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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin, russian, a total to stay the most prominent opposition. figure out, let's say the valley is dead. the prison surfaces, nevada. they died at the beginning. you call it the right here was subbing a 19 year sentence. one me does express the outrage of the report, the death of not to me full trans fair, systematic loss of all these widow is given a standing ovation of the unix account of take on defense, usually on the bottom here on, condemns the holistic regime in russia. i'd say is 14 must be held, boston are responsible for processing and germany and ukraine sign
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a long time to count on to your agreement. and there's more help for the fight against the russian invasion. both governments say it's an important step forward. the, i'm going to expand it. you're welcome to the program. alternatives in russia, said agend opposition leader alexei, nevada. ne, has died. the federal for the services in the valley felt unwell and lost consciousness after the war. a statement said problematics tried to resuscitate him without success. nobody's office said they have been informed of his death and the lawyer is on the way to the gym. the permanent says, the president vladimir team has been told 47 year old nevada has died. the state of his home, almost all corresponding to emily sherman is with me in the studio. emily, welcome. has there been any other confirmation of nevada these depth,
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beyond that the russian prison service? while we did hear from the crumbling spokes person, music discovery said that was that he has no information on the reasons of alex they, nevada, these death. and that doctors would be looking into that. so that's kind of an indirect confirmation, at least from the russian authorities. and when it comes to nevada, these allies, they say that they're waiting for independent confirmation that the families of nobody's family has not been notified officially yet. and they say that nobody's lawyer is on the way to that penal colony in the ark, just to confirm his staff and really stay with us. there's lots more to talk about . but before we do that, let's say no volume. these life julia has been speaking of the munich security conference, she says, if the reports about her husband's death confirmed, then the responsibility would be on russian president vladimir putin or
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the nobody, especially will play. sure. hello. thank you very much for having me here. thank you. for giving me a so i'll put you in a 2 to speak in this room and you all heard about her who can use my thoughts about that quite a while, i thought, should i stand here before you or should i go back to my children and then i thought, what, who would have a look see done in my place, and i'm sure that he would have been standing here on this stage really to the new, i don't know, should we believe the terrible news we get?
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the news is this'll, we get only from the official me debts because for many years and you know, all this, we have been in the situation. we cannot believe putting on his government. they are lying constantly as well. you say it's a problem, but if it is the truth, i would like to put in and all his stuff. everybody around him, his government, his friend. so i want them to know that they will be punished for what they have done without with my family and with my husband, that they will be brought to justice. and that this day will come soon as i would
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like to call upon all the international communities, all of the people in the world. we should come together and we should fight against this evil. we should fight this risk regina in russia today with this machine. and so that even pushing should be personally held responsible for oil, the atrocities that have committed in our country the last 2 years. thank you the and did the chief political editor because that is at the munich security conference and joins me from the venue mccain. i got to see you a standing ovation to the speech from julia and nevada. now does that sum up the
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reaction at the conference to alexa. novalis, deb of the well yeah, that was trudy. a sense of salt key and it's really very rare to have such emotional moments. um, but the whole event is sausage with the coastal force. good in the head of the m a c mentioning referring to the death of nevada and the then we heard music from actually a of the best you said div on it is a group of musicians, both of palestinian and is really so bridges being built and at the same time, there was the sucking news crossing into this gathering what russia is not invited . and there are reasons for that because there is a sense amongst, well, the to, as well. that's talking to russia only make sense in a very limited scope. they did not want to present a well said so to russian,
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a russian take on the history in the making here. and depending on who you are, february some, i'm just saying that they felt this was not an accident. i spoke to the child eclipse through the may a key if instead, while he was killed, that's the soul. and also more than insinuating that the timing of this was deliberate at the same time coming to harris, the us vice president, to you. also still being cautious like the widow of nevada, the herself still seeking real confirmation and evidence that some of all the is indeed dead. and so little faith they have in russia and what it tells you to leave it. there was timing, but thanks so much for joining us now. i'm here now in munich, and it was for my mazda of corresponding emily show and ease with me in the studio . we were talking on the emily. could you tell us a bit about the present calling
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a we're in nevada may was moved to in december. what do we know about the present conditions there so he as yeah, as you say, move there in december, um, quite unexpectedly. and in fact, for several weeks, it was unknown where he is, whereabouts were unknown even to his family. this prison colony in the arctic has the reputation of having very harsh conditions, quite apart from the fact that it's in the architects. so it's freezing cold. there right now and throughout the winter and, and obviously not binding himself has been in a, in a sort of so called punishment cell very frequently in that, in that prison colony which apparently has intolerable conditions within that, essentially isolation. so and his press, secretary cuter jada is actually said that just a few days ago that he is in that isolation prison. so for the 27th
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time and that he will have spent over 300 days in these very, very difficult conditions within that harsh prison. so a lot of critics are saying, you know, even if the regime, the pretend regime didn't kill him. if he was, you know, his health had deteriorated so much through those harsh conditions, let alone through the fact that he was also previously poisoned with a nerve agent. and what are the initial reactions being in brush out the news of his death. so when it comes to various opposition, figures, pushing critics, and also independent media, critical media, media, critical of the i'm putting machine, there's been a huge outpouring of, of emotion, you know, people are talking about the fact that i like saying i need these behind his 2 children and i and also his wife or we just saw there. and one observer, for example, went on independent uh tv and almost almost cried during his talk louder. and he
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was talking about the fact that this is really a watershed moment. that there is a rush of before and the rush after and when it comes to the story it is. they have been quick to say that, oh, this is convenient propaganda for the west to blame, puts in at this time during a presidential campaign because presidential elections in rush are happening in just a month. and you know, that conveniently, the west had their reactions and their blame for the russian government just at the ready at a moment's notice. we leave it there the those images show and speaking to me in the studio, thanks so much. alexa, end of all the was of the most prominent russian opposition figure has a closer look at his life and resistance to full change. russia it didn't take long for next a nobel need to become brushes, leading opposition, figure, which is high profile. i'm good. the state, the former lawyer was regularly arrested on jail for his anti corruption campaigns
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. he also facing numerous criminal tribes including investment charges, which eventually led to a conviction. he and his supporters always maintained the charges were politically motivated. in 2017 nevada and the run in the most co, merrill election, his 2nd place galvanized to supportive. and in 2016, he said he'd stand for president against vladimir putin. his growing political profile only on 2 more enemies. he faced a tax like this one as an apple in southern russia. a year later he was hospitalized off to being hit with green chemical died, leaving him almost blind in one i. snowfall me was fod from running against boots in in the 2018 election because of his embezzlement
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conviction. but nothing could still pin from campaigning against the president and russian corruption. not even frequent arrests in december 2019. 0 sorry it's, he's way disease, anti corruption foundation office b s b k. the following july he was forced to shut it down. you might mention, this is not an emergency drill. f b k as closing quite a boost and then a month later came the poisoning inside barrier no bony was left in a coma. doctors believe he swallowed points and while drinking tea, he was eventually flown to by then where he spent several weeks in intensive cas
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confirmation that it was a chemical attack caused a diplomatic standoff with moscow. the kremlin denied it had anything to do with the assassination attempt which i was told to go by last thing 3rd can do is put a large black out on the kremlin, which says alexi, please under no circumstances returned back home. no about coming to germany was not in my choice. it's a cool country, but i'm not here on my own. free will. i'm here because they tried to kill me up with this beats. despite the risk in january 2021, alexei know boni flew back to russia and was immediately arrested. the whole stock price has took place across the country to the officials, quickly stumped out. it was supposed to move with the kremlin christian. it
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wouldn't be signed and it should be the book. within days of his arrest, his team released a pre recorded video in which he claimed, puts in the lobby. she secret palace was billions, alleging it was all financed by tax payers. money must go to 9th. the claims, but the story quickly went viral. some way security yet more proof of the political need to influence and appeal dodge. he continued to manage the opposition movement . he funded from behind bob's resulting in f. a longer jail tons. by august 2023, he'd been sentenced to move in such he is, his supporters convinced the russian states had finally succeeded in financing its most spent cool critic and following use of the alexa nevada. these depths that have been him from to vigils around the world,
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including at the russian embassy had in berlin. and that's where our correspondent hans brand is hans. what types of protests has there been telling you the people i've been speaking to have been mostly young russians who have been uh for the rest of the country and who are living here in berlin. know elsewhere in germany, definitely putting flaws and candles on just across the road from the russian embassy which is on the side. yeah. and i've been talking about, so what's another i only meant for them that's a he was really the symbol of opposition. the symbol of opposition to the war, to 14, to the situation in russia. and there's a great sense of sadness, obviously, a great sense of shock. there was one young woman here who is from restaurant, who came to the russian embassy today to have a passport renewed and done. you heard about that to the death of nevada. in a while, she was inside the embassy and she was almost speechless. and
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a lot of people who really were very close to tears. yeah. and are there any views on how nevada these debts when the impact, the pro democracy movement in russia brought one of the organizers of this protest. the is a free now by any uh, organization. uh, here in berlin and uh, i spoke to them and they feel that they need to continue the work of the, of my, by any and apart from the shock on the sadness, there is also a sense of anger and a sense of defiance against the id me a put in the same the similar sort of words that we heard from nevada and his wife went to 40 and has to be taken has to account for this that he has to be punished for this that he has to be held responsible for the difference in a variety and that's a position to the regime in russia should continue. and that's the work of election evaluated in many ways. we'll continue with these people who have been saying they
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don't know, but they do correspond enhanced brands in front of the russian embassy here in berlin. thanks very much for that. of the news of the election of olives. death emerged as germany and ukraine signed the long term security part in berlin. the german government has also promised more cash and military equipment to help keep the fight the russian invasion. botkin ballad followed me. it's the legs can all off shouts, cut the small talk brief. i'm ed tight security, ukrainian prize you the entire and to so you know, historic security agreement and the lighting gemini support for the key of the does the media we to, to hear from the bad news broke of kremlin critic election of island these days? this is i thought, so save that work and does that very depressing? coughing, i met in a valley here in belen, when he was trying to recover from the poisoning attack in germany. and i also
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talked to him about the great courage it takes to go back to the country because he didn't go, he's probably not paid for that coverage with his life for funded have to do some work if besides to some neighbor is returning to the pre planned shed, you, schultz said it was a show of solidarity. parchment them claim to. so i, you all have enough beginning these assume years after the start of this horrible war, we are sending a crystal clear message to the russian presidents of some cause we will not waver and our support for ukraine onto the we continue, you know, this is done with the ukrainian people didn't fight the fest and as i to still cut, you know, on the cutting president. so lensky welcomed the agreement, uninfected it was about more than the fates of ukraine. when i d, 's. now this is a very important document. it's not just about some new direction in our cooperation. it's about geometry one thing to protect normality in europe and the world. because war must never become part of everyday life for any people in the
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world to see if you will get those regions. the 10 year long guarantee isn't tended to deepen military and economic support. but despite the warm smiles, it crucially does not include a nice or style plate to come to ukraine's defense. and are the chief political correspondent, nina, how does i gave me this update on the reactions from both leaders to not all of the stuff. well, the news broke as we were sitting that waiting for the latest to turn up for that press conference. and now i'm seeing that historic deal of security cooperation. so essentially, a very good day for germany and ukraine and then use broad setting volunteers indeed did. and both leaders commented, all i've started said that he was a debit stays as he knows now, volume e in pass. and he met him when he was being treated in berlin at the hospital after he was poisoned. and, and so this does go beyond the political message or so it said it is, uh,
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a personal matter that we're now seeing what kind of a regime we're dealing with in russia and, and that at the time he actually spoke to in the volume the about his courage about his plans to return to russia, and the last charge said that pneumonia has now probably paid for this cartridge with his life and that russia has long stopped being a democracy. the ukrainian president said the lady may uprooted, doesn't cat who dies and that he has killed navarro the now we of course we have no confirmation as to the medical cause, but at the ukraine your president was very clear that this is something that's like improved and will have to be held accountable for creating president as an, as k was invalid, and to show up a support for ukraine's war against russian aggression. did the presidency lensky, get what you wanted as well. they're both very hesitant when it comes to big
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was a, the you training president and the german chancellor, but they both spoke of a historic agreement and it is something where the formalizing the support, the germany. it has already been given ukraine from the last 2 years. in the defense against russian aggression. and this is also going be young, that is a deal with the signing a long term support package essentially. so they steal, consists of 3 pillows, mainly dom you will continue providing military aid and help you train, train and soldiers. it set for as the 2nd point, it will also help you train build up a resilient army so that it can in the long term, withstand dressing regression. and then the set point is, if all of that fails, then germany will help you cream, send of any future russian addressing that could occur even in a post war scenario. but what it does not entail is that german soldiers would come to ukraine's depends on the ground. both theaters also mentioned that the support
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from the united states, how bodied is presidency, lensky and the chancellor sold that to the us support codes, dr. wayne. while the fear is tends to bolt and the situation on the front lines is of course, an extremely critical one on ukraine. does risk losing some of its territory to rest. if a good and with the us a package was 56000000 euro is being held up in congress at the moment, will have so it's actually address the congress pledge, pleading with them to help you crane. because base is not just about helping a small country defend itself. this is about european security as a whole and everybody knows that it is going to be extremely difficult if not impossible, without us money and leave it there for the time being beat up is nina has a thanks so much for joining us. and despite the shock of alexi and the valley's death leaders of the munich security conference,
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have many other pressing issues to consider. there's a packed agenda dominated by the was in casa and ukraine. tensions overtime on donald trump's possible return to the vitamins and the global economy would also be oper most in the latest miles. to do the loose chief bullet took a later time to collect his now is at the munich, secure, to take on funds. i asta whether we can expect any progress on ending the was in gaza and ukraine while it turn it around. so if there's going to be any progress, it's very likely to be here because what we see on stage is that only half the story of the munich security conference. their accounts are so full by last row, meeting, small group meetings of well the does secret meeting, the latest wouldn't really own up to actually having had the meetings that they're having here. so we know that there also is a palestinian delegation. so we're hoping, guessing that there might be some tools going on, and on ukraine there's
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a much bigger over asking issue, and that's how fun is the west amongst itself and sticking together. and here it was key hearing from the vice president of the united states, kamala harris, who said something normally, every 1st of the elect, as president says, which is that support for allies, is i in class? that's what, oh, allies and all of those countries who are dependent on us protects and always look out for in a speech. so the very fact that they would need felt that she has to repeat this really point towards an over arching uncertainty or open question about the future of european secure receive the young ukraine. but, but the hot, i'm glad is that to us, give me, let's just look a few cran, $60000000000.00 and funding for the ukraine and water that has been handled up in the us congress. and this is all types of domestic political issues in the united states. how i think that really is us support well,
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us supports from the fight. as soon as i inside, we saw something or unusual happen in the united states that the lack of bypasses incipient inability of democrats and republicans to actually find some kind of common ground. now will suddenly also stretches into the sphere of security in foreign policy. that is new, that is very boring for us allies, and that is the doing of none other than donald trump who wants to be re elected. on top of that, he made comments questioning his willingness to defend nato allies the to you are to be re elected as president, unless they pay off a to nato and potentially towards his own expectations at so for now, it is a little fun, but come with a higher as herself to raise the issue that the americans themselves, that there is a political camp in the us that is questioning whether the us suits have this
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global power roll in the future. and that is an open question that complete asians is on the outcome of the november elections in the united states, where you leave it there for the time being. the categories are in munich. thanks so much. that's a brief look at the war in garza now and sources in egypt say construction work on a buffer zone to accommodate displace palestinians has begun on the border with cause the site and i foundation for human rights is this video show has been doing work along the egyptian side of the border is ran, is finding an offensive against the southern city of rough. uh is it target some us which kind of doubt they have to have a $7.00 to $10.00 on attacks. egypt to set and assault and gulf, i would be unacceptable. more than a 1000000 palestinians are kind and please sheltering there. and a quick reminder of our top story of this, the russian prison services leading opposite configure. alexei, nevada, me, has died. the announcements of devoted me died in the penal colony where he was
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subbing a 19 year sentence. that's all for now coming up after the break to the point asks for the donald trump and flattened it pertains to be constructing a new access gates, nato. and you've created is a cost more and also some of the titles and our website, the doubles dot com, the use of the,
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to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective. donald trump sounds like an extortion, or if allies want military protection from the u. s. they have to pay your, of a seeing his remarks on nato and russia as a wake up call. if you return to the white house this week, onto the points to team and trump, and you'd access against tomato and chris to the point next. on
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dw, the woman playing b or root. it's an absolute tab in kenya, but loved it almost doesn't care. the pioneer and musician has always been a leader, not in a follower, inspiring her fans in her home country and all around the world, the free mags. in 16 minutes on the w, the do you know which should be see, industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates, which is good. concrete, transforming business to live is on to figure out what's
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the real new deal. just reimbursing the snow. the donald trump sounds like an extortionist of allies want the protection of the us say they have to pay it is a blunt warning by the republican presidential candidates had a taste of what's to come. should he return to the president's rush? i would be able to do whatever it wants when delinquent natal members, the possibility that paul's at horrifies nato partners. many you countries see trump statements as a wake up come to become militarily self. sufficient. crane is also planning to challenge russia with new military leadership. add a new strategy on to the point we ask coaching and trump new access. i got the state of enterprise the.


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