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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 16, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw, use life from berlin, israel storms, the last big hospitals still functioning in gaza. the army says it has credible evidence that hamas held hostages inside the complex. also coming up a reversal in senegal, the country's top election on as overturn the president's decision to potable selections, which sparked deadly protests and concerns about what was considered west africans and boston of democracy. and the greek parliament makes the country the 1st
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orthodox christian nation to legalize the same sex marriage to the, to the delight of l. g. b. t. 2 plus advocates plus berlin's international film festival gets underway with stainless faces on the red carpet. hundreds of movies are competing for the top prizes and as ever and the band united states and glamour mixed with political controversy, the unpopular felt really as welcome to the program, is writing troops, a storm, the largest functioning hospital in gaza. the army describes the operation of the nicer hospital in the southern city of con eunice as precise unlimited. it says there is credible evidence or credible intelligence that hum us which carried out the october 7th terror attacks held hostages in the complex. i'm us dismissed. the
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claims ok, we seem to have a technical problem, so we'll just move on our corresponding to injuries them. i mean is if told us more about the situation in the hospital. well, the hospital has been stormed by id f. troops who said they carried out a precise unlimited operation in order to recover the bodies of hostages that they claimed were killed by a moss. now these, as you can hear, they're not live hostages, that they were looking to find, but rather the bodies to recover them. there are reports that one person died uh the staff of the hospital, which is run by the goals and health ministry which is under the control of from us . i have reported that one person died when is real hit the hospital with a tank shell. so this would contradict to the statement that it was
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a precise and limited operation. israel does claim that they are intending to keep the hospital still in operation. they did take several people out that they're calling suspects and potentially suspects of a suspected of being associated with how mosse, which is real and many other countries consider a terrorist organization. now keep in mind that according to international law, hospital can become a little due to minute military target. if attacks are being staged from within the hospital, which doesn't seem to be the claim of by israel at this point. set a goal is top election authority has cancelled the president's decision to postpone the election. sent a goal is constitutional counsel rule. got a decrease, signed by president to mikey, sel was unconstitutional. the decree had pushed the vote from october 25th to december and led to protests from opposition, candidates, and the unrest across the country. the election authorities at the ballot should be held as soon as possible,
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but not on its original date. are corresponded to marie girth. technical ask, who is in the capital car incentive. this update to a historic decision here and set a goal as the constitutional court decided to go against the president's decision to postpone the presidential election. while the exact states remains unclear, constitutional judges said the vote should be held as soon as possible civil society organizations as well as opposition parties who had then mentally opposed the election postponements are celebrating victory, but they demand for the election to be held before april. second, when microsoft turns ma'am they will expire. this postponement had at least a major, some se, unprecedented political crisis and kind of go and had been qualified by many senegalese as an attempt to the constitutional who protests had broken out in several cities and the mother purchases planned. for this saturday, there were strong worries that the election postponements would be a low. it's
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a set of goals, democracy, the country has been long hailed for its stable democracy. one, a few in west africa region where a military cruise and you had hist, insurgencies are already a creating instability. now it seems that the so called constitutional crew was not successful faced with strong criticism, the president was also increasing isolated on the political scene on thursday, just hours before the constitutional court decision. he visited me, tries to appease the situation by freeing political prisoners, including members of the main opposition party. mikey saw headset in july that he will not run for a 3rd term, but many saw his decision to postpone elections as a way to cling to power. for some, this decision by the senegalese constitutional judges shows the importance and strength of synagogues, institutions, and sick, and secures the country is a rule of law. now there is clearly a feeling of victory of relief,
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of happiness among those incentive goals, who are actively engaged in maintaining the initial date. now we'll have to wait and see when the new date will be announced and under which conditions the election will be held. or here's a look at some other stories making headlines today. a 2 day nato meeting in brussels has ended with big challenges still facing the lines, including the warren ukraine. secretary generally installed and burg urge the us congress to pass a ministry, a package for keith. you also said your team members as a blocker on track to meet defense spending targets, 2nd city officials and russia, sa, ukrainian missile strike. and the city of bel garage has killed 6 people, including one child. let's try to get a shopping mall that'll go. rod is near the ukrainian border, it's the latest exchange of long range fire in the war. earlier russia shot 2 dozen
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crews and ballistic missiles into christ. the 1st criminal trial of a former us president is set to go ahead. next month after a new york judge rejected a bit from donald trump, to have the case dismissed. the charge of stem from hush money paid to, to women ahead of the 2016 presidential election then as white as foreign minister says he has decided to suspend the activities of the united nations human rights office in the country and asked it staff to move within 3 days, the government accused the office of supporting anti government conspiracies. the un says it's reviewing the decision makers in greece have passed a bill legalizing same sex marriage making it the 1st orthodox christian country to do so, cried celebrated i. so i bruises parliament as the bill passed, which also gives parental rights to same sex couples. it's been a long process to get to this point. the squeezes orthodox church staunchly opposed
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to the change. the landmark law was drafted by greek prime minister. yeah, cause me to attack is urged parliament to say yes to equality, head of the vote. to offer more on this. i'm joined in the studio by the way, you correspond, associates, i've talked to is usually in athens, but we have the pleasure of having you here in, in berlin. good to see a sophia. so it's a historic day for greece to say, the least i would say am, but there's been plenty of controversy, right. so how contentious has this bill be? indeed, this has been a significant step for grace problem. as i said, we could say really historic, 1st of all, greece was very slow in adopting and doing that a change. and this is mainly due to one the financial crisis of course and defend demick. but still, although mitchell fact he's in the beginning, he was in favor all the initial um, he, he didn't really do it quickly and let's not forget,
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here he was re elected recently. so displayed is control here. right now it's not your same sex marriage. so that's being legalized, right? because it also there also changes around parental rights. so can you tell us more about these changes? that's correct. it's not just about the parental rights. so the aim is to, to provide equal rights to the same sex couples. but also there was a change in having a children, so here they have the right to adopt. however, they don't have access to medical assistance regarding surrogate pregnancies. so this is still under debate, right. and so the base of the many countries are still having, it's not just greece, and that was there a lot of support for the bill in parliament. so tell us had the vote play that. mm hm. well, the majority voted and as we know in favor now the interesting part is that the
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with prime minister can react with me to that i just had to fight with them the new democracy a party. he had a lot of disagreements there within his par. you so there were of a lot of empties, who also announce during the debate that they wouldn't vote or they, they would change the vote. so we had a lot of debates there. and of course, from the opposition he need a deposition to support. now here it's why it's important that he has got re elected because the opposition in greece for me to the case is weak. so she can risk without losing his political standing to address issues like that that are traditionally associated to the list. tell us one thing briefly. so if you, if you could, and we've talked back to support for the billing department of automating degree population. is there a huge divide between say, younger generations, older generations, or is it just that it depends on where your political agencies lie?
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absolutely, the greek societies is absolutely divided. we could say really 5050, almost recendes, a poll show that 55 percent supported. so the rest is against and here we should not forget to mention of course the greek orthodox church who played a huge role here and didn't support, but the bill was passed and that's a huge step. not just the grease but in general for the european union. that's great. thanks so much sophia sophia, cliff talk you joining us here in studio as usually our d. w. correspondence increases authorities and tied on to are urging people to work from home as air pollution threatens the capital bank cock smoke from burning crops outside the city. combined with vehicle emissions of caused small levels to spike. the sun rise over the ty, capital bank caught on thursday air pollution reach to levels 15 times higher than recommended by the world health organization making the air quality in bangkok,
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among the worst of the world, authorities responded by ordering government employees to work from home in a bid to reduce traffic pollution, private companies were urged to do the same. the people working now doors said that he's was making the miserable. i gave me off. i can't read. it feels like i'm supplicating and that's not good at all. it's terrible. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, right, i gamma whatever comes my eyes are itchy because there's so much dust. it isn't easy. debris. officials say agricultural burning outside the city is responsible for most of the smug, but that emissions from vehicles accounts for about a quarter of the air pollution, thailand's prime minister has hinted that the government may have to consider limit on cars, powered by fossil fuels. air pollution is becoming
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a major public health issue in thailand. some 2000000 people across the country sought medical treatment last year because of breathing related problems. the 17th 4th berlin film festival, known as the battery. now that has opened with a traditional red carpet ceremony over the next 10 days, hundreds of films will be competing for the golden and silver barrow boards. is one of the world's major film festivals. it's known for mixing glitz and glamour with political statements. this here is no exception. well, the www kind of homo went to the red carpet for us and sent us this update from the opening ceremony. this year, the opening ceremony certainly got often very exciting starts with lots of star power. but there were notably also lots of protesters, both on and off the red carpets i saw lots of stars themselves protesting germany's far right politicians from the a f d who are officially uninvited from this year's festival. and then there were also
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lots of protesters calling for a ceasefire. and god knows worth noting that several filmmakers have officially withdrawn their work from this year's festival in protest of driving the support for israel and an o. the letter has been signed by hundreds of actors, directors, and producers, a like to call for an immediate, seized bar and gossip. so it will definitely be interesting to see how the conflict in the middle east shapes the dialogue of this year's portland, all a which has always prided itself on having that political edge. never something a little bit jude, but not exactly totally. japan has officially recognized the skeleton and the c squared as a new species finds name the sea creature years ago after discovering its picture online. but now scientists have studied the spaces and the research paper says the white parts that looked like bones are blood vessels. the black parts that looked like ponds as eyes are a pattern, the purpose of which remains
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a mystery. all right, that's all for now. businesses of next with a look into the struggle by companies to reduce the packaging that's overwhelming your recycling band and stuff after a short break on top of the phone and e. s for me on the team here. berlin, thanks for watching. take care. the votes, people have to say the that's why we listen to based on the ritual to every weekend on d w. b. use do for fun. vide,


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