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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  February 17, 2024 6:15pm-6:31pm CET

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a chunk cheese ability to write text and even computer code that's after a short break and don't forget there's plenty more news on the information on our website, the www dot. com. and you can follow us on our social media accounts or handle is data over your news on public phone alias for me on the team here in berlin, x watching, take care of seeing capital. the votes, people have to say the that's why we listen to, based on the rituals every weekend. on d w. can you we are all set. we are watching to see all the to bring you the story behind the news.
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your own about palm biased information for free might do to me in the analyzing text using chat cpg learning. how to play the piano using a power to globs or understanding the anatomy of the human hop in virtual reality, the future of learning looks bright. that's our topic on shift the using cutting edge technology to re imagined the way we learn. sounds pretty exciting, but in many schools around the world, like here in germany, you would be happy just to find a working computer. still innovative methods of teaching are being tested all the time. studies show that students using v and
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a are more furious and more engaged. they also seem to learn more in comparison to a traditional classroom environment. expos, predict that the global market for in education would grow from about 8000000000 euros in 2022, to more than 42000000000 euros in 2027. so how does the virtual reality in education work? take a look then go semester pieces exhibited in the classroom viewable and we are grazing, ma'am, it's in front of a v. our school and far away plan. it's suddenly an arm's length away with the help of the r headsets and controllers, students at random house berkshire school can tackle their subject matter up. close . biology lessons are also far more interactive and virtual reality. you can have a big beating hearts and you can see the flow of blood through it and it can understand the chambers and the foxes really should work through a hot oh,
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things like that. so it's really, really useful for the children's deeper understanding of what they're studying for teachers. this opens up many new possibilities. we've use victory, i would say across every subject as part of a pilot for virtual reality. some of the most impressive things we can do a science experiments who would otherwise be impossible or too dangerous? doing a classic virtual reality is already being integrated into vocational training training . is that a mercedes benz workshop use the art to practice painting cars this way? they can learn to consistently keep the same distance, which is tricky for beginners, education experts, then you mean pass and says it's an ideal use case you saw so on because on the impact, the advantage of interactive educational technologies like virtual reality or augmented reality lies in the possibility of practicing different scenarios without the risk of damaging material or putting people in harm's way,
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shot it from. you could also repeat the same scenario over and over again, like when. so there's a practice effect that's yet getting your reps in virtual reality definitely has its advantages. imagine the benefits for surgical students who can hone in their skills in the v. r environment. research as in days now working on something called the internet of skills. the idea is to equip people with smart sketches, so they can learn from the comfort of their own home, check it out, the learning real world skills using ai researches are experimenting with machines that could one day teach us complex activities like surfing the. yeah, i'm ready for i was a smart suit. fitted with sensors is also in developing the user's movements are recorded and compared to what they should ideally be. the data is stored in the cloud. the user receives feedback through visual cues or movements from the suit. a
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small motor called an actuator, converts the electrical signals into motion. the coupons, infinity, dial safety. we want to build the internet of the future. peanut antenna, if we call the tunnel internet that's and so far the internet has provided access to information and by familiar with the internet of skills, we could also provide online access to the abilities to another person on so then i went back and so someone is good at taking or playing the piano. you can learn that skill from home, have it performed for you at home. and while it's here and i have to glance help the where learn to play piano. this smart suit analyzes and correct spotty movements. the suit guides the user by running through the correct motions. the proper pastor is done in the street and you can concentrate on the precise finger positions the
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another so you make it easier, exciting. so i can really see how that i played as an advertise. it's very important to hold your hands either writes is true, otherwise up to many years playing. if we always use around just sort of, we will have the information. the researchers is for ai and robots to assist people . not in the impact to one person. manual machine is a real benefit. as the interaction between humans and machines. the machine is a time you put you in some of the power of innovation, but machines are good at all repetitive tasks. i just didn't know if things are going well, that's something we need to keep saying to people who live because there's this fear that robots in day i will take over when actually we still need humans to drive innovation. humans and machines treading new ground together, a chat cpd has also opened up a new avenues in education. released in november 2022. this the i to had more than
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1000000 uses in just 5 days. but what's so special about it? yeah, 3 tips on how you can make the most of this chat, but no time to read a full article chat can summarize it. just copy and paste the link and ask the a chap ought to write up some bullet points. the topic is too complex to understand . ask for chap, lots of break it down for you. step by step. you're having trouble with research can help find sources or give you a general overview. but the where cheese training data can quickly become outdated . although developers are experimenting with search features that include current events, they're only available to paid subscribers. don't forget, every answer provided by chat g p t needs to be fact checked. and students, especially should take note, universities are currently debating if and how a i tools like chat t p t should be used in the future. and how that might change our understanding of authorship. completely banning ad tools is probably not going to work though. the
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best as i can least get you to the best solution is not upon a technology a single, but instead to determine what students the most effective methods to create high quality text studies, that's even the text. it's not, doesn't simply mean nothing. i write the text listed, students could work with the i to develop several iterations of a text, and then flush out their own arguments with the help of this a i to he also the style. artificial intelligence is basically like a giant toolbox. if you know how the tools work and which to use to fix a specific problem, it can be really useful at our savannah. we do not currently publish any journalistic were produced from generative a i. but the w is looking for ways to responsibly harmless. the potential of so called lives language models. when it comes to common matters, ation on social media can shop t p t help write a program that generates replies or filters out offensive or discriminatory
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comments. we turn to the chat box to try and do just that. i can say i have no idea of coding for example, which is what we did and it will reply. okay. let's help you with that. and it worked in no time, one team had managed to create a prototype with the help of chad, the team. i'm a journalist, right about dakota, but i can do these things because i get help with it. i and it's, it's just expanding your capabilities. the journalist gives directions as to what the program should do and the a i bought rates the code i asked for the quote and gave me a quote, but i had no idea how the quote works is just numbers and like no digits to me. so i'm actually extra me, but i, i don't know how, what the deal was, you know, what's the idea behind the card, all these things. so i don't really imagine to be a teacher, but definitely,
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i'm very short. it has been human pots and cautions against viewing a i. tools as independent and autonomous spirit cut that me. i don't think of a i tools as or even if you buy a eyes on conscious human beings use in our tools that can support isn't our work. isn't vx, so it gives you one, and i believe teamwork between humans and a i supporting educational technology. these tools can be more effective and produce a higher quality output than either humans or a i tools on their own sort of see and kind of i mention a line of what i eventually headliner a but this more digital learning than a i so called edutainment eps of funds, but also conforming to loveland, for example, is used for sex education. questions on this topic and always easy to ask and also from the internet. um, necessarily correct. the students in cape town have a special assignment today. they're testing at the edutainment game loveland. i
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need young people to help us to crate. ok, give us critical feedback and say, oh, this is really boring. oh, this is really cool. the game deals with a difficult topic, and most teenagers, sex education put up a stigma or the shape. and the game users need to complete the levels and different islands that each done for an issue of their own. like contraception or mental health. a 14 year old c l, a under friends of under the test at the office. the thing that i liked about the app is it is not offensive. it is you, you land, but you're also paying at the same time. game doesn't only focus on 6, because it also focuses on both of those to self esteem. tyrene sterling has tested the out in many countries to realize the teenagers around the world, usually have the same questions. and they often trust this information from the internet. i experienced that married name trustees and very eager to learn what
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you need and the space with only prop for an age appropriate information, long term consequences, luck, sex, education are often very hard and kick some of the economy and social life. see who lately agrees that there's a lot of proper sex education in our community. so let's look at, is there a for, had into teams to about states. and that's why you find so many teenagers in south africa and having these diseases and getting pregnant the they don't tell you the consequences and we as teenagers, want to know if i were to do this, one would have him and you and the diag to do so he edutainment ops are successful because to incorporate to play for elements which can reinforce learning. the
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school director is pleased, his pupils are taking part. i want them to be the pioneer so that when they must of that it's good actually easy for our school to adopt that game as a way of learning and create awareness when it comes to sexual education. for the teenagers. this means learning by playing a digital learning opens up new possibilities. so will human instructors become obsolete in the future? i would want them skeptical. could you imagine learning your things with only a computer and a i or what do you prefer? human support? that is no. what do you think by the sounds of the polls? it's election. you're in south africa. it's outside and young voters of
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a key exchange. you own this mess together? let's come together. let's do this together. here let me change things around this 77, meg on dw, the new will tell you what the story we have is getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use that for sure. yeah. and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa in 60 minutes on d. w. get ready for an exciting and tell you to look surprised. hi,
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i wish up. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a window of the quote on this vehicle despise and the on expected side to side in 2024 is election year and a good number of african states. so today we'll look at how young africans few level if they're elected officials and how they are getting involved in politics themselves. my name is low, so welcome to the 77 percent. here's what's coming up. in liberia we need angry young citizens who are disappointed and the leader is the one selected ahead of the 2024 elections. yeah, so that we can tell us they can transfer.


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