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tv   Us and Them  Deutsche Welle  February 18, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm CET

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can send us the news about this story is beyond the headline world in progress. the w talked cost the some i liked by buying that you're not unless we're with my head. c today i look in the mirror and i think i'm really pretty lost. our bodies are active for sure. and i just went as per appearance and really bothers me on the loose a little way to items. there were a lot of comments, not hurting you, my chicago refill. the concept of beauty is a fits defined woman with a tiny waist and a huge but right. you already had surgery or some pretty but i
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want to look a little better. my name fast. if i would never think of doing that kind of surgery, i want to get a nose job. the one line on the from one, it gets no surgery, work on my music and have a life full of love. i'm in need to be rough. they need countless is on their hands, trying to reach my goals. i'm fighting for my dreams. you want to spend $25000000.00 to a month on a nose job, then what the market will think you're beautiful. we all want to look good, right? but sometimes our families have their own ideas of what fee to fall. actually if it's up to them, the young and old are realities and dreams can be so different. seriously,
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it seems like there's a huge gap between the generations. sometimes we just don't catch each other. the question is, can we fix it for everything. ok, so good beauty. her beauty hurts. bach is low talks home. once you start you'll always want to do more complicated symbols without botox. you look like an angry woman here, but i think this is all right, that includes all good, semi em line delays or my mother, beauty is event. she
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said it basically it like barbie. you know, saying so the is a big fan of plastic surgery. the sitters you gotta come. he talks yeah. and heard excess skin removed from my breast to school. they i've heard my mother say a lot. i feel free to share for us or like mine are gonna sign their gutter group is foam on mice, k jingles. they're going to drew up and gets out of here, and i just measured that she should get implants to city calling in there for you. okay. my gosh to think i would never choose to have surgery on the the
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weather's besides keen, most of the people who lets me have the most as fernanda as my wife is enough in them the kidneys. she always tells me how beautiful i am. i like the good to redeem the me of the listings. as, as a teenager, i heard a lot that i needed to lose weight, but i had to lose weight just signal top of the 6 on the felt like a disappointment kind that my parents would never be proud of the city would really despise. ringback basketball sto my phone, i started testing pictures, it took a while to pass one that showed my ba bye. it was very hard to find that curtis quit as properly set you. i worked at a beauty clinic for 7 years on the to the word literally did fact freezing, cellulite treatments, laser hair removal, of solely easier. with the dodge, i was telling people what they should do to be more beautiful. this is so called the radio. sometimes she even pointed out things off, didn't even bother them before me though me are you cannot follow this up with the
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video as not cuz i used to take him in to the clinic to have procedures done with it. you know, sometimes it was ever, oh well that's or sometimes she would go to the police man that god knows the lock when i worked in the clinic. so if i needed a model to more more deals for. yeah. yeah. so when we sort of clunk shots, hello, camille is mom has clear expectations about 2 adults as legs. no wonder in brazil view teeming status and opportunity for sales number 2 in the world and the number of cosmetic surgeries. usa is number one despite for so having fewer people with less money. according to the surgeon who invented the world's most dangerous plastic surgery, the brazilian but left, it's a human rights to be beautiful. some cosmetic surgeries are actually covered by brazil is public health system. so society here has clear expectations about
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appearances that some intense pressure. camille is up against the my favorite granddaughter. thank you. you know the st. james, my family was always very traditional and i was always li, different settings versus you used to be more know your less than him. my friends with that. yeah, no. yeah, no, i that i won't kelly douglas, but it would be good if she lost weight wouldn't just a little way be more defined that i might have come as if you knew g. i think it was always fast and i was initially down the when i came out as lesbian,
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and that was another issue. appearance is important to the feeling good. wearing nice clothes. no. and what kind of look so mean anything that you think i'm ugly? no, i think you're pretty. the bang is like the exhaustive finding. the comment saluted nicole, but it's just coming. died is jesse to exercise. i do. sometimes we use this discourse about health to cover up a static pressure. what the society stays beautiful. you know who's on the cover of a magazine, a woman who's been in black stop right there. no, positively, my god, father had gastric bypass surgery a while ago moving war. he was always very fat with us. they cut out a piece of your stomach. so you can eat a id committed to a mega invasive surgery. last it was your megan, how's the let's you want to, if you ever think about getting your stomach staples go for it definitely knows it's wonderful is great. has but it's highly
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recommended. no, not any doctor, and i have it's recommended by my family link boss, i would never think of doing that kind of surgery of the show. this is maybe since it was in the car, i'm a musician i was out here. all right, eric, checking those music, licensing nursing home so i really want, i think appearance is really important to us fingers growth and success. lafayette said honda split it to the to the phone. no.
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see the bring it up to your shoulder. there you go. take care you have a showing that you're working for your audience. i panel of course i like using the more southern i know my audience likes him to i'm. i mean i'm general for that was on the i'm was bye. have no problem with women, caring about their beauty. their job in life is clear and they do it for their husband. so you won't be too much affected by this show addison, but an incredible, but i don't understand it for a minute. madison: any final preset or any problem with shawn? nice work. ha ha, how are you? so we have the shuttle great raise size of your body list. great. so one question, did you get a nose job opportunity though?
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yeah, yes to be really was. i knew i was watching your thinking. this guy looks perfectly a big deal. okay. yeah. you look right to your nose a soap, beautiful. i was sure you had a nice job at that as of on each of the but i don't have a voice on me. i love how i look. i brought a voice on the on. i like my eyebrows as i look my laugh young. but hope everyone has some flaws isn't going to get. the manliness comes from the strings. antonio's nose jobs and i bro, transplants don't make utah fifteenish nose jobs and cheek surgery. i'm on like maybe tomorrow they'll get breast seen him is of the i thought i'd
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at least 60 or 70 percent of all the rainy and girls have had a nose job to ensure. no. it's no different for boys either. it's farther than the other. so recess, uncle doesn't want him getting a nose job. that's an iran, a nose, job capital of the world. over a $100000.00 people do it every year. people even where knows bandages as a status symbol, iranians became obsessed with their nose s because for about half of them, the female half. that's basically older, allowed to show. iranians are still getting those jobs, including more and more men like resa, though they use to use the starter search criteria to be and uh, chose to. this is
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a service just so the shirt, honey. yes. uh sure. a visa. what. what, how long, how many lets eating coming. ready 30 wait a 2nd. uh, i'm practicing the talking with, i mean i keep calling you kind of give me a hand, you know, this bottom grab the yogurt while i serve the food on. it's a mom on really well. i want to get a nose job aids and what's with that face ending? where did this come from? oh my, you know that notices are important. yes, i can finish michigan. great, if someone doesn't have a problem with their nose or cheeks or their face, especially women now are changing their whole face, assuming that they put in cheeks. i don't know, let's eyes and so on. i'm, i'm against it. so i haven't done it since i won't do it. i don't like it and it was odd. so if you all know that i saw those people around me,
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i like my friends. i sometimes make fun of me and my know she download by turning it to a joke around. i don't want you to fix mingles not. i live over a month. i assume is josh that is on let me do it on to the photo, but i don't exactly know what happened to my nose. why don't you? but i think when i was 7 or 8, i broke it while i was playing or wrestling with my brother. as soon as i was kind of gaining one problem with my notes here is that i have trouble reading it. i was a toughest thing when she got a lot of the most and of course i know it will look much better to say that i kind of just showed you told me the fucking in my hand. i had to wear sunglasses to hide. my nose was his mother,
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i think his face is fine as the i've been living with my model since i've had to. so i didn't have a close relationship with my dads as an, as it's name, each of them go in advisor. the samples have my back ever since i was a kid. i don't know what, how much i used to talk to him whenever i had a problem with setting me off them with a my son john. now i'm gonna affect and i don't think he'll ever become a famous singer by doing surgery. he won't achieve anything. i'm just industry it's. i've always been passionate about passions on now. so police have the opportunity to even started working for 1030 a about 2 years ago as an influence for the brand out the door and lot of shopping getting dressed, not putting on makeup,
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saying she's loved to make up since she was a little girl. yeah, a lot of ladies right, but it's just kind of that jessica from santoria was the 1st person who believed in me like oh i'm sure you guys see quite a while now i take care of all the instagram promotion. but let me play, this is a country where more than 57 percent of people don't weigh the standard rate is the standard that's placido. i have off i'm when jessica was a pioneer and i said she had this vision been women. i was like, madge, i want everybody to have the same access to fashion. the i haven't thing was as go thing. a lady you must have things to don't just have to overcome your own thoughts, minute by minute when you were the community to the beach. most of you also have to overcome the rooks you get from people that are be subject to the same limited come off as a one time i got a message. she said, wow,
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i bought my 1st opportunity because i saw you wearing one. so she's using the key and i was like, you look at this if i can just change the life of one person that you one person couldn't go to the beach before i ever is a beach body. any way. camilla is part of a body positivity movement that says, let's accepts ourselves regardless of how we live. but pitching yourself right there like camilla does, can also mean getting some nasty licks and comments will fall. i like, i don't, i think this photo shows a little much because when it's going to be cleaning, showing a lot of her test c o minus c as a mother, as you should. if you want to protect your child to the letter from every saying, right, release, boss the and when you say you're showing so much, maybe you're afraid of the comments and of her getting her g, my g,
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him each muscles, prejudice, you know, you just don't think o c t in deal to her it's when someone calls her shot at her so her, well, and me between the the me the news john, do you may even get new shows me. so shut up. you shut out the 2nd. i know it's very important for my career, the in my life. money is that you so you're going to put all the money you earn in a doctor's pocket to give a duke, so it will make your voice worse. your advice would be like many. yes, he's on the side on my mind, the to you on it is you to me for you has it now uh any. run the surgery cost of
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$1500.00. that's my cost of living for at least a year to visual. how well you are and all that money will mean he wants to buy for instruments that they can do what, what after the 1st time i saw him playing music on the street. i really cried a quite a lot, but i didn't let him say me. and as i said, i'm not, i'm not upset that my child's asking on sat because i don't have enough money to help him. the come on. yeah. and i mean to my concern, it was a 5 today. it's about his nose was of course the i let him get tomorrow, it will be an eyebrow transplant. he's already got this thing in his ear. what god
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forbid, he turns into a junkie some day to the down. but you gotta do both. how many of your friends have done it all? okay. so you're saying, yeah, lots of them, but i, so your problem has been, i'm a boy and i was wanting to pass out on. so society hasn't seen it on that i problem . i must say that as a boy, your math and your needs are different than a girl sitting what's of over to you for the interest. so i, when i talked to my uncle, he looked like he wanted to be things is on it. and also because imagine my nephew's going to do this now says it goes against my honor to pony. i think it's creepy. production this on the most. you can visit for one week. otherwise we'll start fighting. got let's make a nice breakfast. then there is nothing in the fridge. this is do you
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a protein before your workout? are you cutting back on that salt? you live so much? whole egg with a salt? no way. it is plain. let's see. the really mean salt. we really let me see. not raise great to me mom. i think it's great. well, hello. i have an appointment with dr. gustavo, i'm cloud jeff cloud to the phone, but it keeps with, as far as, as your so after i was pregnant with camilla, i had a lot of excess skin in my breasts in my abdomen, and it really bothered me. hold up, i'm waiting to double couple. most of so you've already done your brushes and your abdomen. exactly flat, not your back yet. they're still going to get hit you that the little bit fat,
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little removed from your back from and then we'll move it to this part of your buttocks here. don't want to pay for just a step. so that will give you a nice lift and fill in the areas where you need in a couple key to a little fat in here. not overdoing as i can. i know get an ice curve here with the go a want to something honestly. if i could give her one piece of advice and she would listen, i'm feeling i would say a little so. so don't do it. other folks can. i don't want to hear it. so you're doing this? of course it's wonderful. i'll get the definition. i always wanted to you. it's not plastic surgery, it's liposuction. so when you asked about the risk of citizens surgeries under general anesthesia, i'll be intubated. it's possible to have respiratory failure and make your children orphans for having a keels. if i do it all carefully on the use. okay, child a couple of them. i want you to support meal kettle people all support you. if it makes you happy, like to look that like i'm going to judge someone for having surgery last. so it's
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not about that allows watch kevin to mice. what i presume is much more about respecting what others want to do with their body. well, what's the difference when do you really think a nose job would make you successful inside that? absolutely. well that's, that's close though. you don't need to do anything else for your career bass if you're looking to change your appearance 1st area. but by the way, the list to a bunch of nose is reesa likes weren't always the thing, and iran for thousands of years. this is what was known as the persian knows. you probably should have you taken any other useful steps. so i could say these done all the work and now the only thing left is this nose job. and it says, you know, it's all connected on them and you can't just sing or make music as though so as they call it, my audience wants it. now, and they're asking for in on me, what should i do when we hardly minutes from chicago is going on?
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here are some of the runs top male singers. can you spell the nose job here? jim, is there any someone like was send you had gotten a got surgery and peak is this main cabinet? i've done at least cheaper that the deed already accomplished something. you haven't done anything yet. i haven't even done all my. my uncle does huge cutting that to your mother has so many problems you could help her. he said he wants to spend 25000000 until mines on a nose job. then what was the market will think you're beautiful. okay, well the buy even heard a song of yours and you guys, your mother, you're not an artist because you're just trying to look like an artist. if you were a real artist, would you mind i should have heard a hit song by now. right. and that's it, do whatever you want to. thanks. there's one thing that is on me. it's all summarize. every thing my mother ever tried to
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make me lose weight, the weight watchers on that sheet, kids and weight loss medicine. the gym from a very early age said super restrictive diet chief of immigrant single wines listing has crim. i lost a lot of weight. my mom got to the skinny as i've ever been in my life. yeah. you'll check it in like a god. so that way nobody likes, but it wasn't that supposed to make me happy on why to to know what she told them, but i wasn't happy to just have it for the past. so now what, yeah god, what do i do now is i'll go ahead and add the research to shut off. we know that at some point they've got pushed us apart from the side me virtually too painful for a long time. i was the person who said that she was fat and my is nowadays funny. i don't say anything anymore and you'll know, follow my seem to do or you're welcome, bye bye. ended up pushing her away from me when i had those attitudes, e and you know, i don't want to push her away from me. you're welcome. i love her the way she is. and that's the one thing i realize the pressure to lose weight here really hard,
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sir. so it's no matter how much i want to pressure her, no matter how much i look at her and things show up, which is she could lose weight most. i don't speak up because i don't want to push her away. i mean it really makes me feel bad. seeing my uncle upset with me, i was thinking like just trying to get closer to my dream st. you and then we overdone the path that i want my city to hold them the whole figure. tell them no surgery effect. my singing voice title, it changes all the time. it is best together. and so it depends on how much smaller the new nose is being in, or do you want a normal, natural, masculine nose, you know? no, no, no, for the odd created man like noses for me and my fingers on getting it back. so i think if he does it against everyone's opinion,
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i'll be very disappointed. similar to send you said i'm on, i do my them for you. how are you? i'm sure that i finally got the surgery. you see a shuttle and i'll see you this weekend when you return home. yeah. some of you uh bye for now. i said listen, i hope the surgery went well and that you look even more beautiful. and if i tried to change your mind or disagree with you, it was only because i want the best for you. love, you see you soon? take care. hi. i'm for the the nanda said something to me that's really stuck in my mind giving so she says, news, how many 27 year old women have the power to influence people like you do. she got on gotten there and such a short time, then book things. when i see you,
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i've been thinking about that sometimes every day. and she said, well, think once you meet us, i'll see what else to do. do i do admire her for saying what i'm fine, i'm going to put on a bikini and go out. not worrying at all who i should talk to and then we come in. it's cool. it's beautiful, fairly stuffy visa, seeing if she's happy like this big chubby, say marketing. see she wants to lose way. whatever she does. i'm ok with a lot a lot. i can only be grateful for the daughter i have. so thing i'm going to see a few there to thing. now what can you know? my believe my mother thinks i'm beautiful. now she got ready to go. um, but i think she wouldn't be the way i was seeing. eh, i don't know if she would say that another woman looks the way i do your that i'm with the she to change. that woman was beautiful or something that wouldn't the
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i would always make changes to see for fiction or never happy because i'll never be perfect. you only make me beautiful. it's a saying of the he can do anything from action full size, direction, and reduce the release way. does he get his information? how does he work on the manual? in 30 minutes, on the w. a woman playing the or router. it's an absolute
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tab in kenya, but loved it almost doesn't care. the pioneer and musician has always been a leader, not in a follower, inspiring her fans in her home country and all around the world, the free mags in 90 minutes on the w. the news. i'm just trying to have a site to make the right decision to dw news and follow the
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this is dw, use life from bullying. search for the details of balance at lake st. invalid. these dance reports that the russian opposition lead his body as being held near the penal colony, where authorities say he died and the note was, helps. he has been full and some won't leave his meeting in munich, condemned russian lead of letting me know that i found the staff. they also discussed most of this war and ukraine and the conflicting kinds of the i've been physical and woke up the x of.


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