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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from the israel stoves, the last big hospitals still functioning in gaza. beyond me says it as credible evidence that hamas held hostages inside this complex. meanwhile, australia adds to international calls for israel to delay its planned to sold for the sum of nato and seats assess prince to the west. europe's defense strategy and the wars and gaza ends you cry and dominate 2 days of pulse in brussels. the alliances secretary general strikes a post. the judge rejects donald trump's request to dismiss the case against that. that means the ruling in new york, the ruling and the alt means the 1st criminal trial of
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a former us president. come no, go ahead. next 3 on the news space. race, privately owned landa head. so the luminous south pole mission. find what the guy that offers welcome to the program. is there any troops have still on the biggest functioning hospital left in garza, the army describes the operation at the nurse, the hospital in the southern city of con eunice as precise and limited. it says there's credible intelligence. that's how most which carried out there toby, 7th, turbo tax health, hostages in that complex to my balls, tight and footage appears to show is rarely forces entering the hospital in hon unice, the main medical facility in southern gaza. these really military says it was
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a limited operation. aimed at finding hostages remains with credible intelligence from a number of sources including from released hostages, indicating the tomas handle hostages and the nozzler hospitality on eunice. and that there may be bodies of hostages into another host facility for the south. some 1500000 displays palestinians. and now living in crumb conditions in the city of rafa. israel is still believed to be planting and assaults. but international warnings are growing louder. large scale military opposite operations in densely populated areas, risks extensive civilian casualties. how strongly believes this would be on justifiable? i'll message to as well is listen to the road. do not go down this path. the united nations says there is no safe place for gardens to evacuate to with so
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many people, a mass along the boulder. you and so you might have to heavy and cheese as wanted to spill over into egypt. given the scale of the devastation, the went straight agency says gaza will need international investments on the scale if you it's post school marshal plan to cover after the fight thing. but for most cousins, the future is far from their minds. they're struggling just to survive. everyday a w special correspondent, i'm yeah. see if it's in the jerusalem and he has more details of that hospital. right. so the israel defense forces claim that the conducting a precise res using special forces on this hospital. they claim that they've given a warning to the people in a hospital to evacuate, although they have not evacuated, the people themselves is a big difference there in terms of security. a many of the patients have stayed for fear of being shot while leaving the hospital. at least one patient has died in the rates so far,
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according to reports come off as well as the hospital staff also say that the israel defense forces shots into areas where thousands of civilians are sheltering out of the hospitals. not being used only as a hospital, but also a shelter for many civilians who have come from other areas in gaza. so at least at least one person killed in the rate. now what's interesting here is that the idea impressed statement said that they were looking to retrieve the bodies of hostages, where they're talking about here is those hostages that have already been killed by him off. so they're not talking about retrieving living hostages, but the bodies of hostages. so that's the situation of the hospital. at this moment . ukraine's military is repositioning some troops in the front line town of, of difficult to what it calls more advantageous positions. the eastern town has seen months of heavy fighting. chief says it is redeploying some forces because it is difficult to supply after you've got and get people out. russia is trying to
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seize the town, which is the nest with egypt. the important for the, the on bus region are moving slips to more advantageous position. is this just a way to elude to an upcoming retreat? i put that to military analyst front type, which yeah. well, in short, yes, it's a euphemism full with the bar appears to be withdrawal over the last few days, the ukrainians say that they have on and seem to have re deployed one rather late to unit, so called the 3rd time at the gate, i should say we will know by soon as the as obligate to, to open up the will to try and hold open the, the, the, the roots and what, what's become a culture of the castle in germany. where cattle, where uh, uh, does that, that essentially the job was a, a setting. and it seems that the process of trying to withdraw our troops from, of the, of co which, which has been in the pipeline now for,
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for the last week or 2 very clearly is beginning on the go see, for me something to your point out for that is really deployment. now remind, as we've heard, that's a difficult is the key to the going by region. explain to us why it is so important for both russia and ukraine. i'll show a cool to take the key key to the dog boss. i think when it, if it falls that will move on to another k the originally polt. and so that was that it was the last place effectively in ukrainian hands for which shelling could be conducted against the city of dog boss, which is about 20 miles or so to the, to the south east. the essentially the south a big city of don't ask on the bus its wanted that bucket was a, it would wanted it, it was a been falsified for a long time in photo for a long time. and it was an embarrassment set to go next was big show for that. so that's the original operational reason. but of course, as with all these major bottles such as boss, moot and various others,
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we've seen over the last 2 years. it's now sea city to can boats and it's, it's because it's a political importance and because it's a, it's become a, a symbol for standing and holding and so forth. like bought much choice of the situation actually now and since you mentioned about what are the political situations of cranes president most criticize last year by many experts holding onto bach, move to another town in the east for too long, which led to heavy losses and still resulted in ukraine's retreat. is ukraine trying to avoid the same mistake and after you have gone now? yes, it seems so. and it's a one in one element until one respect. this is quite, quite surprising because as he said, we've had a change of command from generals, obviously to general see, to scan. we would have expected, general se, ask you to put all the results as quote to try and hold it. but it seems that they, but they've given up that particular approach very wisely. although we were made to
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the base of the sea by the they all going to be able to get the troops out of updates. the weather is awful. god is absolutely tablets, monday. it's extremely cold, the roads are smashed up, the russians on both sides. let's hope that the has all the data and others can come and show that when the time comes they can conduct the withdrawal, as i call it, to the retreat as up as michael and get his money. uh, sold his office that com at. now what all that is going on uh, both sides still exchange strikes and what's your assessment? who is better equipped to a stand the frequent attacks? as we don't see a about the strikes against russ. i guys do crate in key targets. that's the way the cranes pops, understandably, play it, but the russian strikes of diarrhea, clearly doing damage. i saved for the same for the same for the russians. and most
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recently, of course, we saw the last of another one of the non big ships. this is a war of attrition. neither side has the advantage and resilience the russians of course, will just press all the ukrainians will continue to to resist the advantage of with respect to accession bootable file. without further help. clearly lice though, with the larger power, with the most soldiers. more results is right now that's, that's russia. ukraine is not reinforced with further results and indeed, soldiers, military, almost frank language there. thank you very much, frank. thank you. so a 2 day meeting of nato defense ministers in brussels has ended with big challenges still facing the lot among them to boys in ukraine and gaza and the requirement for many states to invest at least 2 percent of that economic output on defense multiple absence b u. s. a. secretary of defense law austin, for health reasons. nato secretary general again spoken back says despite the
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challenges the outlook remains positive. i'm confident that to the nathan will remain the strongest and most successful lines of history. and i expect not the states to continue to be as don't show ally for at least 3 reasons. first, it isn't the national security just over the united states. they have a strong active or the 2nd there is actually ruled by parts and support from a store in united states. and certainly, the criticism in united states is not primarily against nate, though. it's a, it's against nato allies, not spending enough money all night to get installed. am i speaking with donald john by the w as a terry schultz. terri, you've listened into that whole press conference. what are your main take away?
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well, as you heard from that sound bite from secretary general souls and burke, he came to this meeting fully prepared to have to counter the trump statements that said, anyone who isn't spending enough on defense should, might as well be attacked by russia. so this was definitely hanging over the meeting here today and yesterday, and you know, this was a meeting where everybody needs to be focus on what more they can do for you, pray, what more they can do to deter russia. and it's still, most of the questions were about the, the support of the united states should donald trump become the next president. so this was definitely a damper on the meeting. at the same time, we did still sit, we did still hear of more packages for ukraine from several allies and as you heard and, and get it in the direction of trumps mean targets. how much more countries are spending on their own militaries. this is a pledge that comes do this year, a 10 year pledge made in 2014, that all of them are supposed to be spending 2 percent of their g d p. and we were
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told at this meeting that it is now up to 18, but of course they are definitely waiting for the others to bring their militaries up to that to that capacity as well. terry is just a week before the 2nd, the end of us, 3 of the start of rushes, invasion of ukraine. do you think he will be satisfied, satisfied with the outcome of this meeting? so that's right, a very sombre anniversary that will be and i don't think you can afford to be satisfied with the outcome of this meeting. we just had an interview with the estonian defense minister, and he was at the forefront of getting the european union to pledge a 1000000 rounds of 155 millimeter ammunition for ukraine. a pledge that will fall far short. it was due to be delivered next month and not even half of it will be there, so definitely keep needs that ammunition that needed it yesterday. at the same time, there were some initiatives announced that i believe will uh make keys a bit. reassured that neither will stand by his side for wonder is going to be a joint training center established in poland where ukrainians will come to be
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trained. and the allies as well will learn from ukraine, the country that knows best. how to, how to fight russia. we also heard that there will be a 1000000 drones sent to ukraine, and various countries announced more contributions to what are being called capabilities. and that is something that was established under the ukraine defense contacts group and certainly will a reassure ukraine that allies will continue to send contributions still waiting, of course, on that 60000000000 package coming out of washington. terry schultz, them for 2 from now to headquarters in brussels. thank you very much sir. that's all up now. so the other stories making headlines in india, the government is to hold talks with pharmacist following most protests calling full guaranteed cro prices. security forces have set up roadblocks to stop thousands of farms reaching the capital daily. similar protests, 2 years ago, forced the government to spread pricing. we phones. germany has overtaken
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japan last year as the world's biggest economy. the re shuffle is due prime at primarily to a shop full in the in japan is now technically in a recession to as its economy. it has contracted for the 2nd stripe for some as the 1st criminal trial of a former us president is about to go ahead. next month, a judge in new york has rejected a bid from donald trump to have his case dismissed. a charge of stem from harsh money paid to, to women before the 2016 presidential election. the trial is scheduled to begin on march 25. and for one this, let's go to w correspondent, benjamin. otherwise, google joins us from washington. d. c. a benjamin. this will be a 1st, the 1st ever criminal trial of a former us president will will, can you tell us that's right. it will be the 1st
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a former us president to send trial on this criminal charges. and the republican frontrunner is currently facing 30 full towns of accounting fraud link to payments it to points to stormy daniels. and let's recap it because this case has been going on for years now. the dates back to the closing base of the 2016 election. and in march of last year, a grand jury and new york indicted him over these payments. stormy daniels at the trump paid $130.00 us dollars for her to stay quiet, though. so her claims of a love affair with a, with trump a year of to terms of marriage with milan. yeah. trump. but it's worth noting here though they're providing so called hush. money is not actually illegal in the us. instead, this case will center and how he's a former lawyer, michael cohen will pay to miss daniels had his reimbursement, then recorded in mr. trump's account, but the legal experts say that it is actually unlikely that donald trump will be jailed if convicted and that
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a fine here is the most likely out. now trump is facing a series of other criminal charges. what else is expected for him? this yeah. or that's absolutely right, and it's not easy to follow this a cases as the republican front burner is currently facing full criminal a cases we can expect this legal roller coaster to continue because media here in the united states is reporting that this friday there might be a new ruling that might be interested in another fraud trial in which donald trump is accused of crossly inflating this property values. and in that case, you risk having to pay up to $370000000.00 a us dollars. trump has been using this and many times to fuel his claims of being victimized, calling this a, which on that that's something that his lawyer is also set at today. it blasting the decision of the court. now tom did complain today that he cons run for president. if he's sitting in the courthouse all day long,
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how will this try the effect trumps re election come by donald trump and his not only legal team, but also it's communication team has made his court involved in this part of his political campaign is also there for no surprise that donald trump and his teams are pushing the claim to presidential immunity. he repeatedly claims that he is immune from a criminal liability for actions that he took while he was in the white house. it still remains to be seen how this will actually impact his campaign, because it will look at polls. we have the primary in south carolina coming up soon . polls are still showing the voters in south carolina, a final likely to actually support donald trump over imagery. haley next weekend if we look at the polls right now, so we will be looking closely of that because the primary next week and will be very important and interesting because that's my lead to nick. he actually dropping out, leaving the republican a candidate donald trump is the republican nominee. correspond with benjamin of
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eyes group of that in washington dc. thank you very much ma'am. bye. a woman has been killed in more than 20 people, including 8 children injured and a mouse shooting during the us super bowl victory parade. police in kansas city have arrested 3 suspects show spring out in a crowd of football fans sending them into panic. kansas city was hosting a parade on its team winning the super bowl. a day of celebration turned into tragedy. the only thing i really saw as a become chaos here, down down, down everybody down. somebody's joking. you know, this is what i think is about the same time. and i'm like, okay, this might be a room but yeah,
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basically everyone the same footage kept at the moment. police apprehended the suspect, the no return. the source, he's immediately quoted in just the area around the cities union street station where the shooting took place. the i'm angry at what happened today. the people who came to this celebration should expect a safe environment. we had over 800 law enforcement officers, kansas city and other agencies at the location to keep everyone safe
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because of bad actors. which was very few. this tragedy occurred even in the presence of uniformed law enforcement officers, who again ran towards them and took them into the investigation into who is responsible for the attack. and the motive is still ongoing. you're watching dw, and you still to com. this is better than film festival is opening with hundreds of movies competing for the top of the prices about the war and goes up and the rise of the far rise in germany means the better knowledge is taking place against a sense of political backbone. but 1st, the private admission to the moon as the last of the from the kennedy space center in florida. 321 ignition and with the intuitive machines lost its own. this is slammed them on
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a rocket made by eat on most companies space x. it's trying to become the 1st commercial spacecraft to land successfully on the move. the i missed for this is to search for was up in a so called 2nd space race the, the american movie, then no just use for use up to set of into space. it's aim is to bring a camera and newly develop nice measuring equipment to them in its destination. is the luna south pole? there are this. here's what's called a spot to lend softly on the moon stuff and a new race to the moon is on satellites. have discovered water and it's probably the most important resource for human space travel. this race is not driven just by scientific curiosity. it's
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a quest to develop the best technology, discover resources, and to secure future markets. nasa wants to build a station in the moon's albany and outposts on the surface and the space agency is working together with europe in japanese and canadian partners. many u. s. companies are hoping for new protest contracts and income from space tourism china, russia and india also have moon tourism in this heights. in order for any of this to happen, it's mission critical to find a way to land safely. but this is no easy task. and many have paid the rushes. lou know 25 commission, crushed into a luna cradle and power green. the 1st commercial at american movie landa suffered the fuel leak
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on self destructed over the pacific ocean to palm slim ro, but actually landed upside down off the field. india was able to put a robot on the vehicle on demand. meanwhile, china was the 1st nation to land on the far side of the me. if this is mission is successful, us will be able to came the 1st commercial newsletter. nasir also plans to build its new schuman stepped station there in the darkness. the newness south called the back here was the 70 volt bell in film festival,
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the bell. and now that is getting underway over the next 10 days. hundreds of films will be competing for the golden and silver bad awards that an audit is one of the major film festivals boss here in the german capital glitz and glamour. a awesome mix with political controversy. this yeah, is no exception. come back saying the february drizzle was the promise of glitz and glamour. the red carpet was soon greet stars and film makers from all around the world. the annual festival is kicking off with the world premiere of small things like fees, an irish belgian production star, and kelly and murphy, who is just a moment aged for an oscar for his performance in open hymer. oscar winner lupita and young go is another face to be looking at for she's this year's jury president in charge of selecting new winners and renee and director and producer martin
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scorsese will be receiving the honorary golden bear on tuesday for his lifetime achievements to berlin. ali prides itself on being more than just red carpet. prestige is always room for political debate. following weeks of protests against the far right across germany, the directors decided to and invite 5 politicians from the right when a asked the party this year. the directors also emphasized that the festival ames to enable open dialogue, surrender, and war, and you guys actual retrospective for see, but it goes out to the victims of the many different places in the middle east and elsewhere. we are also concerned to see that on to submit isn't on the muslim or resentment and hate speech of spreading enjoy money and are on the word good. since one, some director has withdrawn his work from the festival in protest of germany's support for israel and his calling for
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a boycott of german cultural institutions. mind the fundamental months will be, but organizers hope the festival can provide a venue for both sides to better understand each other. length of selection, anticipation and control oversee go hand in hand at the berlin alley. as the festival on falls, it will become clear if the politics overshadow the performance. you're watching dw new. so you, as a reminder of all the top stories, is there any special forces have entered and also hospital in con eunice, in southern gaza. the army says it has quoted credible intelligence. that's how most kept hostages within this complex nature. chief of wrapped up a 2 day summit in brussels, adults dominated by the wars in gauze and crying, and the states defense spending company. that's it from me and the new scene from our customer code, the best that kevin will have an update for you at the top of the i don't go away
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now up next conflict. so tim sebastian got office for me and whole use team here in building the the the,
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into the conflicts own with tim sebastian. my guess this week is electric considering co ukrainian. m. p. angelica, for the parliamentary assembly council of you. hello, is this about a year ago, going to ronco had post price present lensky and reservations about him because he still believe this president will lead you crying to victory conflict next on d. w. but you will tell here we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting
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a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and the for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the con. you news africa. in 60 minutes on d w. the nice to be at the end just to pass it, got any difficult to access an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the the wind is the ice melting, the signage reset in the ice fields.
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march on dw ukraine approaches, the 2nd that of us say of russia is full scale invasion with some alarming uncertainties. will the us be able to restock the islands and now munitions supplies? which drive out for months ago, have the big promises from the west about staying with ukraine as long as it takes time to duff. i guess this week is alexi considering co ukrainian. m. p. angelica to the parliamentary assembly of the council of your one thing should be clear for everybody. ukrainian people are fighting. but who we are losing people every day. and we come to wait forever. and we can fight forever for a year ago, going to ranko had.


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