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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  February 16, 2024 2:15pm-2:30pm CET

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he spent several weeks in intensive cas confirmation that it was a chemical attack, caused a diplomatic standoff with moscow. the kremlin denied it had anything to do with the assassination attempt. puts most dollars for the by last thing put in can do is put a large blackout on the kremlin, which says alexi please under no circumstances returned back home. no about coming to germany was not my choice. it's a cool country, but i'm not here on my own freewill. i'm here because they tried to kill me up with the beads. despite the risk in january 2021, alexei nevada, and the flew back to russia and was immediately arrested. protest took place across the country to officials quickly stumped out. there was
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supposed to move at the kremlin christian, it wouldn't be signed and it should be the book. within days of his arrest. his team released a pre recorded video in which he claimed putin own dunlab fish secret palace worth of billions, alleging it was all financed by tax payers. money must go denied the claims, but the story quickly went viral with security. yet to more proof of the political need to influence and appeal dodge, he continued to manage the opposition movement. he funded from behind bob's resulting in f a longer jail times. by august 2023, he'd been sentenced to move in such he is his supporters convinced the russian states had finally succeeded in financing its most spent cool critic in germany has pledged another 1100000000. your role is to help ukraine johnson to
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all of charles made the announcement along side of the me dimansky shed in berlin. charles says it's a message to russia. the german support for ukraine will not leave up. the new funds adds to 28000000000 euros that germany has already promised belinda and also supplied military equipment. charles ends and ends cosigned, a long term security fact against future russian aggression. will tell you to say it's an important step forward. seemed at last items that today we're taking a historic step forward to them to let us presidents landscape myself. ladies and gentlemen have signed an agreement on our long term security pledges. and the documents must of cut out the parchment over estimate in terms of the live it's the significance of the independent ukraine will continue to be supported by germany in its defense against the russian well progression as long
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as it takes, as i have been saying, if i say i'm going to support or ukraine's partners in their effort to boot up modern forces in order to repaired any future tech and should not that russian to attend the tech integration kind of about in the future. we have agreed upon the, to support the defined on this agreement with germany is all about providing support which has a volume of more than 7000000000 of military assistance, 7000000 euro studies. and there are very clear conditions, laid down and disagreement. there are various moments that verify that russia is responsible for all the wall cry instead were committed and you train and each of these will crunch is going to be punished, which is just justified. and just the sanction also talks about sanctions
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against russia. and then it also mentions the frozen assets of russia in various countries, frozen in various countries and every country. so to know that these assets can be used for defense purposes and for reconstruction purposes. the date of those political correspondent hans bronte is with me in the studio. hans work, i'm here. we're listening in to that press conference before we get to the details about the russia ukraine ball was promised by germany. what wasn't the bolts he does need to talk about the the, the death of alexa, nevada, me. what did they have to say about that? a lot of shots uh, jovan johnson. i talked about having met alexa and nevada any in the 2020. i think it was a 2021 or the 2021 off to nevada. and it had been treated here in berlin and the drum and hospital after you had been poisoned. and then was proud to you and was in fact to yield and shots talked about having spoken to nobody about his coverage
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about the fact that he was courageous enough to return back to russia. and shots said that probably late this cartridge was probably the reasons that he and nobody had and all died. he also expressed his sympathy to the family and said it was a signal that russia was not a democratic state. had turned into a repressive state where people that provide me with orthodontist stay alive. and that was the seminar sentiment that came from zalinski. he said his reading was at nevada. he has, in fact, being killed by the russian system organ tucked his head, killed 5 preteen by the russian president. and that put in would have to pay for that. he said that all of futons, the tribes, including the attack on ukraine, should be punished and the russian data showed, in some sense to be punished. presidents and ask is, of course, in berlin seeking to sort of support for the war against russia. did he
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get that support from germany? oh, absolutely, i think. and not only was there repeat this statement by shots again that said germany woods were supposed to try in for as long as it takes as the phrase that shows as use for pizza t. and again today, and he also promised a concrete assistance additional tanks, additional ammunition that to you can desperately needs at the moment because it's running out of supplies and on the front line is in a we can position at the moment. but he stressed and so did so lensky. how important in the long term disagreement was because it is a political commitment for decades. most probably, that's germany will support your trend, not only in the current crisis, not only in the tax of from, against a tax, from russia, or any future of tax, but also in the leading ukraine into the european family as a to into the european union. possibly at some such internet to and there's also
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security guarantee that if you try and go to get attacked again, and germany would stand at that side. there was also a strong messaging, particularly from what i've shoals to both russia and the united states. yes, to russia, obviously, the message is that's a russian or ames and ukraine will not be and will not be allowed to do. i shall not be allowed to do in ukraine. what did once to, that's the resistance from europe, from germany, from the united states, from nato is not going to recede. and as far as the united states is concerned, obviously there is a big package of assistance and millions of billions of dollars that is waiting to be passed in congress in washington. and just being blocked at the moment by basically domestic internal differences between the republican and the democratic parties, there and shots,
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appeals to the us congress and to both parties in the us congress. to pass this package quickly so that ukraine a coach once again, good age, that's very crucial aid. so let's you for his pod said that's here. he to understood that they were domestic, the debates and in the united states. but he felt in the end, the decision would be a pragmatic one, and he was confident that it would arrive again from the united states didn't run a bit. tons on the important role of the us play is over here because as i was counting, johnston's shoals brought it up at least 3 times. i mean, how crucial is you and the europeans would have to find the money somewhere else, their commitments to commitments, like the $1.00 that has been signed between germany a previous one has been signed with the united kingdom. another one is going to be signed this afternoon, most likely in france with friends and powers. so they are committing themselves on paper to this support for um,
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for your try. and so they would have to find the money somewhere else. can i, can i ask you about germany's role here, particularly? and the reason i ask that is, is basically at the start of the wall before the war began. you had germany who was a idea of assistance to ukraine, was to spend 5000 have minutes. famously, and now we had an a situation we were discussing that germany is now the 2nd lodge just contribute that to for aid, defense and reconstruction, and other financial aid to ukraine. how does that change come about? and what is the thinking in berlin about what is happening in ukraine? it's something you can actually demonstrate in the way that what of charles has changed in his thinking. he was somebody who initially said that's trying to be careful about this. let's not be the 1st to deliver weapons. let's do this only in coordination with our allies, especially in coordination with the united states. there was a very reticent approach to dealing with ukraine and as the world has progress,
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that's been 2 years now. almost exactly. it's become clear and clear right here in germany, that german security and european security is in fact at risk at the moment. and that's german defense, a capabilities also european defense capabilities. i'm not strong enough. so under this pressure from russia that's being this really strong change within the german position to so that it has not become the 2nd largest support for you can leave it there. thanks so much for coming. indeed, i prefer to go to spawn, enhanced front. a quick reminder at the top sort of you're following for you, the russian present services, leading opposition figure elect said nobody has died. the announcements said they've already died in the penal colony where he was serving a 19 year sentence. i'm finished manage, invalid tears on the,
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