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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 15, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from the in israel storm this the last big hospital still functioning. in garza, the army says it has credible evidence that hamas held hostages inside the complex . meanwhile, australia adds to the international coles, the israel to delay its plan. the sold the south also coming up on the program a judge projects done with trump request to dismiss the case against him. the ruling in new york means the fuss criminal trial of a former us president can go ahead next month. filings international film festival opens with famous spaces on stage and hundreds of movies come pacing. so
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the top prize is about the role in garza and the rise of the fall right here in germany. form a tense to let's go back to this. he is the new keeps making and welcome to the program. is riley's troops have stormed the largest functioning hospital in garza, and now the army describes the operation at the nasa hospital in the southern city of san eunice as precise unlimited. it says, but is credible intelligence that hamas, which carried out the october the 7th terror attacks held hostages in the complex to my balls tight and footage appears to show is rarely forces entering nesa hospital in hon. eunice, the main medical facility in southern gaza. these really military says it was
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a limited operation. aimed at finding hostages remains with credible intelligence from a number of sources including from released hostages, indicating the tomas handle hostages and the nozzler hospitality. notice that there may be bodies of hostages into another host facility for the south. some 1500000 displays palestinians. and now living in crumb conditions in the board. a city of rafa where israel is still believed to be planting and assaults, but international warnings are growing louder. large scale military, opposite operations in densely populated areas, risks extensive civilian casualties. australia believes this would be on justifiable. a message to as well is listen to the road, do not go down this path. the united nations says there is no safe place for gardens to evacuate to. so many people,
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a mass along the boulder you and so you might have to heavy and cheese as wanted to spill over into egypt. given the scale of the devastation, the went straight agency says gaza will need international investments on the scale if you it's post school marshal plan to cover after the fight thing. but for most cousins, the futures fall from their minds. they're struggling just to survive. everyday. across from the me in the 5th, joins us now from jerusalem. i mean, what more do we know about the situation right now in this hospital to well, the i d, f has stormed the nicer hospital which is essentially the largest still functioning hospital in gaza. right? now they said they carried out a precise operation using special forces and that they made all efforts to keep the hospital in operation. their mission there they said early on was to recover
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the bodies of hostages that they claim have been killed by him. also, these are not living hostages, but just the bodies of those already hostages, already killed by a mazda, according to their intelligence. but when they were in there, they also took several people into custody as suspects. now we're also hearing from the staff of the hospitals. there that's run by the government health ministry, which is an turn run by a moss, which is considered a terrace organization by israel and several other countries. they said that the storming of the hospital began with kink fire on this hospital, which killed at least one person that we know so far a patient they claim. and we have to remember that this hospital is not just being used as a hospital, but also shelter for many hundreds of civilians that have been fleeing out of the war 10 areas across the country. okay, and israel also says that it does plan to move forward with it's offensive on
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rough. uh we've talked about the growing number of international coals. not to do that. what more can you tell us about what is really saying about this? well that's, that's correct. um the uh uh, plans to move ahead with this uh ground incursion into ralph i have there's been many warnings from israel's closest allies, including germany, which sentence for, administered to israel to discuss this this i sold on rafa and to warn israel not to go ahead with it until more aid can be brought into the area and until israel can come up with a credible plan that would allow civilians to exit this area safely to another safe area. in gauze of the problem there is that there are essentially no more safe areas in gauze. a lot of the land is strewn with unexploded ordinances is really
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defense forces are operating across the country right now and most of the country is rubble. rafa is really the only city left where there's functioning infrastructure and that's why 1300000 gardens have fled there and are living in dire conditions. israel has recently succeeded in blocking more food aid that would come in to gaza and help supply the needs of those over a 1000000 people who are there. the u. n said that it would not be a party to another force displacement, but is real said it has, it will go through with this ground defensive me and that have been reports of fresh strikes is riley strikes on on 11 on. can you give us an update on the situation that that's right. there seems to be an ongoing exchange of fire and of bombings across the lebanese southern border and is really northern border which has been going on basically since the,
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just after the october 7th. i'm us. terror attacks has the law as a strong iran barked a militant group which is real considered. consider the terrace group, which controls the south of lebanon, and it has fired into israel. israel has responded to just recently, yesterday there was an attack by has below which reach deeper into is really territory. then we've seen so far, killing one idea of soldier and israel responded ferociously with several attacks across the south 11 on killing 10 civilians, including several children. they also were able to kill 3, has the militants, at least 3, including one senior commander which has greatly angered the leadership of has blah and said, is real, is going to pay the price for that attack. i mean, thanks so much for the update that see don't use. i'm in east for forcing from jerusalem. the other 1st criminal trial of
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a former us president is set to go ahead. next month. a new judge has rejected the bid from donald trump, to have the case dismissed. the charges stem from hush, money paid to to women the for the 2016 presidential election. the trial is scheduled to begin on march the 25th off to the hearing. trump said the case was interfering with his presidential campaign to the south carolina, so we can get more from our washington correspondent benjamin alvarez group at benjamin. so we're talking here about the 1st of a criminal trial of a full not us president. tell us more about that. that's right. the
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republican frontrunner is currently facing 34 counts of accounting fraud, link to payment support status told me daniels this case, has been going on for years now. it dates back as you said, it to the closing days of the 2016 election in march of 2023 of last year, a grand jury in new york and died the tim over the payments made to to daniel stormy. daniel set the trunk, pay $130000.00 us dollars for her to stay quiet over the claims over her claims that there was indeed a love affair with trump a year after trumps and marriage with milan yet from but it's worth noting you though that providing the so called hash money is actually not a legal instead. if this case is centurylink on how trumps full my lawyer, michael coin who paid miss daniels hedges reimbursement recorded in mr. trump's bank accounts. but legal experts say that it is unlikely that donald trump will, if be jailed, will face
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a jail time is convicted into the find here is the more likely outcome. ok. and apart from this, trump is of course, also facing a series of other criminal charges, isn't he? so what is he likely to have to deal with in the coming year? it's that's right, and it's not easy to follow the criminal cases as the republican frontrunner is facing for criminal cases. we can expect this. you can almost call it a legal roller coaster, and the trump in his legal team are facing to continue because media here in the united states is reporting that this friday, they might be a new ruling that might be issued in another fraud trialing, which donald trump is accused of grossly inflating his properties. values in that case is risking it to pay up to $370000000.00 us dollars. and that's something that trump has used several times to fuel his claims of being victimized, calling this a, which tend to also and it's we just had that by him saying that this is electro interference . absolutely. we heard him complaining, you know, the con, run for president,
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if he's sitting in the court house all day long. i mean, how seriously is this light? is this trial likely to affect the trump selection campaign? donald trump, in his legal not only the legal team, but also the communication team has made it donald trump's quote involvements part of his political campaign. that's where it is actually no surprise that the trump, that the candidate in his teams are pushing the claim to presidential immunity. he repeatedly also claims that he's immune from criminal liability for actions that he took while he was in there. why does better remain so of course it to be seeing what the impact will be on his companions. if we'll look at the polls, if it still show that south carolina voters are far more likely to support it, donald trump over nikki haley in the next weeks of primary for the republican party . some of the nation. we will be, of course, closely monitoring it this because if making him actually drops out next week and
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that would leave donald trump as a republican nominee for november as presidential election. and even thank so much that's all correspondent in washington dc and human elder is greta. and here's a look at some of the other stories making headlines today and a 2 day night. so amazing and brussels as ended with big challenges still facing the alliance, including the role in ukraine. secretary general again starting back in the us congress to pos and military aid package for keys. he also said european members as a blog on track to meet defense spending targets. the indian government is the whole thoughts with following those following mass protests cooling for guarantee. to corrupt prices, security forces have sets up roadblocks to stop thousands of farm is reaching the capital belly, some of the protests 2 years ago for the government to scrap pricing reforms in germany over to japan last year as the wells, the biggest economy,
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the re shuffle is due primarily to a shop full in the japanese currency. the in japan is now technically in recession as its economy has constructed for a 2nd straight course. and now us media are forcing that the by and administration has one that's european allies about russian efforts to develop nuclear weapons based in space to target satellites. the republicans check the house intelligence committee. mike ton is cool that a serious national security threats. he's off president biden, to declassify relevant information. the kremlin says the reports are route is by the white house to get congress to back aid for ukraine. and we can welcome now on the dana as crowd se ortega, who specializes in space security at u. n. i d, i on know that some of the tournaments institute institution within the u. n,
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there was such as this element and international security. welcome to dw, thanks so much for your time today. can you help us understand watson attack by nuclear weapons up in space? would look like thank you very much for having me. well, so let me per say, is this by saying that we need to learn more before saying anything definitive about? well this what 10 is exactly, but it seems unlikely that it's new to what can pass. say it's more likely that it's a new what a new to code device rather than a new to onto the device. so it's an important distinction. so it's likely that this is an electronic ton of space. assets like a gamma which would in to stay with stuff. so lots communications or alternatively, this could be a nuclear powered space talk, which would potentially could potentially be repurposed to ok as an untie stuff,
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a lot device. so this is, this is an important distinction. we wouldn't be facing exactly the destination of a nuclear device in space, which is actually prohibited by international space. no applicable as established by the space tracy. okay, that is a little bit reassuring, but the question remains, i mean, why use this particular kind of weapon in space? i mean on the other ways of, of destroying satellites. definitely, uh there are many different types of town space technologies on the development of these sorts of technologies is not new states across the whole different school spectrum states that are active in space have been developing these come space technologies to many decades of the say the concern is that, and that's why it's important to continue to have these debates of the mold on actual level to try to,
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to come up with messages to mitigate the potential stress that these comp space assets compose to, to be in the whole community. because even if this might not be a nuclear device, any source of interest, there is any source of damage that sucks a lot to myself that could cause very damaging and very long lasting, reverberating effects to uh, services that we enjoy on uh, on, on which we rely on our everyday lives. uh so this is definitely an issue of concern, but again, i do want to stress that this is not something new on the business, something out definitely the international community has been to the basing for some time. okay. but let's just talk about the reach because i mean you've made very clear these on actual nuclear weapons, but obviously power full capable. and you know, what would these kind of, what, this kind of technology also be capable of hitting reaching targets on us.
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so not directly, if you're imagining a missile that shoots from a device in space and reach us at that, that is relatively unlikely because of how old visual mechanics work is not the most efficient way to target something on up or do you want to also give a list of the same, or i know it's not the case and for any type of work in a box that weighs on base would what sometimes leads and it would be a non domestic types of capability. so like a genre which would generate a noise on the same read it radio frequency, binds us the space system or the ground station that's being targeted in order to block or in to stay with the signal traveling uh from in this case space to us. um, so in this and that is how it would be felt on us. it wouldn't be a direct source of damage, but it would be the damage that would be felt would be read the bracing in nature
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because it could disrupt or it could interrupt the services that a specific stuff. so lots provide to me really, really interesting space security expert on the dana has karate. it will tell you. good, thank you so much for sharing your expertise in helping us understand that technology best. so thanks for your time. thank you. now the 74 spelling film festival, known as the building ali, is guessing on the way right now. and over the next 10 days, hundreds of films will be competing for the golden and silver barrel. what of, what's the building? ali is one of the 12 major film festivals, but here in the gym and taps, so blip some dilemma. do often mix with political control. this in this year is no exception. come back saying the february drizzle was the promise of glitz and glamour. the red carpet was soon greet stars and film makers from all around
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the world. the annual festival is kicking off with the world premiere of small things like fees, an irish belgian production star, and kelly and murphy, who is just a moment aged for an oscar for his performance and oppenheimer, oscar winner, lupita and young go is another face to be looking act for she's this year's jury president in charge of selecting new winners and renee and director and producer martin scorsese will be receiving the honorary golden bear on tuesday for his lifetime achievements. subaru and ali prides itself on being more than just red carpet prestige. there's always room for political debate. following weeks of protests against the far right across germany, the directors decided to uninvited 5 politicians from the right when a asked the party this year. the directors also emphasized that the festival ames
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to enable open dialogue surrender war and you guys actual retrospective for see, but it goes out to the victims of do many different places in the middle east and elsewhere. we are also concerned to see that on to submit isn't on the muslim or resentment and hate speech of spreading enjoy money and are on the word good. since one, some director has withdrawn his work from the festival in protest of germany's support for israel and his calling for a boycott of german cultural institutions. 9 to 5 months will be bought organizers, hope the festival can provide a venue for both sides to better understand each other, length of selection, anticipation and control, proceed. go hand in hand at the berlin alley. as the festival on falls, it will become clear if the politics overshadow the performance. and we're going to go straight to report a honda full who is reporting for us from the red carpet the out the boat and not
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a honda. we will talk about the politics in a minute, but i want to know 1st of all, what is happening the this evening? what can we expect from the, the opening nights? well, i don't know how much you can see, but it's starting to get pretty exciting behind me, lots of people milling around and hoping to catch a glimpse of their favorite actor or director and the stars, the big stars are going to be arriving soon. they're all going to be here for the world's premier of this year's opening film, which is small things like these and believe kelly and murphy, just nominated for an oscar for us, farmington oppenheimer, lots of talk going on about him right now. he's really one of the biggest bases to see this year could potentially win best actor. and but the film itself is an irish belgian production about the magdalen laundries in ireland, which were catholic institutions. almost labor accounts really far so called fall in women or unmarried pregnant women. and the film really dies into the
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cruelty of that looks a little at complicity silence, and the shame surrounding all of that. so pretty heavy and not gonna lie, but also very political and the bar linelle a lapse that right, so absolutely and, and utah send you a report on the if the politicians didn't you to tell us, tell us more about the aspects of things. exactly. so they were originally invited as were many other politicians, but then there was such an uproar from actors and filmmakers that are going to be here tonight. who said that they would actually form a human chain to prevent them from getting in. if these politicians did turn up and that prompted the directors to then on invite them, now the sd has responded to this thing, but it's a blow to democracy and kind of plays into their narrative of being persecuted by mainstream media. and, but the berlin ali directors said that, standing up against the far right extremism, is integral to their dna. so some would say potentially interesting,
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but they were even invited in the 1st place as a result of that. but i think it's pretty unlikely you never know, but pretty unlikely that they won't be showing their faces here tonight. okay, and we should just clarify 4 of you as a sd of coal spring, the alternative. so to a germany and extreme right wing political policy, that's about anomaly. there are of course of a big film festivals like count and venice on that. so just tell us briefly what makes the bowling alley different? i think it's just the fact that it's so open to the public, anyone can turn up, can buy a ticket and go and see a film. anyone can come in. there's a funds on over there and there's lots of people pouring in, trying to get an autograph or a self be with their favorite actor or director. and that just makes it so exciting . brilean sounds fantastic, kind of have a great time that will come back to you later. i know that the w reports are kind of a little reporting from the bell and only now
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a private mission to the moon has blasted off from the kennedy space center in florida, a 321 ignition and with the intuitive machines launched. it's all the c u. s. land. the owner rocket made by e law knox companies space x is trying to become the 1st commercial space cross to line successfully on the moon. now the aim is the c u. s. to search for war. so in what's being called a 2nd space race the american movie then no, just use i use up to set of into space. it's aim is to bring a camera and newly develop nice measuring equipment to them in its destination. is the luna south pole? there are this, here's what's called a spot to lend softly on the moon stuff and a new race to the moon is
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on satellites have discovered water and its poles. the most important resource for schumann space travel. this race is not driven just by scientific curiosity. it's a quest to develop the best technology, discover resources, and to secure future markets. nasa wants to build a station in the moon's all good, and i'll post on the surface of the space agency is working together with europe team, japanese, and canadian partners. many u. s. companies are hoping for newport test contracts and income from space tourism china, russia and india also have moon tourism in this hides. in order for any of this to happen, it's mission critical to find a way to land safely. but this is no easy task. and many help pay the rushes. lou know 25 commission, crushed into
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a luna cradle and power in the 1st commercial american movie landa software. the fuel leak and self destructed over the pacific ocean to pound slim rowboat actually landed upside down off the field from india. was able to put a robot on the vehicle on demand. meanwhile, china was the 1st nation to land on the far side of the me if this is mission is successful, us will be able to obtain the 1st commercial newsletter.
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nasa also plans to build a new schuman stepped station there in the document balloon, us self, comp. and with that, you're up to date on monday trips mccain. and thanks so much for watching dw, the, the, the,
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the new will tell you, we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news african next on d w. how do we want to die? equally important? how do not want to die?
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there aren't enough people in germany asking themselves these questions before it's too late. modern medicine still interprets patient welfare, of preserving life at all costs. but other perspectives are gaining traction. in 45 minutes on d w, the the. in charlotte, nearby a lot more people than ever on the news world volume in such a fashion, life? facile jessica middle passage. gosh, the piano. is it a mac on the car? battery or something then that's okay. that's the nanda foundation. one back to
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the find out about robina story. in some language. reliable news for migraines. wherever they may be. this a state of it is africa coming up on the show. africa without plastic. plastic waste is spiraling out of control on the continent will tell you about the latest efforts to clean up spurred on by a band in lagos, and the young people in south africa who could change the direction of the country in the upcoming election. we will hear from one of them a now the 1st for loops on your will, the actress kicks office spent as jury president of the prestigious food and knowledge. she's the 1st black person to ever have federal and the f. 12024 will go down in the books as one of the most thrilling editions of the.


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