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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from bell in israel. storm is the last big hospital still functioning in gaza. the army says it has credible evidence that thomas held hostages inside the complex. meanwhile, australia adds to the international pools israel to delay its planned the sold. so the south also coming up on the program, a judge rejects donald trump's requests to dismiss a case against him. the ruling in new york means the 1st criminal trial of a former us president can go ahead next month. and they have rolled out the red carpet at ballons international film festival, hundreds of movies all competing for the top prizes. and does that uh at the
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building or like let some drama mix with political control. the see, the good type you with us is randy troops have stored in the law just a functioning hospital. in garza, the army describes the operation at the nasa hospital in the southern city of con eunice as precise unlimited. it says that is credible intelligence that homos which card out the october the 7th terror attacks held hostages in the complex. the mobile site. and footage it appears to show is riley forces entering nesa hospital in hong eunice. the main medical facility in southern gaza is really military says it was a limited operation. aimed at finding hostages remains with credible intelligence from a number of sources including from released hostages,
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indicating that tomas held hostages at the nozzler hospitality. notice that there may be bodies of hostages into another host facility, the, the south, some 1500000 displays palestinians. and now living in crumb conditions in the border city of rafa where israel is still believed to be planning and assaults. but international warnings are growing louder. large scale military, opposite operations in densely populated areas, risks extensive civilian casualties. how strongly believes this would be on justifiable message to as well is listen to the world. do not go down this path. the united nations says there is no safe place for gardens to evacuate to with so many people, a mass along the boulder. you and so you might have to heavy and cheese as wanted to spill over into egypt. given the scale of the devastation,
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the went straight agency says gaza will need international investments on the scale if you it's post school marshal plan to cover after the fight thing. but for most cousins, the futures fall from their minds. they're struggling just to survive. every day. we can get more from our correspondent, i mean, he says, who joins us now from jerusalem. i mean, tell us more about the situation in the hospital right now as well. the hospital has been stormed by id s troops who said they carried out a precise unlimited operation in order to recover the bodies of hostages at the claim were killed by a moss. now these, as you can hear, they're not live hostages, that they were looking to find, but rather the bodies to recover them. there are reports that one person died, the staff of the hospital, which is run by the guards and health ministry, which is under the control of a moss. i have reported that one prison died when is real hit the hospital with
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a tank shell. so this would contradict to the statement that it was a precise and limited operation. israel does claim that they are intending to keep the hospital still in operation. they did take several people out that they're calling suspects and potentially suspects of a suspected of being associated with a mouse, which is real and many other countries consider a terrorist organization. now keep in mind that according to international law, a hospital can become a little driven at military target. if attacks are being staged from within the hospital, which doesn't seem to be the claim of by israel at this point. now, despite growing international pressure, israel says it, it does plan to move forward with it's offensive on rasa in the south of the gaza strip. what more can you tell us about last? so that's right. despite the growing pressure from israel's closest allies, including germany, which sent it's, it's an animal in
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a bad box for administer to israel to kind of put pressure on the country to not go through with it. but it's plans of storming the last, essentially, moderately safe area within the gaza strip. but israel has been defiant. uh, as that visit was happening from german delegation at the prime minister of israel said that they were going through with the plan. they have said that they do have plans to keep the civilians safe to evacuate them from that area were one point. 3000000 mostly civilians are sheltering and temporary shelter is just up against the egyptian border. but nobody has really seen these plans materialize. there been some reports, but they would push them out towards the coast of gaza. but keep in mind that rafa is really the only place where there's any existing infrastructure we're buildings aren't completely destroyed. and that is precisely why the international community
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is worried that it would turn into a mandatory and disaster if people are once again, forced to flee from this area. the have also being report so fresh is riley strikes on 11 on can you give us an update on the situation that so 3rd ports of more strikes on both sides today. and it's following a major escalation yesterday when has the law, the notes in group based in southern lebanon, fired rockets, deeper into israel than it's usually expected. several kilometers across the board are killing one id of soldier and wounding several other people. israel responded ferociously. they staged, they sent in drones to multiple locations across the lebanese border to intend civilians that even included several young children. israel also hit has the military posts doing several, has the law militants including a senior commander within the missing group. this has really angered the leadership
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and has the law and they said that israel will pay. so we're looking at an, a potential escalation here in the tit for tat across the border between israel and 11 on. i mean, thanks so much for that update. obviously don't use, i mean he says we're pushing from jerusalem of the 1st criminal trial of a full not us president is set to go ahead. next month. a new judge has rejected a bid from donald trump to have the case dismissed. the charges them from hush money paid to women before the 2016 presidential election, and the trial is now scheduled to begin on march 25th. now after the hearing, trump said the case was interfering with his presidential campaign, the
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race whilst the ws benjamin alvarez gruber to tell us more about trump upcoming trial. that's right. the republican frontrunner is currently facing 34 counts of accounting fraud, link to payment support status told me daniels this case, has been going on for years now. it dates back as you said, it to the closing dates of the 2016 election in march of 2023 of last year, a grand jury in new york and died the tim over the payments made to to daniel. so me, daniel, set the trunk, pay $130000.00 us dollars for her to stay quiet over the claims over her claims that there was indeed a love affair with trump a year after trumps and marriage with milan yet from but it's worth noting you though that providing the so called hash money is actually not a legal instead,
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if this case has century gone, how trans full my lawyer, michael coin, who paid miss daniels had his reimbursement recorded in mr. trump's bank accounts. but legal experts say that it is unlikely that donald trump will, if be jailed, will face a jail time is convicted into the find here is the more likely outcome than human alvarez group the reporting that from washington dc. here's a look at some of the other stories making headlines today. and a 2 day nato amazing and brussels has ended with big challenges still facing the alliance, including the war in ukraine. and they said it's extra generally in stoughton, but it's the us congress to pos and military aid package for keys. he also said, european members as a blog, are on track to meet defense spending target. these actually ruled officials in russia, se crania and missile strike on the city of belgrade has killed 6 people, including one child. the strike hit, a shopping center, building road is near the ukrainian border. it's the latest exchange of long range
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fire in the war alia russia shot 2000 and crews. i'm ballistic missiles and to you train. smell career says it has tested a new type of surface to see cruise missile state media published pictures showing lita conjunction at the launch. he says north korea will take a more aggressive stones on disputed voices. this is peel young's 6 missile test this year. now the 70 full spelling film festival known as the bad and all a has opened with a traditional read confidence. there are many are the next 10 days, hundreds of films will be competing for the golden and silver. there are what's the building on it is one of the wells major film festival is known for mixing split. some dilemma with political statements and this year is no exception. that we are going to get more from d. w reports a honda home all who joins us now from the bottom. analia kind of clearly lots
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going on that. what can we expect from the opening night? well, you can probably see it star seems get really exciting behind me. now. people have been milling around for ages to try and catch a glimpse of their favorite actor or director. and the big stars are really starting to come onto the red carpet. now i've just seen loops and young go. she is . this is jerry presidents. also an oscar winner herself, she's probably best known for her rules and black cancer and 12 years a slave. she will be in charge of selecting the winners this year. the girl and all i always choose is a celebrity for that role. last year it was chris insurance and another big name to be looking at it for not necessarily tonight, but on choose date. martin scorsese course such a huge name and he's going to be here to receive his honorary goals and bear. that's a lifetime achievement award. and then the final really big name tonight is of course kelly and murphy has just been nominated for an oscar for his performance
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and oppenheimer. and he's really the talk of the tired right now. and he's here tonight for the world, premiere of the opening film with this years breland ali because he's playing the lead in small things like these. and i think we've actually got a clip from that film lined up. so let's take a look. we'll have some tea the so from that cliff it doesn't look like a particularly sort of brighten cherry. so tell us more about about small things like these. no, i think you can already tell it's quite dark,
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quite sinister. it's an irish belgian production set in 19 eighties, ireland, by the magdalen laundries. now these were catholic institutions, homes, but to be honest, more like labor accounts for so called full in women or on married women who would fall in fragments. and there was so much cruelty surrounding these institutions which were right across ireland for decades. and this felt really dives deep into the complicity and the silence surrounding that. and the shame, of course. and i think it really strives to be a voice for standing up against those kind of institutions that certainly walk. kelly and murphy is character is driving to do and throughout the whole film. so yeah, really quite got ranging. i'm not gonna lie. it was quite a hard watch this morning at 11 am on a thursday, but beautifully shot and a big contender for this year is golden bear. so definitely worth a watch. and thank you so much for that update. that's the w report to humble at the bell and only thank you. this is
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a quick reminder for you of our top stories today. and israel special forces have and so to the nasa hospital in hong eunice and southern gaza, the army says it has the credible intelligence, the almost capt hostages within the complex. and the 1st criminal trial of a former us president is due to go ahead. next month, a new judge has rejected a request from donald trump to dismiss the case against him, allegedly involving harsh money paid to women. and with that, you are up to date is coming on and off to the break at the w documentary looks at the process of dying and how people prefer that lives to end the ground for that. if you can, i'm on youtube. so the can number off the whole team here at dw. nice thanks so much for spending some time the
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the note just to have a site just to make the right decision, dw, you can remove, follow.


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