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tv   Transforming Business  Deutsche Welle  February 15, 2024 8:15pm-8:30pm CET

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paper says the white pots that look like bones are actually blood vessels in the black pot, spell a light pond as all eyes, all a pass, and the purpose of which however, remains a mystery. you're up to date like so much watching dw, the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in that's look at current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is weekdays on d w. what cod myers have to do with you production? here's a hands on so
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really indeed the snow on youtube. the this is a catch up bottle from crap tons and this is, it's kept. the company says it will soon be fully recyclable, making the bottle fully recycle. replacing this simple parts supposedly took $45.00 prototypes at 8 years. that's according to the company. for a catch up bottle cap. this is the new world of packaging, where companies are reinventing their very 1st impression on customers. they're looking more closely at materials and facing new pressure to have those materials recycled often with the pay off spending millions and millions and millions and millions with, you know, you guarantee that they're gonna have a payback on that is very difficult at all while ensuring that their new packaging
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works as well as the old one coming up, the difficult decisions behind sustainable packaging. on transforming business. there are 2 so called mega trends. the analysts say, are dominating the packaging industry right now. one is sustainability. the other is e commerce. pictures like these are upsetting plastic trash in the ocean on land. in some cases, plastics exported from wealthier countries to pour. once plastic isn't just ugly, it's a climate problem primarily due to its fossil fuel base production. and it's packaging that the single largest source of plastic demand industry survey shows that consumers want their products to be more sustainable. governments are acting you members have committed to recycling 55 percent of all plastic waste by weight, by 2030. but according to one recent study from consultancy, you monia,
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they're only collecting somewhere between 40 and 50 percent. rules like they use are designed to pressure companies to use materials or substrates through easily recyclable. that's an opportunity for companies producing those material. what sustainability does it make sure that the company is role equal level for it has consulted companies on sustainable packaging makes those companies role and find applications where their substrate is the better solution. experts say that for major brands, however, like prep, hines, nestle, or amazon. it's often a burden they're spending to replace one type of packaging with another without the promise of more sales. and it's not as simple as just swapping out packaging. for one, there are loads of different materials to choose from. pace or is combustible plastic, you slide waived. so it's very few grams per package, which means typically less carbon emission. and then met though he said super easily recyclable. so all the officers have their own benefit even within plastics
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. there's a variety of types. there's polyethylene to have satellite or p t extra here. it's common for bottles. some plastic, some more flexible. others are more rigid. some hold your flu, others your whatever that is. our catch up bottle is made out of p t plastic. this original squeeze cap is made out of a different plastic called poly properly. now, poly, propane is technically recyclable, and it's actually quite popular in food packaging. propane is, is not new, so it's been used quite a lot. adam harriet is a plastics expert at u. k. packaging and waste advocate wrap. a lot of times you use it and things like um, especially food packaging. cisco very good oxygen barrier on this so you get them in. so what types of bots are in marjorie? no ice cream tubs. so then what was the problem with the original catch up cap? if it's already recycled? there's a 2nd material inside. look here,
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this small part where the catch up comes out that's flexible. this is very, very important. how did crap times keep that function with a new material? they re engineered the cap entirely and filed these patent documents for the so called by low tung closure. the new cap is made out of 2 pieces of polypropylene and the company claims that works just as well as the old design prep times declined to comment on the process behind the cap. but experts say that it's design was just part of a link to your process of mock ups, you book prototypes, and you do some 1st samples from maybe a small tool or you do, then you do your testing. so again, you do consumer testing, which can really take a long crap hines, isn't the only company going through this process. look at your milk carts or juice box. that's what's known as a septic packaging. toucher pack is one of the most well known brands. an aluminum layer inside keeps out oxygen in life,
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but aluminum is problematic for greenhouse gases. so now it's hetcher pack says it's trying to replace that barrier. marketing can also affect how companies approach materials. consider plastic notecards, they often come with color tops to identify the fat content in the milk, but the pigment to make them harder to recycle in the u. k. some packages finally change them. after years of pressure we, i'll be working in this industry for over a decade. all right, something we've all been banging on about since before i started, and it's only just happened to show you exactly how long these processes can take. and there was, there's no, there was a technical reason why it couldn't have the pigment taken out. there's nothing and so is really am all the things. so people knew what type of milk it was, even though it's on the label. let's say that like crap times you've done it. you've created a package, but it's technically 100 percent recycle. now you can recycle it and get that material back, right. cutting your cost a circular economy. oh,
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it's easier said than done get this in 2022. recycled material. made up only 21 percent of hines packaging by weight according to the company, not even a quarter of its packaging output. and that's actually not bad for the industry. one to talk, it says an average of sets, except we saw the content across. so packaging and which is the size and average because we know it's gonna be more difficult in some areas like film, some facts was and it would be for 5 people. so it was which is easy to get, so i have something and i don't average across the board for old pass impacting. we're about 24 percent. one big problem is sorting. another is it helpers? limit the use of recycled plastics for food, great, plastics. those that touch from products, it's paper and cardboard where the packaging industry takes a bigger step towards circularity. amazon recently announced it's boxes and patches in europe. are 100 percent recycled in the market for recycle pump strong. just look at one of the confidence biggest paper base packaging producers, smurfet kappa. it reported that 3 quarters of the pulpit using 2022 was recycled.
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here just south of mexico city is a look at the industry's best efforts to make plastic or circular in advance recycling center run by the british base company greenback right next to a landfill. here there's plenty of material to work with and plenty of labor to help with the initial sorting. greenback is working with major brands like nestle to take recycle plastics out of a surrounding environment. all setting what nestle has pumped in, heats the material to break it down, and the resulting liquid is a plastic resin used to create new packaging, including food, great, plastics, according to the company. so in other words, we're not trying to recycle classic and park benches, but we're trying to create a full so clarity, phillips on stuff and back is the c, e o of greenback as company space, more pressure to show that they are recycling the plastics or that they're using recycle plastics. they couldn't theory,
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turn to companies like this. greenbacks as it's proprietary software, uses artificial intelligence to further sort the plastics and then create a chain of custody for the resume. the only reason that people would buy our product is if they need to be able to prove that the packaging with that product has recycled content. if they can prove it, then the point of paying greenback is still a young company. and companies like it often struggle to find investment. the hope is a growing pressure on industry, new grow this market in the years to comp. and there are signs of industry is facing more pressure. remember those reason the e, you would just look at the u. k. and the california both also have new recycling rules, the aim to compel companies to actually recycle materials and larger amounts. and for companies, this is what it comes down to. creating recycling economies is difficult, and it's expensive. the years long efforts to create recycled will packaging may
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actually be the easy part is always the low hanging fruit system for stuff to take, bolstering recycling processes on the backend. that's much harder. one thing is clear, the pressure for better greener packaging is growing, and it's unlikely to slow down any time soon. it's the
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to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective. donald trump sounds like on extortionist. if allies want military protection from the u. s, they have to pay your, of a seeing his remarks, a nato and russia as a wake up call. if you return. so the white house this week onto the points to team and trump, and you'd access that gets nato and chris to the point next on dw, in the mountains of curved, he's a span summer. this is
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a time even for the little one. i have to help my mother. there is also a place where children and just be children. yours for learning stands for no man in 2 hours on d w. the kid turkey is changing 6 years ago. he said he can't get any was, but it does. guardians of truth. this time, excel jim is turned into our meet the voices of the 3 turkey officer as the ad one has his 3 into exile. 2, i knew the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the
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turkish governments all sort of tammy calls us. so kids, but really it's a crime is addressed and the path of trying to takes responsibility for his action . what about freedom of the press and freedom of expression? what about parliamentary democracy to the situation is very serious. cutting as right as not only weapon is off and the guardians of truth talks march 2nd on d w. the
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donald trump sounds like an extortionist of allies. want them protection off the usa. they have to pay it is a blunt warning by the republican presidential candidates had a taste of what's to come, should he return to the presidency, russia would be able to do whatever it wants when delinquents natal members? the possibility that paul's at horrifies nato partners. many you countries, the trump statements as a wake up, come to become militarily self. sufficient. crane is also planning to challenge russia with new military leadership. add a new strategy on to the point we ask, coaching and trump new access again, state of enterprise, the.


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