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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 17, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin, anger and morning world wide over the report. it's death, i'll explain of all the supporters, the stage vigils in moscow and all the cities and blame the kremlin for the opposition lead us the rational, socrates, say, nevada, the died as a remote penal colony ukrainian president. a lot of mister landscape takes the stage today as i'm unique in security conference, his latest stuff to drawn up international support, even as a cranium forces retreats in the the
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i'm monica jones good to have you with us leaders on campaign us around the world, blaming the reported to death, so for us as most prominent opposition to figure on presidents letting me put in a sorry to say i'll explain of on the died off the collapsing of the remote prison where he was subbing a 19 year sentence support as of staged vigils and many cities, states and data including us president joe biden, at last out of the kremlin, appraised and evolved these coverage and resilience just one day before his death was reported, alexei nev on the cheerful as he gave testimony via video link from prison. even in you've seen the next day, russian stay tv, read out the official announcements from the federal penitentiaries of this. of course, if i move in a bunch of a nevaeh, tony had fallen ill after going for a walk and lost consciousness. and ambulance crew tried to resuscitate him,
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but they couldn't save him. no volley was transferred to a prison colony above the arctic circle. in december, it's conceded one of russia's toughest prisons and his regularly being held in solitary confinement, nevada. these teams said his lawyer will visit the prison on saturday to confirm his death. novalis wife uli uh was attending the munich security conference when the news reached to you. it's a problem. if this is true, i want food and, and all of his entourage food, you know, we just keep the friends and his government to know that they will be held accountable. is that the need for what they have done to our country, somebody to my family and to my husband not to be as to me
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in cities across russia and around the world. mona's paying tribute to the kremlin is most very cool critic. in moscow, people lay flowers at the will of sorrow, a memorial, 2 victims of political repression, changes. i don't know, so it's kind of a shock right now. it's even hard for me to speak now. as we loved him, we were gonna be increasing the of costs and evolved needs of september. first of all, and a symbol of a position, a symbol of hope for a brighter future for the show. and there's a feeling back with his death this hope dies. if it had still been any hope left, it is even less now than it was before. the greatest one you died. did you begin to have a desire to leave russia or to mention that because you stop believing in positive
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change just as she did it to me? yeah, that's dwindling. hope on charlotte as a protest. i is detained seconds of to holding up a sign at a memorial. but nevada needs support is a split between sorry for the loss of day. grace has taught and resolve the news of his death will only in bold in opposition to the russian regime. news of nevada in east estimate as germany and ukraine signed a long term security packed here in berlin. the german government has also promised to move cash and military equipments to help fight against russians. invasion. botkin, belin followed him. he had selected skin off, shots kept the small talk brief. i'm ed tight security, ukrainian prize you the entire and to so you know, historic security agreement and the lighting gemini support for the key of the does
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the media we to, to hear from the bad news, broke of kremlin critic election of all and these days this is i've associated with work in this that's mary depressing coughing. i met in a valley here in belen, when he was trying to recover from the poisoning attack in germany. and i also talked to him about the great courage attempt to go back to the country because he didn't go, he's probably not paid for that coverage with his life for funded have to do some work if the sides. so i'm leaving is returning to the pre planned shed, you shalt said it was a show of solidarity, parchment them claim to try out enough beginning these assumed years after the start of this horrible war, we are sending a crystal clear message to the russian presidents of some cause we will not waver in our support for ukraine onto the we continue, you know, this is done with the ukrainian people 15 fight the fest. and as i to still cut, you know, on the cutting president. so lensky welcomed the agreement and insisted it was
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about more than the fates of ukraine. when i d 's, now this is a very important document. it's not just about some new direction in our cooperation. it's about geometry one thing to protect normality in europe and the world because war must never become part of everyday life for any people in the world. let me see. you will get this feature. the 10 year long guarantee is intended to deepen military and economic support. but despite the warm smiles, it crucially does not include a nice or style plate to come to ukraine's defense. all the european allies have also stepped up support for ukraine from valencia landscape, traveled onto paris to sign a similar security packed with the french president him on. when i call, the french government says video includes long term commitments and strengthens ties between the 2 nations and presidents and landscapes. back in germany today to join the munich security conference leaders of the forum,
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joins the voice is holding the kremlin responsible for all explain of all these tests. russia was not invited to attend this. he has music security conference with the boys in ukraine and scada on top of the agenda. tensions over taiwan and donuts, drums, possible return to the white house, also major topics. the dw as chief political edited. it actually is not is of the unique security conference to joins us from the venue there, mr. ely, so it's a day to off of this. so security conference. so just briefly, what can we look forward to? well, it's about the big conflicts that you already mentioned, but it's also about the big seismic shift in the international world, or the funky will be here. the chinese foreign minister, we've learned that the chinese delegation is larger than the american delegation that, that saying something also. and the commission president was the left on the lines
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and they to secretary general. they will be speaking on those big concepts, but also on what european defense, what nato defense is supposed to look like in the future, particularly against the backdrop of this uncertainty that donald trump did manage to throw into the debates with kicking off the day today will be germantown, so what are sol immediately followed by voting is lensky. exactly. and we will actually cover those stages live here also on dw, you said elect schultz, is going to speak 1st. that'll be in about an hour from now, according to the program there. and it said that he's going to talk about the job and his position in the world. what do you think we can expect from him? well, what i expect is that the ria funds his current position, which is that europe will continue to back suddenly a germany will continue to pack ukraine,
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no matter what happens in the united states. but i would also expect him to reiterate his word of warning that if the us were not able to, we're not willing to support ukraine in the future. you're certainly wouldn't be able to compensate. so i'm curious to see how he interprets his leadership role, which he has a de facto by germany, have now become the 3rd largest economy in the world, the largest in europe, in what role germany will take particular against the backdrop of the french offer, which is now being the basis of a more independent and nuclear deterrent seals. and that's what the french presence is on foot in the past. that is a debate that's only just started, but it's here and it's else in the open. and it just briefly mr. a lot because what i've sold is famous sites and then this each 2 years ago, we all remember that. and you surprise announcements. you think i would expect to me announce 1100000000 me for ukraine and together with that
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security, a contract essentially that was signed with the president of ukraine. i do not expect any surprises. i would also expect him to once again reiterate how important the transatlantic relationship is and that nato allies stand in for each other. something come with a higher as the us vice president of stress here as well yesterday. all right, mr. inactive. another reporting for us when the munich security conference, me to and some thank you so much. i. the pleasures of support in europe. com, just as ukrainian armed forces announced such back the withdrawal from the eastern town of off discount. after months of heavy fighting, ukraine's new army had to all ex, on the serious case that the troops were being pulled out in order to avoid being encircled. russian forces has been attempting to capture the ruins. townsend's october, reportedly with heavy casualties as rushed,
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his biggest success on the battlefield since it's took the city would last made following a similarly bloody battle. evidence is mounting that egypt is building a holding area for palestinian refugees on its border with a glass of strip sources at egypt. say the work is in response to a possible is really offensive on the gas and safety of rough. despite international pressure, these satellite images show what appears to be construction work on the way close to the egyptian border of his casa video, released by the britain base and g o sign i foundation for human rights also shows building going on in the area egyptian of socrates, however, have denied making preparations for palestinians being forced out of gaza and their urging israel ill not to attack refund for while i'm doing now by journalist katarina l. a. g. a harvey who has been following developments from cairo. a good to have you with us the korean. so would you make us digits in
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government denying is preparing for possible palestinian exodus from gaza. what are you hearing? it was very conflicting inputs. i must say, digits in government this evening to release the statements of which they say easy to talk with. the nice reports from searching for media outlets about kyra's plans to build shelters for palestinians in the vicinity of the egyptian borders. because a strip in the event that they are forced when the displaced as a result of a plugin is really aggression against them in the gaza strip. so i denied from the government at the same thing at the same time, but you show it to your report. we have such a dock to images. we have the videos from this sign of homes ation for human rights . and we have some, uh, items security people use it towards also talking about that. so we is joining a set of payment to go there independently. so we cannot verify any of the clips.
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right? so, i mean, help us out in this a bit here because it seems to be a very controversial for, for any of the arab states to openly help palestinians escape from the war. so, and that also seems to be the case now with, with egypt. uh, sort of keeping things somewhat in secret or denying it as we've just heard. why do you think that is as well for us is of course people what the head, the people in the gaza strip and there's a very moving uh picture this corner. all those social media, this morning business, individual chicago, a sense that was a train of thoughts and the up up in a truck is passing by is clearly marked for because of stripping. he takes it to get to the thoughts of his grades and throws them onto the truck. so people really want to head for the palestinians. the sales also hundreds of trucks come and try to get it from the egyptian side. the law by these right is that you just don't
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want to be part of it. you say a policy name displacement to scenario. also the search statement that quoted before. it's written that the complete and the reverse of and rejection of a forest, or voluntary displacement of the students, brothers from the gaza strip to outside it is especially to digits lens because this is a certain liquidation of the products to be an issue. and the direct strength of egypt has a security. so we have a security issue for the just but he really didn't. i think one of the main things that don't want to be seen as any kind of taking part in positive displacement is scheme because the furious of cause of people never would be able to get back. all right, tunnel is kind of alcohol right there from cairo, korean. thank you so much. you're welcome. now a reminder of our top stories for you. the people worldwide has been in the morning
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and protesting over the desk of alex a nev i'll need to solve it using russia, say the officer shanita died off the collapsing of the prison where he was serving a 19 year symptoms. that's all from us for now. thanks so much jackie is changing 6 years ago. we said it can't get any was to, but it does guardians of truth. this time excel gen, this turned into our meets the voices of the 3 turkey author. as the ad one had to flee into exile. i knew the police would search my house courageous people are trying to stem the turkish governments all sort. tammy calls us some kids, but really it's a crime is addressed and the path of trying to take systems have been.


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