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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 17, 2024 7:00am-7:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news live from bill and anger on morning worldwide, or the reported to death of unexplainable need support of states vigils and moscow in other cities and blamed the kremlin for the opposition leaders, death, russian authorities say, and of all need died at a remote penal colony also coming off to a man and ukraine, signed a long term security agreement with more helpful the fight against russia's invasion and mounting science. but egypt is preparing for an influx of palestinians from gaza. images show large scale construction just behind the border is egypt to building a new refugee camp on its territory. the
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. hello monica jones. welcome to the program. leaders and campaign is around the world, blaming the report a death. so for us, most prominent opposition say, go on precedents, letting me a polluted authorities, say i'll explain of on the died off the collapsing of the remote to prison while he was setting a 19 year sentence support. as i staged vigils in many cities, the state lead us including us presidential bite and i flushed out of the kremlin. i'm price of all of these coverage and resilience. just one day before his death was reported, an exciting of only a p cheerful as he gave testimony via video or link from prison or even any of seen the next day. russian stay tv. read out the official announcement from the
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federal penitentiary service has come on the books. if i move in a bunch of stuff, a nevaeh tony had fallen ill after going for a walk and lost consciousness. an ambulance crew tried to resuscitate him, but they couldn't save him. the volley was transferred to a prison colony above the arctic circle. in december, it's conceded one of russia's toughest prisons and his regularly being held in solitary confinement, nevada. these teams said his lawyer will visit the prison on saturday to confirm his death. novalis wife uli uh was attending the munich security conference when the news reached to you at the problem. if this is true, i want food and, and all of his entourage food, you know, we just can't go to friends and his government to know that they will be held
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accountable. is that the need for what they have done to our country? somebody to my family and to my husband not to be as to me in cities across russia and around the world. mona's paying tribute to the kremlin is most very cool critic. in moscow, people lay flowers at the will of sorrow, a memorial, 2 victims of political repression, changes. i don't know, so it's kind of a shock right now. it's even hard for me to speak now. as we loved him, we were gonna be increasing the costs and evolved needs of september. first of all, and a symbol of my position, a symbol of hope for a brighter future, for the show and the ceiling bye with his death. this hope dies if it had still been any hope left,
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it is even less now than it was before. the greatest one you died. did you begin to have a desire to leave russia or to mention that because you stopped the leaving and positive change just as she did it? to me? yeah, that's dwindling. hope on charlotte as a protest. i is detained seconds of to holding up a sign at a memorial. but nevada needs support is a split between sorry for the loss of day. grace has taught and resolve the news of his death will only in bold in opposition to the russian regime. news of the end of all these steps and matched as gemini and ukraine signed a long ton secuity packed here in the, in the doing. the government has also promised more cash than military equipment to help fight against russia's invasion. botkin ballad followed him. he had selected skin off, shots kept the small talk brief. i'm ed tight security,
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ukrainian prize you the entire and to so you know, historic security agreement. and the lighting gemini support for the key of the does the media we to, to hear from the bad news broke of kremlin critic election of island these days just as i thought. so save that work and does that very depressing, kaufman. i met in a valley here in belen, when he was trying to recover from the poisoning attack in germany. and i also talked to him about the great courage of take to go back to the country because he didn't go, he's probably not paid for that. courage with his life for funded help. that isn't what gets besides to i'm leaving is returning to the pre planning shed. you schultz said it was a show of solidarity. a bunch of them claim to try out enough to get into the 2 years after the start of this horrible war. we are sending a crystal clear message to the russian president because we will not waver in our support for ukraine onto the we continue, you know, this is done with the ukrainian people in fight the fest. and as i to so cut,
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you know, a little cutting the president. so lensky welcomed the agreement, uninfected it was about more than the fates of ukraine. when i d. 's. now this is a very important document. it's not just about some new direction in our cooperation. it's about geometry one thing to protect normality in europe and the world. because war must never become part of everyday life for any people in the world. let me see if you will get this feature. the 10 year long guarantee is intended to deepen military and economic support. but despite the warm smiles, it crucially does not include a nice or style plate to come to ukraine's defense. all the european allies have also steps up support for ukraine from island zalinski traveled onto paris to sign a similar security packed with the french presidents and on when i called the french government says the deal includes long term commitments and strength and
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ties between the 2 nations and presidents and lensky is expected back here in germany today to join them. unix security conference leaders of the forum joined to the voice as holding the kremlin responsible for alex aden. about these, this, russia was not invited to attend busy as munich security conference. whether was any ukraine and gas on top of the agenda, pensions over taiwan and donuts, trump's possible return to the white house. also major topics of the pledges of support in your outcome, just as ukrainian armed forces announced a set back their withdrawal from the eastern town of affal discount. after months of heavy fighting, ukraine's new army head lakes. on this escape, such troops were being pulled out in order to avoid being and suckled. russian forces had been attempting to capture the ruins town since october reported the with heavy casualties is russia's biggest success on the battlefield since it's
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took the say to the mood last in a following, a similar a bloody battle. evidence is mounting that egypt is building a holding area for palestinian refugees on its board of his gauze. a strip sources in egypt say the work is in response to a possible is way to offensive on the gas and city, or for a ha. despite international pressure, these satellite images show what appears to be construction work on the way close to the egyptian border of his gaza video released by the brenton based and g o. sign off foundation for human rights also shows building going on in the area. and you have some authorities have denied to making preparations for palestinians being forced out of gaza, an urging israel not to attack rough ideas on look now at some of the other stories making headlines today will solve it using kansas city. say
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they have detained 2 teenagers on gun and resisting arrest charges in connection with wednesdays and mass shooting. the one woman was killed and $22.00 inches in a hail of gunfire in a crowd celebrating the city's football championship. police say the shooting may have resulted from a personal dispute. thousands of protesters have gathered in budapest into the amount a change to hung the rays political culture. they wanted the conservative government to reform the child's protection system. the protest was organized in response to president counts and the mailbox recent resignation over a pod and she issued in a child sexual abuse face. japan space agency has successfully launched h u h 3 rotate for the 1st time. it's w test last last year ended in sale. the next generation blockage is designed to be cheaper and more reliable. the success is another boost for tokyo space additions
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following it's more landing in january. a quote in new york has find form of presidents don't have to trump over 350000000 dollars for fraud involving his business empire. the jobs also banned trunk from running companies in the state for 3 years. that's off the trump was found guilty of inflating his net west to secure better loan to us from lend us. yes, allow to appeal and condemned the case as a witch hunt. it's just the latest legal setback for trump, who remains the front runner for the republican party presidential nomination. and, you know, we spoke to d, they'll be use benjamin, all those groups about why trump got this huge fine. as the new york judge said, donald trump engaged in a g as long scheme to do banks with financial statements. that inflated as well as this was a really long investigation of 3 years. more than 14 witnesses,
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several weeks of trial testimony, and thousands of pages of evidence and the judge not only hit trump a directly, but also his idol sons, eric and donald union, several former trump organizations executive with millions of dollars in financial penalties. but that's not all. as you said, trump is also buried from serving as an officer or director of any your, your cooperation for 3 years. he does not have to pay the money out immediately because there is still an appeal process playing out his lawyer is called the benedict and i quote, manifest injustice and politically pure, which are well from $10.00 cent a. of this he has been in the film festival is dirty, president of lupita and young girl, the 1st black person to hold the position the oscar winning style fate movies 12. he is a slave and black papa is a woman of many talents and not just on the screen. she fine with their b as a kindergarten teacher and my 6 agent, action hero,
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a conflict for your loss to peach in young go is the a peach in the of tough. she'll even take on a zone. the if needs be born in mexico in 1983 and raised in 10. you young, goes the daughter of a politician and studied the sort of film before becoming an actress. the young goes big screen debut, was a slave patsy. and steve mcqueen's drama, 12 years, a slice the god. yeah, you die out. to go to that email you voted, i will be the best to buy. so this is what i want to show us. in 2014 younger was the 1st black african actress to win the oscar for best supporting actress receiving the award. she said,
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when i looked down at this golden statute, may it reminds me and every little child that no matter where you are from your dreams of doubt. you won't go reached the world wide audience with the fool meditations of the black panther comics, mother, the princess, the science fiction action saga from the kingdom of what kinda became not just a blue bus to hit but the symbol of a new black self confidence. it's really i'm the mosque just so much that is indigenous to the continent. and we're celebrating our culture we're celebrating, where we're from in a way this family inclusive in 2019, she explode african history and culture for real positive television documentary. did not expect to see you reminded me of which is repeated. you also use this has celebrity to support social causes in 2000
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a nice the actress made a film about people without bind isn't in kenya. she has also written a children's book, sort of about diversity, self confidence, and self acceptance. there would be no hiding any more cheap along the ocean. the word dog used to pull right strong fingers of wrapping up flu. pizza new and go in her next film. she's fighting aliens the post apocalyptic horror film, a quiet place day one hits movie theaters into the under reminder of our top story, of the people worldwide has been mourning and protesting over the death of
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unexplainable needs. authorities in russia safety officer shanita died off the collapsing of the prison, where he was subbing a 19 year sentence. that's all from us for now coming up next to w as in ability magazine. right. thanks for watching the rules. we say they're never giving up every weekend on d. w. do you know which of these 3 industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates would you guess concrete, the transforming business syllabus on to figure out.


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