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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 15, 2024 7:00am-7:16am CET

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the, the, the, the, we news long from berwin, germany's top diplomat warrants that gaza is on the brink of collapse. and the bulk urges israel to delay its planned attack on the city of ruffled spies international pressure. benjamin netanyahu says you will press the head with israel's offensive. also coming up, one person is dead and many others injured after a man's shooting during the kansas city chiefs super bowl parade. police detain 3 people and are investigating a possible motive. and former defense minister for both the v auto claims victory and indonesia presidential election preliminary results for him. ahead with well
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over half the votes. but the opponents yes. to complete the really welcome to the program. canada, australia, and new zealand have joined international calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and gauze, and enjoyed statements. the nations warned israel of potentially catastrophic consequences if it expanded its military operations into rough or israel is planning to move into the southern gauze and city to fulfill its state of goal of destroying him on a group. considered a terrorist organization by multiple nations evacuating the necessary hospital. in con eunice palestinians carried their belongings in sacks, as they made their way out of the complex. the as rarely military said it had opened to secure a route to allow civil is to leave the hospital while doctors and patients could
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remain inside. it also said troops had been ordered to prioritize the safety of civilians, patient's medical workers, and medical facilities. during the operation this voted shot from southern israel, shows plumes of black smoke rising in con eunice after his really forces shall be area over night. israel is facing growing international pressure to hold off on a plan to solved on rafa where more than a 1000000 palestinians have sought safety. during a visit to israel, germany's foreign minister warranty is real against pressing it's offensive into the city. why don't calling for email? young people are stuck in a very confined space because they have nowhere else to go at the moment unless you, cuz if the east really um you went to launch and offensive on rough uh under these
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conditions. and it would be a humanitarian dis off the in the make king and is really has about to fight on until it eradicates from us and has made the return of the last hostages, held by them a priority. but how much says israel must 1st commit to ending the war and withdrawing from guys. our corresponding, i mean east of joins is now from jerusalem. i'm in germany, it's just one of many countries warning israel against it's planned, offensive, and rough, or is there any sign that in? yeah, i was listening so far. there are no public signs that netanyahu. i seated any of these warnings. he said, even as animal in a bare bach was in the country visiting that israel plans to go through with the ground assault on rough. uh so pretty hard press. behind closed doors, there are some signs that is real, is heating the warnings that it could have already staged and is sold on rafa. but
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publicly israel has been a very defiant one of the conditions that germany put forward in order to support the ground in a salt on raffle. was that more humanitarian aid the brought into garza? well, just yesterday the far right wing of israel's already right wing government succeeded in blocking a mass of shipment of aid into gaza that contains about enough food to feed a 1000000 gardens for a month. much needed supplies in the dire conditions in rafa. but it's not getting into gaza and this is, even as germany in the us are urging this aid to get into gauze and for any assault on or off happens air off of course, garza's main lifeline. at this point. i mean, why does that mean yahoo want to press ahead with this offensive on roughly smith
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in yahoo has stated goals from the beginning of this war, which began with a how mos attack that really shocked the nation was to completely obliterate from us. and nothing has student, israel's way us so far. i think nothing, you know, who believes that failing to essentially destroy raw for the last real standing city in gaza would show a sign of weakness. and it has to be noted that after the shock of the terror attacks on october 7th is really is the public is very supportive of this, where there's little concern for what's happening and gaza to the civilians there. so nothing yahoo is not facing any pressure from this population despite the protests. there are minority of it's real easy. we're very concerned. but the vast majority how are supporting nets and you all 100 a 100 percent. and it also should be noted that the warnings that come from germany analynn a bad voc just yesterday saying that it is real,
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should hold off on this ground installed on rafa as well as a warning some of the us they don't have any teeth behind them just as the diplomats are telling, announcing yahoo to be careful of these countries are sending massive weapons shipments to israel just earlier this week. the us approved multi $1000000000.00 a military aid package to israel and germany's government is currently discussing, sending, sending tank shells to israel, which of course could be used in the ground assault on rasa. that's the w, i mean, ease of injury. so them, thank you so much. i and the united states police and kansas city say one person has been killed and more than 20 others injured, including a children and a mass shooting during a super bowl victory parade. thousands of football fans the winning team. the kansas city chiefs were out celebrating their success. when shots were fired,
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police have arrested 3 suspects and say they are investigating the incident and any potential motive. one of the witnesses describe the scene when the shooting began. when all of the sudden people started crushing forward, everybody started running, there were screaming, we didn't know what was happening, but this teenage and people run, you run. and so i put my arms around her and we tried to push through, so people wouldn't run on top of us. and there was a woman crying saying something about somebody had been shot. but of course it's hard to know. is it a singular incident, or is there an active shooter? but we got pushed all the way up to union station where they had dated everything off, so you couldn't get in for the cheats. and everybody started jumping the rails and pushing everybody over. we got inside and we thought that, okay, it's tom, now we're inside, we'll be safe. corresponding benjamin alvarez. grover is following the story from washington dc. he told us more about what police were saying about the shooting. there was a press conference already by police in kansas city. they said that 2 people on
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people are in custody. that the investigations is still ongoing. what we heard shortly after this happened. it was a sunny day in kansas. a lot of people were on the street celebrating some schools were all so close, and businesses had some viewing party to walk on the teams that had arrived there. so a lot of people then, well, we just heard there too. it was a lot of k is when shots were fired, close it to union station police set that multiple people were struck and that they took to arm to people into custody. asking everyone to leave the area as quickly as possible on one side to facilitate the treatment of the shooting victims and also a to make it easy event for 2 reunions to kate and fathers and mothers with the children that they really vacation center. but of course, there was a lot of tales. many people started running around. there's also a videos on social media showing that some fans also managed to grab one of the shooters until police arrived. we still are waiting more information on that at the
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kansas city chiefs, the team, the one the super bowl. and it were all the people actually went to welcome them to the city and to celebrate also and published a statement is saying that they are truly saddened by the senseless act of finance and benjamin alvarez. reporting. let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world today. seventies officials say at least 9 civilians, including children and 4 has bluff fighters, were killed by, is really airstrikes on wednesday. israel's military says, rocket fire from lebanon and kills, and is really, soldier is real, and lebanon's has more militant group of frequently traded fire along their common borders. since a mazda attacked israel on october 7th, a paris appeals court has found former french president nicholas of cosy guilty of illegal campaign financing over his field 2012 re election, but it confirms a previous ruling by a lower court. the appeals judge is also suspended. half of circles these original
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one year sentence. the funeral of a german woman who dined finding a long sight ukrainian forces has been held in keys. come back medic, deanna. so v to wagner joined a battalion as a volunteer with kills, battling russian troops on ukraine's eastern front and the nature of the defense minister is oncourse to become its new president. unofficial early results for football, so we on to head of his main rivals with more than half the vote for bobo is a close associate of the popular outgoing liter ciocca window. but critics, a, his past makes some unsuitable for the top job for both of us would be on to was once thrown out of the military over allegations of human rights abuses. now, he's celebrating victory in his country's presidential election. even ahead of the final results. the
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to pull accounts or posters, including mazda attendee dates, posters. say on the phone because that's terrible. we'll keep it on. one in one round 2 beatles election prospect go to boost by joining forces with debris and reco blooming, rucker, the son of indonesia is popular outgoing president. the dual supporters say they're a foreign victory gives them hope for the future. i know, i hope to do it gets a freelance that was prominent and that's economy improved with less unemployment
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underneath it. of course, internship will become a more advanced country and more independent and then play a big a role in say on but also in the work. yeah. but despite a new face, as his running mate for both those critics like and his leadership to the dark days of indonesia is that gets long, dictatorship and fear his presidency, protecting democratic progress in the country and to germany now were the 74th berlin film festival the burly knowledge is getting underway over the next 10 days. hundreds of films will be screened alongside cannon banners. the burly now is one of the world's major film festivals. but in the german capital, the glitz and glamour often run shoulders with political controversy. and this year seems to be no exception to come. batching, the february drizzle with the promise of glitz and glamour. the red carpet was soon greet stars and film makers from all around the world. the annual festival is
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kicking off with the world premiere of small things like fees, an irish belgian production star, and kelly and murphy, who is just a moment aged for an oscar for his performance in oppenheimer. oscar winner lupita in young go is another face to be looking at for she's this year's jury president in charge of selecting the winners and renee and director and producer martin scorsese will be receiving the honorary golden bear on tuesday for his lifetime achievements the violent ali prides itself on being more than just red carpet prestige. there's always room for political debate. following weeks of protests against the far right across germany, the directors decided to uninvited 5 politicians from the right when a asked the party this year. the directors also emphasized that the festival ames
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to enable open dialogue surrounding the war in gaza. so retrospective for sympathy goes out to the victims of the many tearing prizes in the middle east. and that's where we are also concerned to see that on pacific isn't on the muscle memory sentiment and hate speech of spreading in germany and are on the word tickets. one film director has withdrawn his work from the festival in protest of germany, support for israel and is calling for a boycott of german cultural institutions. my, the phone, much of the but organizers hope the festival can provide a venue for both sides to better understand each other. like the selection, anticipation and control oversee go hand in hand at the berlin ally as the festival on falls. it will become clear if the politics overshadow the performances and without you are all up to date of next. we have plan today for you as long as the role silicon plays in check and how it might be reaching its limits. so after
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the break for leasing all of us here in the news, remember land. thank you so much for your company. the, [000:00:00;00] the, i tried several times. i went on 6 times to greece. is that all i have to spend life from 500 to 600 currently more people than ever on the worldwide in such a progress in life. you know, it's a very difficult journey and 135 because it's very hard. they beat


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