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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the don't even use live from berlin, anger morning and confusion over the death of alexi, nevada only as police arrest dozens of supporters up memorials across russia. and these allies say they are not being told have the opposition leader died. his team blamed vladimir putin personal and ukraine and focus as world leaders hold security talks in munich. keeps forces retreat from a times they defended for years from russian procedures. presidents and landscape warrants weakening, western support is caustic lives on the battlefield. the
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on pablo police, welcome to the program, russian police of detain dozens of supporters of the opposition leader acting upon the who died suddenly in a remote penal comp, nevada. these close allies have confirmed his death would say the tardies are refusing to release his body with many questions, still not result any world leaders, campaigners and nevada. these families are all pointing the finger at a russian president vladimir putin in the arctic darkness. i'll explain a valleys mother. ludmilla is trying to find her son's body. she came to the remote prison where he died only to be told his body had already been sent to the regional capital. now vile and his mother says the last time she saw him was in the prison. on monday, he was cheerful and full of energy. and despite all the hardship didn't look like someone who was about to die with the lack of transparency around. what caused
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nevada and the saw the death his allies want the story, it is to release his body immediately. and they have another message should only really put in killed him. the whole world knows that it was the russian president who personally gave this order just as it knows that alexi was never afraid of him, never stayed silent. we must not give up. this is what alexi himself called on us to do is almost similar to see a it's a message resonating with thousands of nevada and these supporters holding vigils across the country despite arrests and intimidation by security forces. this is very sad for us old, but alexa said not to give up. we weren't give up that we weren't let them think that the one that's not true. history 1st and goodness arono side. we will definitely,
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we feel very sorry for him and for our country the country is perishing with this cupid was. why is that need it? who needs it? that killing their own people? foreign is children stealing? i'm good. i no longer believe in the future of russia. some of the 1st makes shift memorials were removed, but others have now reappeared. defined russians are calling for answers over the death of alex see in the valley. but in the face of accusations, in worldwide condemnation, the kremlin remained silent. care jobs is a rush analyst at chatham house in the u. k. earlier i asked him whether such a high profile gas could inspire more widespread opposition or potentially, but of course, we have to remember that russia has been preparing for this moment for some time.
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they've been putting themselves in a position where they don't have to be concerned about public expressions of discontent and weighing up the balance of removing the phone. you as an irritant, who actually gathers quite a lot of foreign policy and criticism of russia against what it will take to, to repress those expressions of concert and unexpressed as a morning within russia. you can see why this is a good bet for the rest of the state because they have long ago behind any pretense of being a responsible country, the place but any form of recognize rules. and instead they are back to behaving as a rogue states. that commits motor without a clock that was carried giles, a rush, i left at chatham house. well, were leaders gathered in munich, our folks here on global security. the wars and guys, a and ukraine top. the agenda, the head of nato, says the russian invasion has exposed gaps in the alliance's resilience. with the death of alexis of all may still resonating and the security of the free world. at the center of the munich talks, america's top diplomat stress the importance of taking part. if you're not at the
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table in the international system, you're going to be on the menu to visit it. from there, there was an optimism about the war and gods in dire moments. we have, i think there's an extraordinary opportunity for israel in the months ahead to actually once and for all. and that cycle. and it's because there's some new facts that didn't exist before. when our efforts to make peace between israelis and palestinians, starting with the fact that virtually every our country now generally wants to integrate israel into the region to normalize relations if they haven't already done so to provide security, assurances and commitments. so that is real, can feel more safe and more secure ukraine. more coming up on the 2nd anniversary was also on everyone's mind for the year of 2024 to months your response from everyone in the world. if we do not at no fortune,
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we'll manage to make the next year's catastrophic, catastrophic and for all the nations as well intelligence community are aware of this. ukraine has already seated mis, with least ross, to try to try to cloud reality and which the world unfortunately believes they meant the drastic good to capture and all that concert in a few days or weeks. whatever it was, your brain is, have been holding for 724 days. nearly a week after donald trump threatening not to protect nato members who failed to meet their 2 percent of gdp contribution. germany's defense minister was up the page. i'm proud to say that this year we would spend over 2 percent of our gdp on
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defense in germany. german chancellor, all off schultz underlined that commitment. yeah, yes, money that we spends now and in the future for our security copy spent elsewhere. we feel that. but i also say without security and everything else is nothing on the machines you don't use chief international editor, richard walker is at the conference. and earlier he told me what the main points so far have been. or does it take away that you, you really can't avoid is just the impact of the death of alexi, nevada anyways, just hit us here yesterday is people would be getting together for the security conference. and this is really a conversation that you feel just it was everybody here has had a buyer that about this big kind of confronted with, with the nature of the preaching regime. the reality of that once again, and also some speculation about the timing of, of that, whether that was a coincidence or whether this was somehow deliberately timed to coincide with this
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gathering here. um, interesting, the one of the tapes that i got was for from a european leader who i will not name here but, but who said well, if it was a deliberate timings and it was extremely bad timing it backside because all it has done is kind of a strength and the results of, of europe to push back against that to me pretend even more strongly than they have until now. but that it was suddenly also different views, like an indian delegate, who told me that it really doesn't change the fact that india and russia all friends, they get an end to goodness sticks together. i think that's reading the conversational, almost everybody's mean having this weekend to do things. richard walker, there. well, as the landscape warns against waning western support to ukraine's armed forces have withdrawn from one besieged time after months of heavy fighting, ukraine's new army come under head. alexander sir skis says troops are being pulled out of difficult to avoid being encircled. the retreat is rushed as big as success on the battlefield. since it took the city of blackwood last year. the best cross
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and i have 2 keys on that date of use. nick connelly joins us from there. nick, great to see you. so you, crane's military says to withdrawal from the destroyed eastern city of, of def got was made for strategic reasons. but what does this tell us about the advance of russia's forces? i think part of this tells us mostly that russia was desperate for something they could sell as a victory, desperate to move, even if you could them as fluids. and they have basically thrown everything they go at the city. they have come straight to choose number of the battalions that brigades. they have thrown hundreds of glide booms at the printing defenders that it is basic, a repeat called boston. you just mentioned that which is not very far away and it is a similar scenario whether ukrainians now at risk of being surrounded that one major road coming in to have dave. cuz that was crucial for all the supplies bottles of food that that was now under what is known as part of control of the russians. they
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could fire from both sides and the decision was taken, but to avoid the risk of being surrounded and losing the troops either to rest selling or to being taken prison that they would leave before it was too late. i think the instructive thing looking at this and comparing it to but what is that all about? what we didn't see the russians able to really kind of create some kind of snowball effect and push them much further forward. they took back moved and then basically they were exhausted. they had lost so many men. we don't have good figures about how many russians have died. we certainly will be able to see read arguments that the last is on the russian side. attacking have been far higher than when the grading side is something much easier to defend. and this is in the bigger picture is probably the logical thing to do, even though it's something that doesn't go down well, we don't mean ukrainians when you speak to them about it. if that, if we're just looking at the situation in updates gap right now, and you brain has been calling for more support from allies and is nothing coming sort of very obvious then if we're just looking at this, this uh,
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this area in particular. well, certainly ukraine is once again facing the issue of munitions running low. this was a big issue in the 1st some of the role then for a while when american european countries were sending basically large numbers of shells from their supplies from their own supplies rather than the manufacturers, ukraine. the problem was largely results. now, once again, when you craze basic, depending on what you are being an american companies can produce fresh off the belt as it were rather than flo supplies. it is very difficult and russia has a much bigger capacity produced. so the weapons is getting a lot of weapons from north korea, companies like that. so it's definitely a situation where the credit is being outcomes. and now with those live problems, roughly we're using explains those weston flights just through a promise to look at that is really becoming an issue. but it's also question manpower. ukraine has not mobilize in recent months in the way the military has wanted to do. it's basically too big a political issue, and present the landscape hasn't wants to take responsibility for that. hasn't
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wanted to mobilize younger men. right now, it's a new man over the age of 25 who are being pulled up. so it's a manpower and it's a technical issue, but certainly this isn't some big dramatic loss. this is basically just the front line. and if it is now going to be a bit more, a straight this few kind of twisting tons and certainly something with the russians are going to crow about sometime. thanks nick, the economy for us in keith. here's a look at some other stories making headlines today. sizing is right in the german city of cologne, demanding the release of the head of the kurdish or curtis done workers party or p k. k. abdullah shalanda was jailed in turkey 25 years ago. the p k. k is seen as a terror organization by turkey, us, and european union. the sizes of indian farmers or staging citizens and other protest actions as far as these block them from taking their grievances to the capital daily. the farmers were demanding guaranteed minimum crop prices and low reforms. security forces have settled metal barriers against tractor con,
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voice president victor or bonds as hungry as part of minutes can ratify. sweden's membership of nato. later this month. hungry is the only nato country which has not yet backed the swedish bed to join the alliance or bonds party previously claimed sweden accused it of undermining democracy. i mean the rescue. where is the method you have retrieve the body of a face to construction worker, a following concrete beam trapped workers building a new supermarket and florence 3 were pulled. i have to live and taken to hospital . authorities have opened an investigation. hundreds of demonstrators have rallied incentive gold demanding elections. a court overturned president mikey selves decision to postpone the vote scheduled for later this month . saul is promising to abide by the ruling and find the archaeologist in brussels. have made a rare discovery. the remains of
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a prehistoric mama, the fragments include 2 fevers and a task. they were 5 and during an archaeological dig, a construction site for a metro station, the bones were up to 9 meters below ground. instead of entry layers. from the ice age, archeologists hope to make more such discoveries during the excavation work. and here's a reminder of our top stories. the police in russia has made dozens of arrests as memorials for the child opposition leader. i like seeing them close allied, say the parties have not released and evolving. somebody under blaming president vladimir putin personally for his desk at the munich security conference, ukrainian president. for a lot of years it lensky has cooled again for support against russian aggression in his country. nato secretary general against sultan berks, at the war, has exposed the gaps in the lines of readiness. he also criticized what he called,
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indecision in the us congress on age for new crime, saying it's costing lives right. you are up to date from me on the team here. amberlynn, thanks for watching and take care. the kids in the talk is changing. 6 years ago. we said it can't get any was to, but it does guardians of truth. this time, excel gen liz, turned in dar meets the voices of a free turkey officer. as the other one had to flee into exile. i knew the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish governments and sort of timing calls of some kids. but really it's a crime is addressed and the path of trying to take systems to billing.


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