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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from berlin. israel gives him off a deadline for its planned round defensive on process if by realm of the hostages law told this fighting, we continue. that is just 3 weeks away. more than a 1000000 palestinian civilians are sheltering in the south causes and city this as is rarely protesters for lock the delivery of much needed food for thought that the w news reports on the tensions at the border and unanswered questions over
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alexi. novalis desk. the russian opposition leaders mother was turned away from a more where his body is thought to be oppression investigator said, the cause of death remains unknown. the i'm sarah kelly. welcome to the program. israel has to the deadline for its long plan defensive against the city of rasa in south cause. a retired army general benny guns, who is a member of the country's war cabinet, says, is rarely troops will launch the results next month. if a mouse does not free the remaining hostages by ramadan, now the muslim holy month is expected to start on the 10th of march. rafa is the last major golf in the city not to be invaded by ground troops during israel's war against him off, which is widely considered to be a tyrant organization. the air strikes the cross gauze as israel
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pursues what is prime minister is called total victory homes. schools and hospitals destroyed. as the death toll keeps climbing money, they are all civilians. there are no military personnel or anything. we send a message to the world, the message to the is really government and have mass government in gaza is please stop the war. enough war victory a how to israel's ground defensive has extended to reeds on multiple hospitals, aggravating. you already dire humanitarians situation, adopter at and officer hospital in the city of con, eunice described the moment he realized, and as rarely army read was happening, was like can use. is it about the other day? and uh, so i realize that it is in the vision of idea f as a sausage,
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eating some adults. i don't see that the are actually, yeah, the, the sort of the best, the best one of those. because the use of it adults, israel claims its targeting of hospitals is legitimate because homeless allegedly operates within um, its military release. this video set to show weapons found inside cars close to then officer hospital. soon the ground siege could be extending all the way to rafa, despite international concern over israel's plant and be the last city in garza that hasn't seen major ground fighting. any guns, a member of netanyahu's, 3 member were cabinet set is really troops, but launched or sold next month. if by rama done hostages, a multiple of the fighting, we'd continue. if we go back to include rough ox area,
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the muslim holy month is expected to begin around the 10th of march. while guns does not have the final word on what lies ahead. he represents an influential is rarely voice defined calls, including from his real strong, his back or the us to spear the city. where more than a 1000000 palestinians or sheltering, and have nowhere else to go. and let's get more now we're joined by the values rebecca writers who was standing by in jerusalem. so rebecca, what more do we know about the ramadan deadline? has israel explained it or? well sarah, these comments were made by benny guns, as you heard, they are a member of the as ready will cabinet. they were made at a conference of american jewish leaders. this was an official government announcement. it should be said, this was an announcement by the heads of the military, but that's not to say that it shouldn't be a timeline of a disease and a timeline that israel a working with that suddenly as you've heard at the end of the report, he's
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a very influential person and that is clearly what is being discussed behind cause or close doors. they have been saying all along, they will fight until the end, the end being when her mouse has been eliminated and that they would go into russia . now guns also said that the offensive would be carried out in coordination with gyptian and american leaders to ensure that civilians can be evacuated. though we have seen in recent days some progress or some, some construction if you will, on the as ready side of that. rafa board is that looks to be something that could be an area where some tens of thousands of palestinians could be stationed. should that be a mass exodus from through the border. now, egypt has been saying all along that it will not accept a mass exodus as palestinians on its territory and that it's fees. but this displacement is it, you know, something that is where i would like to make time and it. so it has to, it said no to that. and yet we all saying that construction,
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not sure exactly whether or not that is what many guns and the israelis is saying is, is being discussed in conduct in conjunction with addiction, latest. we've had no official word on that, but we also know that the u. s. president joe biden has been pressing israel not to go into rafa until a civilian solution can be found out for evacuation of those of submitted civilians . as you say, more than amelia and sheltering in that southern city, but they have said, hey, we're going to go into the roster and we have no reason to believe that they want to that. and it comes as the death toll and gaza crosses $29000.00 according to the cause of health and industry. you know, most of those casualties are women and children. there's widespread concerns as well about rising hunger about people being able to get us the basics. so yeah, the, you know, we've been saying that dire situation in the southern part of this trip, particularly now in rafa, han, eunice for some time. we've been hearing from the you and for some weeks now that
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one in full palestinians, a style being vis. warnings of mass hunger, simon, really, really dire situation. things could even be worse in areas that are place where it's not possible to access. so a terrible dire situation. people struggling to find was to an access to all the other things that they need. now aid is getting through it is crossing the border, but it's in much fewer numbers, much lower numbers than what we need to say. i'm going to throw some numbers that you, but i think it paints the picture. before the war we were saying 500 trucks a day across into gaza. that completely stopped on october 7th. and in the weeks after that now on the us pressure and other international pressure, israel did allow some aid to be brought in to the street. we was seeing around about $200.00 trucks a day crossing over now in the last few days that has slowed to a trickle yesterday. according to the u. n. 38th trucks passed through and on saturday, that was just full truck. so not nearly enough for the civilians sheltering in
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gauze a who desperately need this aid. once it gets through, it's beset with problems with st looting. people literally stealing stuff off the truck so so desperate time where there's also a security issue and, and distribution is incredibly difficult, but it's not just once it gets through even getting it through has been an issue which i've been spending some time looking at it yesterday i spent the day with protesters who were trying to stop the trucks going through at being searched to be inspected by is around and going through intake. also, let's take a look to this port should be processing much needed food donations for garza. but it's not the is randy government isn't about what we've own. run the agency task with distributing the aide and it's blocked its passage. shipping containers of rice flour chick pays and even cooking oil enough to fade more than a 1000000 people for about a month. a stock here in the port city of ash dog, less than 70 kilometers from rough us. and the people who so desperately need. all
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of these people are making it even harder to a to get through. the group is really protest as rep and it's on a border crossing with egypt, trying to solve the trunks that abroad hit for his writing inspection. french's rainy rachel tree, too, was among one of the 1st to take action helpful and the group code 59 and says it support is growing. we started uh months ago, we were 40 for 50 people, protesting. now we are the on the, on our greatest day, we were 400 and it's been only 5 weeks. they site is riley, media reports that suggest the majority of the aides that makes it into gaza is diverted by him. us as the reason they move again, we are basically blocking the mind me trying a what i called in your mind is hearing aid that goes into guidelines falls into the hands of comma, the convoys in close course,
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but it also includes fuel. the fuel is what is the very problem i did for you as well? we're fighting come us. and on the 2nd hand, we are giving him the fuel to continue to fight us 20 minutes. the turn on the table, the ration system and the end date is 360. in a statement to d, w owner says, there is no evidence of systemic the version of aden garza my him. off for any of the groups. the 79 claims to represent a cross section of his riley society that most people at this protest 4 distinct clothing of fall, riots and religious activists. those surveys suggest blocking aid is a majority opinion with international pressure on the government to allow aid in these protest is saying they doing what the government cons everybody here's here and these relatives mornings the losses that we've had to enjoy in gaza. and on the 2nd hand, our government is given international,
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giving aim to international pressure and is giving out the, the, your many turn a, the, to our enemy, their attempt to prove successful. not in completely preventing a transfer, but certainly hampering it's floating somewhere between one and 200 trucks full of 8 as opposed to come through to get processed by these radio. socrates before heading back up to rafa and crossing into gauze. but we haven't seen any the process today non have come through the protests to say, but then i'm is a small, it's because of them that the crossing has been closed. a good day for the protest is he's hanging down k pump a civil disobedience for as long as it takes while they protest the situation for civilians, and garza gets more desperate by the day. and now rebecca, you know, in that report you mentioned is that blocking a may be a majority opinion in israel, is that the sense that you get on the ground as well as well?
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as i said, there's been surveys to suggest that more than 70 percent of his riley jews are against aid going into casa, when you speak to people on the streets, you get a differing opinion. you know, you have people saying of course we want the civilians to have 8 and this was a huge argument that the protesters were telling me yesterday we want the civilians to have a we don't want to getting in the hands of gaza. so they was saying they were quoting, these media reports which are very hard to verify that, that a great number or majority of the 8 is getting in the hands of home us. it's hard to, it's hard to understand exactly what they mean by that. of course, i'm us is the still the authority in gaza, so whether they maintenance, getting some in the hands of militants or into the hands of all the, you know, how most political people part of the political structure. so, you know, the majority opinion, when you speak to people that are in favor of the will, they are in favor of it continuing, and they don't want a i to be guessing to mazda. and they say,
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of course owner of the human agency tasked with distributing it as part of the enemy. now they see them as part of the problem. so, so 88 is a, it is a pretty popular opinion here that i shouldn't be going through because these rallies are not really being subjected to what's going on in gauze. are they not seeing those pictures that we're seeing on the tv screen? so perhaps there's a note on, on understanding that coming from a very, very different perspective. they say that they are the victims of an atrocity and that they don't want to be, you know, feeding their enemy. so it is quite a popular opinion when you speak to people, here's a many people do say that civilians should be fed t w, as rebecca renters in jerusalem. thank you. and the is rarely economy is showing major strains of the 4th month of war and gaza. official data show growth fell by almost 20 percent in the last quarter, almost twice what it was expected. so has the conflict hurt israel's financial
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strength and can stand a long and costly campaign, dw, expenses, and reports a life is a struggle for the end is in the old city of east jerusalem there on the locals, around raids here, right across the way the occupied west bank and the boring cancer had scared tourists away. so that while he's living both salary is a palestinian food guy didn't shift. he has no one to show around except me says it's difficult at the moment to get your hands on the frontier because of the war. yeah, there is a short green bicycle going on and state aid doesn't cover that. tourism is key here, along with agriculture and construction, local 150000 westbank palestinians entity as well daily, to work in those sectors that are most remain band since the war. like to find
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employment soaring, strangling the west bank economy sparking and raised and creating a supply shock for the use re the economy. palestinian taxi driver refunds auto body has been out of work since october 7th. and when will that have that deal? so have you had the situation is so difficult, my children are helping me with the cost of living beside me. i have children who are married and working and supporting me at the same time. you know, to spend a little bit that i don't even have city. how long have you be used to drive that? 45 minutes between tel aviv and jerusalem several times a day or to cities in the west bank but say is heightened security. there has made what used to be a one hour return trip unbearable. yeah, i mean is, i know the doc law the so if i want to drive to the west bank and back, given the circumstances the check points and the constant below. okay. it's, it's likely to take an entire day for just one trip to ramallah. so when the
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current situation, it's not at all profitable the same page image centrally as rail tanisha bureaus is the homeless terror a tax. so him initially closes approval rate and the schedule here, consumption went down really fast. and you know, those are one of the 1st things that are they get hit. so our production went down, i'd say over 80 percent, instead of laying on the stuff he found work for them on firms in the south. otherwise managed by foreign labor is who'd fled we help them out. i think mango is in uh fine apples and tie as we donated work or working hands when we were done. so we bought part of that and we actually made a year from it just as these way these were tons of bars and restaurants. demand is recovering, the economy could grow these here and re bound next. if the conflict is contained in gaza, about, according i, yes,
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i know you owe me on my comp bad life right now. witnessing what's happening and then use every day what's happening and goes up above and the somebody. yeah. so we'll see if it has it. but there is a grocery store. diesel dean is critical if he is running the government, but still has reason for hope. we can see that what is happening here in this country and the policies is not pushing to anywhere, but that seems to push the international community roommate pressure or something still happens. really good body of the war drags on. economists won't have huge damage to the palestinian, and this way the economies now relatives and representatives of russian opposition theater. alexi. novalis said that they had been refused access to his body for a 3rd day. a spokespersons had been involved. his mother and lawyers were not allowed into the more where they believed his remains are being kept. supporters have carried on lane flowers and expressing their sorrow and anger over the weekend
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despite rest and intimidation. within 400 people had been detained since vigils began. as soon as news of nevada, these dest merged a use for moscow bureau chief, you are a shadow, joins us now from riga, as the w is banned from reporting in russia. so these, we have some new allegations your a that have come to light that break even more questions. just walk us through right now where things currently stand. well present putting spokesman, fiscal upsets today earlier and investigation was ongoing and all necessary actions are being carried out that it's not as the official information. meanwhile, we know from the report in the newspaper and all that. yeah guys, we have to utilize that. the space t and lots here and we got the volume is body is allegedly in as a more gulf solid cars, how the heart of the district capital, about 50 kilometers from the present. kemp also uh the newspaper mentioned
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representatives over there. awesome, the investigative committee, who are supposedly in solid heart, arrived from moscow one more detail as the city video was released to this morning, showing a convoy of cars late friday nights of the day. and i've only died to the convoy left to the prison, came forth on the card. it's assumed that if not found, his body was in it, which would confirm the t or e that and of all his body is in deep and sound the heart hospital. all in all, we are not once again experiencing a typical russian captain to miles game, a lot of secrecy, no transparent, transparency. in the meantime, the volume is wife and you and it has gone public and promised to tell the world very soon what exactly has been died of. meantime, novalis, death has left russia's opposition reeling. is this the end of the opposition uri as well? so we can talk about the end of the rational position because there was no real a positional act in a democratic sense. as it is this whole cold system opposition if you part is in
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the duma, but they are all loyal to the kremlin. or the other hand, there was some you, i'd say individual position fingers above all alex in a volley, who repeatedly tried to draw attention to their political actions, including protest in order to ultimate a week and president, to, to the best known segers. and now eyes, i presume, sites such as helios and that kind of moves that all is a leaf abroad, such as kolscott, wanted me to read with calls. the problem is, of course, is that they come to do well, it takes abroad in russia. and to that they are still unknown to the masses. the names i have mentioned had become known in political in mind that the mainly don circle is most confident eaters, but not. and mom is the general public president putting this up for re election next month to talk with us a little bit about the timing of all new stuff and how it's likely to factor in. well, i think that the weight of all this now body now has been handled. what has you know, handled in over secrecy,
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doesn't exactly speak in favor of the president of the national for it is and ultimately doesn't reflect the well. and president putin, in general, i think the death of the crime lives most prominent critic, one month before the election is not a good sign with a positive sign for anyone, regardless of whether the crown had anything to do with it directly. oh no, it is a fact is that putins biggest opponent died shortly before the election, even if his death was no more the. and it doesn't show the russian president in a good light. why that he likes it or not. at the same time, it doesn't matter why or what and what not. while it died of buttons biggest good because been eliminate that and with it the biggest political side to put in and i have serious doubts as to whether a 2nd see got as charismatic and courageous as novalis will come along. you are already of a shadow. thank you so much. i as a foreign ministers are holding talks with alexis of all these widow today as they waive their options
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for fresh sanctions against russia. u foreign policy chief joseph, put out late and vladimir putin directly for devolved these treatments in prison and said that europe had to show solidarity with russia's opposition. we have to send the message of support to russian or physician and to they are now much finale and they know that the honda is memory. it will proposing ministers to rename our human rights sanctions regime with whose name i'll call it not on the human rights sanctions regime in order for his name to be forever written on the work of the union in defending human rights. christine lynn was following developments from brussels. christine, we understand that there have been calls for further sanctions on russia over and of on the staff for more. can you tell us about that to that's right, sarah and number of the member states have proposed taking action against russia
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for the death of alexander vonnie in the form of sentients. you heard the use popped up in that they are referring to the human rights sanctions regime that will be the instruments that they would use at to target. not necessarily the russian president of letting me put in from the mrs. pneumonia, for example, blames for has been space. they used to use different matches at the same sentiments. they went to talk to him to feel like you've been talking to institutions like the russian prison system and individuals working in and around that it will be interesting to see if they take on board, for example, suggestions that were made by the phone. these lawyers some 2 years ago when they were encouraging with some governments to target a number of individuals and entities. and this was about 6000 individuals and entities. it'll be interesting to see if foreign ministers perhaps look into that list as part of this symbolic gesture to respond to the test and explain the phone . and what can we expect from this meeting that is taking place between the volume,
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these widow and the use foreign ministers? well, mrs. devonte is going to have a lot of meetings here in brussels today. i know from listening to foreign ministers as they were coming into that meeting, they really appreciate the opportunity they have to talk to her to push any posts on their condolences she is going to deliver at a political message here in brussels as to how your position in russia can be supported, she has put out a tweet, she's just launched an ex account where she's talking about how she's going to continue. it has been spies. she's going to meet with foreign ministers. i understand that there are some bilaterals with other individual foreign ministers as well as she's going to be meeting with the council president shaw and michelle. so this is a woman on admission to continue husbands work and she's trying to connect all the support that you can possibly get from her allies here in brussels. christine one was in brussels. thank you so much. i now we are heading to australia
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as remote christmas island, where a unique natural phenomenon has been disrupted the annual read crap migration. every year, millions of crowds crossed the island to reach their meeting grounds, but for the 1st time on record, that journey is coming. 2 months late experts say because of climate change, of a typical crab migration from days gone by over 100000000 red cross stations, crawling across the roads in forest, toward the indian ocean to meet and delay the rigs. these animals are unique to christmas island, which is mostly a national park, and they enjoy protected status. here. in the past, the roads would have been covered in cloud creatures, but now the streets and beaches are almost empty. the annual track has gotten off to a historically light start. experts say climate change is to blame. christmas island
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received only half as much rainfall as usual over the past year. the dry conditions keep the crabs from leaving their burrows and fulfilling their pilgrimage. the whole stock that we had in december, they got going with a couple of millimeters and they the ones that started in march. right. and december, quickly realized that they've made a mistake and 10 pack wildlife experts and residents on christmas island take precautions to co exist with their crappy neighbors. but even a hard shell and sharp claws can protect them against the dangers of global climate change. as a reminder, now of our top story is on t w. a news. israel has given him off the deadline for its process, solved. a member of the government's work cabinet says that the long threatened invasion start at ramadan in 3 weeks. if the remaining hostages are not home, that is to spite international pressure to protect civilians in the southern casa city of next global us and the low volt search for just bear
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with us. i'm sarah kelly and for 11, thanks or the
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beach trust. rio de janeiro is also casing in waste. the inhabitants of the mega city have had enough. they are now cleaning up with the city administration has the same boss, is it's a never ending top lobo next on the dw. how do we want to die?
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equally important, how do not want to die? there aren't enough people in germany asking themselves these questions before it's too late. modern medicine still interprets patient welfare, of preserving life at all costs. but other perspectives are gaining traction. in 45 minutes on d w, the nice easy at the end, just to pass it, got any difficult to access an expedition ventures on to places, but no one has the
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why is the i smell to the signage? research in the i, c d, w the against the tides we me to women shaking up 10 years, male dominated fish calling sec to the health for help as photos, cameras receive some much needed time off the combined efforts. residents in rio de janeiro at 18 um the trucks the
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