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tv   Euromaidan  Deutsche Welle  February 17, 2024 11:30am-1:01pm CET

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of the treasure map for modern globe trotting discovers some of us regular bragging sites on youtube and also input the everything of a scope every day. i still use it. i'm upstairs right now. production design and planning well doing in 3 weeks time. casselberry. right? kathleen cash we well, even hassan, fortunately was you. he actually came out and says that the director said he wanted to extend that. can those 2 twin set which are supported this great hollywood direct to begin his career, working on tv programs at the b, b. c. input and at the age of 27, he wrote his own commercial production company, which very quickly became an international success. his 1st movie,
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the cube list stalled, how i feed cards. how then came the month to the hit, the alien and the cult classic. later on then came another string of successors thelma and louise starting. susan simon doesn't gina davis and a young brad pitt's hannibal with anthony hopkins black hole down, which one to us goes, kingdom of heaven. with liam neeson and orlando bloom. american gang stood with dental washington robin hood and permits. yes. but the much always be past remembered for the character of maximus in cloudy. i saw which received 5 academy awards including best film and best act uh for russell crowe. this great hollywood director is ridley scott's a pretty conventional childhood in terms of, of the conventional you know,
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family life. so my dad, when i said was in the army, he was only in the home because of all the ad then attached to the engineers and then eventually got fed sided closely attached to the planning of what eventually will be called albany hop. on the day, at the end of the wall, i was i was asked to take all his uniform and put on the sheets and be taken out to jeremy to join in was what was the talent of the marshall plan? what we call the ccg, which is the control commission. so i was going out to show me 947. it's not true with a label attached to my current case. i got lost and we went to lift in handbook and then fax it in the back and so and then i was sent to school in films house, which is part of the you books, fax for the note, for the baltic command,
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for the boat, hostage in the navy, as i used to move past 271. so in that we discovered spray plastic. so they'll probably go down the hall. but let's do that until right through managed to get into a certain amount of school. i'm missing out because i requested them because i've been attending school so i had no idea what color was doing and there's always this expectation of adults where you catch up. you don't, you don't know where the have you all. so the 10 schools i have no idea what i was doing, but i was in the setting buttons school in stockton cut, long story, short. the best thing i could do for the was off the house quite special. i had thoughts, really and less of my interest was unusual and uh, so it takes a lot to draw a home didn't go to dances. okay. i've kind of thought as peculiar and as tentative
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. paint all the time that got me into the article. so it was funny because you up from there, i went to the role coach from now i'm starting to really move because i got an expectation of the fact that i was i do not, i'm fine us and all the aspects of design my session came to assume by whatever was local, my photo of, you know, film, stuff to look at was all hollywood because that's all that was there was no dentist, dental schools for directors. and i hadn't really thought about ever thought about how to become a direct. i came out the world comes with a really good. i was a 1st class on a student and got a travel scholarship. and so i was able to jump into new york for the
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1st time. and at the world of mat, you're resting with yourself every day if you are a painter. i. so that was i was on easy was i? and i felt i was much easier having a tockets and advertising. establish that for me not 2526. and i'm thinking i'm working very, very hot bbc, i love them dearly, but after tax. okay, young. i couldn't leave today like teen kafka and michelle, when i'm doing the television commercial, i'm receiving a 100 pounds of my had it in a day. something providing me wrong here. and what's the phone i say within us twice and a phone i say one. well, it just took off the sauce and visions of advertising. i never thought about it for 1012 years because when you have a good time, you don't know how you're doing well,
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you don't. what do you think about it is only 10 years later? so as i have done so the patches possible and i talked to the dogs completing the listing, but i think most of it and we tracked it down and found that it was on it already being taken. i'm not sure. so i didn't read them that was at that point so that, that so we got to find something else. so we then found a sketch for much larger. know, which was cool to do this. i've been told that the j on hughes found. and that wasn't gonna say, well with had written a, a useful screenplay on the doors, you already thought somebody called the got a top. we push that to the limits. always running dry, couldn't get it going to do this seems to be
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a little bit less on the dishes. and so i traveled and i was told to go to san chicago. they loved i fill out that met when i got the sense, but it's not for us. so what makes it to me? so i thought, okay, so i flew from chicago to los angeles, checked into one of the hotels, i just picked up the phone store. and the got so far, i got a little bit of interest and then couldn't get any further, and i have to attend to cast members. i don't take this on us. didn't come to help me do. putnam, who it was, is, was the the producer. and they went up to canada, had got on top of going lucky, i've got agent in mind going houses. right. so i was now absolutely riddled with
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anxieties. so i pulled it up. we met nice was quite surprised to discover some good have we front of that? he made a call to help me. have somebody said yes, i want to please somebody. it does how it works. let's see in the doing and how we can connect to the fact that i'm going to be a good idea for every i got. god only knows, but he does juice of impression and that is called fos. they looked like a lot, but they didn't know what to how to, how to release it. because there's no stylus it's, you know, it can be perceived as if it isn't the other before it wasn't on the was very straightforward. you know, now access to west and i watched it straight away pretty quick and thought, well, maybe you know, maybe the enjoyment this was in the doing, is it not in the end result?
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no, not in the aftermath because it's bloody hot. i'm looking at the end of it. i wanted to lose money because it was a competing on person. i forgot the money because it rained 58 days. so that was another less. and then out of the blue canvas thing called the big object of background. i knew exactly what to do because i was kind of edging into wasn't that heavy metal right accommodation by georgie, on movies and metals or heading metal. and that's why i 1st became aware of these. and um and so i connect and see, i mean with most, most i kind of make sense to this except that i was, i knew i was going to get, i only read the script and in i knew
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immediately i want to do it, which for 530 that afternoon, call 20 century fox and 9 30 in the morning that time said, i love it, i'll do it. there's this nonsense that i said, well, somebody else came on and then they said, uh, where are you now? said i'm in london. what can you be here said uh you said, be taken off the leave tonight. said, oh, i just want to make any changes. absolutely not. this is, i know exactly what to do here. looking at the ballpark and no change, no change. they'll look each other, they love the fact i want to know changes. so let's say what you can tell the 21st conversation. you don't watch it on a go project into a development to just she just loved it. i think it was tricky because i didn't. yes, i was coming in with something which was an audible world and it was an evolution from donors. well, i mean i can easily share,
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but i was influenced by movies. i think i really took on board what he did was completely influenced by everything from the cache because i'm definitely and so it's on me and i think by doing that, but it's my 1st film in hollywood where i want to be raining. wanted to be nice, i want everything to be moody and it just irritated me try to do it and say well, that's what i want. at least the stuff to my got guns and thrashed . this was a direct one of the surprised and a good sense. so that i'm involved, but it was not in that direction. so now i'm coming up on the assume that i'm going to produce cold some ways. and again, i am in the drive and see top 5 tricks. do it in 5,
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it's telling me that freedom. so come to the, when i said you may have problems with muscle appointment. got that movie said because these women have a voice the voice that make you feel comfortable. but that's your problem, not. this is one of those kind of discussions. and actually one of the actors that was be interviewed and talked to said to me what company such as new director and she might be right so that i went away and that's what i've said to do it. and at that moment in time, selma had been the shooting the, the office saying, i want to come to me, i want to do this. and it was a nice issues. clearly it, you know, and then i met with susan who is, you know, as a mouse not connected and luis was going in. and out of that i,
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i think i have probably one of the better times of the making. so the cash very, very carefully cash we well talk process when casting is to or are we to me doesn't mean anything. what's important is who they are as a person. so when i'm actually in advance of her, so i usually talk to him for now. if i mentioned the role, okay, believe that's why not by the time, once you've done that, you relax and then they know it's play time. you're going to actually expand it and therefore they go to that you, they feel free to show you stuff. the testing process was always difficult for me then because i didn't really know who was out that i want to see everybody in the box. i think i saw everybody in america for area and i was i dropped my producers crazy because they were suggesting people fire. i've never
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heard of people from television. right? yes. code on things like that and hiding stuff. no, i was really not aware of the what i met and i loved them. yeah. and then it's going to find a new person. and so going it was a real fine nature. she was really impressive. and then from that, in the casting process, i was again looking at new people and even hash and for to me was kind of new. and i knew ford was now was steven, out of georgia during the jobs. so if i get these to a closing on this guy, come in yet. gimme a call and kinda just i guarantee is going to be install. so i mentioned one night, so this year he came to town, let me,
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he actually came stuff inside the house. and i said he wanted to move as our customer to the extent that in those days when 2007 who's our support i so as far as the guy flying around around space vehicle in millennium focus o as in box, is going to be in the end of june, so that was good. just then later on i didn't plan to get to so that's the next lesson. just when you think you've got it, you ain't got nothing the my life has been traveling back and forth back and forth wherever i do. so it takes me about this thing about no fasick. i think i've done full service and most of the big ones in north africa. we did the black hole down. i did do change of of happen . i did a party of lies. i did the 1st i called the middle active gladiator. and was that
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when it was still the rest of the quiet place? i go back on everything on the task of every day. i still use it. i'm upstairs right now. production design of planning well doing in 3 weeks time. and it's all about white sheets of paper, pencil drawing because the scripts dot cottage being fine. and um, uh, so that's a given the actual cost. so now what is the, what's it gonna look like? and i use everything i run every day of school. interesting movie and, and, and the way we plan for basis was before we got the big unit together and they got the comments as well as talk. so wisely said, you give me an hour, the bunch of recession to the budget, you know, kind of glad to hide my production designer. a and slow digital
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artist will sit in that room in my office actually design the whole some of the way it looks before we get to the expense of colleges, suddenly creating it with 300 pets. and that's what we did. so we planted that every day, it was enjoying the landscape will be that's where would be even to designing, looking at the, the way people, what they weigh, what the ship looks like inside the ship is outside. and it's a little drawer that didn't work today is like for the best you can look at it as like a photograph of the 1st thing. and that was the one that was in. it was new, a new direction for me. i really loved doing an update and re engaging with special affection to you. well, my process is always being visual, have come from visual direction, visual angle being locked, right. and. and i used to think that because i was always getting criticized into
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visual. and i realize, well actually that's what we're dealing with any pictures since. so, you know, eventually i realized that i had an advantage by having an eye on the being disadvantaged. and consequently, i think it was thought that i neglected a little bit good. me because i also operate to operate obviously. okay. i'll put them in. do is with a lot to him later on because there's and play with those and you can the blocks and it wouldn't let you do that. the you knew about that. i had a great camera crews, so i was very happy with what i thought was that come back to the legend. so operating on that is very important. i like to have a test because it gets you that fast, quick and contrary to what people say. because you only have the camera, the actor is cut off. that's absolutely for sure. have you got to do is if you go
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you right, you find something like what is the photographer? i'm on you like that i'm talking to, i'm seeing right into houses like that. so i, i start to move all my own style in terms of how i deal with that is how i i with us. hi, put, put into the process. because to be, i think my job is to direct to the way i do it is a township was due to some of that. it was probably gonna run out. oh, sorry. i tried is e as in bolivar and i, i don't bother him with that. i can explain to him that when you walk in this policy, it is only gonna be 40 percent that but we do a phone call. so what i did high stories better the story. so it's full scale and then you track and then that's for spin around who showed the whole reason, which is a pretty novice digital. you know, events might,
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she called the mill in not a he doesn't need to act as a not to not to not to look at it. and the assumption that i'm looking at the rest of the set and all of this and the look into that act, and that will get that out of it on the shipping, the page, the screen hops in hollywood, gone for the met with keith county and how can i tell or jesus very amenable spot and said he was very fascinating. not what that was. one of the character men, keith was more of a cossack laptop, was already able to cross the boundary and say, well, we will come, the accident will come down, middle kind of ground on english. and houses are still in the
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street with scorsese and to narrow cuz he's already done main street. and the 1st thing that how is that you don't want to you must have mine. okay. okay keith, could you just hit the map, caesar. busy just crunch, attended the general rest of the home today. yes, that would be a bit later. okay. you want me to plan as a homeless kid i saw, but the upshot was that got him. and that's why that, that i know the determination is everything. what you just don't take, no for an outside. so i went out that was 2 weeks clothing. was that 2 months in hollywood waiting? and so what was my introducing introduction to the process in hollywood? you're never going to get a straight answer immediately. and that's part of the process, that's what it is. i need us or i'll give it out. that's what i thought was. there's a whole new learning process. but
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as soon as i get somebody, i've got everybody in the looking over your shoulder. so now you with the scene feeling the real pressure of what would be a possible 7 for a student where they have high expectations. and those just the budget was only 4200000. but the most definable thing i did is joy from what i can do. i would tell i story one of the whole moving 3 weeks that i flew back zip codes. so 2nd, they boards and they started boards and i think they suddenly realized that they had something much bigger here because the budget met from 4.2 to 8.2, jump those
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stars actually because they think they felt that the science fiction. so maybe this stuff and also not being introduced to dig a lot of this. they'd been afraid of the, of being the trick streaming of seeing an ice let you talk eaters mean at this moment, little touch of genius. i'll go and see himself to the dentist to switzerland met him. he didn't want to do it. what a sly trouble bringing by train show was to be gone. i meant to come in by trying to live in the park in shipping the students and the end and the, and he said, this is fine for me. the last part i looked at the thing because it was all hollywood, and the best of it would be james dean with the deed touching. pretty goodness. john wayne did,
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and i adore lessons. i'm going to wash. i don't almost any worse than some great western still knows there's there's a seem to be because it was all kind of new and magical. terrific. i never got to see alternative sinner took control coach and i would be 1957. i met the 56 when i suddenly discovered an actual filter the stand up gas casala muscles that everything way back to some of the i'm not just send the ceiling all that stuff. but in spring, most things, of course tell me what is the business? and the rest is ultra center and the audio and i had no idea what i want to do and i felt a lean, different lean struggle fantasy kind of did both, you know, glass practitioners kind of perfect. so i don't know
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anyone who does. we will see a good movie. i think they get tags. so that's the way i've talked to when you go see rubbish, as i think. so the problem today is that we're making so many moves for making movies and haven't ever, ever, ever before, which so let's keep this done. a pretty tricky, pretty difficult. so, filmmaking i'm getting bones on seats, which i still cause is what i have to do. i got a bunch of slips down. i want to make sure i put thumbs on seats. so i'll go to chat with you. if you're going to bury yourself in your own private attic, lots are going to go see it. and you know, the last though, so i, i do tend to come from the schools that direction the
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this is the w use line from building your grades president takes the stage at the phoenix security conference. the mr. lensky says his country's forces i have heard on the battlefield as weston support, things out as a leading us little making places more raid, but asks for patients 1st. also coming up and good morning world wide of the death of alexi, nevada, and they supported stage vigils in moscow and other cities and blame the kremlin. so the opposition leaders death, which is supposed to post them for now felony as though in fact the
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dissolving. welcome, the leaders of germany, ukraine and nato have addressed the means security conference, you credit and president thought of me savanski doubled his coals for support against russian aggression in his country. that it was secular for general. you installed the said, the war ukraine has exposed the gap, so the alliances preparedness. he also criticized what he called in decision in the west congress on aid for ukraine saying it is caustic lines. and you have a chance that will actually re offends germany's commitment to ukraine and cold on europe to take a greater role and it's of defense. we are asking that they do so. and when you quite as long aust, germany to deliver its powerful tourist miss solves to help defend against russian aggression. but so far, germany has refused to do so. just a little i felt was aust activated security conference. why he's taking that
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position, but see what it said. germany is, as you set. and as everyone know now the country that the spending the most for defense in europe, to support you, king. it's more than 7000000000 this year. and we will continue to spend a lot, but i'm the goal there as well. these are all the things in it which are necessary for defending ukraine and for giving to create the chance to defend the own country . and i think of this absolute important that we take the right decisions on the scenario we know here. and this is we have to increase the production of munitions of, of fall fall for the weapons. so we have to make a feasible that all the maintenance could be done with the weapons that are at the war and which i used. and we are doing all these things simple, this kind of things which are necessary for a really strong ukraine. being able to defend the own country, the dw is chief,
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political, that it's our mission. i like to say is covering the conference for us. the shadow sholtes, the giving a mazda the cost and how to and so like a politician help us translate what he just said. can keep, continue to rely on germany having its back at a time when allies to pull it to you. great appears to be with like the clear messages. yes, ukraine continue can continue to rely on germany. of the message was also a clue for his european friends to come up with more military and move financial backing to really pull the wage when it comes to helping ukraine. but we also got a clear message. you didn't replace it, see it, but when he was in washington visiting us, presidents 5, just a week ago, he basically said it's impossible to compensate if united states was to stop their assistance,
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overdues it drastically. europe would not be able to step in. so this is the threats that modem is lensky spaces amongst what is still a united front from the west is guessing through supporting did. thank you already and see for that as well because he was, the speaker came right off the left soul to i can say from have you spoken to people in the closest circles around him just getting increasing the increasing the inpatient with other european. they seem to really play that way. and uh, all the sol solved all of sorts. um, we had a very emphatic speech at times. apocalyptic speech focus lensky at a plea for more support. let's listen to some of what he has to say. the year of 2024 demands your response from everyone in the world. if we do not at no fortune,
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we'll manage to make the next year as good as something catastrophic for all the nations as well as intelligence community. are aware of this. your brain has already seated mis with we try so try to try to cloud reality and which the world unfortunately believes the man the drastic good to capture. and all that concert in a few days or weeks, whenever it was, your brain is, have been holding for 724 days a long time video, some of you fines main. sponsors sitting in the audience in music. how did savanski speech go down while you got sounding innovations that have more than a minute even before he started speaking, there was a huge sense of empathy and supports for
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a president on the seeds of 5 to 10 russia. at the same time, he also told these allies also citing them down c. for lucy, the former speaker of the house in congress was in the audience. he sang, so united states for the same time, there was no glossing over the side of the huge, a huge package. a package is stuck in that very congress right now. and what it is, it lets you said don't cost you crane. when this we will and ask you a selves whether you are doing enough to stop this, o 5, letting me of food too. so that is a cold for more support from foss support. and, and that was the silver lining of the panel that followed was included made to secretary, as a nation secretary installed back as well. and were kids who is a republican senator. and he basically was quiz and questions on whether that support will come through congress. and he basically signaled that
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it, it will be, it will be worked out who will be okay in the end. so what we're seeing is here, a lot of us in the political wrangling of fueled by donald trump, who's trying to test his free elective influence as he wants to get re elected us present for a 2nd. tom and we are feeling very concrete effects. this is having on you frames and european security will do you get the sense that the ukranian meter is losing face in a way in his own life? or no, he isn't. but she is a so reminding them that the hide the tall and uh ukraine just had to retreat from one town. um overnights is also something that ukraine has to take into account to just remind them that they don't have any medium brains. weapons. where's the
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russian is doing? so you credit receive so much support, that means and then he would also be able to advise any weren't open to criticize allies that basically prevented russia from seizing ukraine within a matter of weeks. at the same time, he is sending the signal of health and he needs that fos, to turn the tide on this rule of aggression by russia, against ukraine, from our chief, political a to, to miss alex with the thank you and down live coverage continues like a will for turn to munich, wedge comedies, farm is the bad bulk us secretary of state anthony blinking and indeed is fine. minnesota will be speaking places of support in europe. come just as you can, you know, the forces analysis set back. miss taylor was alluding to this, that withdrawal from the eastern town of, of div cut off the months of having funding your place. you, on
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a head of arctic sound, the csp said troops were being pulled down in order to avoid being circled by some forces have been attempting to come to the town since october, reportedly with heavy casualties. it's russia's biggest success on the battlefield since it took the city of which last night following another feast. that'll so let's bring in marina moran for studies department games. colleagues, london, she joins me from munich to ukrainian troops, withdrew from the devastated east, intend of, of difficult can this potentially lead to a snowball effect that will pay the way for russia's advance? i think it's a huge boost for the russians, both in terms of gaining military strategic ground and steve and also for them are all of the troops, especially considering that this is happening pre election in russia. and this is
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also happening as president. the lansky has changed the commander of the forces. so i think that the russians are sensing here is that there is a reservations within the government and the military um ukrainian troops are exhausted and then we're all is not as high as it was at the very beginning of the war. and they also lack artillery shells, meaning that they will try to push in or to, to break. and according to what the russians were saying, the capability of the ukrainian armed forces to offer any resistance. so we might not see very fast advances. it might be slow, however, the idea is to grind the ukrainian military, so a big win for russia. but are you saying that this one dramatically reshape the conflict in any way? and no,
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that's not what i'm saying. what i'm saying is that it has many meanings, this victory for russia. it will help improve its positions, and it opens up and wait for a western offensive. so not having a div cranbrook mode, the russians can sort out their logistics and they can develop their offensives in different directions. now having these 2 cities, one possible direction would be as long as can crumble, doors. they have a huge contingent though, as well in operation and the other direction could be coupons for instance, and we're seeing activities all around. we don't know where exactly they will be going. but this keeps the logistics, of course, a huge advantage because they wouldn't be able to develop an offensive towards the western parts of ukraine without having proper logistics and knowing that the gradients still have some medium range weapons in order to target for russian
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logistical notes. so this is very important when i'm talking about logistics of weapons, this last for the ukrainians in of the difficulty is, is that putting pressure on allies to support you pay more to of course it is putting pressure on allies and i think um the fact that um, what looks on your service, you decided to pull out the trips um queens siding was an unix security conference . this shows the allies that ukraine cannot survive, at least, cannot resist militarily without aid from western partners. and the problem here is, of course, how quickly can this a be delivered to ukraine because the time here is of critical matters ukrainian troops will be holding back. is there a defensive positions um, possibly near constantino sky, and columbus tourist. uh, that being said, they still don't have enough, or tillery shells in order to defend off the russian pushes and also they don't
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have air defenses. because as we have seen, the russians are now starting to coordinate their air power. was there a land component, meaning that they can drop those fob bombs, of gliding bumps on ukrainian positions, which also give some a certain advantage one moving forward. can you also tell us what we can expect moving forward with this new head of the faucets as well, we shall see how alexandra service is going to act and he's coming from a soviet schools. so he's very different to general solution. however, and considering the options on the battlefield, so there is a limited amount of time and resources in order to plan for something. so i think that may be alexandra thursday. we'll wait and concentrate the forces in order to portions operations. if the russian on forces do not manage to get the
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ukrainians auto separation, so that could be one potential attempt at a counter offensive. however, again, that's will depend on manufacturers in terms of will ukraine got the air power on time? will ukraine gather tillery shelves on time? and another option would be doing what generals lose know or, or already wanted to do is to create a defense system similar to the russian one in order to stop the russians from moving any further west the latest day from marina and the wrong many thanks for joining us again, thank you for having me or the spokesperson for like say nobody has done the russian opposition. leaders dance, biting on x. if on the twitter his spokes person demanded his body be handed over to family advantage. this death was 1st announced by russian prison l. forties on friday, activists and rushes, a police of detained more than a 100 people nationwide for joining protests in the valleys memory. no,
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no. mourners gather on a snowy st. petersburg night to pay their respects. a photo reads alexi, nev only killed by a fascist regime through tears. a supporter quotes the fall into center allowed 1st line, you know, so it's a very simple message in case on killed, which don't give up alexi and of only politician and leader of the russian opposition. and they killed him. he will be much elsewhere attempts to memorialize the fall, and they were stamped out of the news in moscow. a memorial only last of a few hours before min and black clouds poured out of unmarked vehicles and tore it down over the local media. said the police stood by and watched and with the so, so it doesn't have all these desk isn't just a massive blow to russia's opposition movement to many see it as a signal that his arch nemesis,
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russian president vladimir putin will stop at nothing to keep tightening his grip on power reports of his desk, that's a true one. i have no reason to believe it or not. oppression authorities are going to tell their own story. make no mistake. make no mistake. who is responsible for and of all his desk putting is responsible. what has happened involving is yet more proof approves patella's. no one should be full, not in russia, not at home, not anywhere in the world. just one day before his death was reported, the election of only a peer cheerful as he gave testimony via video link from prison. ringback the next day, russian state tv and write out the official announcement from the federal penitentiary service of on make exceptions of opinions. a little bit for you. molly noon is coming over. we'll skip. i will do a bunch of that in the fall and they had fallen ill after going for a walk and lost consciousness. an ambulance crew tried to resuscitate him,
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but failed of albany was transferred to a prison colony above the arctic circle in december. it's considered one of the precious toughest prisons, and he was regularly held in solitary confinement. the opposition leaders team confirmed his death and demanded his body be given to his family. but you can get more from your should have who heads. the dw bureau and brigitte lamphier says, where around moscow bureau relocated also dw was banned from russia. erie, what do we know about the close of the valley? stick as well. there's still no clarity as to what exactly, and i've only died of band and above all under what circumstances. uh, the only thing we have is still official report from present number 3 is that option optical way he was? there's also confirmation from the valise. press secretary, but the she also refers to the official report from the prison. in any case,
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she claims that have been a volley of was killed. as for the official line, as it was supposed to be on forensic investigation into the volume, his desk, we have to wait for the results of his lawyer and his mazda have arrived at the penal colony colony today. earlier. in the meantime, independence russian media have published some reports from fellow prisoners in pennell account. number 3. if these reports ought to be belief, kind of only may have died fairly of an official. the report that, of course, is there is also speak english and as to if she died of natural causes. his family claims that she was in good health at the volley also to the pot in a court session. a few days ago we saw adjusting the report online. of course you could see a 2 full jolting optimistic mens there. hm. and what about the timing then? it's, i mean it's just a month before national elections in russia. this absolutely is a time if his dad is indeed a special one man,
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and each of the sites tries to give it a different interpretation on the political scientist to loyal to the kremlin, follows the official version according to reach of the death of the criminal critic was an accident vase, save its putting, doesn't need another month before the election at some even suggest a western phrase. i wouldn't be surprised if russian television will be spread in conspiracy theories. individual best and secret services would be allegedly involved. the question is, of course, what will happen in the coming days and weeks we saw arrests earlier in the report . these scenes are very similar to is he protested at the bottom, the organized in russia in recent years, given these 10 situation. i believe that the last thing put in needs now is protest, which is why the national authorities are likely to be focusing on the climate or fee and intimidation. i had over the presidential elections. i'll extend of all is death is likely to intimidate those who still bad to stand up against the kremlin
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because of a no, that's not volley, is not the 1st person to pay a high price and options for his fence. let's have a look at some of us in february 2015, outspoken puts in critic body snippets of what shots from behind and killed on a bridge near the kremlin. the former vice premier of russia was in moscow helping to organize a rally against the government. 5 chechnya, bull and most unreasonable charge of his murder. the identity of the person who hired them is still unknown in march 2018 russian double agent. so a guy scree pilot and his daughter julia were poisoned in english town of silsbee or u. k. investigation. blaine to russia for the attack. moscow denied involvement. disagree pounds with lucky to survive. the same could not be said of another defect poisoned into u. k. all the members who make the echoes of the death of alexander in yankee, in 2006. the phone,
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the russian agents alex on the loop and jenco slipped to london in 2000 ways, became ill and died in 2006 off the drinking tea lice. with radioactive polonium 210 a partition choir. we found these killing had been ordered at the highest level, also killed in 2006 was out of public cop scale. a journalist whose reporting during the 2nd chechen will so has threatened and poisoned prior to execution any elevator of her apartment block or another to have survived. village poisonings is flat. they may cut them up to a full and a protege of bodies and themselves and public critic completed. he has been imprisoned in russia since april 2022, for speaking out against the war and ukraine from prison. kind of much remains, vice chairman of the human rights group like russia, founded by me try to call the clubs, ski a full. i'm a political prisoner, currently exiled for cooling, for civil reform in russia. russia's invasion, if you crime lead to one of the most high profile suspected assassinations yet with
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puts in confidence turned critic, you gave me precaution, killed in a plane crash. last august. the leader of the most, and regarding the group, had launched a short lived rebellion against the russian military laid is 2 months earlier, alexia valley is the latest figured to be killed of, to speaking out against proteins, government, and arguably the most prominent speak to me yet so you are, what does his death mean for the remaining opposition in russia as well? alex and the volume was a kind of hope in russia hub for thousands, if not millions of russians who like him, i gazed, scrutinized policy is, is it for not as brave as he was about to. they knew that somewhere in the midst minutes or in moscow as they often have, what's come metro station to make it live. she was going home every day here, a russian man who dare to the quick, the size boot and publicly of course he's returned from the leading to moscow off to the boys. and he was also a very strong gesture,
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as on people's that he was crazy off to everything that he, that what's happened to him. i was coming back. all those saw him as of you out there. awesome nelson mandela, risking everything again. add to be with. she's people at the base, the voice of protest has indeed been silenced forever. and that's where the russian opposition for the all of this i don't think and as long as death is at the end of the political opposition. and also, because it has been no political position, russia for a long time, at the volleyball. so the only politician who manage to mobilize the masses is yes, that there is steel. he's steam, she's allies, the but they have been living abroad and had been classified as extra music by the national authorities just like him. yes, he certainly still has his friends among the people in ross. thank you. support those people who celebrate him as a hear about the vase. do silk lively. but i want to say band that does, there is no resistance to putting in russia at all. we saw a few weeks ago that not all russians are united behind as a presidential election, so sad that in russia, in the most time, when boris dash didn't, for example,
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the only politician who has openly spoken out against this one. you great wanted to run for president thousands of russians, stuart all over the country to signs they are meetings in support, often ideas didn't. and those legally criticized gluten in the end my dish and was not allowed to stand in the election bought to the whole world has seen all the russians. russians who think critically to put in this is the thing analysis they have from you or you wish i thank you very much reason remarks by us. presidential hopeful donald trump has been why the interpreted as putting the future of the nato alliance in dallas. and that's leaving america's european pop is modeling a world without guaranteed backup from the world's biggest new fee a pallet. it's also re ignited as a base in germany and beyond about, we thinking europe's new for you set up this this is
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a test as nato's nuclear deterrent fighter jet seen here, trading to defend europe against the threats from bushel or other foreign powers. but there may soon be a new test from within as one presidential hopeful questions us commitment to the western military alliance. no, i would not protect you in fact, which countries worldwide agreeing to nuclear non proliferation decades ago. much of europe has long comforted on an american nuclear shield. the u. s. is over $5000.00 nuclear bombs in total. all the numbers are classified. experts widely agree around 100 of them are deployed on european nature territory in belgium, benevolence, germany, western turkey, and a to a fellow nato members. fronts and the u. k. also have their own national nuclear arsenals. fronts has in the past, suggested more continental corporation. don't know what she would need to will always be there. autonomy means having your own destiny and your own homage. we can't depend on the us elections every 4 years, so many can to be bought to. there's no solid offer of alternative security
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guarantees. any, you're quite nuclear to tyrants would require a whole raft as negotiations, new treaties as an infrastructure revolution, despite calls from some germany, you parliamentarians, full of felons. the government says it's a non starter 5 yet essence. and i'm like, honestly for jim hi, we have the american protective shield, and we shouldn't questionnaire callously on all own initiatives. the new to the debate is really the last thing we need at the moment. it's an escalation in the discussion. we don't need to do any eastern flag, nato nations nearest russia are calling on other european countries to be felt, no nuclear capabilities, like their armies and munitions supplies. i think what the, the presidential candidate in america says is also something to maybe wake up. but some of the allies who haven't done that much for non nuclear jewels across your will continue. and so will the debate set of goals president
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has pipes to hold elections as soon as possible as the pressure on him rises at home and abroad. the country's top coast as to shall body overruled monkeys of decision to delay the vote scheduled for february 25th. if i'm supposed to forget to send, it goes west crisis. in decades of to weeks of protests. com has returns to the streets of the car. police are still in the let's, but protests be coming. fewer and smaller and people now well come the decision to hold the election soon. i think that they show that more that with this decision that shows that fairness is normal. but i didn't expect this. well, i thought the constitutional counsel was going to follow the decision of the president of all, but with this new turn, i really think there is justice that allows you to call. the reason for all these
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protests was the postponement of the elections to december. the constitutional council did not agree. yeah. now there is a new postponement that sounds beneficial to everyone. so i think it will really come things down. protests have been mounting for months against lucky souls increasingly all 3, terry and leadership. he has been serving as president since 20121 of the major opposition leaders with mon sancho was in prison last year, followed by massive protests that left at least 23 date a solid tried cracking down on protests of the postponing the election day twice. but the protests increased pressure and so did the ruling by the country's constitutional counsel. it declared the postponements
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unconstitutional. and that elections must be held before the end of those time. the thing you know, the talk to and the not the now up to the president, to organize consultations to choose a new date. new will that may signal that this new date for the presidential election. that something must fall within the timeframe that that means between now and april 2nd. so that it onto them and not in the i think. if so fails to set a new election date by april. second, the head of parliament would act as a care taker, tossed with organizing elections within 90 days. is a look at some of the other stories making news. according to your has fine phone, the president, donald trump, with the $350000000.00 for fraud. the judge also banned from from running companies in the state for 3 years from down to appeal and cold. the trial of which hunt even remains the front runner for the republican party presidential nomination. house
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explosion in northern virginia has killed 155 to an injured, at least 11 people last and fire code ball firefighters were inside the building. that responded to a report of a gas leak are saturdays in kansas city. say they have the time 2 teenagers on gun charges in connection with wednesdays mess stripping that one woman was killed and $22.00 injured in a hail of gunfire and a crowd celebrating the city's football championship. police say the shooting may have resulted from the personal dispute. japan space agency has successfully listed c. h 3 broke it for the 1st time. it state the test launch last year ended in 5. yep. the next generation broke, it is designed to be cheaper and more reliable. the success is another boost for talk, your space admissions following it's presenting in january and back to our top story,
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the leaders of germany, ukraine, and nato have addressed the munich security conference regarding the president for me. so lensky doubled his goals for support against russian aggression in this country. they would say for treat general insulting folks at the war and ukraine has exposed the gaps and the alliances preparedness. they also criticized what he called, indecision in the us congress on 845 saying it's costing lives. dramatize the whole of schultz re offend germany's commitment to ukraine and quote on here to take a greater role in its own defense that they do so. and so we are concerned about chief political correspondent need a, has a, joins us to go through the main messages of day to festival. so hi, been main message, of course, is that nato is trying to show unity in its response. and when it comes to a supporting ukraine and his defense against russian address, and now that is an extremely challenging type road woke with all those democracies
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troubling and to find a funding for weapons deliveries. and, and, you know, that was very much dominating date to so fall with the ukrainian president on stage saying ok, a don't ask you crane how long this will will go. long. oscar cells live like you may uprooting is still able to continue it. so a very clear message to ukraine's partners to keep up support. at the same time we the pressure from donald trump. um what, what sort of a position does that put the german child support left shelter, the pressure from donald trump? yes, of course. and he's being referred to as one of the presidential potential presidential candidates, 5 people. and it's interesting that people like the ducks, prime minister mark for to, for example, says say, you know, donald trump is one of those people saying europeans need to do more for their own
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defense. they all need to reach that 2 percent of g d, p. and goals that they would have to put into defense, but that is not we wouldn't do that because donald trump is asking for, it is very much in our own interest because the fact from russia i'm from of as is real. and there is a debate currently going on that, that maybe you're repeating nations psychologically not ready yet full. that for the next 10 to 20 years are going to be extremely dangerous. and that europeans also have to do more to show resilience and to turn and have some sort of plan. so it's interesting bits of the complex, for example, in, in, in gaza. haven't come up today yet. they haven't, but we'll see a more debates about that. i'm very so we also are currently seeing the but well, one of china's top foreign policy representatives wong the on stage in unit. but
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this morning and yesterday were very much about the conflict and ukraine and about unity of west and partners when it comes to that. and of course, the world is a big place and they are currently a lot of conflicts and not enough that what the german foreign minister is going to take the states she is taking not conflict extremely seriously. the one that is happening between israel and how much she has traveled to the region 5 times. now she only came back on friday or from my last trip. so we'll have more about that. and, and to be blinking, as i mentioned, is also about to take to the stage. well, can we expect from him? well, like it'd be nice to have definitely of both these countries that us and so many are trying everything they can. they are, of course, israel's closest allies, but they're also hammering home this message that israel does have the right to defend itself. but they're all limits as to how you do that. and that is really government essentially also needs to stick to rules. and we'll probably have
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a bit more in detail about that. but what's interesting, and i would like to mention that is that the munich security conference is, of course, a big gathering where people get the chance to meet behind closed doors as well. so the, you know, the representative from jordan from kata from iraq and they're all that and they're all going to be lots of intense bilateral meetings as well. do you expect breakthroughs of any types breakthroughs in terms of, um, how to solve that conflict? i mean definitely is very clear and we need to work towards the 2 state solution. the palestinians do have the right to their own state. that is something that i'm not in a battle keeps repeating as well us as sending the very same message. is there any government is getting under pressure that when it comes to that? so maybe we'll hear about bit more about, you know, the recent developments when it comes to those negotiations that are happening with all the other partners that are involved in releasing hosted to hostages. and i
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don't expect any major breakthroughs on the states. um and you mentioned at the very beginning of nathan unity. um, how key is that? um considering or ross's position and ross a watching very closely, i guess to see how nato has reacted since it's full invasion of ukraine and also donald trump's criticism of plato. well then we have an international audience watching, right. and sometimes the world is guessing the impression, okay, this is a small country being attacked by another country. maybe it's a bi lateral conflict. no, it's not. and that is the message that is also coming out of munich. this is about whether or not international rules actually massa anymore. this is something that lead is, are repeating on this stage. they're saying it for us, it gets away with this in ukraine, then it won't stop. and ukraine then potentially other european nations are at risk
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. we've already seen that the conflict is the, the, the war and ukraine has implications for food and the availability around the world, etc. supply routes and the elite is on the stage, repeating that message, autocrats around the world are watching very closely. they mentioned tie not explicitly, the thing could potentially also happen with taiwan if putting it away with this. the interesting stuff will be watching closely and will be doing live over to that meeting very soon to listen to the speeches, both by bed book and blinking. stay with us, so let's move on to some of the security issues here in europe. negative biggest military exercises in decades that taking place here. operations steadfast defender includes troops from sweden, which isn't even a member, yet sweetens, also working to increase resilience on the civilian side. many people that fee, what a war with russia and might bring the results visitor to school and start to find
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out more reading, writing and arithmetic aren't the only things swedish children are learning at school these days so they can look at the, to the get it and now some nice about where people can seek shelter in case of pool or so linda started using news programs in her curriculum or 2 years ago to open conversations with students worried about the implications of russia's war on ukraine. she also shares recommendations from authorities on how to be prepared for any emergency, something the government calls total defense. it's always been an important to, to incorporate the kids worry, send their anxiety and try to teach them about the surroundings and what's happening in the world. but last month, when several top ranking official emphasized publicly that swedes must prepare for war, the warning that made bomb shelters a headline liam says she saw anxiety rise. a lot of our dying person has got
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worried and lots of the adults as well. and as a teacher, you have to keep your own words to yourself and just try to be an ordinary about it and follow the routine send and create the safe space in school for the kids. i hope that seems to have works for most of our students with to know what do is going to be award. i am a little scared about this, but i don't see like he's going to be war and sweet. it's feels more safe when i get to know about the stuff, but not every child in sweden have this kind of institutional support to put the warnings of war into context and with older teens. social media has found the fears . there was one day when just all of social media was just everything was just prepare for war. and so i got pretty scared counselors on
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a health line run by the swedish children's rights organization breeze saw a huge spike and calls after the government statements. where will i go if there will be a war? i can only be on us like i cannot promise a child. there won't be any war, but i can talk about the general knowledge about the risk of sweeting being in war now is not higher than yesterday. 3 spokeswoman, my adult says they got some powerful assistance in explaining the confusing situation to children or 24 hour preferential placement by tick tock. everyone in sweden open the application, but they would get a notification. here we have questions and answers about what the on forces mean with what we have to prepare for in sweden. and then you have information on why they're saying this right now and what you need to know. all says the tick tock boost helped temporarily. but she still thinks the official statements were unnecessarily alarming. a spokesman for the armed forces disagrees
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. i think this is a very good thing. the awareness has the race, and people are more concerned about their own preparedness. to sweeter simile contingencies agency says, the number of search is on its website for air read shelters, has gone up exponentially as has the number of downloads of the booklet on how to be ready if war comes and of course, the war is already here in europe, been ukraine, the backups of going into it's, so give very soon. what does you find the shopping list look like when it comes to um, what it expects from it satellites as well? ukraine does want. nathan membership and nature partners have already said, ok, you can become a member of nato once the war is over. we don't want to be dr into a will with russia or in that would be the case because of course the tenant is, you know, if one country gets attacked or is that well,
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then all the allies come to the defense. so that is not going to happen any time soon. the presidency landscape a grant again, describe the very dire situation on the ground. and on the bustle fields where you says, you know, we're lacking long range missiles. now of course he was referring to massage like the tourist missiles, the germany could the little button that has a range of more than 500 kilometers, which is why demons are so hesitant to deliver it. if they can control it, because they say, okay, it is, there is a high risk that it could also reach russian territory and presidency. lensky. last year said to him, his partners, please deliver aid. foster this year around, he's having to say deliver a tool. there is a big us, a package for ukraine that is being held up in congress, a very clear message that from germany and also from ukraine to the american partners. please make sure that you can continue supporting new crane. and we
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heard from an american representative that and that democracy is messy. he repeated that message. it does take time, but we will get there in the end. so presidency landscape of causes going home, frustrated, you know, the was of the but he is lacking a munition themselves. and what about the message being sent by brochure right now when it comes to the death of opposition veto lexi nevada, the as well. obviously that news broke just as the munich security conference was guessing on the way on friday, i was at the press conference, but between germantown slow left toys. i'm president zalinski here in berlin. we were all sitting there waiting, and then use broke, that and the volunteer is dead. so of course people like him is of will let him is of lensky accused. letting me pretend of having killed the body will have sorts
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wills and quite so expressive, but, you know, they all essentially say good, this is no coincidence. the timing. it's not just the beginning of the munich security conference. it's also the fact that ukraine has signed important long term security corporation agreements with german and friends also in britain already in january. but it's also early one months to the elections in moscow if you can call them that. so, you know, the timing is interesting for one of the most vocal critics of a lot of the me a present to die in prison. well, as a political editor of correspondence, sorry, need to has a thank you very much for coming in. we will bring you live coverage of the munich security conference, as soon as things get on the way with the german foreign minister and the bank both expected to speak, and also the us secretary of states, a spokesperson for alexia. bonnie has confirmed the russian opposition beat his
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death writing on ex, the former twitter is supposed supposed into matter of his body, be headed over to family. about his death was 1st announced by a russian prison authorities on friday. active as to russia. say police have detained more than 100 people nationwide for joining protests invalid. these memory, as well as the mourners gather on a snowy st. petersburg night to pay their respects, photo reeds, alexi nev only killed by a fascist regime. through tiers a supporter quotes the fall into center allowed 1st line, you know, salutes a very simple message in case on killed, which don't give up. you alexis, of only politician and leader of the russian opposition and they killed him. you will be too much longer elsewhere. attempts to memorialize the fall, and they were stamped out of the news in moscow. and memorial only lasted
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a few hours before min and black clouds poured out of unmarked vehicles and tore it down to the local media, said the police stood by and watched him with the to the end of all of these death isn't just the mass of blow to rushes opposition movement to many see it as a signal that his arch nemesis, russian president vladimir putin, will stop at nothing to keep tightening his grip on power reports of his desk. that's a true one. i have no reason to believe it or not. pressure authorities are going to tell their own story, make no mistake, make no mistake. who is responsible for and of all and his desk putting is responsible. what has happened involving is yet more proof approves patella's e. no one should be full, not in russia, not at home, not anywhere in the world. just one day before his death was reported, the election of only a peer cheerful as he gave testimony via video link from prison. ringback
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the next day, russian state dd and spread out the official announcement from the federal penitentiary surface of automate the exception of opinions a little bit. boy u. m. o. in unions come a whole global scale probably will do a bunch of that. and i've only had fallen ill after going for a walk and lost consciousness. an ambulance crew tried to resuscitate him, but failed. of all the was transferred to a prison colony above the arctic circle in december. it's considered one of the precious toughest prisons. and he was regularly held in solitary confinement. the opposition leaders team confirmed his death and demanded his body be given to his family minister of external affairs. for the now to the meeting security conference unattainable, the german foreign minister is just taken to the stage along with us. thanks for your state as a link and based on the topic of the session that you will not all agree with each
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other. and we can have some, some sparks we, we have about 43 minutes and i will prepare your questions because i'll ask a few questions and then i'll turn to, to the audience minister book. i'm going to start with you. and germany's national security strategy calls for expands inc. global partnerships and is quite open about the multi polarity of, of the, of the world today. how do you go about it at a time when there are so many divisions, and particularly when increasingly we feel the global. so it's, and the western world are not on the same page. but 1st of all, a good afternoon. very good said to have this important the session was my dear colleagues or not shell. it's more important than ever because we're not in that you've. obviously, they are ruthless actors who don't want to,
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to prep up the type of our panel and negotiate is the slice of the party. but they want to run the whole bakery and uh, having that in mind. uh, i believe it's uh, even more important than ever that those la, at the table negotiating about the slices of the pipe, stay there for us to fall resolute, respectfully, and also reflective. and this as a court also for our national security strategy, which we have drafted as the german government making very clear in the light of this ruthless wolf, aggression against duke fran said we are resolute in defending international law. it's the best protection for everybody around the world. so there is no question about negotiating. whether you plan has rights of self defense or not. we all agreed and not only, i don't like that word but western asked us, we all agreed and i would shut off the night of nations. that is the right of self
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defense. and we all agreed on the universal declaration of human rights. having set that up as we have to be respectful, that especially wisdom in ukraine, and i think this is the lesson we have learned and it was very important to speak to partners like india and so many around the world, brazil. um south africa. we have to be respectful that obviously in this moment when we said we need the whole international security, all this off, some questions like, where have you been when we needed you? awesome question. so um, actually what does it mean for the future? do you also spend with us and this is, i would say, maybe something new in the edits. you'd at least from all of our form politics from, from, from europe to say, okay, we cannot take for granted that everybody just degrees was our, you, you know, trying to blend, take out wisdom. and the 3rd part, i think it's the most easy, but it's a strong, it's s, it's for democracy's,
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the springs of democracy in my point of view is that we've been can be self reflective and self critical. so asking in a moment when others, for example, wolf aggression, we're not saying automatically, okay, we support you. not saying why don't you get the get it, but asking ourselves why they cannot support us. and i think this is the critical part, but the most powerful part and at least to get to know a national security strategy. and we try to do it talking about, for example, our colonialism, pos, understanding why so as to freak out was mentioning the whole time. they have choice was russia, india apartheid dream. and being so pretty go and say, oh yeah, not all democracies have stood back in time at this time and taking that as something where we said yes, we might have made mistakes in the past. but we cannot change the past. we can only change the future together. i think this is the strength of multilateralism and we
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see around the world. the majority believes in it. do you find that? increasingly, people are questioning more when it comes to, let's stick to ukraine and, and we'll, we'll get to the guns in a minute. but on ukraine, are people coming round to your point of view, or are they distancing themselves more well to see it over the last 3 years. i mean, we've seen the 142 voting in the general assembly. so it is the majority of states because most of the countries in the world like mine, we not the biggest country in the world, we don't have the biggest military means. and this is for most of the countries they know that they're proud of the united nations, the router floors, their life insurance. so we see this big majority there when you see also this for many have traveled. and i think this is really important to give always the question of the wolf aggression the human face. it was not that we can convince the
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some of the actors in the world, but say now you have to stand with out by the window negation travel to, to key if not on the key of to put shot trips. and then they spoke like we did to the parents of those whether chide had been kidnapped by russia. then we give this association that human face and that's all about. and this is why it's so important to note on you talk about state, but we talk about the people. talk about all the question of the rule of law in front of the international criminal court for accepted bringing crimes against humanity in front of the court. and then we see again the majority of the space is pushing for that one. secretary, blinking of there is a, there's a feeling that it's, it's more than a feeling that's what we see on happening on the ground. that the us china tensions are leading to greater fragmentation. and that you're almost competing for,
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you know, alliances, who is it, who's our ally and we, we see this within, within the one and various you and institutions. but we just see it all around the globe. to what extent do you feel that you, you are challenged in your, in your travels around the world on the fundamental question? well 1st it's wonderful to be with my, my friends. wonderful. to be back in munich at the security conference known. i'm all of us a speed dating for diplomats, but we, um, we've done a couple things. i'll come quickly your question from the start of this administration. we've made an investment reinvesting in our alliances, in our partnerships and in the multilateral system. we've, we invested if we re engage with try to re juvenile, we've even re imagined. and the reason for that is simple is because it's in our interest to do it. not a single one of the challenges that we have to face and that are so important a,
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the interest of the american people can we effectively deal with a loan as powerful as resourceful as we are. and so across the board, we seen in our competitive advantage is having a strong network of voluntary alliance is voluntary partnerships. and if you're not at the table in the international system, you're going to be on the menu. so it was very important for us to re engage multilateral and we've done that when it comes to strategic competition. and there's no doubt that we have one with china. there are few things to be set. first, we have an obligation to manage that relationship responsible and i think that's something that we hear from countries around the world and it's clearly under interest to do so. and that's exactly what present button is doing. and when it comes to other countries, the point is not to say to country x, y, or z, you have to choose. the point is to offer a good choice. and we can do that. and i believe we can and we have and will
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continue. then i think the choice becomes fairly self evident over the last 6 or 7 months, we have engaged since, since in a sustainable way with a china. i just met my counterpart wrong e here in munich. but that follows a series of meetings. notably, most importantly, present vibe and president sheet and i think we brought better civilities the relationship a not a big moving away for ignoring the fact that yes, we have a competition. there are areas where we're contesting each other, but they're also areas where we can and should cooperate because it's in our interest to do that. one of the best examples of that is, do you agree with, we should have china on fentanyl, the single largest, the number one killer, number one killer of americans age 18 to 49 is the synthetic of fentanyl. so now we have meaningful cooperation from an with china on to and all that's going to make a difference in the lives of americans and you think it is sustainable to have
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cooperation on, in some areas, climate be being one of them. but to have a strategic competition, the strategic competition, but the fines to politics today and that will go on for a very, very long time to think that that is sustainable. that both sides sort of can find rules of engagement. this is where we compete. and this is where we co operate some, some fundamentals haven't changed. countries will act in their self interest where we have to compete, we will where we have to contest, we will, where it makes sense to cooperate. we will, and i think you can do all of the above at the same time, but there's something else that some i think changed and it goes back to the 1st part of the question, the right fact that we've re engaged and reducing it as well as we imagine some of our lives and partnerships, along with the investments that we've made at home in the united states, the investments we've made, our infrastructure, the investments we've made in science and technology and ships the,
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the building blocks of the 21st century economy. the investments we've made in climate technology, you put those 2 things together. investments at home, much greater alignment with partners and allies across the board in europe, in the endo pacific, in asia, on how to approach a question as complicated as relation to the china. that puts us in a position of much greater strength in dealing with all of the challenges that we have to deal with. ministers to try and cur india has more of a multiple choice mindset is what would that be? would that be right from non alignment to i think you may have called it or somebody else called that phone alignments. so you can pick and choose alliances, but you can also pick and choose topics on russia. for example, you stand by russian boys. is that okay with your uh, counsellor parts from the us. everything is your,
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your relationship is fine. you can do whatever you want whenever you want. okay. first of all or something next to each one of those people delighted to be here. and i couldn't find a better hit on people to be with on the stage. so thank you for whole of up with us all together. your question, do we have multiple options? one says yes or is that a problem? why should it be a problem if i'm smart enough to have multiple options? so it should be on my being, you know, you shouldn't be criticized. wow. this is not a problem for other people. i don't think so. i don't think so. a subtle in this case, and in that case, because we've tried to explain what all the different bulls and pressures which countries hot, and it's very hard to have a, you'll need diamond's tional relationship. now again,
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different countries and defend relationships have different histories. if i were to look, say between the us and germany, it is rooted, you know, does a alliance nature to it. there's a certain history on which dr. relationship is found. in our case, it's very different. so i don't want you to even in that book, then please give the impression that we are the only and come, you know, i'm sent the mentally transactional. we are not, you know, we get along with people. we believe in things we share things. we agree on some things, but you know that all the times when, you know, when you're located in different places, have different levels of development, different uh, experiences. all of that gets into a tool like this complicated life is differentiation. and i think it's.


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