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tv   Conflict Zone  Deutsche Welle  February 15, 2024 9:30am-10:01am CET

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the why is the ice melting? the assignment reset in the i, c d, w. ukraine approaches the 2nd that of us ray of rushes full scale invasion with some alarming uncertainties. will the us be able to restock the islands and now munitions supplies, which drive up a month ago? have the big promises from the west about staying with ukraine as long as it takes time to dust. my guess this week is alexi, gunter and co ukrainian. m, p angelica to the parliamentary assembly of the council of your one thing should be clear for everybody. ukrainian people are fighting. but who we are losing people every day. and we come to wait forever. and we can fight forever for
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a year ago, going to ranko had post price was $11.00 ski and reservations about him because he still believe this president will lead you crying to victory. and if he com. is there anyone who can? electric on settings are welcome to come pick some hello mr. sebastian. you told me a year ago, you had questions and issues about some of the things president zalinski has or hasn't done, but they would wait until the war was over. only they haven't wasted you haven't waited in november. you talked about him having autocratic tendencies. why? because is the fact. it has autocratic tendencies, and unfortunately, i think it's the time to speak about ways to stop it, to prevent the bad scenario on developing these tendencies. so we need to say true and we need to to keep her and to secure
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a democracy in ukraine. i want to get into what you think those tendencies, uh, but to this is a man who is fighting on many friends with responsibilities. most of us can hardly find them, couldn't have given them a little more lee way at least until the country is safe. oh, we gave him a lot of time and possibilities. we have supported him and everything. but we can support human autocratic tendencies. it's not something, it's not about politics, it's very simple. smaller talk receive will motor. we know over be good to question the strength of ukraine is being democracy and to when we need to secure these, that's all and we will secure this. this is the, the role we should, we need to do this as a landscape print, assess of petro, part of san co, is telling everyone to leave him alone and to somebody to politicians on the video to stick together, stop the personal attacks. they only create the divisions for ukraine. the 1st lose a is ukraine. he said, because we give additional fuel to the skeptics of ukraine. he has a point,
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doesn't do. absolutely. and tentative still looked at the same but to the same man present version. if you will listen to what she's saying and we all, we all see, it's not just me further from a present version call key. if my peach call anybody else it's so it's something we just clear that. so yes, marshall all the time. it's not the best time for democracy to flourish, but it's, it's also shouldn't be justification just for autocratic tendencies, and we need to speak about days. we need to to make all them into open, transparent, and really workable. we need to, to fight against corruption. biggers corruption is something which hurts us from, from, from the heart. and we sure makes our victory very difficult to, to achieve so that that is all about transparency, democracy. and that's why we need to fight for it. but verified to against
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corruption, a lot of people have been dismissed for corruption. the newspapers are writing a lot about corruption investigations. um that's going on and that's exactly, that's exactly what you're telling you. if you will watch it all these cases, it wasn't to law enforcement bodies budget horse joined the list of position politicians who are raising the shoes. and yes, because ukraine is democracy, we have a nonsense. and because ukraine is democracy, we continue to do this. but always it is raised by a journalist by your investigators, and it is not enough for efforts from law enforcement bodies themselves. that's why democracy matters because these, these checks and balances frontier is there's no shortage of people as you probably know, both in europe and america. who don't believe they should be spending as much money as they have on supporting ukraine. um, they're just looking for reasons to stop another. another roles have crafted in
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power in an east european states. it doesn't, it doesn't inspire respect for ukraine or for the landscape at a time when he needs it. surely. yeah, that's why we need to fix the situation now. not to let you to go to some bad scenario. that's because we come, if you grain, we are not to to of course it today. and it's clear. but if we want to become a child christine it, which would be impossible to hide, everybody will see it and that will hurt the country. so that's why we need to secure a democracy when it is to present and it is still present in ukraine. and we need to act now, not waiting something about. so what's your biggest gripe as far as mrs. that landscape is concerned too much government control of the media. a tumor is government control over media or too much government control over parliament. so the local authorities and in general,
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like what i think mr. dimansky should do is to create the government informational unit. here's the he was often compared to churchill, but you have to remember what church will do the main 1940. so he invited to mr. actually the leader for position to become his deputy, the crate and the government destination are unit 2. if you will, what you to use rail the 1st and there are very, very tasks political tensions in israel between forces by today created a government of national unity. and i think something we should crane should do is to create government of national unity. we couldn't drawn the country just by mister zalinski and mister, your mark. um, how mostly happens today to use what you say. you want a government of national unity given the it's existential threat that ukraine is facing. what the actual difference do think that would make, or that would make a big difference because that will give possibility to everybody, to show their best, to everybody, to,
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to fight for the country. and that's something we're like in today. we so clearly have problems with management in many, many directions. that's why we need to strengthen the team. are we sure around the country to do these? we need a government of national unity. also these will be a very good sign, both for ukrainians and for our partners abroad and friends abroad that we uh, united. but the only man who can do these is presidents the landscape. and i hope he will do this. do you no longer trust the landscape to lead you crying to victory? because that's then it will but mouth is right now, is it know he will lead you grant or maybe he will need new grant or victoria because have elections when you were just physically, it's impossible to have elections in the circumstances. rearrange, you know, but i'm asking you to use the right mind for the job still as far as your concerned are. i was concerned about you see right. man,
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do for the jump from the very beginning of your time. you still are term and you still, i'm still are but we don't have any other options. he will the president of ukraine till the end of these board. so i hope that he will be effective president because from these defense, my personal existence and existence of my children and my friends and my teaching and my constituency. so i will do everything i can to help him. but at the same time, i should do everything i can to stop the development of that scenario. so when i see them that you've already said he shouldn't be president once the war is over, you've made that clear. yes. yeah, absolutely. you think you mentioned the thing anyone else could be doing a better job right now? the event is a question. i think there are people who can do better job, but again, he will do the present to land of the water. but off to the end of the war, there will be elections and a dog to the presidents and may i ask you will, when does the elections, if you will take part in them, you have the emissions to run for the presidency yourself? no, so the case about these 8, sorry,
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i haven't dition to be alive. yeah. and healthy at the end of these war, that is the main task for me by end to do everything they can till that time after we will deal with the everything else. you talk about the autocratic tendencies of presidents, the landscape, but that's not ukraine's biggest problem. at the moment, the real body blow has been the failure to procure other kinds and quantities of weapons. and that munitions that you need to push the russians back out of your territory. do you blame him for not getting those security? no, no, i don't blame him in these. it's clear that he tries to do everything he can do it . sure to receive free grain everything we need, but i blame on i think that we need to change the strategy strategy of one man show doesn't work anymore. and the problems that we have in the
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united states. yes, definitely. we became a hostage, an internal political struggle in the united states. but also we need to change our strategy. we need to address to wider audience. we need to work your auto mean washington marketing and the level of states on the level of universities on the level of professional of trade unions and so on and so on and so on. this is a big job for which should be done for a long time with that. where is the one man show strategy and it doesn't forward anymore. prisons an excuse doing everything that you can. but if we need to change the strategy in order to achieve results, are you losing trust in the west? there's a, a big difference in the promises that were made at the beginning of the conflict on the statements that are being made. now, are you losing trust in the west that we don't have any other options if we will lose drugs at the time? so the in, are you lose the insurance? no, i am very much concerned and very much for straight to,
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to about what's happening in the united states. and the fact that the new package of support is not coming and what the prime minister oregon is doing in hungary and, and so on. and so on. but we have no other options. we will win with these allies, and i hope they will all understand the fact that i will tell you now russia is more dangerous today, then it was 2 years ago. russian economies, hon footage, um, 14 doesn't care any more about any international sanctions or obligations. and they will not get back to a peaceful life. so they would have any success in ukraine. the question will be only one, not, wow, not we'll attack name or not, they will attack the glacier will do. where will it? because x don, will it be judge yet? will it do baltic states? i don't know, but they will definitely attack. that's something we shouldn't be clear for everybody. so the most rational thing to do for the last piece to stop pointing in
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ukraine today. and you, cranium, car, and car wash of ukrainian army gives these opportunity as the months have gone by, you've had to watch the original american promise will be with you as long as it takes that's more often to we'll be with you as long as we time there's a world of difference, isn't that between those 2 utterances do you feel betrayed at all? so i don't feel betray time, but i am too frustrated because it's so clear that to support a few grain is the best possible strategy for the rest today. and it's clear to everybody, and the idea is to be getting through. but i, we see what we have, what do we have? the police, the political struggle in the united states stopped uh, delivering new weaponry and support to our country. we do hope that due to will be fixed, we are waiting for the results, but with every day we understand that it is, it becomes harder and harder. and now that's the question also to euro will europe
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take elite, even though united states these year will not, because of that little sound thing which we will need your told you as america told you ukraine belongs and nato belongs in the you. but these were invitations that didn't have a data attached to them. so in the end, what was the value? the value is important. we are moving into new york in integration. we made the next step last year we're open to the negotiations on accession of ukraine to european union. but yes, a want everything to to be quicker. and so one thing shouldn't be clear for everybody. ukrainian people are fighting. but who we are losing people every day and we come to wait forever and we can't fight forever. so we need to move and move fast, you know, the, to really stop the russian to really. and if you really isn't going to try and go should the west have promised less and prepared you better for the prospect,
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but you might eventually not, but they might eventually not be able to go all the way with you. i think that would be the great mistake and that whole rest will not do this mistake with all the hesitations with all the programs but to the rest, show the best walters in the moments of need. but the cash they wrote 2 checks. you called cash. yeah. but we hope that will change and i think that will change. and i still believe in the absolute mind uh for of the last because it's in the best interest. it's not about promotions anymore. last year, like in 2022. so bought a few grain, it was about emotions. seen how rationally skewed in children, women raping, and all these was awful. but today to support ukraine is the most magical way the most for the magical theme which rest can do that something we wish we need to address and redid something which we need to explain. and i believe that we will do
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it in december of 41 percent of americans said the us was giving too much support. 64 percent said neither side is winning the war, but polling data doesn't exactly help you, does it definitely. and that is a very disturbing pulling data, but they're a batch of things when so like if you take me georgia saying that your united states should support you. great. uh, and i think that what we see now in falls is it is a popular result of the comparing which are already using place in the united states and some statements. for example of president trump. and now we see some results of this impulse. but if we will go deeper, i think americans clearly understand the trasha or together with china, the biggest threats to them. and today ukraine is stopping this rep. and the only thing they should do is to help us not losing any american life,
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is super pragmatic. it's super ride and just strategically decisions. and i think they will realize it at home for the american establishment will also stick to these. after all, the political scientists will be over the shifts of mood, her being substantial, but they have been also above your own public and dates. the landscape po ratings down 22 percent to 64 percent in the year from december 22 to $23.00. so trusting the government also down and as far as you can so trust in parliament is really way down. you and your colleagues don't seem to have in spite the public, your rating is down from 58 percent to 21 percent between the spring of 22. and the autumn of 23 does not worry you. yeah, it worries me. that's why i'm trying to convince my colleagues of attorney to open the problem and how it was always today, a new grand department disclose journalist them until out. there is no life
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translations and things like this. and we need to change this, and that is only for more things, but there are also things in the corner. we should, we should change. people are exhausted in ukraine. people are tired. but if you will take a look at the same pulse, you will see that people still are ready to fight. and that's very easy. why? because people, they're not fighting any, be grand people are not fighting for zalinski or for parliament, or for any political leader. people are fighting for themselves because we clearly understand what try the trash or what can we to genocide again against ukrainians like they are doing now and they'll come by a territory like the deed 100 to years ago. so we don't have any other options and then to we mobilization is a big issue for you in parliament. i'm the country a bill that would have sent up to half a 1000000 more soldiers in tobacco was put before parliament before christmas and
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then withdrawn. i made a huge controversy. why the controversy? you kinda need more troops, doesn't that? that simple. yeah, it's that simple. we need and i think that these, the draft will come back about the problems and is dropped. for me, the most important is to set the terms of service this today, there is no time of service for ukraine and military, and the people confide forever. and we need to change those people who are fighting for already almost 2 years. and for these, we need also to take other people. what is the question? when a year president saying we need 402500000 people? i really don't understand is what. why? because it's not about people. if we don't have enough ammunition, if we don't have drones and other things, there is no sense to take more people because of. busy we are not in medieval times when the adjuster number mattress and also we can fight with russia in numbers because russia is much bigger than us. so we need to fight another war where our
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soldier and officer, a super well equipped weapons. and we have very good strategy which thinks about the wrong, the wrong course being we can we, we are supported by our lice, with rapid re. yes, we want to more, but we are supported, but nobody is going to support us with both on the ground. so we need to, to, to keep our people a life. we need to secure our army as much as possible during the war, because this is our crucial resource men power. the average age of your soldiers is 43. mr. gunter, then co doesn't, don't. you won't need younger troops and the minimum age fall and scription is $27.00. doesn't that need to change the father with his drive to ease and die? by the way, i said bruce sponsored them, tentative dropped off my position to the parliament. and uh, you use about the decrease in the age of renovation from trying to 7 to 25 minutes
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. something which i think will happen. and definitely again, we need to mobilize people. but at the same time, we need to demo belies people to because people kind of fight forever. and we need to have a clear strategy and our strategy for the next are, should be strategic defense. that's what we had tell him for quite a long time. unfortunately, we were not hurt, but now it happened already because we just comp, without a superiority attack russian russians been changed and d e. and to remind fields that something which is impossible for us just from one point of view, we have 13000000 people in the country today. russia has 150 just a few days ago just to your point about about the strategic defense one of your soldiers in the recognizance unit on the east bank of the the pro river in the south called the situation deplorable. aust, if you can,
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could hold its position that he replied, of course not. the fact is that the marine corps was unable to maintain the pace of the offensive. i'm sure it lost the initiative a long time ago. how many stories like that are you hearing? many stories like that i hear, but you need to remember that is about being tired. been exhausted. yeah. our mean of those people who are fighting for 2 years, many of them really shouldn't be changed. and that is the fact and we need to do this. so we don't have any other option. if the shortage of weapons, they continues to have a plan b. yeah. with hollow palm beach, used to fight the we will fight and i don't think that the dish or the rappin would be stopped completely. our plan be strategic defense. we need to, we need to build a frontier, occasions we need to dig in. we need to create my fields. we need to create line
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which will exhaust trashes you for they will try like now they are trying to attack . that's what we should do. that is our plan for the nearest mom's view of one west and official working on ukraine in progress. he told the newspaper last week. it's probably fair to say that the ukrainian system is entirely dependent on the continued military assistance from the west. has that thought some can yet, and you can, that is true and that is something which disturbs me seriously that ukraine. yeah, we'll definitely we time to be self sufficient from military point of view, but we can do much better than we are doing today. yes, we are completely dependent today from a rep and resupplied from our lives. that's true. do you ever look ahead and imagine what it might be like to lose this war? i think it's impossible because the 1st war for independence,
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a few grain. i think we already won it. and that was the war when russia dr. kia and tried to wipe out ukraine from the map of the world. that would never happen. and that is already clear. now we have another war for our territorial integrity. and these war can last very long with the stops, and i come tell you when it will be finished. but the, to the a misfortune to wipe out ukraine from the map of the well world is on the cheaper bu anymore. that's why i think that the main war is already won by ukraine. but yes, there are a few challenges that have. we're coming up to the 2nd anniversary of most goes full scale invasion. can you see any more clearly how this war might end? the best ways, the ukraine, these come in, we are restoring our territorial integrity now on the to the borders of 1991. the
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not in of the scenario, use that part of you territory. so if you grade will be occupied for some time, oh, i don't know, is that acceptable you that is painful for me, but i mean if it, it will happen this way. it could happen this way, by time. sure that sooner or later these rushing and by will fall and we will restore our integrity completely. i just want to remind you that so if you're junior and occupied, baltic states for more than 40 years and uh, but to the world was not accepting these. and sooner or later, oh, so each union collapsed in baltic states became to again, independent. so that is the same story. we will restore our church, our own integrity, i'm absolutely sure and base about how quickly it will be. i don't know what of you know, and in terms of lessons over the last couple of years about your country yourself, about big promises. but that's the 1st thing that you grand exist. it's not kind of
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for joe carl put in thought that your grain is a failed state that ukrainians, not a real estate, but ukrainians as a group. the does not exist. that's not true. we are strong, encourages nation, and the strong country which will survive these war after these are, will be stronger than where before, also one more thing, which of the left hand side to the main thing is the hot power. we need to be strong enough to defend our values venue green gave up it's nuclear weaponry 29 years ago. so 2 years ago, almost there was a huge mistake from us. we where and leaving the illusion, a world where the countries that keeping the promises. unfortunately, it is not so the lesson is if you want to exist, you need to be strong and business, the less than not just for ukraine, but for the whole free world. alexa, gunter, and goods be good to have you on complex. so thank you very much. it was very nice
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to be. thank you. the, the, the
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in the mountains of the curve dees a stand summer is a time of more even for the little one. i have to help my mother. there is also a place where children and just be children i yours for learning stands for nobody in 15 minutes on the w eco indian. this job has given me so much peace of mind. ready while i have the
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confidence that i can face like. ready vengeful, my says because i have this child. ready in the 1st all women waste management team as cleaning up. sure not. they're working for a better environment and finding against male dominance in, in their eco india. ready and 19 minutes on dw, the really used to reverse page researchers and scientists all over the world for you know, race against time. they are peers and rivals with one daring goals to helps mark the
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more likes watching it on youtube, dw documentary has started. we started to understand clearly and what you need to do for us. ukraine was a symbols. are we moving towards europe or not? on the 2013, this still is afraid democracy protest in ukraine. the country response to your price to ship to west have recognized the danger and the terms of being photos on the signs with us. we really understand that so easily. a file uh we will lose our conscious euro, my done jobs february 17th on t w. the,
10:00 am
this is the, the news line from berlin. germany's foreign minister warrants that gaza is on the brink of collapse. and the bad luck urges israel to delay its plan to attack on the safety of rough up and by the international pressure. benjamin netanyahu says he will press ahead with israel's offensive. also coming. does your of now need a nuclear deterrence? europe's defense is on the agenda at the needle meeting in brussels after donald trump says she would not defend nato allies who hadn't contributed enough money. and one person is dead and many more injured after a.


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