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tv   Global Us  Deutsche Welle  February 19, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm CET

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the signage, research and the i c d, w the against the tides we me to women shaking up 10 years, male dominated fish calling sec to the health for help has photos. carriers receive some much needed time off the combined efforts. residents in rio de janeiro taking on the trash, the
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beach saca and somebody. that's what we're yeah, diginero is 9 full but the reality doesn't 2 ways much the glossy postcard images. the brazilian mega city is drowning in golf image. reusable, my 7000000 inhabitants produce 9000 tons of waste every day. too much of it ends up where it doesn't belong. no. what is this more evident than one of our ebay? what room i asked a 100 tons of waste flood into the water every day. fishes in the region collect garbage 3 times a week in the hope that the fish will return. as interpreted. sometimes we fish all night and catch nothing of the name, but i should be that she sometimes there's enough even enough fish to cook. i'm left along so with a managed sort of in the a project called agnostic one of our a now pays the fishes to clean up the trash from the bank
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a. and it's actually so easy not to polluted suspended. push this way. he will sit close and to the big it's easy to collect the garbage people. he also saw the moon because i see some of the ones that, that they wouldn't be this pollution as you get older models. also, both of those are the most, i'll call it, of course on the leaving it here. they could just back it up and put it in the garbage. com. right? that is, but they think it's time to throw it into nature like so. they just started got to launch the problem is you, that's how many people like us who, what directly was nature, know what to sacrifice it as opposed to contact the see. so can cause the bass case of the kill. my mom died in 2 years. they fished out more than $700.00 tons of garbage from beaches and mon graves in the area. they'll certainly never manage to remove the toner the
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this area has been built to protect them on graves from the waste. so the landscape has a chance to regenerate the, the garbage out there it is a, it just gives us everything and we still destroy and just type in 10 years ago, melissa and my shoulder says already a lift off of the people's garbage. he would search for useful items at the lodge truck stomach used to exist there by now he's hoping to restore this mountain growth area deep content demand growth trees not just like has full them searching for garbage and the mode is no easy task, but it's
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a matter of place to his hot of the i think you don't want, especially we remove around 300 bathroom garbage a week. the 6 tons, excuse me loud. and then when i said remove crops and fishing can be done about very good. and she be getting we see the crops have the fish and simple things. it makes me feel good and helping the night. john, i'm doing something useful because i left them in just 9 years among gray forest has re grown. have the resource station project manager who's been fighting against corruption, environmental crime, and government and action for more than 30 years was just my i was just to marry, i must get tiny, he's been intimidated and even receiving death threats for his lot. you finish me
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too huge. i needed in both, unfortunately, and re edition air right and knowledge part. so for though we still reflect calling the the to exploits night to keep it and we say view the environment is that to serve us. but outside of the hosp, the tree of that, we need to learn how to interact with the environment to get what we need without the punch in, at the united. but unfortunately, the way we do with the garbage issue in big personally, in cities as itself, still a serious problem, not only for the environment, but also for public health as a problem. i know, so i'm bianco, my just so would you on this hill used to be a huge garbage dump, the largest and left in america, y'all do young grandma show was an environment to disaster. it was the commission 12 years ago and covered with soil, but toxic slurry still sleep sound. so if the garbage rios waste no ends up in the alarm, so in several pets, you come a 100 kilometers from the city. it's the most it fonts facility. if it's kind in
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latin america and it's set to cause hardly any pollution, the wasteful to is purified here under fire gas pump produces electricity from waste 3 bye and my son, isaiah sion, 3, a dictionary of a setting of national example. studies have shown that to be one is present was best cities in terms of waste management. and yet it's not even 10 percent of potentially recyclable. household waste is recycled and we're seeing yeah, a large pool district of re i a cooperative is helping to increase specific with the support of private initiatives and garbage collectors who live in this district . they manage to process 30 tons of recyclable materials every month. one of them is luis fernando to come say some notice now he's been working for a senior receipt class 8. yes, less. good afternoon. i have said that most of the material we've received my stuff and is the plastic p t. it's the most valuable finding. my fellow,
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who get hubble to an hub plus the last week. but what's built in the most as p t, it's like gold. uh or so, or that the $180.00 damaged collectors who are from or senior get paid for what they collect. i'm not doing something good in the process, but i think a such part itself is fine for us to know that the corporate tips can now remove this material. and we use of to an industry here, which is, as i've said here, we have a way to enough time he leaves the material from the environmental outlook police. but we use that as well. could you imagine what sample cost like here, which is also another way to do, you know, of weighting, forget what it can be transformed into something else. got half a might, could become a function of, okay. so any other object may have caused by a key and we know that it will be reused enough to end up in the environment for me
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in the projects like for a senior receipt to show that they're all solutions to re addition, they arise waste problem. however, it will take move, government health and commitment from everyone to protect visionary waters, mangroves and features from waste. the women world, why do 12500000000 hours of unpaid cadillac every day? if they go to a minimum wage for this, it would cost around $11.00 trillion dollars per year. more than 3 times the value, if the global tech set to pull the unpaid what leads less time to earn money. 42 percent of women can't get jobs because of k giving responsibilities compared to 6 percent of the it's morning rush hour in bogota,
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columbia and crowds of people are making the way to what the country has become. one of the most important economies in south america in recent, yes, most of the developing is rising. but there's also plenty of unpaid, what's going on behind the scenes. like raising children, caring for the elderly and housework mostly done by women. and so you don't believe a one of the poor is districts of the city right next to the able cost station is the task 1st catalog, a unique social project to relieve the burden on these women. quote, an item natalia provider knows many members of the community personally right now we're in the medical center. we also have basic medical kind of here in the catalog so that the caregivers no longer have to travel long distances. this is often that right in the access to the health care system,
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people who are always looking off to others often have little time for themselves as a result, illnesses are also not diagnosed to t o t. late capital employees also help when someone needs an appointment with a specialist. family is a full time job. many of these women dropped out of school early. i never learned to profession son to offer them the chance to complete the studies, to attend to computer cool. so of a further education for example, classes in marine biology. as soon so a new dream come true for me, this organization has made it come true. i'm 60 years old and now i'm allowing myself the pleasure of studying i've never had before. do you getting on now? yeah, well it's a, it's an opportunity. i've never heard before. i'm going to graduate and continue my studies. even just having fun is something many of the women feel they've never
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been allowed to do that. see percent? it's latasha female population looks off to the family or sick relative full time. that's 1200000 women. the center wants to give them time and space for themselves. the child care is provided during the course as the little ones play on the line, just like the mothers and grandmothers and then what else would i mean with that? i always have my grandmother's face of mind and i think of a woman who dedicated her whole life to us as to what to raising children to society, to have partner to her grandchildren yet until her last day. and then the end her health was suffering and she had no social security. she had the feeling that she had toiled all her life, but never received anything. no, no, no. just
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a few streets away is another popular feature of the cat block. this is a low entry room. welcome to women spend up to 4 hours a day doing laundry pads are allowed to 100 and up to 8 kilos every day and get the loan feedback washed and dried in the evening. the, the salt daily list me and so they use us every day and then wait for them to come and collect my laundry. we don't lose anything because every time they give us that lights, we mocks and was tight. so unfortunately, the city has only provided for washing machine so far, so enough to everyone can use the service. in 20 time, the columbia became the 1st country and the well to legally acknowledge the economic contribution of unpaid have what. however,
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this doesn't entitle caregivers to a salary. if all these women were paid for that work, it would be equivalent to 30 percent smoke a task g d p. as time to rethink things success natalia does this will cause us. but, but it may be helpful coach when we will begin from inside the home. nothing. if the children who grow up with parents who visited us then to realize that kind of what can only thing related to this is not the exclusive domain of women. it's everyone's walk or just put some know what is the thought of it, both according to officials, like as the program has reached modem, $400000.00 people say fall several times to develop a total of 45 capital over the next few years. the
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for me, the greatest highlights has been, you know, being able to spend out as a woman, see you in a male dominated industry and i'm happy to see i'm the chairperson of the commercial local college association of the . my name is angelo. now, i'm a co founder and the ceo, real fish, my wife, a model. and i'm very fortunate to most women and use and the economic empowerment i grew up in naturally when went to school in naturally. and then i did my undergraduate in the u. k. came back to nairobi, and then after some years when back be my m b, the serial holdings of family owned business. and we felt that women know we want to talk. it shows that the campbell truman around this area and from even how we can change, you know,
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how we do our things around 2018 and decided to just settle, settles plus, speaking of the company through official, to take care of just that one culture side of things because you'll have your own is a to one touch to ex fun grow the business i never imagined. it's actually absolutely not. my deal is being this high flying corporate professional in an office somewhere. not in that little set up, nothing like me. so i just thought i would be sitting somewhere probably see over blue chip company, you know, wake up in the morning and get driven to walk the stuff in the office, come back home for the meetings. and that was that was all for me to send me that to the quotes or fox plastic cages. we initially had metal stages, which is what everybody had. but the wire us thing, the breaking and when using a lot of fish, the
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there was a professional for signature which was built by the government during the se program with the entire digital culture. so it has an ice and make up a freezer room, occlusal, and processing area, and offices the know i guess, because by time we were able to process the fee, so apart from this offering when fusion, oh wow, funding. got it. and skilled fish see me at that. and walter doing sudden draven, smoked fish, which are very popular identities has our own kids. so it can just take care of that aspect to what, how we send the notion. we also want to maintain abroad, and we've had a training this from us to make sure that the quality of fishy is what, what we're looking for was able to resolve it. and then we took it to the tree does . so for the trait as again, you know, the capacity, small switch trade. so another thing we found is that he was so much easier to move them together into groups. so that we,
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or that know like the group. this is an older most of my money just that we mean the resistance is there, but when the results i've seen it's, it gets easier and lots of them and not struggling to reports to old when they're like having your when as a most, they'll try and undermine on that thing, but we continuously train them and you keep them. and for the women who recruit, we prepare them for the men who are working very well. the women, the motives new champions and the supports and you know, rules in themselves. so we find that no boost kind of man are the ones who go and speak well of the organization. my husband come from the community. he has allowed to be to be able to do what they do any supports, you know what i do. and we still have a normal relationship, i getting the respect that he deserves respects me. when i ask him to remember, i didn't come from this community that, that would say this just coming here and he's trying to tell us we knew, let's do this. let's do that. i'm coming from that point. people who are not very
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receptive, especially the men, though are like god, this guy's last is going to narrow. we know you're coming back in the when just sitting on human telling him what to do. but he didn't react street and also continued to be 1003 the these, this practice who have the jump. boy, yeah, the, it's the men who fish and men do monday, you know, sexual fee, but some exchange for on the picture of the painful. like i said that we might see left to pay for me if you sure you're giving to those sections of the month just so that you can be able to buy the fish. we may not seem to with the so you can do whatever you want to represent you on so she couldn't get it any other way. the
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women couldn't be able to just come to real fish and buy fish. no one has asked me for anything. i have the money from the fish and then also the fact that we have women here while working in being seen as money just so that women new customers are mentos for them. and they see that we can actually do this thing. and then also coupling with the facts that we're giving you access to finance and you can be able to grow your business and the software to training. so you're having a viable business and you have access to funding and it's kind of grew no court culture is done correctly with loose fish production. so it is very important for clients to embrace, so send them, we'll look for culture and look for you'll see sure. what we do is that we engage in our culture on the list. what to do, we rely on data and sensors. we actually developing a mobile app, so you have proper records, records, management,
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and record keeping. so to know how much for each you have, how much fisher feeding, even that feeds uh 70 percent of your production costs. and then also you're not lazy. let you know timing environment because as the leak is, it's not, it's not a renewable resource, it's something you need to take care of. so literally encouraging the form of you want to rely on data as opposed to just the mentors funding. so that can be able to even the my future plans send to their own drill fish and this community she and i see real fish being one of the major players in the fish run the change in the next 5 years. we're a big piano. i want us to be one of the major players the
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does have a new role to play with going back to me know how uses his latest production to draw attention to ongoing exploitation in the democratic republic of congo? geneva, a hub of global finance and trade and here in the illustrious cologne, half the addition of a phone opera set in the democratic republic of congo has just perm yet, its centres around an accident that took place 5 years ago for the truck containing sophia cassette explained the lights of 20 villages and seriously injured offers. the switched joint glen colt that uses the asset to extract cobalt from mines. pay just $250.00 and compensation for each child killed. justice is the title of the opera composed by act to
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a potter and directed by me know how the, the emotional says a piece as a requiem to the victims. the how does the idea come about to write an opera about the traffic accidents even to mine, just wondering what to tell a universal story. you have to take something very small, look very closely and then the world opens up the both of them. and if there's an accident and bolts of trucks transporting assets crushes into a many bucks in a marketplace and the largest mining region in the world. and then 20 people died very slowly and cruelly long. so it's a major onto logical cries with life cycle. so it's a switch company that's responsible, that's a phone. so essentially that happened 5 years ago. i know the lawyer is the victims, the bereaved. so it's a mixture of things across roads that reveals how this well this milva presents, the swelled with the help of
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a large orchestra and come galleries all tests alongside the wreckage of the truck and its victims. the stage engine, ava features, video, testimonies from those affected. the opera is a deeply emotional piece. thanks to the audience of the people involved. like counts of tennis search cookie himself, comes from the deal. say you need somebody never in my wildest dreams could i have imagined playing a role in an opera? such a my homeland in africa will be helpful. uh, the search concludes these things from a place of experience. he was in the cobalt minds himself and lenses, brilliant boys to one of the victims disease and visited them that they all say. and suddenly already as to the. 2 2 new proposal december and he proposed this part of what people know, of course, and i immediately said yes, yes, no,
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dropped no depths. this the list says might imagine that the 1st minute of this proposition really to, to perhaps never before. has that been so much real world suffering and are not per state? as in this pull, true of a great capitalist misfortune. i'm familiar about it was a sense shows that the narrative be the colonized, the is what i'm gonna do on this piece. i realized i couldn't tell this story because i didn't have to was locked. if i can think of a story line, i know the case, i can stage it from the i'm the switch side of the whole thing about is when you try to select a discount, how does the priest in speaking, how does a mother who's lost her child the st. you're looking for little money strapped off . people often write about africa from a european perspective. and that's what that was interesting to me as a conga leaves as a block, pass the right to bounce africa, about congress. you're welcome will describe that. they are fighting the are to
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sing it. and singers, actors also are fighting for something that goes beyond the oper um beyond the, the, the frame. yeah. they're fighting for our dignity. they'll prep justice attempts to show the world also to sit down talk. she's ation safe, also without any actual justice. so does me yoga, want to save or destroy opera and be the only supervisor? is this on me? that's probably pretty much one in the same thing at the moment. i don't want to destroy this place where these people with this incredible town and come together and have the opportunity to do that too much invest against us. do this, i would like to destroy the fact that what we're doing is an exception and almost a utopia. and it's like a kind of dream. besides even says that the beginning of the piece may be someone who punch me now and i'll wake up and be back in the mind. none of that is actually true. potential potential for the
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split in the the
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how do we want to die? equally important, how do not want to die? there aren't enough people in germany asking themselves these questions before it's too late. modern medicine still interprets patient welfare, of preserving life at all costs. but other perspectives are gaining traction. in 15 minutes on the double, you come to the polls. it's an extra year in the south africa, it's outside and young viruses of a key to exchange your
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own dismiss together. let's come together. let's do it together and repeating here . when we change things around this 77 in 90 minutes on the w the i wish i could've done more to save. you just click away, find this document on you to really see the world as he's never seen it before. the drive now
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to dw people in trucks, engine i was trying to see the city center, the straight pieces explain the around the world more than 150000000 people of we of mine because no one should have to make up your own mind. dw may for mine's and the,
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this is dw news live from berlin, alexi and yvonne. these widow speaks out over her husband's desk in an emotional video, she vows to carry on her husband's work. and she accuses russian authorities of hiding the volume these bodies 3 days after he died in his heart to prison. also coming up, israel gives him off a deadline for its planned ground, defensive on rock. deep by rome of the hostages multiple, the fighting. we can see that's just 3 weeks away. with a 1000000 palestinian civilians are sheltering in the southern gaza city.


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