tv Tomorrow Today DW February 17, 2024 8:30am-9:01am CET
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the inside in depth interviews and see the world in progress. the last year was a year of extreme weather, extreme storms and lived. yeah. extreme rain, for example, in brazil, the and extreme heat in greece. scientists say that climate change is going to make it stream, weather events more frequent. how can we prepare our cities and rural areas for this new future? stay tuned for all this and more coming up on dw science show. welcome to tomorrow
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. today the su sling hot heat waves are becoming an increasing problem in urban areas around the world. rising temperatures and humidity can also lead to torrential rains with stormwater that can overwhelm urban drainage systems. but architect christina ice and bond has come up with a solution. here on the 10th floor of an adaptive high rise built by the university of stuttgart and south western germany. she's been testing her idea under real life conditions of our approach involves creating surfaces and building designs that can absorb rainwater, which can then be used in the building and later on during a hot spell, that water can be used for evaporative sustainable cooling a hybrid her solution involves special textiles called hydro skin, l comments that are attached directly to the facade. inside the high rise,
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there are special tanks that store collected rainwater. on hot dry days, this water is returned from the tanks to the facade element. the windows are covered with 2 lightweight textile skins which are separated by a porous space or fabric that allows the air between the 2 layers. to circulate the water can evaporate, helping to clean the buildings interior and improve the microclimate outside the building. looked into this and that also is we've discovered that if we were to equip this entire building with hydro skin in all stuff, we could cool down a specific volume of air by 10 degrees celsius in cartersville, paved surfaces. and the lack of trees and vegetation are also heating up our cities
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and turning city roads into rivers after a heavy rainfall. the high drove skin facade elements can make a difference here too. in a down port, they remove some of the excess rainwater and funnel it to the tanks. the rainwater is 1st collected by a file on the inside of the element, which then drains the water down into a profile system. that water can then be put to various uses for flushing toilets, for example, or to cool the building and test show that the system works. and we installed more than 50 sensors in our test stations, plus one weather station on the facade, and one on the roof sato. the sensors measure how much the facade is cooled during hot weather, and how much water can be absorbed when it rains. test station 2 shows, there were 640 grams of water in the back. after about half an hour of rain,
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there is 974 grams of water. in principle, the textile can absorb an unlimited amount of water. what matters is the profile system in the profile system, the water pipes and metal frames determines how much water can be captured in a downpour. fearful lung this year shows how we refine the technology item. this profile system is large enough so that it could handle a once in a century, rain fall event, but still slender enough that it wouldn't interfere with the architect tonic anesthetic aspects of the facade. pushing on for fun, here. in many cities around the world, sewage systems can no longer handle the run off from frequent storms. so rainwater retention setup will become ever more important. christina, ice and bonds, hydra skin system, is made of synthetic fibers that are almost completely recyclable. and instead of
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bouncing off the text style structure, the raindrops are almost entirely absorbed, making for a very efficient harvesting system. the architecture of some of her inspiration from tech style is used in other industries. events. they're also used in the automotive industry and car seats, for example. why is that? because people don't want to sweat on long drives and they want their sweat to evaporate quickly. so the material encourages air circulation. that's also useful for our work, since it helps the water evaporates and enhances the cooling effect for stack architects have long been familiar with the principal of, of operative cooling, the new high tech hydro skin fabric is an extension of that principle. and it's so lightweight that it can be retrofitted on most any building that i should take. as an architect, i can imagine all sorts of design possibilities, beginning with different colors, patterns, logos, and images, or even incorporating movable elements onto the facade which could be pushed back
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and forth, folded in and out, or even flipped back and forth. and the possibilities are almost unlimited. water can make urban heat. pilots more bearable, much like a fountain can cool us on a hot day. eclip with evaporative facades, entire buildings could create sustainable cooling micro climates. and that might happen much sooner than we think. the hydro skin fabric has already been patented in a down for when $15.00 to $25.00 leaders of rain per square meter fall in just a single hour flooding can be a real problem. the simulation for this, we just city of golf and birds shows what can happen. one problem is that most urban spaces nowadays have been paved over. the rain can't be absorbed, leading to florida, due to climate change programs to weather improve. our cities are growing increasingly important. hamburg and northern germany is leading the way climate
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change. it's bringing heavier rains and increased flooding to many areas. come back, gemini is no exception. that's why i just, andre is cool and becca wants to help with it and watch it pretty much the city kind of worship some vendor. we can only protect ourselves if we know how big the burden will be in the future. let me and if we don't carry out measurements, what we can do is guess of after the scientists to set up the t y, the stations that send him data from every corner of the city. these precipitation gauges show how much rain has fallen in each area. so i'm wondering on an old farm . this is basically a turn that collects the precipitation in the dark loc ultimate and then it weighs it using a very precise scale. just yeah, we can see in real time how much rain is full and in this location they stay to refuse to calculate what might happen in the future to mrs. shown investor good at
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sea and then we need to understand what would happen if we had a downfall with an intensity of 8 or an intensity of 10. missed the name of ok. it's better if we don't wait until we actually have that kind of rainfall event. the more than the said feet are models with our data and use the models to predicts what happens is a game go to those origin shockey. this kind of weather data will help them and this up a water authority plan for the future. andrea is cool and becca and his colleague andre aspire are using new simulation software to generate a model for humbug. they can now generate predictions that every address and location in the city using the simulation software that testing various solutions. could a trench in this city park helped i'm good. accept raymore to me. it's just, i wouldn't make it too big. i don't think it's necessary is let's start with 10
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centimeters. okay. you okay. okay, sounds good. on the other side of the street, a retaining wall could protect the houses. they sketch it in on the software. it calculates where the retaining wall and the trench with dimes, it will to canada to check it, raising it, made a difference. let's good boss to yes. okay. the water only reaches the curb and everything else flows towards the park just the way we want it to know. nice position in the park. the ground will soak up the will to one example of how humbug is being turned into a sponge. city areas where water can see into the ground, green rooftops, water, permit surfacing and rain water tanks are all part of the package. rainwater it will be put to good use right on the spot. sustaining plants giving heat waves, allowing for evaporative cooling, making 100 more climate resilient,
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10 victim desktops. turning the city into a sponge, city would be beneficial in 2 ways on it. so 1st we'd be reducing the button of heavy rainfall and we'd be reducing the burden of long dry spells. it seemed that even last on, but on for so we'd have a win win situation, a big one. also protecting our drainage and drinking water supply systems between those affairs also stay in the cities. schools are also getting in on the act. this school yard is being re thumped in accordance with cooling back in simulations, environmental engineer of and politic sun is in charge. it's another layer in the transformation of 100 into a sponge city. a city tilted with areas that could absorb water by not almost all the roofs drain into retention basins. that has several advantages, but it's good for the natural water balance and helps replenish the ground water, plus the evaporation from the base and cups cool down the city, including an effect for the stop sema gives to you. here you go
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to the top of the embankment on the top right under. yep. of the most popular tide. yeah. phone doesn't were 9 meters 90 me to an organization. okay. all right. does he minutes fundraising a school who becca enters the new base and into his model on one's? hm. so it's amazing how much of bass and like disconnect. so i'm kind of surprises . i'm not sure how do we come up with an idea of in say, a religious me to do all sorts of measurements and simulations. you own the modem, then we want to become a reality here in the school we often is you have to good and it says next, it's one of the great parts of our work and it's huge. you moved you 19 year old son in all a number of other areas in the school year out of those. they've been turned into sponge. it's like here behind the school,
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the large areas of asphalt, were removed here and replace that with the water permeable surface is that allows the rainwater to seat them to the ground water that's hands in school. as you can see, the water 1st starts the flow, but pretty soon it gets absorbed and then flows down into the ground water. the rain helps keep the soil here moist rather than just ending up in the city sewage system. so we should be fine. what's important is that we get started getting that we start trying things. i'm gaining experience bit by bit and so we have no idea how late the generations will learn from our experiences and maybe improve on it device to best on my from as we have someone has to take the 1st step and what time i begin by working with walter robinson against it, and i guess implementing nature of a solutions for a sustainable feature with minds about science technology. that's why dw signs is now on take talk. what do be fun?
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why do gravitational ways that that is when did people begin getting high and laughing gas out the drums boogie to the beads and what's the perfect kid football by find the on says gets most dw science own new tick tock channel. let us read. why are they if you have a special science question, send it to us as a video, text or voice mail. if we answer it on the show, we'll send you a little present as of thank you. come on. just ask. this week's view or question comes from p g in south africa.
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is there a difference between clouds and folks physically speaking? no, because folk is nothing more than a cloud above the ground based consist of tiny was adopted. slicing in the these dropped fits of foam twin, walter at the operates from lakes, rivers, or ocean. the water vapor closes, it rises and condenses. the main difference between salt and clouds is how high they are. if it's cold enough near the ground for roots of a put to condense that forms of visible marks, this happens most and autumn and winter. as soon as the massive growth of acreage structure ability to see beyond the kilometer away, we couldn't smoke. all other visible accumulations of water vapor, cold clouds. scientists differentiate between a total of 10 types according to the around to toot high level clouts,
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also known as cirrus clouds, farmington altitude of $5.00 to $13.00 columbus because as it's very cold, the, the made up entirely of ice middle clouds phone between 2 and 7 kilometers above the ground, they include a type of cloud, noticed ulta, cumulus, low level klaus, a cub, a low, a height of 2 kilometers, some like the straight to scout a, so close to the ground that they're roughly referred to as high folks. the best cool clouds extend over several layers, like for example, the cumulus cloud, which also looks like a cauliflower at the top. the molten holes of the surface is typically covered, white clouds, advice, clouds and salt plain into to roll and meteorology. they regulate the schools to
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balance and have a big impacts on the climate the clouds fog and miss direct kind of atmospheric water vapor in places that are especially parched into air. it harvesting water from the clouds could make all the difference. that includes regions like the middle east and north africa and particularly places where the clouds are practically close enough to touch the early morning clouds of gathering and the mountains of ground come out and the strange structures will capture them on the phone or leave a is an environmental technician with the life and you have a lot of projects here. he's showing a trainee. the principal based on nature's model, has to go in lincoln and put
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a blanket. and i got an extra and more than they were from their low me that i'm afraid to go out and they set it up to like a spot like this. you the, for my view unusual structures take advantage of a common phenomenon on the north side of spain's canary islands. crowns move in from the atlantic installed on the mountain sides shone or leave under his colleagues of setup for collect as cloud couches they spoke of valuable both in the same way that like i'm to do a name or when i my yeah, don't the let me ever let go when push as far as the entities financing the back door and like a tiny water, drop the damage to the grow into a bigger drugs in there. but i had it. i don't know what that is, which then fall into the collect the flow into the transfer. that's what the role
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of the, the heat loss you know, the in total, they've collected 90000 liters of water over 2 years. water is gas on grand canal area. the reservoirs of running dry, the art conditions i'm making wildfire is more frequent in 2019 and was hit by devastating fire 10000 heck to as far as fun, down 9000 people have to be evacuated. that we'll see the look as a cuz he said literally meant that it's a vicious circle below. gotcha. the lack of water means there's less healthy for it goes on to the way the and everything this rise on 50 because here, cuz this is her name with the, our fuel 50 for the fire. the funny little bucket full was full. so the reformers think, planting trees, species that will make the forest more resilient and they also use more to from the cloud couches they ask,
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the florida will force the grow here get that will work like a natural fog catcher, was left on cnn trees. take the water from the clouds and pass it came to the ground with a scene for internet, so that could be the future of the island. and i see for now the, the present is dominated by agriculture. economically, the canaries depend number non across. but each tree needs 20 liters of water a day. one where i'm on source works the plantation in the north, a drunken nadia. he's worried about war to it because rain is becoming ever more scarce. the never let me see what the reason one option, the treating it is expensive over there with if it ends up. okay, no, not the one i really will do about the 2 large scale fields of fault catches in the mountains, be a solution. the
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solid or leave trusts in the research project is working on new ways of capturing moisture from the clouds. several yellows per year. they expect this metal grid to be much more efficient than the plastic mesh they've been using sofa so might have been doing that go so not too badly using a sustainable and natural resources like fog could be a good solution to figure out if it is. yeah, but uh and the weight, good water, gar tray ceilings with it and everything was done and a farmer could use the water was on the plantation when they go down to the, the, our for that to work. so crowns would have to continue gathering him in the mountain sides. if there is a change in by the passions crowd captures, might also the full victim to climate change. after years of extreme drought and late 2023, a short rainy season brought exceptionally heavy rains to north east africa. the
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ground was so dry that it couldn't absorb the water, which led to severe flooding. for one of the water could be stored in the sand to help balance out the cycles of droughts and heavy rainfall. in kenya, local communities have begun implementing the sustainable solution, the honest a. c. m. a unique is working for her future and the future of her children and grandchildren. together with other residents of oakia and southern kenya, they're building a sand damn. the water stored here in the rainy season will help sustain the community to in the dry season. georgia in the area was not so nice visual stuff. we couldn't move long distance is. so we decided how can we stay in this direction for a long time? kinda mixed up sometimes because of the what i no idea. the mach wendy
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region is no stranger to extreme weather. there are 2 short, intense rainy seasons each year. but the rain water seats away almost overnight, and the rivers dry out the sand down. we'll store this rain water in the river bed and keep it from evaporating. as quickly they fix the sun to us, is that the it at this point that's a collect and a stores the water and basically um send uh will provide the medium where the, the, what i had to start within the, within the funds wanted me to below were not about 40 to but it wouldn't be available for the communities. local communities do most of the work themselves. it's not always easy to find enough volunteers digging is hard work. building the dam costs about 2000000 canyon shillings, or about 15000 zeros. it's made of mostly local materials like rocks and send
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to, once they've collected the local materials, then the other thing that you need, which comes from outside the communities this, i meant the state that is useful. this population of the done and y plus the team, but you can see which forms they form like of the fund. i'm not far away. there's a completed send. it can store up to 50000000 liters of water. a boat for farmers like peterman gucci. these days he can pump water directly from the river. he mainly grows collard greens, tomatoes corn, and let us, and his crops are thriving. whatever the family doesn't need is sold at the local market. the water from the down has made a real difference. i mean, we were supposed to plant trees, but there are no trees without water. there were so many challenges. so we used to grow vegetables here. when the water disappeared, everything withered and died. well, that's because i'm, i, you,
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you've got coke. at 1st glance, it's dry as dust here, but appearances are deceiving. 2 meters below the surface. there are millions of leaders of water all filtered by the sound. the dam has been supplying the surrounding community for 4 years now, even during the dry season and room lucila explains how it works. we have the concrete or we and number with the start and to avoid the then that's what a see what the through, by bought at that bytes to the, some the, and from the some the what dice pumped to start and done with the communities i bought to draw what the for human consumption or the rain that falls here doesn't just evaporate heat stored underground. a system of pipes linked to a solar power unit. pumps the water to storage tanks. people here canal grow new varieties of crumbs, ones that need more water. we brand even groves,
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which we are not able to be brando dean, daddy, thank you for that. you be is who could you brand them where they is brand new, what i need those i audio we received corps and do it climate. but, you know, we have our dunden with so we can also watch tv, the same women also benefit from these local sam dams which receive much of their funding from our can. nova, a foundation based interest in germany. instead of walking long distances to fetch water women canal fill up their canisters directly at the local water kiosk. during the walk this on dumb luck, i size place epic on the patch of what we do during our community. mobilization is to encourage the communities to be part of the process from the start to bent, and also we emphasize on the importance of them, but the spacing at every stage. defendants may seem simple, but for local communities they can make all the difference. their hard work here
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ring was like sticking points to it, you know, type what you into that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have a certificate from crane. you can just go back to somewhere else. coverage. the more people than ever on the move in search of a better life. so why do i want to go back tonight? yeah. like, i don't have any reason. additional reason, investment thing for me that yeah, do me something that is coming very, very soon on. we know when the story in for my reliable news from migraines, wherever they may be,
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people in trucks, in judge west trying to feed the city center the straight screen, the around the world more than 130000000 people us we of mine because no one should have to make up your own mind, dw, may for mine's, and so you don't feel the same way you expect and one's different things from life than your parents.
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i just want to pursue was that's my. so on fired or you think you kid is 2 different risk, irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff. porters, those nonsense. i want my son to become a doctor. is there an alternative to plan? everything to prevent a divorce, but nothing works. during the time you were to sleep and we're paying for now and then when generations this week on dw is kind of fun. it feels like they're the
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monica jones. welcome to our special coverage of the munich secuity conference with the leaders of germany and ukraine are set to join shortly, and also to give their address. the unique security conference is the premier annual for them for discussing the was most pressing security challenges. and this is agenda, is especially urgent. all eyes will be on your brand new present. a lot of you have the lensky who, the yesterday signed landmark security packs, with germany and france, even as ukraine's troops suffers a set back in the countries east. we see life images here from the venue because very, very shortly the german chancellor will love shows the.
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