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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  February 17, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm CET

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and so women use civil society, its own population. no, we use beans from and we are having as a european union to defense human rights. and we set up for the 1st time in history of your opinion, a sanction systems because of human rights violations. and for me, this is even stronger in the pause. it was the same with dies and the crimes against ged women. yeah, that's and brought to court not slaughtering women. not saying these are the was sexual violence crimes to commit. but on the terrorism, i think this is wrong. we have to name the crimes and the crime is targeted directly to women directed to human rights. we save this sanction you because so once you've done to use shooting in your eyes, killing your friends, killing your, your sisters, and it's the same you fix. and this has come whole down to me for me, politics. it's not about symbolic action. it's about what mets us for the people
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and under this tension risk system, human rights thing. so some of the you, revolutionary gods, we named them can not enter the european union union. we have frozen on the assets . so the result is exactly the same. what the u, the u. s. has done another term is saying some system. so if you ask you, do we act as a result in the same way? yes we do, but we call it human rights sinks in the system because these are the west human rights violations. you can see and this comes also back to the other question about symbolic politics. so what mit is in, in, in reality we would have been at a total different stage if after the 7. so for october, this was a question for me instantly. after the 7th of october, we could have had to common resolution. we were in cairo at the so called to a piece summit, together with different countries, many arab partners, and also from the union, which slides to fix the text. well, we would say, okay,
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after this horrible clients of the 7th of october, that could be the momentum now for whatever generations have them to off it to said solution past way. but in order to do that, we have to guarantee that the 7th of october never happens again to israel. and we have to guarantee that tell us to unions, us to secure, to live in peace and security for them. unfortunately, those meeting that together, not everybody was ready to name the 7th of october. what it was, a terrorist attack from homos on is really people. and this is why we passed this momentum, i regretted, but this is how life is so now again, we have to work again. if we know off to 4 months where we see that the current situation only brings misery for everybody. if we can regroup again, and this is why would we have describe before for us, it's so important to work together as european union s the us with our partners to
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find what we need guarantees that is realist can live forever in security. that the 7th of october can never happens again. and the same cohens, palestinian people, it has to be at really well, it's about pause to what's a 2 state solution. and this is our job, which we have to do uh right now. and we can only do it together with the different parts of new the us. definitely not germany, but to also not a one arab country alone can go this positive, we have to group and united together for the peace in the middle east. and so let's say, let's say it's, it's just one minute, one minute, i think a very large number of countries, especially of the global side, believe that federalism shouldn't be countenanced or justified. but they equally strongly believe that the 2 state solution should not be did it. these are not choices. these are both muscles and on unless we are able to address both these
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issues. we're not going to really solve the problem. well, thank to all i know that we've gone over time. so apologies for that and thank you to the audience. you've been watching a panel discussion with german farm is the bank of us secretary of state anthony thinking an india administer of external affairs. super my young side chunk up. so with me in the studio as dw chief political correspondent, nina has a to walk us through what was a quite refreshing and a frank discussion there with lots of big messages for the world when it comes to security. on the back of the german foreign minister saying we need to be self critical. and as they blinking, pointing out that we have to re engage and multilateralism and have been in the india administer of external affairs. thing life is complicated when he was put in a corner and questioned about india's business dealings in buying russian gas and
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oil. and or it was interesting though, so then also here on the lead of bad boxing that'd be tricked into painting the world, black and white. all of these conflicts and problems with security. a highly complex, highly emotional responses come from different countries in the public in those countries. um, but i think the message old and all that they were giving hit today was we have to cold out those who are doing wrong. we have to consider out positions in the welds and remember, things aren't easy. but what, what did you get out of the discussion data? well, i thought of the day sound correctly summed it up quite nicely when he said, you know, the time of western dominance is over, it's getting more complex. and this was the topic of the panel,
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which is why they touched on so many issues. and you know, the fact that there are so many countries around the world who are becoming more self confident, who can choose these economies of growing whose population is growing in size? are they all gaining political importance, which they didn't have? and of course, western partners need to get used to that as well. they need to change the tone and how they address all those issues if they want to win the narrative. because these days, if they want to convince the world that they need support in the policies, then they need to go to the united nations and have a convincing argument. and j sancho or i thought it was interesting how you said, you know, these days when you talk about the rest of the world, essentially you can have a distinction between 2 categories of countries. one non west and the other anti west. he was talking of course, about that a group of countries in the bricks. so of growing economies like brazil,
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russia in your china, south africa and others. and he's a india or is an also know it's a non west country. it's on an anti west country, but they're all certainly countries the old anti west, which is why they having to do a lot more convincing these days if they want to, when people support in the united nations. we also heard from the audience and a rainy and activist who said the dictate is a more united then of democracies. you disagree. it is always easier to dictate as to get the narrative out and have no but the challenge that we've just seen that alex a nevada and he has died in russia in the present. and he was one of the most vocal critics of russian presidents letting me approved. and now how did he die of do you know this is being looked at, but joe biden is already a cheese lady my pretend of killing his opponents and he wouldn't have been the 1st
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case. so of course, and this is something where democracies are beginning to have a really hard time because part of the democracy is that you fight, you know, you have to struggle for the best idea is that means that you have to allow criticism. if it doesn't threaten the system itself, which is why sometimes it feels as though of the autocratic around the world are more united and of course they're all pursuing their own interest is just that they can watch. democracies fights out the bottles. we finally go to the topic of gaza and some interesting comments that the push for the 2 state solution, the india administer thing. and many more countries believe in this now and what's needed is an urgency. and we also heard from linda band, both the german foreign minister giving a very balanced view there of the conflicts between hum us and israel. what,
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what did you think about what she said? well, when we've been looking at how the members of government have talked about what's going on in gauze since the 7th of october, we are definitely noticing a change in tone. instantly in october the message was, israel has the right to defend itself, full stop. and now they are becoming more balance. they are saying israel does have the right to defend itself against terrorism. and what happened on the 7th of october was terrorism. how mazda is also still having hostages, and they need to release them. but, and the rise of israel to defend itself must not be confused with giving them essentially a free way to, to do whatever they want. these rarely government also has to accept certain principals and we're not in a bad. okay. in her on. so she was onset answering a question about how hypocritical are you that you're saying, okay,
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we postpone international standards rules to be held up. but when it comes to gaza, israel and the time you all can essentially do whatever you want. no, she said there are certain conditions and of course we're watching that extremely closely. so it is becoming more balanced how the german government is talking and it is vital for israel to find mediators. and also for the, for the liberal side of the population within israel. there are critics of the time, you know, government. so you know that the germany under us is ro, strongest supports as an allies, but the pressure on that on, you know, to stick to rules is also that definitely from inside and growing all the time. so let's just go over to bridget bullcrap, a chief international editor who's in munich. richard, could you tell us a bit about what's been going on there with germany?
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and us is the us as top diplomats. and when they were asked about the shifting world or the end, these blind spots, the west and lead is maybe will be just waking up to now. yeah, so i mean, i think this way it was plugged into anticipated panel this one that you had a really good of bulk and tony blinking with each other. and they've also being on panels here with the community security council. a conference the last couple of years and you offered the you, the extremely harmonious is hard to find to diplomats on the world stage. who sounds more similar, really youth and tony thinking and i'm gonna lead available. they have a very, very similar wells view of, sorry, kind of, you know, liberal internationally as view of the wells and, and the width them was to remind me, endav shenker the, the external affairs minister of india. so it's so bringing in
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a country that both babylon unblinking in the west. broad a would love to have more on the side, even what they see is this kind of backlog of the systems. it's emerging between democracies and we'll talk, receives around the world. but the india is resisting that media has a pretty so unique place in the world where, where it is really seeming and seeing itself is kind of not aligned with anybody. and that it can be friends with russia and with the west at the same time. so that was a lot of interest in how this relationship would kind of be teased out in this conversation . whether the tensions didn't exist between india and the west. for instance, over there. as soon as the rest of would come out. afraid that it was basically a missed opportunity that was discussion about india is the unique position, the fact that it's a member of the brakes at the same time as being you know, a pretty uh, friendly with united states, increasingly friendly with the united states. but this was only really kind of dealt with on a pretty surface level. neither do check. i know, thinking no bad, but we're really confronted with the difference is that they have an over there
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actually to, to the, into the ukraine. well, what bab of did though, do i mean? and i think this was very much picking up on some of the course, isn't that she's had some the global south broadly, but also particularly from india. and it's, she respond to the sense that good to the west is being very kind of western century kennedy's attitude to the world. as jason k himself do that, she said this a couple of using, as i said when europe next is the aides problems and things that the world's problems. but when the world has a problem, it's not your problem. and she basically picked up on this idea and said that she is understanding that when she goes to countries in the global south and us for them to support germany on, for instance. uh it is the situation in ukraine. and she understands that some of them are saying to will, well, you, when we had a problem and so that she, she's alive to that now says that did get across. but as i say, i'm afraid that the differences between these countries didn't really come out to
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that fullest extent, actually fits it as related to richard walker in munich and dw, see political correspond, anita hows that, thanks for coming in today. us as a reminder of our top stories here on the w use of the munich security conference, you credit and president voted, as the landscape has called again for support against russian aggression and his country at executive for jim and stone book said the war has exposed with gaps in the alliance as readiness gifts are criticized. what he calls indecision to the us congress on a per ukraine saying it's cost him lights. the one of japan's most famous sports sumo is much more than just a competition. a 1500 year old martial arts. it is steep emission to religion.
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traditionally, sumo is exclusively practiced by men in grand sumo women are not even allowed to stuck inside the dodo for holy ring. and yet, here they are the pacific. i'm also going to become a real champion, has been my dream for ever and i will give everything to make it country. look, i'm one of the, it's important to differentiate between grand sumo, those famous big guys in japan. and the international sumo federation, or i assess which features fleets from 87 countries, both institutions oversee competitive sumo wrestling. the i ss,
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participates in the world gains and has included women wrestlers for over 20 years . of course, there are plenty of japanese participants in the i ss as well. the, the 20 year old real has to go up lives and practices. sumo in tokyo, which you probably wouldn't guess by looking at her. or would you think this young woman is a sumo wrestler real, has faced her fair share of doubters. not as ago. you can't be too serious about it or women all week as the sports not at a pro level. i've had many more critiques. but since i have started going to university and i have goals and do everything to achieve that are going to call the phone. meanwhile, the guys up assume x up recognize my efforts end up in the all their support. so i
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can run a couple of more sooner. see, i'm particularly thankful for that because it is something that i would never have thought possible in the past. i mean, besides studying at tokyo scale, university real hopes to compete at the upcoming single world championships for the 1st time. rio is actually the 1st female wrestler to be allowed to join the club. a small revolution. it doesn't matter if you male or female or what age you want. anyone can compete. of course you need to have techniques or scott if you get strong enough and if you make good use of your racing skills, a smaller person can actually defeat a bigger one. still so that the success of the rest of that is defined by many things that add up to the unique style on the side of the courtyard and 90 percent of costs. it's nice to have a profit stage like we see here. how you all could not get that in. there is none.
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simply mock one with your feet in the sand and go for it. as much of these, you have seen that you can build up everything from scratch on your very own leader to pick it up from the arena is called a dojo and features traditional elements like a spot for the god of martial arts. the salt which is used to purify the wrestling circle and in some cases like here no air conditioning, even in the hot summer months. the fighting ring itself has 4 entrances, named after the cardinal directions. the 2 opponents, designated east and west try to make the best possible use of the 4.55 meter diameter ring to the basic role is to never step out of the circle. know to touch the ground, the sound except with the soul. so you'll see how much the 3rd of, uh, but they all prohibited techniques. and i'm a to assume that for example, aiming of the face or talking the neck could be well from
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a concept that came up as the professional brand. so you know, it's a little bit different, so there are few attributed techniques then, and i'm a terrorist thing with the good, good and not good at the call, the grabbing the harris and no got it. what's going on? so besides the fact that there are few of for been moose in grants, you know, you're watching the basic technical rules that i assume i will remain the same for the community to ensure getting into proper sumo shape means lots of repetitive muscle works, especially on the legs, since most of a single aptly power is based in their lower body. we always simply suffered a foot injury, which is why she's trying to work around to add today's training sessions. she doesn't mind overseeing her colleagues matches instead, the other sports an encounter doesn't last 90 minutes too. and there is no competition
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of that. his school is more point. so i assume is probably the only school that only needs a body and the will to be the stronger one on that. and from there it is usually more or less seconds until the mattress decided on i get it can be incredibly suspenseful. i find that amazing right now, so the real sacrifice is a lot for her dream of being a world star and women sumo. she can move the 40 kilometers between the dojo and her student department and the outskirts of yokohama 4 times a week. the plus, she spends plenty of time preparing meals, so this way i'm extra to eat as much propane as necessary.
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kind of more log into the phone competitions. i sometimes have to balance money, wait to talk to you, or to hook up some with the plan. i have to put a lot more fluids into categories. for instance, the well, the, the real lives a normal college students life when she has to her focus solely on her support. she won every under 18 title in japan before becoming world youth champion in 2019, not easy as athletes fund themselves and amateur assumed. well, what are the most, do you typically when a certificate or maybe sometimes a metal even at the world championships
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for us as a societal recognition for young women that carried themselves with confidence or chief things out of the ordinary can still be rare in japan. but rio isn't bothered mind at all in this respect. i think it's great that japanese idols as pop, culture styles on known, stopped smooth and modestly. and don't get down about things or they couldn't call you coming across as cute is secondary when you with this how much the person develops and they really cost they spend on use. it's not enough to hold the grand see most down on women in the ring goes so far back. you know, medics were once asked to leave the ring by announcer's dislike, trying to help a medical emergency during the opening of a competition in kyoto. women please leave lowering
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the the bends origin lines and the claim that women are impure due to their periods or the scenes and killed her through international attention, sparking discussions and japanese media. and while the japan sumo association eventually apologize, women still aren't allowed to take part in grant's email data thoughts and ideas its match space. the sumo world championships are held annually in different cities around the world. today, 150 wrestlers from 28 countries will do you get out in tokyo, emits this lively chaos real prepares for opening fights and the individual women's middle weight category. that's under 73 kilograms. per 1st opponent is monica sky, but 25 from poland. of course, you can't forget to bow to your opponents,
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the focus and go the wheels 1st. boat is impressive. coming to a close just as quickly as it started time for a 2nd bell when leaving the ring and rio couldn't have hoped for a better start. i go to demonstrate what i've been training so hard for over the last month that went well for me. wrestlers of both genders, each compete in 5 different ways. classes. there are also team competitions. so you can only win metals for individual achievement. single consists of a pre defined amount of throwing and pushing techniques and is fairly straightforward. the constant cry of the quotes in the quota from the ref means
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remaining and much the defender. no, they're still in the ring. minor injuries and split lips are fairly common. we just find something meanwhile, it's time for refills, next tight. her next step to the final gather yourself again. of the opponents, ukraine's kind of in a plastic, puts an abrupt end to really stream. even if the disappointment is momentarily overwhelming, real still has a shot at the 3rd place in the world rankings. and looking at the bigger picture, there's plenty to be happy about. unlike entrancing both. and the trustee mode
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doesn't to have a problem recruiting young wrestlers based on the increasing number of competitions women sumo in japan, has had particularly high growth and popularity over the last decade. you can't get excited about to grow into something that you don't even know about when you call them up for that. so don't like that. so i don't know that many people don't know, not assume that will fit in. and the fact that women seemed that exist associate not, then what i do and it, i really hope this change and let me say, and i can help in spite of people to give it a try. what they don't like telling tulsa, tossing up on. and it's a long day of competing real meat sung gary and rook sanibel. here in the ring. the secures the bronze and real will keep on fighting,
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not just for herself, but for what really counts the visibility of women in the sports. she loves the they are risking every thing to criticize booting names were the members of russia's opposition for being persecuted by the state. alex, a new home and sentenced 2 years in prison has now died in memory of the prominent kremlin credit russians versus russia. the in 15 minutes on the devil, you come to the polls. it's an extra year in south africa, as outside and young viruses of a key exchange. on
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this mess together. let's come together. let's do this together. so it's going to be here when we change things around this 77 and 90 minutes, dw, the hot tips for your package. this romantic code is spots affinities. check on some great cultural memorials to boot w travel. we got ice cold, b, c. at the end of the plastic, underneath an expedition ventures on to places that no one has
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the climate research in the ice, the dos march 3rd on dw, the the, the,
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this is dw news line from the anger and morning and now confusion over the death of alexi know, validate as opposed to states vigils in moscow and other cities and about these allies say they cannot access his body. and the not being told how he does. you guys, president, takes the stage of the media security conference for him is the landscape says his country's forces that happened on the battlefield as weston support in south and says the leading us little make it play just more right. but us patients 1st you.


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