tv DW News DW February 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET
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the, the, this is dw, you slide from the, in the search for facts about alexi and about these dance. prussian language media report, the russian opposition lead. his body is locked away and a multi needs a penal colony where he proposed to think died. and that an autopsy has yet to be performed. and the final day of that needed security conference tons to the future before wrapping up. how will politics and power play out in the coming decade. the bid visible and welcome, according to
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a report from the russian excellence use paper know via the zeta. alexis i found these body has been located in a hospital 50 killer because from the penal colony where the opposition leader reportedly died. the sudden death of the 47 year old was announced on friday bryce groups in russia say police of a race to building 400 people that make shift memorials. many blame the russian government for the bound these days wildly to is again, that at the munich security conference they've condemned to and i asked political scientist because are being sold on if participants will take action against the russian leader. first impression no of course was killing many people present here at the minute security counseling you, i'll explain. all right. and they personally, he was a presence in the life of many for the last 2 years at least. so this initial shop is only natural. what's the decisions will be made often more cold
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to a duration? i of course, do not know, but i do think that he's at least his memories or to be memorialized, at least they thought to be kept to live in perhaps the names of streets or public places in the, in your town. capitals. and i have had suggestions coming to me from brochure that failed to be a memorial, a chatting to the hospital in barely where he was couple of st after his initial poisoning. because unfortunately now we have reasons to suppose that he was poisoned a 2nd time as to a more practical political scraps. of course, we all hope that this terrible exams will further demonstrate to the world's leaders. what specific resume they have to deal with in the prism? the russia. how difficult it's not impossible. it is to come to n your we some original agreements with the people who think that murder is the
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solution to any political problem, mother or imprisonment or imprisonment. first and mother afterwards, how do you even start the conversation with this type of leadership? what, what do you say to well leaders that who continue to do business with russia? oh, believe it compromise or negotiation is needed with russia over its invasion. a few things that i understand that you can't expect positions to be so horrified that they decide to change their policy is to make some new term because they're all from the nation. the fast lane, that's the practical side of the list. a whole history of political repression and political turmoil even russia is. that's exactly how do you come to an agreement, wondering what himself does the present the russian leadership have to keep. so any
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agreements as they may side over step of the bones, so could be to land in the internal politics and as we now the also break agreements in savings policy. so what's, what's come on for us to be racial multiple times the nation can very b determines, is understandable. the balance of force can pre bound the them and the dressers forward from stepping forward again from overstepping the bones by any office suite of agreements for speech occasion. i'm understanding that in moms and all that kind of thing, i don't think that is even practical. i knew of the valleys the most. i blamed him for his days and if that really is the case and it's so late and once that give the opposition a rallying point. oh, sorry for the only be. i'm
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a huge loss alixia number because when i 1st talked to various social threat as he's had to tell them of addressing different people she was, she was not just them idle of the us. he could communicate with various diverse types of people. he had the gift of language and he had his finally a feeling there was some allergies. no one else can be pulled on the same level. i have him. so it is that it can be a really went in a sense that we will now have this problem last but so far it has only been almost his organization structures that he has been plea that has been creating for of the reading on the force of his moral capital of his political visibility of his recognizable persona. again, no one else has the same type of capital box, political leaders i'm afraid of by nature's miracles. they're created by social
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demands. and we know that the demand for an alternative for another type of future for any sort of future that the present freshman regime is denying its people is huge. we have seen it even during those because they electrons that are being held in russia when people who are not alone, yes, could they became crystallization points for these demands that these i'm satisfied . so solum is, there is a demand. there will be people who will step foremost and become if lovely. there's them at least symbols, whereas you say welling points, you kind of readers of mine from the kind of balances you ready to send to thank you so much for joining us. thank you. and the security conferences just wrapped up with the final round of high level talks. the boys in the middle east and ukraine were tough with the agenda. germany of the united states of reaffirms their commitment to ukraine. they also expressed support for as well security while
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pointing out the importance of keeping civilians and gaza sites. and this was the 6 the addition of the munich security conference by everybody. joining me from munich is div international editor richard volk. what's that out to you over the past 3 days? yeah, well, i would say that the mood is i've been talking to delegates here in the lounge is just as the, the conference is kind of beginning to, to, to, to break out here on sunday. and the mood that i've been getting pretty much uniformity from eddie, everybody is one of a pretty deep bloom. is it that raise a real concern about the current state of the well to say the current multiple crises going on, but it's not a completely uniform picture, depending on which crisis you're looking at. you have a differing uh, sort of a degree of bloom and one or 2 kind of glimpses of optimism. so maybe i'll just quickly break it down across the, a couple of areas starting with ukraine and that is sweat. the gloom is really the
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deepest of all. there's a sense that there is a kind of almost like it's of a vicious circle of fatigue, feeding pessimism which in turn feeds by the fatigue. this is the knowledge that is 2 years since this will began. lot, amazing lensky has been back here, a new ne, making a speech really imploring the international community. of course, primarily the west and don't give up on you trained to, to keep up the flow of weapons to step up the type of weapons along the range weapons and more munitions that uh, that ukraine urgently needs the european saying, okay, we're stepping up all game particularly the gem and saying that during really a lot but some finger pointing going on among europeans about who's doing enough, whether accounts he's like fraud. so pulling that weight and kind of hanging over all of this is the knowledge that would donald trump could potentially when the us selection coming up later this year. and a great fear that he would be inclined to seize implied on the campaign trail to do
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a pretty quick deal with vladimir putin, there would likely come at the very heavy cost a to ukraine, added to that donald trump's threats about, perhaps not standing by nature member states, if they go to attacked by russia, and if you felt they weren't spending enough on nato, these all adds up to a picture of great anxiety over europe and security and not really a kind of a road map, a sense of, of, of a how to get out to of this, not really a sense of what a realistic victory for ukraine could look like. so. okay, that's the bundle of sort of ukraine and european security. me least of course, the gospel is also a major focus. of course, a huge anger about the, the, the degree of civilian casualties being experienced at the moment. western countries still standing by israel broadly of what, of course, their divisions with the western countries. but leading western countries such as the us in germany really sticking by as well and saying is that as well?
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um is, is of course, uh, going back to the terrorist attacks of the art toby, the 7th, the israel has to fight back against that. there was some glimpses of a possible deal that could be done between israel, saudi arabia, the palestinians, to really respect the middle east, but so much could potentially go wrong. so keeping that is really something that is it you can see in the distance potentially. but whether the world can get that is very much in question. very good question in the out the chief international editor joining us there from the conference and picking up on that last point from richard, the palestinian authority says it's ready to engage with hom, us to seek palestinian unity. well, because they've come out in support of the p a is the best option to government guns or after the war between israel and i'm us, which many states for you is a terrorist organization. here's my how much to pay it, talking to dw sarah kelly about how much i'm just speaking with them directly right
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now. you know, a contract. uh nope, no, but uh, i'm not sure how to use those lights to take the intermediary washer has invited order, but it's been an functions who would be meeting on the 26th of this month in moscow . and they have invited ordered by the scene on functions. we want to see if, how much does it have to come to get on with us. we are ready to engage is how much is not going to come to ground with us. that's a different story, but we need it, but it's the only thing that i just thought of comes nonsense. let's talk about that with jerusalem corresponded and tanya payments i get. what do you make of the pay is comment? was think of as you put it, you have to see this now in the context of positioning when it comes to, you know, the discussions about post a war, a guy who will actually be a political entity. uh will uh guzman, uh guzman, and i think this is
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a part of it. but again, having said that, i think most postings of course, would like to see there's a reconciliation tool. so unity told scoring somewhere between from us and to a photo which is dominating the posting in or store to you, which is a ruling parts of the occupied westbank. and i'm us a ruling a goes a this has been tried for over 1617 years. no ones uh they split up there was the deep a shift and punched in the politics, but nobody here i think is holding their breath so that this will happen at the this meeting. we also have to see where the home us will take part in that meeting in most go. how far apart would you say the factions are mendoza, parties, these are the largest parties of the palestinian political landscape. half the do do logic color and also strategic differences. they split up. i mean,
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they were never to get that. they were split off to the elections in 2006, the tensions revising done. and then went home. us then uh, took a seas power. uh, over a 1000 in 2007 in epa seems to have been many reconciliation talks, usually mediated by egypt, also partially by katara, a trying to bring a, you know, the parties back together to, for example, is unity. a government that in many agreements. but they have not been implemented in right now, of course is a big discussion about what's going to happen in god's after the war. the current is really government saying they want to remove from us from power. that is still a to see whether this in which form this will happen then of course, but they also have said they don't want to see the palestinian authority a ruling causes to them many questions being asked for the state to come. the w.
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thank you. i looked down with other stories making use for the time. it is the tax engine of what has been released on parole in bangkok, he was detained last august after returning to thailand, dumpster. 15 years in exxon and informed the government with probably military factions, heavy snow falls as close to highways and north west china. thousands of stranded millions returning home from celebrating the annual spring festival with their families. and double trumps gold snake is of sold out within hours of going on sale . a 1000 pads of the $400.00 double stickers were available from the president and failed in the day after he does find golden $350000000.00 in a new york full truck. and that brings you up to date on all the news on painful in the lead you. now with that we don't believe altogether. i'll see you again. next
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