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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 19, 2024 11:00am-11:31am CET

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the, the, this is dw news my from the israel give time us a deadline for its planned ground defensive on gaza, on rough uh, east by rama. the postage is a multiple defining. we'd continue. that's just 3 weeks away. for the 1000000 palestinian civilians national to and in the south got some safety. besides these riley protest this block the delivery of much needed food for gaza. dw news reports some of the tensions out the board these around the time. so the hot seats at the international court of justice,
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the judges waving the galaxy of its occupation of palestinian plain black. also on the program, the death of alexi and the valley from attributes and questions memorials to the russian opposition data spring out of a russian. i'm around the world, the cold so the trembling critics doesn't. death remains on the i'm feel good. well, welcome to the program. is well to set a deadline for its long planning defensive against the safety of rafa itself. garza beside the army general benny guns. a member of the countries will capitalist says he's right. the troops for loans that are sold next month. if i'm asked doesn't free the remaining hostages by ramadan, the most of them holding monthly is expected to start on the 10th of march. rafa is the last major causes and safety not to be invited by ground troops during israel's
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war against a mass which is widely considered a title organization of air strikes to cross gauze as israel pursues. what is prime minister is called total victory homes, schools and hospitals destroyed. as the death toll keeps climbing money, they are all civilians. there are no minute treat personnel or anything. we send a message to the world, the message to the is really government and the have mass government in gaza is please stop the war. enough war victory on how to israel's ground. defensive has extended to reeds on multiple hospitals, aggravating you already dire humanitarian situation. a doctor and officer hospital in the city of con, eunice described the moment he realized in his really army read what's happening was like, can use the data. so i
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realized that it is a vision of idea f. as i substituting some books. i don't see that the are actually yet the destroyed the best bet for those to be to and the use of it adults israel claims it's targeting of hospitals is legitimate because homeless allegedly operates within um, its military release. this video set to show weapons found inside cars close to the an officer hospital. soon the ground siege could be extending all the way to rafa. despite international concern over israel's plan to invade the last city in garza that hasn't seen major ground fighting. any guns, a member of netanyahu's, 3 member were cabinet set as rarely troops, but launched or sold next month. if by rama done hostages, a multiple of the fighting with continual,
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you'll be able to include rough area. the muslim holy month is expected to begin around the 10th of march, while guns does not have the final award on what lies ahead. he represents and influential is rarely voice. define calls, including from is real strong as back are the us to spear this city. where more than a 1000000 palestinians are sheltering and have nowhere else to go. mine and i'm sunshine is senior as well analyst at the international crisis group. and she gave me her take on the israel. is that deadline for its rough or offensive? well, it seems like the offensive is a question of when not if, but the israeli government currently is not capable of going into rough because reservists need to be called up from the army. and as nothing yahoo has said they would have to create some kind of evacuation of over
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a. busy in post indians interrupt stuff right now, so it's not something that could happen soon. the deadline for ramadan seems to be a threat by the israeli government as a way to pressure from us. i think in the negotiations and to tell the world that as well as prepared to go all the way that's new to me who has said, but i find it hard to believe that it is something that could happen in the next few weeks. right. and you mentioned that the idea that the rest of ramadan is a way to that might be a way to, to pressure how much this is. because i was gonna ask you what, what we should make a visuals, a use of a most name, how many period is there? a deadline for military action as well? in some ways this is kind of arbitrary, but you know, ramadan has been a point of contention in a flash point, specifically in jerusalem around access to the all eczema, which is already being limited. and now the government has said that it will further limits of access by posted names, including citizens of israel to alex,
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i'm asking around my dad and this is a recipe for further friction and further disaster. so, you know, making everything about rama that in some ways by the is really government is, is just a way of asserting, but it is the sovereign, it has full control and it will do as it pleases. so this is kind of just a way to continue to intimidate the post indian population. your filter box, um these are all leading time to i'm, i so it has some sort of evacuation plan. they have, they do appear to have painted international critics and said that i'm, i'm evacuation plan will happen, but the $11.00 does in a place is private. as rafa is in with the rest of the gaza strip. so actually annihilated is any sort of evacuation climbed credible. you know, i don't think it's credible. and as we have seen, even the places that are considered safe spaces and guys are not actually safe. and i think it's, you know, common sense and logic that in a place that is already so crowded and besieged and is under constant bombardment.
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it's, it's almost impossible to, to uh, properly evacuate civilians there. as you said, there's almost nowhere to evacuate them to. the conditions are horrible. we are in the middle of a very, a rainy winter. so you know, the conditions are, are impossible. so even if they did have a logistical plan, which again would take time to evacuate those civilians. there's absolutely no guarantee of their safety. i mean, even the humanitarian aid, once it gets in, it's almost impossible to deliver it properly because of the, of the situation of the work there. and so was easy then i've about this offensive or this stage in the wall. this is prompted israel to at least look as though it is feeding international pressure where before it hasn't, it hasn't looked as though it's, it's listening as well. i think it in the, in the yahoo is constantly walking the line between trying to appease the us to
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some level with whether it has to do with humanitarian aid or withdrawing the troops for the level of intensity. and at the same time continuing with actions and rhetoric that um, that are are calling for and list of. busy or unless the occupation and control security control, at least in guys a. and so he's trying to walk this line where he, where he promises his base and the country that he will continue until what he calls the total victory, which even his own military intelligence has said would not be the case. because how much will continue to remain intact as some kind of tear group as a really group, it can continue to operate on some level. it will not be radically noted as he has promised. but when, when he finds the need to appease the u. s. or a piece of the world and he'll, he'll do what he needs to do to try to make it at least appear optically that he's doing so. ok. facts here for a fascinating analysis of mind as long drawn from the international crisis group. thank you. and while the u. n is wanting of widespread funding in gaza with wyoming
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for people facing starvation as food delivery struggles to get through the majority of a trucks cross through rafa on egypt, board. and we've garza but heavy bombardments, who's hampering efforts following us pressure. israel open the form of goods crossing that kind of push along as well as an inspection station. and it's on a boat top vein blockaded by is riley protests. the deputies rebecca. the races reports not from the port city of ash don't to this port should be processing much needed food donations for garza, but it's not the is riley government isn't about what we've owned. run the agency task with distributing the aide and it's blocked its passage. shipping containers of rice flour chick pays and even cooking oil enough to fade more than a 1000000 people for about a month. a stock here in the fort city of ash dollars less than 70 kilometers from rough us. and the people who so desperately made it,
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all these people are making it even harder to a to get through. the group is really protest as a rep and it's on a border crossing with egypt trying to solve the trunk that brought him for his writing inspection. french's rainy rachel tree, too, was among one of the 1st to take action, helpful and a group code 59 and says it support is growing. we started uh, a month ago, we were 40 for 50 people, protesting. now we are the, on the, on our greatest day, we were 400 and it's been only 5 weeks. the site is really media reports that suggest the majority of the aides that makes it into gaza is diverted by him. us as the reason they move again, we are basically blocking. uh do you mind me say what i called in your mind is hearing aid that goes into guidelines falls into the hands of comma, the convoys enclosed. but it also includes fuel. the fuel is what is the very
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problem i did for you as well? we're fighting come us. and on the 2nd hand, we are giving him the fuel to continue to fight us 20 minutes. the, the turn on the table, the i ration system and the end date. if you're sitting in a statement to d. w owner says there is no evidence of systemic the version of aden garza, my mouse, or any of the groups. a set of 9 claims to represent a cross section of his riley society that most people of this protest, 4 distinct clothing of fall, writes and religious activists. those surveys suggest blocking aid is a majority opinion with international pressure on the government to allow aid in these protest is say they doing what the government cons everybody here's here and these are all these mornings that offers that we've had to enjoy in gaza. and on the 2nd hand, our government is giving international, getting in to international pressure and is giving out the, the, your many turn a,
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the, to our enemy. their attempts have proved successful, not in completely preventing a transfer, but certainly hampering it's floating somewhere between one and 200 trucks full of 8 as opposed to come through to get processed by these radio. socrates before heading back up to rafa and crossing into gauze. but we haven't seen any the process today non have come through the protests to say, but then i'm is a small that's because of them that the crossing has been closed. a good day for the protest is who signed bell key pump a civil disobedience for as long as it takes while they protest the situation for civilians in gaza, it's more desperate. by the day we have a t b leads, the n g o cat and the palestinian territories. after a female side is reaching rafa civilian population, you know, it's not even close. not even close to be. you know,
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it's very limited. now we are hearing about people from that or the of course we don't have stuff there. what some of our partners, even our partners, most of them to the south. but the very limited number was staying there to provide me to get support. of course, again, not the not for the people. they are saying that there is nothing to eat. if they find any kind of food, it's extremely expensive and people don't have money. if you are lucky, even to find, let's say a soccer smaller, it wouldn't be mixed with other things that they discover that it is not good for eating when they start making it. so unfortunately, this is the situation, my dear, it's not to see the tv from cat in the palestinian terraces. well, the us top cost is open a week of hearings on the legal consequences of israel's occupation, of public opinion claimed territories. more than 50 countries are expected to give evidence of the international court of justice in the hey,
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the hearings requested by the un general assembly, a separate from the ongoing genocide case brought by south africa. and there are currently $144.00 sacraments in the occupied. the west bank including east jerusalem, all illegal and the international law. in addition that i'm more than a 100 jewish outpost, not sanctioned by b, is going to become a new jewish neighborhood is taking shape in east jerusalem is building sites is a legal under international know the apartments being built here will become one of the many is rarely settlements in the palestinian territories. the service of them was a next by israel in 1967. but the international community considers the deposits of the west bank. it's kind of sydney and say, the settlers are in crushing on the land they one day and village as the capital of a palestinian states. the west bank is possibly
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controlled by the palestinian authority, but israel maintains full control of 2 thirds of the territory. the 2 groups are separated by rules and check points, limits and movements full palestinians. palestinian farmers have complained that this patchwork of so does create unfair access to resources like water and do excessive. those are accused of attacking crops, property, and people. at the end of 2020 to the united nations general assembly passed the resolution asking the international of course of justice to weigh in on the situation. the world court is being honest to give an advisory opinion on the occupation and what consequences it has on the palestinian people's rights to self determination. as being us to look at the occupation
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annexation and settlements of palestinian territory, including measures aimed at altering demographics and the discriminatory legislation. the quotes will have from representatives of over 50 countries as well. the international community already regards israel's sacrament. building in the occupied territories as illegal the w is that lucy schultz and in the hague, told me why best management needs to be in court anyway. so this case has been brought here by the united nations general assembly. they have asked for so called advisory opinion back in 2022. so before that you straight on my score. and um, it is important to note that the world quotes here behind me, the desk, if there's advisory opinions when they're asked to do so, as i've said they've been asking 2022. this advisory opinion is not legally binding binding. it is exactly what the name is. it is advisory so that the general
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assembly wanted to know um on a relatively broad range of topics. we wanted to get an assessment off the situation in the occupied palestinian territories advertise said, and it wants to get the details or the legal consequences on the settlement occupation and annexation of the police to me in the territory as the question has stated. and it wants to know which legal consequences come from this for the united nations itself, but also for other states. okay, so this concerns as well as actions on the westbound. but what this advisory opinion have any legal battery on israel is current actions in gaza. a relatives, it is relatively broad day advisory opinion, so it's also especially on the question of the eastern, just lose a limb. it is not expected to have a direct effect on the situation that is happening right now in gaza because as i said, it is not legally binding. nevertheless, this is the world court. it has
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a great and it says so itself. so that means fed whatever comes out with his advisory opinion, it could be that other states or the united nations act upon this and draw the conclusion is out of this. but it also, as it comes as a time, does also consider to give political pressure. um, the opinion is expected to come relatively quickly in the past. it took around 6 months for an advisory opinion to be issued, so it is likely to assume that this one also would be the case here. okay, thank you. dw correspondent, let's here so, so i'll go ahead and take a look at some most towards making it today's headlines. israel has condemned to brazil's presidents under easily nasty on the sofa comparing the war and gaza to the holocaust drive. the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu accused timothy antiques of mexican trivializing, nazi genocide of european jew, there's during world war 2. the made these comments at the summit of the african
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union in if you up here on sunday. dozens of people have been killed in popular what new guinea knew the town of what bag about 600 kilometers northwest of the capitol. most the victims were believed to be tribal fighters were ambushed by rival group authorities of deploy additional security to the region is that such bounds prime minister meal casita has pledged to support you trying to reconstruction efforts. as the hosting piece that you create, encountered thoughts on debbie says shouldn't how in tokyo speaking at a joint don't a conference was to concede upside coupon would offer a long term investment in these a these limited to humanitarian and financial measures as the countries laws restrict arms exports to countries out more to russia, where relatives and representatives of opposition, leader alike, satan devoutly say they paid, refused access to his budding for the day,
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a spokesperson sat in the valley's mother and lawyers with nothing out into a more. well, that'd be the fuse remains of being kept national authorities before to the death for the crime. been crazy. can remote people commonly on friday as an invalid, as teams, as a russian investigator, still having to tell me the cause of death. and it's unclear how long the investigation will take i'd actually develop the supports of 55 intimidation and arrest in russia. the stage memorials, individuals that have been protesting tributes to the opposition leader outside russia, outside russian embassies around the well known, masked man removing flowers, left by supporters of novel need. within seconds, new ones appear in their place. such scenes are being repeated across russia. with flour kiosks running out of stock. and he was a very strong person. and i think all of russia is suffering because we lost
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such a hero. support as have carried on expressing the sorrow and anger despite a rest and intimidation. more than 400 people have been detained since the vigils began on friday. why is it important for you to own or his memory? it's important in the 21st century to live in a democratic country. a note in a dictatorship, flowers and condolences are piling up. also, a russian embassy is around the world. in berlin, members of the ponds bend pussy riot stays the protest. blaming the kremlin for nevada and these depth. i think it's a big blow for pressing the opposition. it's going to be really difficult for us to united goes whether if you loved pneumonia or didn't, there were people who disagrees with him, a number of things. he was our guiding star and he
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and people would define their positions and tactics and political views depending on what kind of only does it and says the valid supporters about to continue his mission. even though how poor change in russia has faded with his death. at the same time, they say that's exactly what the kremlin once every want to think. russia says it's us taking full control of the east and ukrainian town of active after ukraine pulled its troops out on the south bay. as far as age from russian state media shows russian soldiers occupying the now room into form industrial hub in the dumbass region. most coast claim that you're trying to achieve with so rushed and for the plans of some training and forces were left behind. the transmitter trade has acknowledged casualties during the withdrawal. assess the situation. a stable taking of difficulty is the most cuz biggest went on the battlefield since the
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capture of the city of bass mode. last may a ministry on the list from that which tells me that a perception that rushes on its way to winning this war. and that ukraine is on the brink of collapse, is overblown. the chrysler with nickel ops, this is this, this is the stage one have in the 2nd 11942 or 2 in the 1st or will, i mean i large side or they'd be both sides in 1916, it's what your credit is not taking in both literally and metaphorically, and psychologically, you know, your credit is that all i speak to, i'm talking about collapse what they all talking about now officially, and unofficially is what we've got to we've got to take out the psychological physical results that are on the defensive. now the issue here is how they're going to handle that defense. at the moment it seems like they're going to rely on much the same tactics as the russians did last year with the operational level of prepared prepared defenses. and i think that's pretty wise at the circumstances now
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that the co op, so we don't need to look at a map to see that. yes, the rest of the rest is making incremental advances. but it's the taking of a relatively small town. after 2 years of f, it counts as a some sort of overwhelming victory. the russians really are in trouble front that rich oppenheimer has blown away the competition at the british film awards in london. christopher, and there was a 3 hour i think about the making of the awesome bump picked up the best felt best director and best leading actor, making a hot favorite for next month's us. cuz christopher nolan's oppenheimer came in, leading the pack with the team nominations. and once the ceremony started, wins kept on coming. and the best thing goes to do, i can read it off a higher than the past. it goes to, to christopher nolan. and the winner of about the best
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actor goes to kelly in the, in own oppenheimer ends up the mike biggest winner taking home 7 awards to be in murphy to play the type of role of the tortured scientist robot oppenheimer, welcome that a film so different from a typical blog posts that had done so well with audiences and with critics for them to come through. i think it's a, it's a great reflection on the state of cinema. nowadays. you know that this is a very complex, very challenging 3 our, our rated movie about a physicist and about, you know, and i bought a very kind of dark period in our history. but it wasn't just the oppenheim to show, so really as black comedy pull things also picked up 5, it was including best interest. now the leading lady emma stowed have an emotional tribute to a mother. often when i really want to just paint my
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mom, did you say the best person i know in full world? she inspires me every single day and she's always made me believe this kind of crazy idea. but i could do something like this. unexpectedly rounding out the night's big winters was holocaust drama. the zone of interest. the film about the nazi concentration come come on to living next to alphabets with his family. ended up with 3 baptists, including an event out standing for just film and best film, not needing this language. it's a no unusually dry weather. it has delayed the annual mass migration of rad cramps on australia's christmas island by 2 months. every year, more than a $100000000.00 off to make the journey from the islands interior to the ocean where they might basis the latest cry, migration seems to straighten wildlife officials post record of the event. in fact, in the 19 the,
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the hope it's worth the trip cetera. kelly will have more world news at the top of the, our next on dw eco advocates looks at sustainable fish. farming is make. victoria 6 can be on the rock of project amelia, the,
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the sales out stadium cam in rand, r s t those how to make the most out of this thing with that, people call your on your next to me, please let us know. for him, it's not about the concerts, it's about the climate. he wants people in his home country to plant a 1000000 treats his friends are all in africa. next, on d, w. beach truck.
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rio de janeiro is also casing in waste. the inhabitants of the mega city have had enough. they are now cleaning up where the city administration has said, but it's a never ending top logo in 60 minutes, on the w, the trees. this time, exogenous transgender meets the voices of the free turkey author. as the ad one had to flee into exile, i knew the police would search my house to rage, as people are trying to stem the turkish governments. all sorts
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of hands, gibbs, but only if the crime is addressed and the power of attorney to take responsibility for his actions. guardians of tree tops, march 2nd on d, w. the or sometimes protecting the planet means leaving it alone as much as possible. we need to respect nature and its limits of documents, allowing each to take care of itself. welcome to a new addition of pico africa curriculums coming to you from lee goes nigeria. and i am sandra holmes, that we know be joining you from comp allow right to and you're going to all the
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show today will be looking at ways to minimize or impact on the.


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