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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  February 16, 2024 11:02pm-11:31pm CET

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another name on a growing list of pollutants opponents to die. the death spots a wave of international condemnation germantown. so that will show its said it clearly shows the nature of persons rename and hales. and of all these cards i'm on youtube is mckinnon in belen and this is the day the if this, if we didn't know already, we know know exactly what kind of regime this is. anyone who voice is criticism, who stands up for democracy, most fear for their safety and their lives. pushing into friends feel nothing more than people that stand up, speak up that fight for freedom which you know filled, nor whose name doesn't care who dies as long as he retains his position. his death in a russian prison and the fixation and fear of one man only
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underscores the weakness and rod at the heart of the system that puts his bill also coming up germany and ukraine signed a long term security packs. so i ya enough, begin 2 years after the start with this horrible war. we are sending a crystal clear message to the russian president. we will not waver in our support for ukraine. we continue to stand with the ukrainian people, us. and as i to still cut, you know, the cutting welcome to the show leaders campaign is around the world of blaming the report. the death of rushes most prominent positions they go on president, let them in person. authorities say alexei num valley died off to collapsing at the remote penal colony where he was subbing a 19 year sentence support his of states vigils and many cities. heads of states
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including us president joe biden has condemned the kremlin and praised of all news coverage and resilience. just one day before his death was reported, a next sign of only a p, a cheerful, as he gave testimony via video or link from prison. or even any of seen the next day russian stay tv. read out the official announcements from the federal penitentiary service has come on the books. if i moved in a bunch of nevada only had fallen ill after going for a walk and lost consciousness. an ambulance crew tried to resuscitate him, but they couldn't save him. no volley was transferred to a prison colony above the arctic circle. in december, it's conceded one of russia's toughest prisons and his regularly being held in solitary confinement. no volume these teams said his lawyer we'll visit the prison
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on saturday to confirm his death. novalis wife uli uh was attending the munich security conference when the news reached to you to the problem. if this is true, i want food and, and all of his entourage, the food, you know, we just keep the friends and his government to know that they will be held accountable. is that the need for what they have done to our country? somebody to my family and to my husband not to be as to me in cities across russia and around the world. mona's paying tribute to the kremlin is most very cool critic. in moscow, people lay flowers at the will of sorrow, a memorial, 2 victims of political repression, changes. i don't know,
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so it's kind of a shock right now. it's even hard for me to speak now that we loved him, we were to be increasing the cost involved needs of september. first of all, in a similar position, a symbol of hope for a brighter future, for the show and the ceiling bye with his death. this hope dies if it had still been any hope left, it is even less now than it was before. the 1st one you died, did you begin to have a desire to leave russia or to mention that because you stop believing in positive change just as she did it to me. yeah, that's dwindling. hope on charlotte as a protest, a is detained, seconds of to holding off, assign at a memorial button of all need suppose is a split between sorry for the loss of the graces, type and resolve. the news of his death will only embolden opposition to the
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russian regime. us president drew by and discussed the face of alexi novelle nee with black blood in the a purse into the summit missing in geneva, in 2021 bytes. and says he one person of what he called devastating consequences. if nevada only died in prison, his bite and speaking in washington today of the russian announced the val needs this pro 3 years ago. in the meantime, they faced a whole lot of consequences as lost and or had wounded over 350000 russian soldiers . they've made is position where they've been subjected to as a great sanctions across the board and were contemplating what else could be done. but that's what we were talking about as a time, there were no actions being taken against russia. and that's the call this transpired sensor that's bringing dw russia analysts, konstantin exit. constantine, what do you make of the circumstances of alexis, of all these death and prison?
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slow, we don't know whether he died of natural causes or whether he was actually killed. but have to remember that put and try to kill him. the rest of the dream tried to kill him in 2020 bucks. i have degree with those like prison biden's was saying that the specific circumstances of his bossing um, not that front of him. what is relevant is that of course, put, has really made everything in the power to eliminate him. and that, i think is a pretty stock truth. talk to us about the timing of natal needs death just a month before national elections in russia. the police don't talk about elections in russian. there are no elections and freshman. there is a joke among russians that the school electoral procedures, there is no competition. nobody was in jail and was never supposed to take
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balls in this. in this procedure, put him refused to take part to the debates as always actually. so it's just a reading organization. what people are putting to staying the credit for the other 6 years. but i think what may have already depressed us with ms. tracy a little bit is a significant number of people that went out to sign in support. so one of the notional opposition, or anti war candidates, was you totally agree with the criminal, a lot of things. and this spring of basically should a position to put as warranties that probably warrant them. and personally, i read this uh, illumination of the volume me as
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a signal to the whole of the rest of society. don't even try it in a signal to the west. don't try to do anything about me. don't try to dislodge me. don't try to scare me. i am going to stay where we're at before as. busy because i want to stay, this is a very but i in many ways this is very typical. good. now let's remember the find these know the 1st tests of the 1st of the 1st critic of his policies and his attitudes who was killed. let's remember the former vice prime minister party, but his name so was shot in front of the criminal in 2015. and i would say it's totally clear circumstances. bear in mind the fact that it was in front of the crime that all on the go skin investigative journalist was writing mostly by the word church now, who was killed in 2006 on the barley's, just one in i would say in a group of people that have crossed paths with proven and paid for the deadlines
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come from seen on a personal note you noon of all knee and his family. what can you say about the man? what was he like? i know too much just family but to yes, i'll look say personally, i didn't know we met 1st in 2010, i think at a conference and i'd say that she was, i mean, many people compacts, him to a younger version of boris yeltsin. very organized, very focused, very charismatic in many ways, very rush. he was a very, in many ways he represented the nation, the national capital of the russians peoples. and the remarkable man. and i would say that he was always very clear about his his desire to change the mind of the russians of the way the country is wrong.
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that's why he's stalled with inside corruption of complaints. and he was prettily criticized for not paying attention to listen to that. but let's say put in some. busy against the crime, but i do think that's a she was a man who can change it. let's remember who is the 50 when she thought. and i think that the last couple of years, especially after an attempt on his life, she went on to one to certain change. you have to just go back to his speech in court, which was full of biblical references. and very much moral message was a moral resistance to dictate the shipment to sort of air in his drawing, just as if he was a bully. and i really, really feel extremely sorry for him because he was someone who could change russian who helped to change it. and who was, he was also some of the good change himself, which at this age is frequently not the case. so my dip simplicity usually on the
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letter, his children. and i do hope that that she's close will continue because i do think that she will become from now a very serious symbol of russia, that ph of be but didn't have them at least detected yet he telling you russia, unless konstantin exits constantine thanks so much for that, thank you about that and has a large population of russians opposed to flooding into 10 thousands gathered to demonstrate outside the russian embassy off to the news as an invalid. these death was announced for testers, were accusing person of being on the dra and called for him to be sent to the international criminal court. in the hate, dw, hands from was out of raleigh part from the sullenness of the occasion. there is also a feeling of defiance and of anger here. and many of the speakers have been saying
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that nobody's work has to continue that nobody's work will continue loading the protein needs to be confronted with the responsibility for their souls. nobody including all of us to your as it can here, as hundreds of times and the 19 to continue with resistance and use of electron invalid means death. and just as germany and ukraine signed, long term security packs here in balance, the german government has also promised more cash and military equipment to help keep fights the russian invasion. botkin ballad followed him. he had selected skin off, shots kept the small talk brief. i'm ed tight security, ukrainian prize you the entire and to so you know,
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historic security agreement and the lighting gemini support for the key of the does the media we to, to hear from the bad news broke of kremlin critic election of island these days. so this is the 1st step would look at this, that's mary depressing costs. and i met in a valley here in bell level when he was trying to recover from the poisoning attack in germany. and i also talked to him about the great coverage of take to go back to the country because he did that in good. he's probably not paid for that coverage along with his life for funded have to do some work if besides, with some lever, returning to the pre planning shed. you schultz said it was a show of solidarity. a bunch of them claim to try out enough to get into the 2 years after the start of this horrible war. we are sending a crystal clear message to the russian president because we will not waver in our support for ukraine onto the we continue, you know, this is done with the ukrainian people in fight the fest. and as i to still cut,
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you know, on the cutting president. so lensky welcomed the agreement, uninfected it was about more than the fates of ukraine when i g 's. now this is a very important document. it's not just about some new direction in our cooperation. it's about geometry one thing to protect normality in europe and the world because war must never become part of everyday life for any people in the world to see if you will get the speech of the 10 year long guarantee isn't tended to deepen military and economic support, but despite the warm smiles, it crucially does not include a nice or style plate to come to ukraine's defense. if any, across the trip is a member of the ukrainian parliament and speak. so the president zalinski 7th of the people party and she joins us now from the munich security conference. welcome to the w. chancellor schultz has described this bilateral security agreement as historic the you said us assessments. well
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actually i think it's very symbolical, that's uh, the security agreement was germany was signed just ahead of munich security conference. and so we're happy that germany is actually the 2nd country to do that. and of course, the ultimate goal or few crane is to join nato. but before that we need not just, you know, the statements about the deep concern of but a very solid paper and as told that agreement. and it actually gives the numbers for the 0 for military or 8. and which is, which is really important. um, basically the corporation in the military production together, west german companies does a similar package with bronson. and as he say, ukraine is, was working with other countries as well at what difference do these long term
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commitments make to your governments of true. it's been followed by equipment was france and that present the landscape assigned to i was present mcclung. and so, yes, it is actually a commitment was the numbers was projects. and as i just talked to my colleague from a french parliament and says, tearing this up for me to on the defense, she's really happy about it as well because it does have the content also about the calibration a together was french companies and i think it's also important both through german and swans because it will actually support and boost the economy and the, the producers of weapons. it's been widely reported, but $60000000000.00 of aid from the us is currently stuck in congress. will see
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you hearing from your american partners about if or even when that money will come through while actually you can say that you're in munich. everyone says that you know, our eyes. so looking to d. c to the, to what's going on that and to come on the highest today. uh, was speaking at the opening notes of the conference. and so, you know, she's on the same message. you know, that we have to finish the job. them, america has to finish the job and past the bill as so you might see the news. there was another alternative bill registered in the lower chamber of the house of representatives. and it was initiated by the public and by the portraits republicans. so it gives the, actually, the, the clear vision that both of them, but it's still not, you know, that, that they didn't find
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a compromise and oddly enough, but i don't think it's odd. actually the murder of the model is the best of all in there. um, i also brought the importance of a to you train into the lights and actually there was a statement from mike johnson, the speaker of the lower chamber and saying that we can not lo, 14 um, you know, when the war and rack the international order and you know, have impunity for what she does. so the depth of novel need, but also, i mean, if we look at the situation and for example, of these cars and ukraine and right now, you know, a situation like that see a special. what does that tell us about the need for allies to support ukraine? oh, well, it's crucial. you know, we can talk, talk and talk. but, you know, i have the 8 of my fellow friends in the d a and the text and me, you know,
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saying just, you know, be frank was our allies there. and unit russians have a more than a, you know, up to 5 times more of a to are you that and a 7 times more people that so you know, we can never get more uh, soldiers on the field than rush 2nd grade. but actually, we need desperately need me. so ios are tillery to, um, it least, you know, have the parents say to um in these fields, so it is cool. so, and it's about lives apart from missiles and all tillery a president. zalinski replaced the head of the armed forces recently. how are you upon those responding to that move? i mean, are you worried that that might so doubts and people's minds? and if i got the question correct,
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so you're asking about the drones and the special forces? no, as i was so i was, i was that very asking about the heading of the full says who has been changed recently. so there's a new head of the ukrainian military. oh okay. well, um, it's just uh, working a process um, uh its uh, you know, it's been 2 years into the war. so there are changes in the military command while you uh, watch, uh, previous commented um and uh we just trying also to re more on new general as you know, look 1st journalist from the brigades of up tools to the higher positions because they know the situation on the ground and to be clear, aim all the questions to ask you is to read everything which is needed to this one line. yes. can you crap ciocca member of the ukrainian parliament?
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thank you so much for speaking to us on the w today. thank you for having our ukraine has received a substantial amount of military aid from its supporters, but it's also become very results full in building weapons of its own for the battlefield. dw netcom lee reports. now where are you allowed to film? that hands is work as a building long range, recognizance drones, some way in ukraine. this is the prime target, the russian missiles, so they spread out the workforce to various locations in ukraine and in the u. on the, by the 10th of the reward team is left. the idea is that if one facilities hit, the others can continue. yet staying in ukraine is worth the risk. not just because many of the stuff can't always leave the cold. at this point. we have to be close to the people using our drawings. we need to be hated to repair an upgrade, but technology quickly to get the feedback and make sure we can make the dragons
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back. so this is the best place of the world right now to develop and test this kind of technology. when rusher invited 2 years ago, this company was making drones to protect wild life from purchase, was bought while 5. now everything they make goes to the army. with western munitions deliveries dropping off intelligence these drugs provide is crucial to make sure every last shell accounts must have a portion of our soldiers and very limited resources. my shelves and all kinds of munitions are at a premium and they can't afford to fire. they don't have visual confirmation from red row, and since they've got the right target, this technology gives them that are in real time kind of cup. and these drugs have combustion rather than electric motors. that means they can fly up with a 12 hours rather than 2 or 3 very. they could fly too much, going back then normally found, doing endless loops. but the ukranian battlefields followed the man come on,
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the drum unit is back from the front line to get the engineers. his feedback slips to be able to wire up a student. i come here all the time to help the guys make these drones better. so the bible crushing the reward has never static, but it's all about the changes. so if we allow ourselves to stand still, we will lose people, but i still have our own. the advantage is our motivation is you're cool, but it was in my mind and it's a big what uh, what, what's our enemy is very, very strong, lawful. and we cannot afford to underestimate the new, the senior, what the ukraine's best joints of achieving parity on the battlefield. to use, comparatively cheap technologies like this to destroy the russian weapons. with many times more fluids, the man has been constantly doing the sums for a little while i was to add it up. i'm sure these drones have help destroyed
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target's worth much more than we spend destroying them, either on the drones themselves or us missiles. that calculation sometimes makes it worth sacrificing one of these birds as that pilots cool them. a scrolling cost model of low clouds, we're getting in the way of us watching what was happening on the ground level about this. and we can see to russian book air defense systems, because here and we decided to defend, to get a better view where mister shows could if i was there to direct the hi maurice to try to kind of right up till the last moment. finally, we ended up destroying one of the book units at the cost of my drone lead me if i was small in conspicuous plants like these, going to be key to ukraine's jones's guess. russia's boss resources. these are weapons that ukraine could make for itself without other countries support the engineers here, just need to be sure the location remains the secret. hope the country is
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a defensive, can stop the russian missiles and that is the show such as a follow up team on social media at cdw news. and if it's the latest headlines that you're looking for, there's always a website, www dot com for now from the entire team here on the day. thanks so much for spending part of your day with the
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just a few years ago. this site and come when the tour, it was nothing more than an urban waste land. a woman with the vision transformed into something else. can you punch in and you can get them to fill out on monday and start on the, on the, on the 4th again at the 2 on the other line and refunded an ongoing offer and go to challenging or to move from a dumpster to a green oasis eco, india. next on d w. what's new will tell here. we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting
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a visa is more difficult than finding gold. the sales force of the for the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. are you news africa? in 60 minutes on d, w, the, this is started. we started to understand clearly and watching 2013 the status of the pro democracy protest in ukraine. 2022 ami invaded the country release of the response to your price to ship to west has recognized the danger all the signs. but that we really
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understand that if we fail uh we will lose our concepts euro my done thoughts, february 17th on t. w. the last things in life on 12 minutes, then why try to resolve them or hold onto them? hello and welcome. i'm sorry because the body and you'll watching so many aspects of life, nature and austin, rounding with all of us. and maybe even the generation oft, it, us like this ancient but nature is precious and it is less presenting where all the boxes that i saw growing up. i remember watching.


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