but the numbers that we have, the latest numbers is that one person was killed at least 10 up to 15 people were injured. so we expect to hear from them soon. there might be another press conference to find out if there were any motives or any more additional information that they can deliver on a why this happened. and if there was somehow related. and of course,
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the big question, the many now want to answer if, if it was politically motivated. thanks spence, i mean, they don't use banks. i mean out of us gruber, in washington. israel is under growing pressure to delay. it's planned to sold on rafa in southern guys. the world health organization says a military offensive would cause an unfathomable catastrophe. israel says the operation would be part of its campaign to destroy him us, which carried out the october 7th terror attacks. medical staff of also be going moving patients and displaced people out of the main hospital in nearby con eunice, evacuating the necessary hospital in con eunice. palestinians carried their belongings in sacks, as they made their way out of the complex. the as rarely, military said, it had opened to secure a route to allow civilians to leave the hospital while doctors and patients could remain inside. it also said,
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troops had been ordered to prioritize the safety of civilians, patient's medical workers, and medical facilities. during the operation. this voted shot from southern israel, shows plumes of black smoke rising in con eunice after his rarely forces shall be area over night. israel is facing growing international pressure to hold off on a plan to solved on rafa where more than a 1000000 palestinians have sought safety. during your visit to israel, germany's foreign minister warranty israel against pressing it's offensive into the city. why don't calling for e mail, young people stuck in a very confined space because they have nowhere else to go at the moment. do so on us vocation. if the east really, um you went to launch and offensive on rough under these conditions would be a humanitarian. this off the in the make came it on is really has about to fight on
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until it eradicates from us and has made the return of the last hostages, held by them a priority. but how much says israel must 1st commit to ending the war and withdrawing from guys? earlier we asked, do you don't use an s if in jerusalem, if there are any signs that israel is listening to the concerns voice to buy germany and other allies it could very well be that israel's ground offensive, and rough on may have already started. if it wasn't for pressure, the reason pressure mounting pressure coming from germany in the us to postpone that invasion, that a sold until the millions of people there, the 1300000 people there have a chance to leave in a safe and orderly manner to another safe area within the gaza strip that could very well be, but publicly the rhetoric coming from is real right now is very defiant.
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netanyahu said today on his telegram channel, even as bare bach was in the country already. so he said that the ground offensive . we'll go ahead as planned, did note that they would give civilians an opportunity to leave the area, but did not say that they would guarantee any safety for the people there. so on the one hand, the pressure is mounting. it could very well be that is realized listening behind closed doors, but publicly, very defiant, and as if there, here's a look at some other stories making headlines today. lebanese officials say 3 civilians and a has bought a fight or have been killed in is randy airstrikes, while israel is military says rocket far from 11 on, has killed in his ready soldier, israel and lebanon. this has been a militant group, a frequently traded fire along their common border since hama attacked israel on october 7th. circus president friendship type,
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or the one that says turkey and egypt are ready to cooperate on rebuilding gaza once the war there is over. 31 has made his 1st visit to cairo in a decade. relations between the 2 nations broke down when a key turkish allied was toppled as head of egypt. muslim brotherhood. the powers appeals court has found a former french president without. sec was the guilty of a legal campaign financing over his failed 2012 re election bid. it confirms a previous ruling by a lower court. the appeal judges also suspend this half of us are cause he's original one year since the funeral of a german woman who died fighting along so i can find in forces as being held in keith combat kinetic deanna. so the temp wagner joined to a battalion as a volunteer. she was killed by the link russian troops on ukraine's eastern front.
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while ukraine says it has destroyed another russian worship in the black sea, the ministry says the vessel was destroyed of the crimean peninsula, which moscow legally annexed. 10 years ago. keeps says naval drones sank the seas or clinic of a large landing ship and ukrainian territorial waters. it's the 2nd time in 2 weeks that ukrainian forces claim to have sunk a russian ship in the black sea. mike martin is with the worst studies department of kings college in london. earlier we ask them how big a below the sinking of this russian warship would be as well, i think in and of itself, the sinking of a single. i mean, this was a landing cost is not a huge deal, but when you add it up to all the other ships they have been sunk. i mean, this is the 2nd ship this month, the finance and sunk and the black sea. and this thompson is starting to hit high when you're starting to close the russians to the appropriate needs. i mean,
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obviously the, the ukrainian defensive last year didn't really achieve what it was meant to achieve. and that's because the russians had some time to be able to dig in. so all along the front, they dug in strong patient's id tank, dishes, mine fields, and the reality is it's easier to defend them to attack. and so that is why we see that the war line stalemated. but of course, in the amount of times you might, as we seem to this attack just a few drones. and you can have quite a large effect on ships that are much harder to defend. indonesia as defense minister is on course to become it's new president unofficial early results put problems to be unto ahead of his main rivals. with more than half the vote, provo is a close associates of the popular outgoing liter joke. oh, we don't go. but critics say his past makes him unsuitable for the top job. for most of be on to was once thrown out of the military over allegations of human
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rights abuses. now, he's celebrating victory in his country's presidential election. even ahead of the final results. the bullet accounts or posters to include in your mazda attendee dates posters. say on the phone because that's terrible. we'll keep it on one in one round but not for beatles election prospect due to boost by joining forces with good bron rocha blooming, rucker, the son of indonesia is popular outgoing president. the dual supporters say they're
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a foreign victory gives them hope for the future. i know, i hope to do. it gets a freelance that was prominent and that's economy improved with less unemployment underneath it. of course internship with becoming more advanced country and more independent and play a bigger role in say on but also in the work. yeah. but despite a new face, as his running mate for both those critics like and his leadership to the dark days of indonesia is that gets long, dictatorship and fear his presidency for the trip in democratic progress. and the country use for 910 to one is in jakarta, incentives this assessment of the election results. probably so beyond those that did the be full of confidence that he will be in the election right out there holding. he invited to press the film him while he was exercising his private swimming pool. and then tonight see through
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a big party to celebrate his victoria based on the great guns result. these actually proves that president took over to, to support to disappear by installing his son uber under a couple of we got got as defies president of trouble is working well for him. for a bull promises that he will continue joke over you, go to his program under his government. laser has also gave him more supports on the invitation people. and tonight's here at the event and just thought that probable also stated and promised that you will be the president for oh, you got this all of the really gent and the academic background and be fair to all of them. here's a reminder of our top story. at least one person was killed in 10 people wounded in the shooting during the us super bowl victory price. thousands of kansas city chiefs football funds were etc breaking when gunfire broke the you're up to date of the next plan of a takes
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a look at the future of silicon valley. it's known for everything from computers to solar panels, but it's reaching its limits. that's after a short break. my problem alias for me on the team here in berlin. thanks for watching. take care the fast fashion as an environmental nice clothing, graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile ways get stranded fashion, watching on youtube. these do for fun vide, do gravitational wave squeeze are about how do.


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