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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 18, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news line from the, the in house showed world lead is responding to the death of alexia, not found. the police arrest. hundreds more of his support is across russia, but in pump to memorials, to nevada, it keeps popping up. his allies say he was murdered and that his body is being seated in the final day of the meeting security conference. tons to the future. powerful politics and power play out in the coming decade.
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the i've been physical and woke up rights groups in russia say police of a race that more than 400 people left memorials for opposition. vida alexis in the valley is death at age 47, at a remote piano cap was announced on friday. the volume these allies have confirmed his days, but say the authorities refusing to release his body, the theme, the arctic darkness. i'll explain of all these mother ludmilla is trying to find her son's body. she came to the remote prison where he died only to be told. his body had already been sent to the regional capital. now vile and his mother says the last time she saw him was in the prison. on monday, he was cheerful and full of energy and despite all the hardship didn't look like someone who was about to die with the lack of transparency around what caused
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nevada and the saw the death his allies want, the storage is to release his body immediately. and they have another message to the coach and killed them. the whole world knows that it was the russian president who personally gave this order just as it knows that alexi was never afraid of him. never stayed silent. we must not give up. this is what alexi himself called on us to do is a low, a similar to see. it's a message resonating with thousands of nevada and the supporters holding vigils across the country you despite the rest and intimidation by security forces. this is very sad for us all but alexi said not to give up. we weren't give up. we won't let them think that they have one. that's not true. history 1st and goodness, arono side. we will definitely,
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we feel very sorry for him and for our country the country is perishing with this cupid was. why is it need it? who needs it? the killing their own people? foreign is children stealing? i'm good. i no longer believe in the future of russia, maybe some of the 1st to make shift memorials were removed, but others have now reappeared. are defined russians are calling you for answers over the death of alex in the valley. but in the face of accusations, in world wide condemnation, the kremlin remain silent. but will lead as a gather that the munich security conference right now. and i asked political scientist in kind of read it so, but if leaders will confront, put and it will take some sort of action. the 1st impression no, of course,
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was trailing many people present here at the minute security counseling. you are like seeing that right. and they personally, he was a presence in the life of many for the last 2 years, at least. so this initial shop is only natural. what further decisions will be made after more, uh, cold, do duration. i of course, do not know, but i do think that he's at least his memories or to be memorialized, at least it ought to be kept to live in perhaps the names of streets or public places in your town. capitals, i have had suggestions coming to me from russia that's able to be a memorial. i've chatted to the hospital in barely him hall where he was couple of st after his initial poisoning. because unfortunately now we have reasons to suppose that he was poisoned a 2nd time as to the more practical political scraps. of course, we all hope that this terrible exams will further demonstrate to the world leaders
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what specific regime they have to deal with in the prism the in russia, how difficult it's not impossible, it is to come to a new we some original agreement with the people who think that murder is the solution to any political problem, mother or in prison, mental imprisonment 1st and mother afterwards? how do you even start the conversation with this type of leadership? what, what do you say to well, leaders that if you continue to do business with russia or believe that compromise or negotiation is needed with russia over its invasion, a few things that i understand that you can't expect politicians to be so horrified that they decide to change the problem is, is to make some new term because they're all from the nation. just asked the lady that the practical side of the list,
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a whole history of the only press on the political center in russia is that's exactly how do you come to an agreement. what himself does the present, the russian leadership have to keep to any agreements that they may side people over step of the bones. so could be too late in the internal politics and as we now the also break agreements in serving policy. so what's, what's come on for us to be racial multiple times the nation can baby determines, is understandable. the balance of force can pre bound even and the drastic power from stepping forward again, from overstepping the bones by any other sort of agreement for speech occasion. i'm understanding that in mind symbols that kind of thing. i don't think that is even practical. i knew of the valleys the most i blamed for his days if that really is
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the case and it's so late. and once that give the opposition a rallying point. oh sorry, there's only been a huge loss. alex university has to be my purse. i talk to various social threat as he tab to tell them opened the rest of the different people. she was. she was not just an idol of the us. he could communicate with various diverse, the types of people. he had the gifts of language and he'd have his highly appealing, there's finality, no one else can be pulled on the same level. i have him. so it is that it can be unwilling, when, in a sense that we will now have this come on last. but so far it has only been a lot. his organization, structures that he has been plea that has been waiting for of the reading on the force of his moral capital,
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of his political visibility of his recognizable persona. again, no one else has the same type of capital spots, political leaders, some of created by nature's miracles, they're created by social demands. and we know that the demand for an alternative for another type of future for any sort of future that the present person room is denying its people is huge, which i've seen is even during those because they electrons that are being held in brush are when people who are not alone? yes. could they became crystallization points for these demands that these i'm satisfied. so solum is, there is a demand. there will be people who will step foremost and become some of the leaders them at least symbols. or as you say, welling points, you kind of readers of mine from you kind of balances raises that. thank you so much for joining us. thank you. the security conference reps out today with
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the final round of high level talks addressing key global issues. the bolts in the middle east and ukraine at the top of the agenda, germany in the united states and 3 of the commitment to ukraine. they've also expressed support for israel security while pointing out the importance of keeping civilians in gauze to say is 6 the addition of the meaning security conference for the attempt to map out the global geo political future. the dw is chief political editor, mr. clifton told us that a lot of discussion in munich is not just happening on panels and stages. well, it's also described as the biggest, one of the biggest speed dating events for diplomats and 50 heads of state and foreign ministers here. um, hundreds of diplomats and the real action. i mean i've reported to you on what's been happening on stage, but there are hundreds of meetings going on and lot of them will never become
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public in the car. it was here among parties that probably otherwise wouldn't even public the speak to each other. so the real outcome we never really learn. one thing is for soul and no progress on the rest of us. so wasn't even invited to, didn't get a seat at the table, and it was also seen as confirmation when at the very beginning of this conference, news came in of the death of alex st. now found the opposition ve the inverse of his death and his wife speaking here on stage demanding body move. who is he's being brought to justice over this that and the route since he is new talking to us at this point in time. interesting. the, the chinese foreign minister here on stage calling for territorial integrity. that can be read as criticism of russia as well. but whether that will results into china raining in russia, in any shape or form is still an open question. is that good stuff? also add the meaning security conference. the palestinian authority says it's ready
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to engage with home us to seek palestinian unity. but meet us has come out in support of the p. a is the best option to govern gods of to the board between his round at thomas, which many states he was a terrorist organization. his mohammed should pay speaking to dw sarah county, i guess, speaking with them directly right now. you know, a contract is not happening. nope, no, but uh, i'm not sure how to use those lights to take them into media. russia has invited order, but it's been on functions who would be meeting on the 26th of this month in moscow . and they have invited ordered by the scene on functions. we want to see if, how much does it have to come to get on with us. we are ready to engage is how much is not going to come to ground with us. that's a different story, but we need it. but as the and only thing that i just thought of comes nonsense. the boring kaiser is also testing is reva units, a prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dismissed demands by protesters and some in
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his own body. then you will actions thousands of demonstrators until a beef took to the streets again on saturday to protest against the government and for the release of the hostages. the yahoo says a new poll would divide the nation at a time with it needs you to say dw news off some protest as for more about the mat. as we want a peaceful solution, we want to be living in peace with those around us. although keeping us safe and what the government is doing and all to right wing is everything that we are again looking what's happening with anti semitism around the world. everybody thinks that nothing now is speaking for us. he's not speaking for us. look around. we are here speaking for pete richard all the hostages regardless of the
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price. because this is the principle that gives us all together. then they can think about what to do with how much every day that the government is a willing to the country. it's bringing to the end of the, the, in the space these i need 3. there's been a little bit of current because they just want to keep the power and the and that's or they, they don't care to bill those to j if they the storage of the the, the, of dying the guys are. so they must go is look now at some of the other stories making headlines today. for my time, 5 minutes to talk to him should have what has been released on parole in bangkok, thompson was detained last august. soon enough that he returns to thailand from 15
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easy. next up is return. coinciding with his party forming a government with military bodies, thousands of highways in china is northwest engine. john region have been shut down due to heavy snow for thousands of people have been left stranded. the storm hit as many in china returned home off the celebrating the annual all springs festival with their families, nonsensical asia and muscles. and donald trump's gold sneakers of sold out within the hours of being released a 1000 pairs of the $400.00 because were available for purchase or from the president on the belt. this week is one day of the he was fine. hold on 350000000 dollars in who's the bill for try watching dw use on bank is over and i'll leave you with this footage from rio de janeiro economize. that's hard to get taken to the streets and attribute to black women with this with this is competition and say they wanted to highlight for sales historical connections to that. okay.
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the how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously?


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