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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  February 18, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm CET

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got into a bold expenses. the treasure map for martin globetrotters. describe it as some of us wriggled, bragging sides on youtube, and also into the journey is its own reward. we take you on a mis stalins or train ride to the spanish island of my orca. what do people in the country of georgia like to eat? we show you one of their most popular dishes and what a story telling have to do with design? well find out from a successful african designer in london. all this 10 more coming up on your own max, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the life of more so lilo from poland is like walking a tightrope. during the day he works as a window cleaner at night. as a drag queen, we met up with lilo, a k, a liter petite, to hear about life as a queer entertainer in poland and berlin. she discovered that even when i was little, i knew i was different, especially because i didn't meet the standards of masculinity in the army. when i was 7 or 8 years old, i asked myself, why aren't there any fairy tales about princes and princes for princesses and princesses? and why is that just one up hadn't happened. we met up with marcell lilo and paused down in poland. the city is said to be queer friendly, marcell defines himself as non binary,
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so neither exclusively masculine or feminine. and accepts a range of pronouns on the, on the she and he, him, her, they, i don't really care how someone addresses me as long as the person is speaking to me and i get it by, you know, that's what's most important, right? the company's name as being said, for the past 3 years, marcel has been working at lofty heights as an industrial window washer. before that, he was working on stage as a drag queen. when theaters closed during the corona pandemic, marceau looked for a new job and found one on high with the best fuse in the city. the effect that i'm happier must have been, but i dream of spending more time on stage. rather than hanging on roads. you need to be sure, even though the job really gives me a great deal of financial freedom. yeah. the last couple of years. i'm no longer dependent on sponsors and don't need to prove i really can sing and that i am great enough to have that we should be of arch. marcel grew up in
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a small town in south western poland. he comes from a family of devout catholics and his father had difficulty understanding his homosexuality, the weight of the subdivision. simple such that my parents wanted me to have conversion therapy, tag me. that was supposed to cure me of homosexuality in the boy. i think i was 19 . yeah mm. the e number of the thing people horrified the there were no talks with me or a psychologist has them know they just went straight to the priest as a rule, prescriptions or even as a child. marcel was fascinated by all things feminine. he felt drawn to it, close colors and glitter, and then i wanted to have all these them in an attribute. oh that's why i always felt close to them. me. i loved dressing up even as
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a child. i didn't know back then that it was dragged back to utah. marcell a k, a lead to pitchy things about queer existence for the l. g. b t q. music project book. i told her donna, or glittering, ladies and lily to appears as a drag artist at the low come stonewall. be safe space for the queer scene in post on. the louisa has found in one of only 4 drag collectives in poland. it's called the house of utopia said i'd say the hierarchy is such that i'm like the mother because i've got solid support and contacts and lots of performance. and i can use those to open the scene for others. and i'm really to, is planning to appear on stage in berlin with her so called daughter iraq from the dr. collective. but before taking to the stage, they check in the sites and meet up with another drag queen mondo to cuz that's got
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the as free as life appears in berlin. there is discrimination here too. as a rule, not to takes a taxi home after a long night as the m. c of the show at monsters, karaoke, a bar, and one of the hipper suburbs of berlin. levita and ira appear at the club as well . because we have a very different life and. 6 the audience is cheering them on, and louisa and ira are happy with their performances. i'm in love, it's great. yeah, yeah, you soon? i'm touched, but thinking about it as well. when i hear the crowd reaction in berlin and their appreciation, and then it feels as if my place is here of this,
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i'd really like to come back again and again. after there we can trip. it's clearer than ever to the polish drag queens that berlin is a magnet for queer people. and l g b t q writes, are worth fighting for, not just here, but everywhere. the. is there any truth to the cliches about germans? for example, it said that they are very direct and not so subtle when giving their opinions. dw reporter josie gunter is our token german who has set out to unveil the truth. german then and of punctuality, border and politeness towards the height. well then, wasn't entirely honest, was it? what do you want? i am, you're in a german, you like a german conscious and politeness isn't always one of the lowest rate, but you come rely on us to be honest and direct. oh yeah, you seem so yes, absolutely. we are always 100 percent on this. when you say something that will
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hurt someone even then. okay, then let's examine the famous german birch you off on this to how on this and direct we, germans, really and every day live and how bright does my in a german chime for the. the doesn't taste good. really. how else it was? oh, everything was great. thank you. mm hm. had other food was good. you have to tell. oh, that's the only way they can improve. know the truth. nonsense. you know how the german saying goes at least you get them name and honestly is the best policy. just tell it wasn't that good? well, it was just a bit too salty, sorry to hear that i will get it back to the kitchen. i. yes,
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it's true. a lot of people in restaurants actually say if they don't like the food is generally seen as a way to help us improve their full so is secret it to catch will. if you put your patrone down at 20 to 8, it means you didn't like your food, but only a few people will direct on his teeth. 10 sometimes heard of it, but of course we're not ruthlessly own is all the time. according to one serve, a more than half of germans like every day, in fact, on everett's, germans lie more than 6 times per day, the in tennessee for so lee, what are you doing? yeah, we sent me something on german virtues. but how do i get doing what he did last that to to be on this not,
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not so good luck is stressful. and um, my dog is sick, i just found out like might pop it on me with my friends pool when it comes to relationships, germans don't take honesty very seriously around a 3rd have cheated on the part. no, no i'm so we, we ended up happened last week. but you know what, the quote says. it, german pro for lice f short legs. it means lice don't last long before you catch them. i guess what we breaking up sir. shows in, you know, never to ask a german how they doing. they go on forever. yes. i know, but i haven't seen her for so long and i really didn't expect that jeremy's. always give an honest answer no matter how long it takes you should know that i'm so sorry, but i have to head off hope that's okay. um let's see. i will let you know. okay,
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but i have to get going now off. ok. bye bye. the sofa, the german crew sheriff directness has held true. if you are something you will get an honest answer, whether you like it or not. i told you so and it's the same at work. yeah. but i would say we're a little less so rick, there usc well, how is it going? well, i'm still waiting on a document from my colleague, nick. then just sent him an email. okay. here. hope you're doing well. and having a stressful day can i ask you kindly, if you could think of stuff, what are you writing there in a, you know, it doesn't work like that. get rid of all the fresh. just ask when it's ready cuz it should have been ready by now. but that's root. no, it's not rude. it's efficient in direct, right?
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this d or nick you should have sent the document 15 minutes ago. 2 so why haven't i got it yet and when will you send it? send this, you really want me to write that? yes. okay, just say so he said ok you where, right? so then we have the german honesty in directory is really do exist and i'm definitely guilty of it. and it's not considered rude to your rental for many of the spanish island of my york is the european destination for sea and sun. but it also has other treasures for travelers. especially for those who want to make their way from the capital palmer to the central town of so yeah, my journey begins in polymer, the capital with me. ok. with the train has its very own station or do you want to ride the train spontaneously?
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you can only buy tickets from the buck stops. so to avoid saying the fire, here's my pump to reserve us to get online up to 7 days before departure, because the train can get busy and no ticket, no train. everything looks like it's been frozen in time. the line has been in operation for over 100 years and runs on narrow gauge railway tracks. the more on that later, many trained carriages have been in service since the line began operating in 19. the. i bought the return ticket to 32 years. there are only very few railway lines on the spanish island with me. ok. and this one is particularly beautiful, the views are spectacular. the on the right
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the the think getting from one carriage to the next can be a bit challenging the on route to so you the rarely passes the teen tunnels and snakes around many types
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bends. the narrow gauge train handles them easily, allowing it to make steeper sense and a short distance. the train claims 200 meters. we can afford to catch a glimpse for you. did you know that the valley of so yeah, is also called the valley of gold. and so yeah, it's actually derived from the arabic wood. for golden valley is not exactly known why the arts cold, so yeah. so yeah, but it says that they are inspired by the color of olive oil and oranges, olives and oranges have been cultivated here for over a 1000 years. to say that the time on tennis mountain range is listed as a unesco wild heritage site because this mountainous terrain of his fruit trees extra protection he lives and or inches growing. he said to be especially error message. i really need to try some late to
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the an hour later we pull into so yeah, a train station, the . well, that was a really nice train, right? in town you can still get a sense of the wealth punched generated by the regions trade in citrus street, the orange juice major as well famous. so yeah, the oh wow,
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that is something the the town also boasts a street car that looks like a miniature version. of the twin this for you and i'm hoping for to ride to port this so you had some 5 kilometers away back in the day this recall was also used to transport or in just a port from where they were shipped out to the well the that is then you in meetings these days, tourists and locals take the street car to relax by the sea side, the my trip on the vin this so yeah, was honestly like, could have expected if it isn't enough to be on an antique train and then an awful noon, exploring the small plane so yeah. and then
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a little bit to help for you as those throw away is this beautiful spot thing was the down at the port? well the know it was one. you're stands for diversity and this is reflected partly in the cuisine. every country has its own specialties, what the italians call peace of the people of georgia called katya pouring. it's similar with joe and cheese, but we find out what sets it apart from the rest. who needs pizza? so when the georgians have caught support contra poor, he is one of george's national dishes and the people are proud of it. but what makes it so special? we asked people around the capital subleasing to find out how job only catch a porter is just the best that is good to really it's very tasty and every georgia and if they're real,
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georgians loves catch up with everybody else. every region in georgia has its own variation on the day. we'll tell you why later today we'll show you catch up for a journey in style. this bakery in the georgia and capital tbilisi specializes in catch reporting, picks up a heads up for the day, and then we should cut repore as part of the georgia dna. the ball. she'll be that me when i was a child i used to make katya pull re with my mother, and it's a very essential memory to meet and shimmer that. and that's why we had shipments hold on. just a few ingredients go into a catch reporting. flour, east salt water and of course cheap. and that has to be georgia to make the treat a jury in style. you also need to add an egg and a piece of butter. first of the flour and water permit the one month if we add east and we start making the dough, the
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somebody don't move to stroke them so that the, you know, that the bill is ready when it starts being shining. this helps, and i'm sure that means the glue has done a real job for me. is it up? it's just a, the most entity mine is it up even though it was somebody else, then that can take a while as high. so it's when it looks like this, the bill isn't ready yet. the after that, the dough has to rise for 30 minutes. time to stoke the wood fired up in the after half an hour. the ball of dough is shaped into a flat bread. the one i'm on the house that she now we put the cheese inside and spread it with a spoon there. she's the the phone number and then we're going to fold it into the famous catch up hurry and shake with that because we fold the corners,
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have done it and stick the corners together. that's the so it has the shape of a boat. it's important to use equal amounts of cheese and go from the catch referring. the cheese is made from 2 different types of george and house male. once it's all put together, the lo fills into the oven for 15 minutes. while we're waiting, we try to find out about the other types of catch reporting. researchers have discovered that there are 47 of them in the ready style is round a flat and has cheese on top. it really looks like a pizza. awesome. it has several layers like amazon. yeah, each one is typical for a region. it's one level of control. that's why we georgians are so proud of it too much to live in some regions. there might be only one kilometer between different villages and by asking them and still the tradition and then go, seems different. it goes 5, bullets times that it will. that's what i did. so be sure it has to do with our
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history about and you must have to box on the the route george in history. we were separated and were united again to shane about. communication was not good. so the traditions and ingredients didn't mix. it's why didn't you the unit 15 minutes have gone by and the contra pouring is almost done. now the bag and the piece of butter go on top. but how do you need it? um visits, so we take the fork and knife stuff and then put them aside. i'm going to instead you rip off a piece of the bread from the edge and use it to stir the egg and the butter way liquid mix it with the cheese and a cheese. then you use the piece of bread as a fork. the whether it's for a snack or as a side to a hearty meat dish. the people in georgia loved their cats reporting and eat it at
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any time of day and nearly any place african design or effect shown. okay, has found a nice in the interior of the core market, chicken mines home, textiles and accessories with west african elements under the slogan, bringing color to life. we got a closer look at her designs. in her a stopped at home of london, the making life more colorful is what london designer isa. she'll not get his set out to do. and she takes an approach all her own task has to be in my court. everything that i am is reflected in these designs, and it's such a great feeling that people respond positively to it. especially when i get launched her 1st collection in 2010 and scored an immediate hit. renowned stores carried her luxurious home textiles and accessories. now for designs are available
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world wide. recent achievements include collaborations with so home, the home furnishing line of exclusive club, so house hotel and luxury design or bathroom maker. c p heart. these are shown i guess, study journalism and fell into design more or less by accidents that couldn't find the designs that i wanted. so i felt like why don't i designed it myself because in my head i knew exactly what i wanted. you got and barked on her creative journey and fry bork in southern germany, where she grew up, the daughter of nigerian parents. her father is an art historian, her mother, a pediatrician, travel, and visits to museums developed her interest in art and design. that was really from an early age, interested in interior design and in tex 1000 patton's, obviously west africa and the west african narrative. the rest of it can be of live . as for me, at the cool of my walk buttons also by structured, very organized, which is i think it's
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a german elements which come into that i think the combination of these 2 elements and mix it, i think so. but the tile, one of her inspirations is nigerian boutique and textile artist, chief new k davies, oakland di, both or ethnic, you're about a west african ethnic group with a highly rich culture. this includes the typical id or a fabrics made using indigo di techniques. these are also reflected in each of us designs. i mean, i'm not designing traditional african tech styles, but i'm trying to tell a story of, of my tech styles. i think that my doing the mystic background comes in as well. the designer tell stories from her life and her creations. she draws inspiration from experience that she's had along the way. she doesn't tell these stories in words, but through colors and shapes the kind of but i'm in the idea else and take pictures of everything that inspires me. things that i see maybe uh,
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embroidery on a dress. so anything, once i'm happy with the design, then re enter, use the colors that i chose before and to that design. eva has no doubt that she's found her true colleagues, that everything she's done and has experienced over the years for childhood, for background. her experiences as a tv producer and fashion journalist has let her right to where she is. now. this is more than a business. this is like an extension of myself. and i think the self love and the self expression and sharing this obviously with other people sharing this with the wells. and i'm seeing the appreciation and the last that i'm getting read it keeps me go and gets me out of that every. the storytelling is as old as human kind, but how we tell stories varies the social nike tells them through her african inspire designs. and with that,
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we wrap up another edition of your romantics. we hope you enjoyed the show. be sure to follow us on social media for more culture and lifestyle stories from europe. thanks for tuning in and join us again. next week, i'll say the same, the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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the, the shift your god to life. and it did to, to you know, all the latest online trend, navigate your way through the digital jungle global perspective. we'll be your guide and show you what's possible. really message to you.
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in 15 minutes on d w, the future we decided here the india ones to take on. so can they succeed? the we took out was the indian comic who's in d w. the only way i can be on the top is to create my own empire, discover stories to just to take away the journey. the destination, right?
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the size house, this document trees the slide now. okay. main street. people and trucks inject what trying to feed the city center, the straight pieces explain the around the world more than 150000000 people us we of mine because no one should have to
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make up your own mind. dw may 4 mines and the this is dw use line from berlin. the search for the truth about alexei, nev only staff, there are reports that the russian opposition leaders body is being held near the penal colony. where, oh, sorry to say he died and got no autopsy as being performed somewhere. a leader is meeting and unit condemned russian theatre vladimir food and over and of all these death. they also discuss moscow's war on ukraine on the conflict and got this ready air strikes, killed, dozens of people across kaiser is around again and says it will not 5 to


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