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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 17, 2024 2:00am-2:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw news life umbrella in the world's blames. vladimir pretend for the reports of death, of the russian opposition leader alexi, nevada, supporters stage vigils and moscow on other cities worldwide fashion. also our tenant st. devonie died at the remote fee, you know, colony where you have a survey and 19 year sentence. also on the program, germany and ukraine signed a long term security agreement. and there's more help for keeps fight against the russian invasion. and you've called at the corporate death penalty. donald trump can't run his business faster,
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and new york courts bounce him for 3 years and finds him $355000000.00 for fraud. the and how to promote welcome to the program leaders. and campaigners arriving the worlds are blaming the report to death of rushes, most prominent of positions that are on president vladimir putin. authorities say, alexia bonnie dive duff, died after collapsing at the remote penal colony, where he was serving a 19 year sentence. supporters have staged vigils and many cities and has of states including us, president job. i didn't have condemned the kremlin and praised of on his coverage and resilience. just one day before his death was reported, a next sign of only a p cheerful as he gave testimony via video or link from prison or even any of
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seen the next day. russian stay tv. read out the official announcements from the federal penitentiary service. come on the books, if i move them by just a nevaeh, tony had fallen ill after going for a walk and lost consciousness. an ambulance crew tried to resuscitate him, but they couldn't save him. no volley was transferred to a prison colony above the arctic circle. in december it's conceded one of russia's toughest prisons and his regularly being held in solitary confinement. no volume these teams said his lawyer, we'll visit the prison on saturday to confirm his death. novalis wife uli uh was attending the munich security conference when the news reached to you to the problem. if this is true, i want food and,
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and all of his entourage food, you know, we just can't go to friends and his government to know that they will be held accountable. is that the need for what they have done to our country? somebody to my family and to my husband not to be in cities across russia and around the world. mona's paying tribute to the kremlin is most very cool critic. in moscow, people lay flowers at the will of sorrow. a memorial to victims of political repression can use. i don't know. it's kind of a shock right now. it's even hard for me to speak now. as we loved him, we were gonna be increasing the of costs involved me december. first of all, and a symbol of my position, a symbol of hope for a brighter future for the show. and there's
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a feeling back with his death. this hope dies. if it had still been any hope left, it is even less now than it was before. the greatest one you died, did you begin to have a desire to leave russia or commissioner because you stop believing in positive change? is this did it to me? yeah, that's dwindling. hope on charlotte as a protest. i is detained seconds of to holding up a sign at a memorial. but nevada needs support is a split between sorry for the loss of the greatest hope and resolve the news of his death will only in bold in opposition to the russian regime. smell it dw, use your shadow, has our bureau and we got locked up earlier. we asked him about the kind of conditions sitting about and he was subjected to in prison. what we know little about the present conditions, exactly in, in prison comp, number 3 in the amount of minutes into the russian arctic when
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a volume was held. but you do know that the vase president particularly is considered to be a particularly harsh yvonne that is set to be cancelled, particularly back to me. and also that is difficult to reach from the outset world as the air temperature there it is, extremely cold. when a volleyball strengths the few months ago from another prison in the central rasa at. she joked that to the air was the very frosty but clean. we do know is that the extent of all it has been punished extra. how to sleep $27.00 times during cheese imprisonment since 2021. when she was transferred to us so that the resell the so called punishment isolated for several days. the closest criticism therefore came from that option of human rights counsel. today, one member advance to suspect that the violence detention condition support ultimately destroying his health. that was dw use riga bureau chief uria were shadow there. now as the news of alexi,
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nirvana's death and marched in germany and ukraine, signed a long time, the security patch here in berlin. the german government has also promised more cash and military equipment to help keys fight the russian invasion. botkin ballad followed him. he had slaves, skin off, shots kept the small talk brief, i'm it tight, security, ukrainian prize you the entire winter. so you know, historic security agreement and the lighting gemini support for key. if the does the media we to, to hear from the bad news broke of kremlin critic election of island these days. so this is the 1st step would look into is that very depressing costs. and i met in a valley here in belen, when he was trying to recover from the poisoning attack in germany. and i also talked to him about the great courage it takes to go back to the country because he didn't go, he's probably not paid for that courage with his life. of the finest have to do some work if the sides, but i'm leaving returning to the pre planning shed. you schultz said it was
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a show of solidarity. bunch of them clean the so i, you all have enough beginning these assume years after the start of this horrible war. we are sending a crystal clear message to the russian presidents of some cause we will not waver in our support for ukraine loans onto the we continue, you know, this is done with the ukrainian people 15 by the fest. and as i to so caught, you know, on the cutting president. so lensky welcomed the agreement and insisted it was about more than the fates of ukraine. when i d. 's. now this is a very important document. it's not just that item you direction in our cooperation . it's about geometry one thing to protect normality in europe and the world because war must never become part of everyday life for any people in the world. and i see you will get those regions the 10 year long guarantee isn't tended to deepen military and economic support. but despite the warm smiles, it crucially does not include
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a nice or style plate to come to ukraine's defense. or the creamy and leaders spend the day into key. european capitals from berlin's landscape, travelled on to paris to sign a similar security packed with the french present in manually on the crime. the french government says the dealing close, long time commitments and strengthens ties between the 2 nations. i am from paris president polanski will travel back to germany to attend to munich. security conference leader is gathered in munich, already reaction to the report. the death of alexi, nevada, ne, blaming vladimir putin. russia was not invited to attend this year's meeting next security conference, where the wars and ukraine and gaza are top of the agenda. tensions over taiwan and donald trump possible return to the white house are also on leaders mines and a court in new york has find former president donald trump over $350000000.00 for
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fraud involving his business empire. for judge also banned, shrunk from running companies in the state for 3 years. because after trump assign guilty of inflating his network to secure a better loan times from lenders, he is i to appeal and condemns the case as a witch hunt. it's just the latest legal set back for trump who remains the front runner for the republican party. presidential nomination well earlier i spoke to dw use benjamin alvarez gruber, about why trump got this huge fine to the new york judge said donald trump engaged in a year's long scheme to do banks with financial statements. that inflated his wealth . there's also really long investigations, 3 years more than 14 witnesses, several weeks of trial testimony in thousands of pages of evidence and the judge not only hit trump a directly but also his idols, sons, eric and donald union, several former trump organizations executive with millions of dollars in financial
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penalties, but that's not all. as you said, trump is also bare from subbing to an officer or director of any new york corporation for 3 years. he does not have to pay the money out immediately because there's still an appeal process playing out. his lawyer is called the benedict and i quote manifesto, injustice, and politically fuel which and how does this actually going to affect the trunk election campaign? if, if a toll we know how trump and how his legal team may react to the question of calls will be, how is potential voters will react. this is a legal roller coaster that will follow on. it's really difficult to actually keep track with all these different cases. and despite the fact that the republican frontrunner is facing several criminal cases and will next month become the 1st former us president to spend trial and criminal charges. many republican voters in south carolina that will pass the primary next week would still prefer him over
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nikki haley. that's what the impulse is showing. but that's a thing here because there's so much money involved in competing for the presidency in this country. the donors might see how much money trump needs to pay. following this ruling, some might consider not donating for his campaign anymore. of course. and then i think um, what a lot of us are also wondering, do we know to what extent trumps personal budget is going to be affected by this? i mean, is it gonna have to caught done on his private jet flights or this several sources on that to see what exactly donald trump's network is and if it will hurt him. and one of those sources is comes from force that said that donald trump's network stood up around 2600000000 us toll us in 2023. so a decrease from the time before is 1st presidency. that includes all of his portfolio. we have golf clubs, we have resorts, real estate, cash, personal assets,
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and full calculator that he has. 426000000 u. s. the less in cash and liquid assets. that's the money that he could actually use to pay off his legal obligations. bloomberg, on the other hand, estimated that this 453000000 billing casey actually needs to paid, could it up to 50 percent of his network. so the big question is, if you will pay it and where, what this caps can be made, if it's on the private traveling or somewhere else. hm. well, it seems like he's still doing all right. all right, then thank you so much as always for joining us. and let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines today. thousands of protesters have gathered into the past to demand a change to hungry is political culture. they want the conservative government to reform the child protection system. the protest was organized in response to president katelyn novak's recent resignation over a part and she issued in a child sexual abuse case sources indicate egypt as building a buffer zone year as border with gauze,
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a sign i foundation for human rights says this video shows construction under way to work suggests cairo is getting ready to accommodate display spouse and before applying does rarely ground defensive against the city of russell citizen. and russia has started a new trial against the veteran rights activist, or like, or love. he is facing up to 5 years in prison for criticizing the invasion of ukraine. our loss is one of the few high profile kremlin kremlin critics who is not currently in exile or in prison. most of my children are moving and we're going to end this show by giving alexi nevada need the last word. here's an excerpt from an oscar winning documentary, a button devonie followed the politician as he recovered in germany. after being poisoned, the filmmaker asks what nevada these message to supporters would have been if he were killed. yours is on sir. a message for
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the uh station of a named kilt is very simple, loved you up. do me a favor? answer this one in russia. um it was just a minute for us to attribute maybe she needs the why it's not the just the what so yes, the bodies us look at those my change the weeks. yeah. but cannot be unless you leave with a my, me, i'm going to send you this really mean you will be there in the sports image of a single yes, no upset for many tungsten we a girl may use your daughter. yeah. not quote. it's about getting your don't what they took, what she walk, the last piece, least with almost when you moved or massage night and this will, could you please let me see me. your story means that there was life at the beach to but if you buy from these, these 13 that the
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cars, he's got any issues or thoughts say what the what old car has to do with you production. here's a hands.


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