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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  February 15, 2024 6:30am-7:01am CET

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the west has recognized the danger all the signs with us. we really understand that if we fail, uh, we will lose our concepts, euro my done jobs february 17th on t. w. the hello and welcome to focus on europe. it's great to have you with us. this february, march the 2nd anniversary of russia's invasion of ukraine. on the 24th of february 2022, russian president, 14 ordered his army to cross the crane in border. but what russia thought to be a quick victory has become the deadliest will on europeans soil since world war 2.
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as the outcome of the will remains highly uncertain, intense fighting of the south east of ukraine has become a daily reality. along the front line near a city such as back moved and a disco, ukrainian army units have built deep dugouts to protect themselves from attacks except when they're out firing at russian targets. i'll report a visited frontline soldiers adapting to their 2nd winter to ask how much longer they can keep going. and how much electronic welfare has changed the battlefield. it's still dark as we had towards of div. the city is russia's number one target on the ukrainian front lines were joining in a leak ukrainian drone team, restaurants, or monsters. we have intelligence that the russians are planning to send in 250 infantry soldiers today to attack our positions the subsystem. while we must adopt
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their attacks with kind of like as the drones are still the same, or if we send our infantry into something we lose on the lots of people for the muslim fish to, thanks to technology, we can prevent this and it was a piece of plastic carrying ammunition, we can do our job, most of the spring, i am for snow and ice as far as the horizon. kamikaze, drones like these costs just $1000.00 to make it cheaper and available. unlike ordinary artillery shows. thanks to the many drones constantly in this guys. nothing is invisible on the battlefield anymore. with forth again, no one took these toy drones seriously, including ukraine's military leadership. this has changed. soldiers on both sides have learned to fear them, but the as for services. unfortunately, it isn't, the landscape is covered in bodies when the russians advance over their own dead, and sometimes they even pretend to be dead with wood and so we find them anyway.
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they seem to be more scared of their own commanders been of us that are going to look at the wireless. i mean, really certainly there's 2 of them lying on the left hand side, slow down. don't rush. look at the middle of the screen or no, no, no, that's on the target. and what we need is those to look that over there. we need one of you to take over or so the, it's a clear hit to russian soldiers caught out in the open, realizing the danger they pretend to be dead. but it doesn't tell me it's in this week. you know, really, this war has proven that all the old ideas and strategies for finding a war don't work anymore mentally. let me, let's get you on that. but the world is watching us and realizing what to still work on it to do much little will me look like, what do you mean? will you bunch and show most just put through what but this war isn't all just about high tech, with temperatures fluctuating around the freezing point. the recent rain has turn to the road here into ice rinks of our jeep is just one of many
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stuck on the way side, and even the best winter tires make little difference. this ukrainian artillery unit has dug in nearby. smoot, what would eli must make of it? soldiers ask us laughing. as one of many mice emerges from behind with a musk star link internet terminals and an age of satellite connectivity. here on the front lines, they're still waiting for an innovation to properly to feed rodents. given enough time, the mice nibble everything from sleeping soldiers, fingers to computer cables or something. let's just go to the cast. we brought down here all right off. they were too scared of the rent, and sometimes a weasel comes by and helps us out with the money. i don't really money into my house. so harmless, at least it's some kind of distraction was i don't know what if it's useful with russian drones ever present to this guys. this unit essentially lives in this dug out, unless they're out firing
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a targets. they spend their time here in their self made bunker to, to see more. yeah. it's a little different course. everyone is scared. but most people find a way to get used to those who don't aren't forced to stay here, but transferred to other unit. so there's no criticism of those who left some of the men we meet here used to serve in the infantry, just a few 100 meters from russian positions that they chose to come here to the relative safety of an artillery position. the frustration with those avoiding deployment entirely is stronger. so you know, my new clients sitting around at home and senior cit, telling yourself i wasn't born to find the new one. is that correct? everyone is going to have to fight sooner or later. there's no point in the hiding from the army, shows you learned on the job. and if you don't learn more before
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when forgive you your mistakes i'm, we will after 2 years of war, many here say the hardest thing isn't even the fear of the boredom. it's the uncertainty and the distance every day down here, these men watch their children growing up without them. thanks to their smartphones and satellite internet with the best of available in the 20s. enjoying this, sometimes i'll call my doctor and ask our high schools doing some more time when they got you'll see it saturday or sunday. don't hear you. you lose track of time. and no one can say how many more days their country will ask them to send down here . but no one can say one of the ukrainian refugees will be able to return to their home linden piece over a 1000000 of them have found refuge in germany among them or natalia, marcia, and cindy. we met the women 2 years ago after they had arrived in bill,
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in each of them determined to be their life safe from war. we reached out to them once again to find out if their dreams and plans have come to ward his choosing. these women took their homeland. you create a link who loves to learn new things, telling the time in german for instance. she's here at the social center for refugees that she signed herself. it's called who, tennessee? oh, good condition. like her, most people here come from ukraine is more refugees on learning. german in a playful way is just one of the goals. demand is enormous. really gets to a hub. and what is it? and now that we've found it are good to miss the own. our goal in berlin is to build an integration system for other migrants and refugees. and boeing says tim
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integrated to assist you. uh, since the call a very important mission for me. yes, this is the district gave me some since may 2022. that's a lia cobra link, who had just arrived from ukraine, quickly made friends through a project run by the protestant church was still concerned about her relatives back home. and that's his name, and my family is very important to me. i want us to be together, but i don't know if we can go back or when my on the more than we get to know. so you're talking about 2 years later things have changed. no, not to lia wants to stay in berlin with her doctor. but when tutoring for the refugees is for admission, she's already been to visit her family new, creating a few times. and she's extremely concerned about developments there and do this that you just test the situation. it's frustrating. i know we've got no idea
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when this war will end the end. it's very, very difficult. it is, it should be to get ordinary on the site. bringing with fashion on the inside actually use a tool of a studio. after a long search, she was able to move in here in the autumn of 2023 and she's happy now of the if i have the 5 month i have equipment, and now i almost almost the finish doors, thoughts course. so in 2 weeks, i will have an expense in may 2022, her sewing machine was still firing away in an empty portland bakery. in key, masha was a well connected fixture of the fashion circles. with several employees, he grabbed from one day to the next. she had to give it all up and stocked again. for him. yeah, he might so funny my system, my work is basically my life, the set of options. i definitely want to keep going for sure. for those,
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i mean that's why i'm trying to look at what so how it's just that i because i can't do anything. if i turn in the back is up. yeah, it takes all of my strength away showing you what i see was a bit of our plans came together. i know with other designers, she's showing her fashion in berlin. her goal is to be able to lift from her work since fleeting ukraine. she has returned only once to bring her elderly caps to germany. of the way it was very hot experience for me to see my friends. they have to stay, they have no choice. i feel guilty because i have a better life. i can choose and i here in safe. it's hard to look in their eyes. see me every other con is looking for work again. she is a top class business education and managed various companies and ukraine before the
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war. but the things in berlin are only progressing slowly. i work in technology star top uh its uh, barely start out for the cool one, but unfortunately every starts up have they own challenges and problems and sometimes something can go wrong. cassini is 1st portion of coal 2 years ago was a cocktail barnett cafe. you create an ad hoc meeting place for refugees at the time she was confident you would soon find that the job for me is to make something through friend t find a space in a shared flat for herself. and her 16 year old son, he's successful at school here. returning to keep as i took the question for now,
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the main goal is to earn money. if you don't have a job, it's a really bad thing. it can work with my hands, so i can go to the factory, i can back and i can do anything. i don't. i don't scare about to do any kind of job. 3 women, 3 stories, one a to choose their own destinies, despite the war. and you create over the past decade space countryside has lost much of its population regions like zamora, i have seen village just died out with elderly residents remaining. and the young ones seeking a bit of life in cities. what is left is known as life spaniel of oxy or empty spain. this comes as a huge challenge for parish priests too. and yet though he is one of very few clergyman in the whole region, and he has to attend to more than 40 churches all over the area.
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town near to in his handful of keys are on their way to one of the 43 churches. he serves the parish priest them at least stay in the spanish province. of zamora, drive 50000 kilometers a year put you on the law or is a necessity for a recreation to the right of is is it this? how do you believe this is one of the villages in his parish 40 residence a graveyard, and a church, a photographer wants to take some interior shots. the tail schedule is full and he has no time to stare. he moved to at least stay at 29 years ago from the provincial capital of tamora by choice that according to the many people wants to be writing, the rural areas are less important or who died after a few years here, someone asked me when i would be promoted when i would finally be sent to the city in the literally didn't understand that i came here because i wanted to be here to, for the move on. like if i like that. but then you have to just tell, i can forget,
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give you that i can tail gets the church key to an elderly couple so that photographer can take his pictures, seniors like them, keep the village of the lives of many young people move away. that does it almost everything used to be more humane out on our alone and need help with is the the villages are empty now to so tales. mission goes far beyond the religious as well that in this appeal to create challenge, they must restore dignity and quality of life regardless of each of the independent . we also need to few young people that they can have a few tricks here on the country side. get game and portal, so whether it be nice to present things to them, you know, rather not as 15 kilometers away. 54 year old father natural meets with some young catholics. they come together from the nearby villages to pray and discuss problems
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. they loved the region, but many move away and not just for training and education. if that's a lot of numbers are in the moral immigration. there are so few of us and young people want to be with people our own age guy. yeah. printers are all the way, so that's why we're here. these thing you can count on me k o tries to boost their self esteem with activities like this because i want the young people to feel more reachable for me that understand that living in the countryside is worthwhile though, because how do you? yes, i feel move away. i'm only thing you need is didn't send to learn a little, but maybe they'll come back one day, you know, to this village for another one, a little bit to see what else you know what i said? i don't know what the harsh reality is. the jobs and prospects are few potatoes opportunities for he would not keep up the struggle.
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have you been in vegas head of yours? you have to be idealistic, not mine. people. after all are the reason for the dwindling numbers. here that my, that i for the problems that come with them to and people have the power to fix the problem, your side of approval. kind of what assume i know is that will, can single one of whether it's, i mean, quarter case at least the roads are good and the internet works. meetings are being held online. like the one with the citizens initiative working for a functioning health care system for many of the state runs centers are closed. they want to change that. so the same as me because that's the soonest that i, if the doctors here or no clinics could reopen from 30th, because that would entice more people for special here that i don't think they can . but above all, those who stayed would have propaganda. right? yeah, that's good, even i think they have a right to doctors. i mean didn't did it to the
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evening. j o is celebrating mass and marty on his on his own. he simply can't manage the services of all 43 churches, but he is assisted by other priests, and the people here will not give up so easily as we have give them a for the most lead may not have enough firewood eyes, but we keep the embers alive to spread hope and then you'll see on if there's no one left click the last one to turn the light or something. but as long as someone still lives here and you know, we need at least a glimmer and get him because he mounted in the shop of desperate outside positive details. the city priest who came to the country wants to stay. he's going against the trend, and many here hope more will follow his example. norway has committed itself to become climate neutral in 25 years, focusing on carbon capture technology to chief physical, the cement factory and brave. it will be among the 1st to store it c o 2 thousands
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of meters under the sea to prevented from shielding global warming test ex, new stutter and her colleagues are employing the new technology, steering attention from other european countries. this could also bring a lot of business to no way of these 3 specialists in previous southern norway are helping make their cement plant claimant neutral. they've installed a filter unit next to their cement, to narrow. they have to learn how to contain the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, of all of them were username, chemicals, water pressure and very high temperatures. the hot everything has to come together to the cement industry is a key contributor to c, o. 2 emissions burning, lighting, stone and kilns release has huge amounts of carbon dioxide. the 3 big plant is trying something new. if it works,
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it could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by $400000.00 tons a year. project director to are going to start explains homes because this is the actual c o 2 separation process is fairly straightforward that we call it up for that. it takes place in the absorber it back there. there we remove the c o 2 at a low temperature using an ammonia solution with all of this chemical is able to absorb c o $22.00, good, that's available. first, the emissions are cooled in special containers and another chemical was added and the mixture is rekey to to strip the c o 2. it can then be liquefied, under high pressure is a complex process that requires a lot of energy, but the specialist have a solution for that too. the most of the energy for the separation process comes from the segments. can we use the
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residual heat? so we can divert what would otherwise escape through the chimney and use it for this process. they've been working on building the separation unit for 3 years now . it's been financed by the norwegian state. the a space was filing for an entrance storage facility in the spectacular fjords along norway's west coast 12 giant holding tanks for the liquefied greenhouse gas that being completed, we talked to span over and then now they said that the project director expects the time to hold liquefied c o 2, not only from the region submitted files and then also from the church. and danish facilitates it pulls those we brought by ship as, as he point site. the location offers in the ideal hub, they're letting in down here, we're building a tunnel for our pipeline, 270 meters below ground. on average either in the pipeline then runs north along
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the sea bed, right? well, that's it. and then west into the north sea. the pipeline will extend over 100 kilometers to see the liquefied c o 2 will then be deposited at the depth of 2600 meters. the plan is to inject some $1500000.00 tons of it to the sea floor, annually sped over, assures us that this is a safe way to store it and shows the rocks. and as chris said, as you can see down here, the space between these wrong middle of the system, the by the same token, the sandstone and the sea bed has some bases all through it. do you need the who and this is where we'll store the c o 2 over died. take above the sandstone as a 75 meter thick layer of shale together. this makes for an excellent, permanent depository problem on that as long as norway has already gained
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expedients with injecting. see you too far, right in the north sea for some 25 years norwegian companies have been extracting natural gas from this, like a gas fuel pumping. the carbon dioxide produced right back into an underground reservoir. nor we use prime minister us gosh, to seems confident that his country will be able to help you reach at some dishes claimant protection goals. we have enough space. basically for most of europe, c o 2 for many decades to come. so what we are working on now is to have value chain from industries in europe, that can transport c o 2 1st by ship them perhaps then by pipeline. and then we can pump it down and we want to make this commercially viable for industry. and this is about to happen. i believe. the 3 big summit plant team understand the c. u 2 they collect will be a drop in the bucket,
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claim it twice. but it's their hope that many other plans will follow suit theme to begin collecting c o 2 and storing it deep beneath the ocean floor. by the end of this year. did you have a look at your garbage this morning? maybe a bit of waste could as being re processed. that's what designer side doing in milan, in the fashion, the trouble is garbage is increasingly used to create governments. sustainable materials such as waste could be the basis for your next fancy jacket or even a stylish lamp, cloth, or furniture. saving the environment has never looked so good. a horn meadow with an espresso and fresh orange juice each day. the class, the detailing and breakfast, produces piles of waste that either winds up in the garbage or in milan being dried by the people behind crill design. they turn food waste into elegant lamps,
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bows and clocks in alternative to using plastic in their chic designer objects. very much can we use materials that don't create pollution? i mean, so as not to make the situation whereas that's what we're doing it, but we're gradually repairing the damage. humans have cars done on foster orange peel and used coffee powder is made into a brand new there. material strings of which are then fed into a 3 d printer to build low. but let's say, let's say the high end until the end design, the attention to materials is on the mental temper stuff. it's always been that we can do so. so it's a natural evolution to be focusing on sustainable materials and sort of engineering trend talk because we will be building the materials of each are new will be growing level modified. they look at a shadow. mauricio montague and his company mo, who have developed this textiles. it looks and feels like real leather. it's made for mushrooms or more precisely my celia,
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which usually grows underground. we literally gro, materials and products that thanks to a negative cold ration with my drug of assistance, which are nothing does the nature as we are. therefore, what we do is to work with nature for nature and as nature from the bundled networks that looks like most of material is produced, that by the end can be a natural alternative to foam or leather. from high end sound proofing panels to mushroom leather, even too expensive haute couture, all without animals or chemicals. sustainable and trendy design in italy. and this brings us to the end of this week's edition of focus on you. i hope you enjoyed the show. you can also look up all our reports and dw use which side. thanks for watching and see you next time
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the . the
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watch, the environment, trends, technologies come is digitalization, tops, new markets, new media. the world is acceleration. sees the opportunity to try new things, take flights with d, w. 's, business magazine made in germany in 30 minutes on the w. rushes, war of aggression on ukraine has raged for 2 years. 2 years of people being
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separated from the families and have some defend the country on the funds while others are trying to start over in a foreign country living either in constant danger and sickness and then so essentially focus on 0 in 90 minutes, dw, the sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow. we're bringing an environmental conservation to life with learning facts like global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing,
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download it now for the kids in turnkey is changing. 6 years ago we said it can't get any was to, but it does guardians of truth. this time, excel gen, this turned into our meets the voices of the 3 turkey author. as the ad one had to flee into exile, i knew the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish governments all sort, tammy and cools. of some kids, but really it's a crime is addressed and the path of trying to takes responsibility for his action . what about the freedom of the printer and freedom of expression? guardians of tree tops, march 2nd on d. w. the
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seat of a news long from berwin. germany's top diplomat warrant that gaza is on the brink of collapse. i know not that buck urges israel to delay its planned attack on the city of ruffled this fine international pressure. benjamin netanyahu says he will press the head with israel's offensive, also coming up, one person is dead and many others injured after a man's shooting during the kansas city chief super bowl parade. police detain 3 people and are investigating a possible motive. and former defense minister for both of us to be on to claim victory and indonesia presidential election preliminary results for him ahead with
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