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tv   Transforming Business  Deutsche Welle  February 15, 2024 2:15pm-2:30pm CET

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eunice, in southern gauze, military set, it has credible intelligence that the buildings at the remains of hostages, taken by the militant islam. misquote. palmer and that's it from me and his team for now up next business is looking at why companies still struggling with packaging and god else is invalid. thanks for watching the stars is we started to understand clearly and what you need to do for us. ukraine was assembled, are we moving towards europe or not? or the 2015? the still is afraid, democracy protest in ukraine. the country response to your cries, disputes of freedom, set to west have recognized the danger and the terms of being foretold all the
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signs, but that we really understand that so easily for you. uh, we will lose our concerts. you wrote my done stuff, february 17th on d, w. the this is a catch up bottle from crap tons. and this is, it kept. the company says it will soon be fully recyclable, making the bottle fully recycled. replacing this simple part supposedly took 45 prototypes at 8 years. that's according to the company. for a catch up bottle cap. this is the new world of packaging, where companies are reinventing their very 1st impression on customers. they're looking more closely at materials and facing new pressure to have those materials recycled often with the pay off spending millions and millions and millions and millions with, you know, you guarantee that they're gonna have
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a payback on that is very difficult at all while ensuring that their new packaging works as well as the old one coming up, the difficult decisions behind sustainable packaging. on transforming business. there are 2 so called mega trends. the analysts say, are dominating the packaging industry right now. one is sustainability. the other is e commerce. pictures like these are upsetting plastic trash in the ocean on land. in some cases, plastics exported from wealthier countries to pour. once plastic isn't just ugly, it's a climate problem primarily due to its fossil fuel based production. and it's packaging this. the single largest source of plastic demand industries survey shows that consumers want their products to be more sustainable. governments are acting. you members have committed to recycling 55 percent of all plastic waste by weight,
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by 2030. but according to one recent study from consultancy, you monia, they're only collecting somewhere between 40 and 50 percent. rules like they use are designed to pressure companies to use materials or substrates through easily recyclable. that's an opportunity for companies producing those material. what sustainability does it make sure that the company is role equal level for it has consulted companies on sustainable packaging makes those companies role and find applications where they're substrate piece the better solution. experts say that for major brands, however, like prep, hines, nestle, or amazon. it's often a burden they're spending to replace one type of packaging with another without the promise of more sales. and it's not as simple as just swapping out packaging. for one, there are loads of different materials to choose from. 8 or 8 combustible plastic is lightweight, so it's very few grams per package, which means typically less carbon emission. and then metal he said super easily
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recyclable. so. so then what was the problem with the original catch up cap? if it's already recycled? there's a 2nd material inside look here, this small part where the catch up comes out that's flexible silicon and that makes the cap more difficult to recycle. the issue is really the small valve crystal fall dollars, the c e o of b plus peak reality, which works with firms on sustainable packaging. he did not work on the crop times catch up cap, so they said, okay, we need it. we need to have a model material we need just totally problem because when you look at, for example, the white color packaging made of poly properly in, for example, this is highly recyclable as a model materials. so in other words, swapping out that one small valve makes recycling the entire product much easier, but there was a risk america's favorite catch up and give it a squeeze. we anytime to please. just to go over
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that we have some aspects of packaging which are really important for the consumer and, you know, bringing the catch up on the right place on your plate. this is very, very important. how did craft hines keep that function with a new material? they re engineer the cap entirely and filed these patent documents for the so called by low tung closure. the new cap is made out of 2 pieces of polypropylene and the company claims that works just as well as the old design across hinds declined to comment on the process behind the cap. but experts say that it's design was just part of a link to your process mock ups, you book prototypes, and you do some for samples from maybe a small tool or you do, then you do your testing. so again, you do consumer testing, which can really take a lot of crap pines isn't the only company going through this process. look at your
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milk carts or jukebox. that's what's known as a septic packaging. toucher pack is one of the most well known brands. an aluminum layer inside keeps out oxygen in life, but aluminum is problematic for greenhouse gases. so now tetra, pac says it's trying to replace that barrier. marketing can also affect how companies approach materials. consider plastic notecards, they often come with colored tops to identify the fat content in the milk, but the pigment to make them harder to recycle in the u. k. some packages finally change them. after years of pressure may not be working in this industry for over a decade. something that they've been binding on about since before i started. and it's only just happened to show you exactly how long these processes can take. and there's, there's no, there was a technical reason why it couldn't have the pigment taken out. there's nothing and so is purely, i'm all the things i, people knew what type of milk it was, even though it's on the label. let's say that light crap times you've done it.
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you've created a package that is technically 100 percent recycle. now you can recycle it and get that material back, right. cutting your cost a circular economy. oh, it's easier said than done get this in 2022. recycled material. made up only 21 percent of hines packaging by weight according to the company, not even a quarter of its packaging output. and that's actually not bad for the industry. one to talk is an average of stuff except we saw the content across. so packaging and which is the size and average because we know it's gonna be more difficult in some areas like film, some facts was and it would be for 5 people. so it was which is easy to get, so i have something and i don't average across the board for old pass impacting. we're about 24 percent. one big problem is sorting. another is it helpers? limit the use of recycled plastics for food, great, plastics. those that touch from products, it's paper and cardboard where the packaging industry takes a bigger step towards circularity. amazon recently announced it's boxes and patches
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in europe. are 100 percent recycled in the market for recycle pump strong. just look at one of the confidence biggest paper based packaging producers, smurfet kappa. it reported that 3 quarters of the pulpit using 2022 was recycled. here just south of mexico city is a look at industry's best efforts to make plastic more circular in advance recycling center run by the british base company greenback right next to a landfill. here there's plenty of material to work with and plenty of labor to help with the initial sorting. a greenback is working with major brands like nestle to take recycle plastics out of the surrounding environments. all setting what nestle has pumped in is heat some material to break it down, and resulting liquid as a plastic resin used to create new packaging, including food, great, plastics, according to the company. so in other words, we're not trying to recycle caustic and park benches, but we're trying to create full so clarity, phillips, and stuff. and back is the c,
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e o of greenback as companies space more pressure to show that they are recycling the plastics or that they're using recycle plastics. they couldn't theory, turn to companies like this. greenbacks as it's proprietary software, uses artificial intelligence to further sort the plastics and then create a chain of custody for the residence. the only reason that people would buy our product is if they need to be able to prove that the packaging with that product has recycled content. if they can prove it, then the point of paying greenback is still a young company. and companies like it often struggle to find investments. hope is a growing pressure on industry, inc. road this market in the years to comp. and there are signs of industry is facing more pressure. remember those reason the e, you would just look at the u. k. and the california both also have new recycling rules, the aim to compel companies to actually recycle materials and larger amounts. and
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for companies, this is what it comes down to. creating recycling economies is difficult, and it's expensive. the years long efforts to create recycle packaging may actually be the easy part is always the low hanging fruit system for stuff to take, bolstering recycling processes on the backend. that's much harder. one thing is clear, the pressure for better greener packaging is growing, and it's unlikely to slow down any time soon. the the,
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into the conflicts own with tim, sebastian. i guess this week is electric hunter and co. you creating an m. p. angelica for the parliamentary assembly council of yours for a year ago, going to ranko had post price because the landscape and reservations about him. because he still believe this presidents will be due crying to victory conflict.
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next on dw, russia's war of aggression on ukraine has raged for 2 years. 2 years of people being separated from that families, and has some defend the country on the funds, while others are trying to start over in a foreign country. living either in constant danger, home sickness and then so essentially focus on 0 in 60 minutes on the delta v. the . so you're insane and feel the same way you expect and want different things from life than your parents do. i just want to
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pursue what that's my thoughts hired or you think your kid is 2 different risk, irresponsible, unreasonable or stop port is not i want my son to the doctor. is there an alternative to plan everything to prevent a divorce, but nothing worth doing because it's time if you're a sleep and we're paying for them when generations this week on the w is kind of funny. feels like the e p
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a c, t. the love and respect ukraine approaches the 2nd that of us are you have rushes full screen invasions with some alarming uncertainties. will the us be able to restock the islands and now munitions supplies, which drive out for months ago, have the big promises from the west about staying with ukraine as long as it takes time to duff. i guess this week is alexi, gunter and co ukrainian. m, p angelica to the parliamentary assembly of the council of your one thing should be clear for everybody you cream and people are fighting. but who we are
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losing people every day. and week.


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